Am I having fun using the names of planets from Star Wars whenever I need a name? Yes.

Thanks for the reviews everyone!


MIDORIYA Izuku was last seen on April 13, 2- in Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Chubu.

Age at Disappearance: 14
Height: 5'6" (167 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (49.87 kgs)
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Green
Distinguishing Feature: Diamond shaped freckles on his cheeks
File #: 2***-0413-14010

Additional Information: Last seen in Utapau street, Musutafu, wearing a gakuran. Midoriya's disappearance occured around 5pm after leaving a villain fight. His mother reports that he has no tendency of running away and finds his disappearance unusual, especially since he left behind his favorite yellow backpack and other personal belongings. If found, please contact the Musutafu Police Station at...

This case...

Naomasa, once again, carefully read every word written in the case file, in an attempt to shed some light into this mystery. Having read the police reports and listened to the interviews related to it daily for the past month, nothing new clicked in his mind. Every theory he had about the kid going missing was given out in the first week he'd been asked to collaborate on this case.

As the detective put in charge of the slime villain's arrest and incoming trial, it's no surprise that he'd be placed in charge of the investigation for Midoriya Izuku's disappearance. The kid disappeared after helping save a classmate and giving All Might the opening he needed to put the villain out of commission without hurting his hostage.

The police force had first assumed that the slime creature had been able to contact someone on the outside to get his revenge but multiple interrogations showed that the villain had no connection to this case. The asshole didn't help with their suspicion, acting smug and cheerful after hearing about the kid's situation; going so far to say that the 'brat' deserved it.

Villains, Naomasa thought with a scowl on his lips, glaring at the stack of papers in his hands.

"Who injured All Might?"

The question, so sudden and out of the blue, slapped reality against the detective's face, causing him to almost jump out and look around.


Wide dark hues met an equally dark yet undeniably tired gaze.

Aizawa Shouta, also known as the Underground Hero Eraserhead, looked on with an amused smirk as the detective struggled to answer his question.

"Injured? What do you mean? Did something happen? Maybe I should call..."

A snort unexpectedly escaped the hero, resulting in him burying his face further into his capture weapon.

"Calm down," Aizawa ordered, narrowed eyes glaring at the panicking officer. He's only known the man in passing for a few years, having patrolled the same areas and arrested the same villains, and gotten closer due to the blonde show off, but if there's one thing he knew about Naomasa Tsukauchi, it's that All Might was the one topic who could simultaneously worry and snap him out of it.

"Nothing happened to him or else it would be front and center of today's news. You look like something did occur."


Naomasa forced himself to chuckle, unsure of what else he could say after the truthful statement pushed against his face. It's in his hopes that his laughter, however awkward it may be, covered the gathering pink on his cheeks.

He knows he's a bit protective of Toshinori but with the amount of reliance they had on each other, both in and out of work, it's only normal.

"Hm..." with shoulders slouched forward and a head too heavy to keep upright, Shouta had half a mind to end this conversation and make his way back to his sleeping bag. If only Hisashi wouldn't get in his business, whining and complaining about how he should take care of the few people willing to be 'friends' with him.

"What is it?"


The underground hero glared, never fond of repeating himself.

"What got you looking like someone injured All Might and you're cursing their name to hell and back?"

The blush in Naomasa's cheeks brightened, one hand tightly clutching the Midoriya case files and another burying deeper inside the pocket of his trench coat.

"This..." he casually waved the thick paperwork, a small frown quickly appearing and disappearing, "A kid went missing after saving his classmate from a villain. We're not sure if he got kidnapped or ran away, both seem likely when you read about his life."

"A missing kid, huh..." Shouta could understand why that would cause the detective distress. Having a kid run away from home already screams a bad life but for him to probably be kidnapped by villains? There's no good scenario. No 'At best, he'll end up...'. He could be dead, tortured, turned into a villain, or something else just as bad, if they weren't fast enough in finding him.

Reaching forward, palms up, fingers curling towards him in a repetitive motion, he waited until he was given the police file before nonchalantly glancing at it.

Interest shined behind his lazy facade, growing brighter after every sentence read.

"This kid," he began, knuckles lightly tapping the stapled photo, "I've seen him before, about a month ago."

Relief entered Naomasa's system...

"I haven't ran into him since but I keep encountering his brother during my patrols. The problem children have been defeating criminals and stealing their money. I tried capturing the other kid last time but he was able to escape." If only his previous class, the class he expelled on the first day, had as much of a potential as the two Midoriya's.

...only to disappear as Eraserhead continued talking.

"Brother?" he repeated questioningly, "Midoriya Izuku doesn't have any siblings. He's an only child."

"Are you sure?" It's illogical to ask this kind of question but he knows what he saw that night, it's a matter of his senses versus police information. From his experience, it's better to trust his own senses than to believe in the police's capability to accurately gather information. "The other kid looks exactly like Midoriya, only taller and fitter, with longer hair and less of a baby cheek. They look too alike to be anything but brothers. And I've seen their quirk..." It's impossible for it to be a body altering quirk, "The brother has an illusion quirk and the other has some sort of mind control... no doubt they'd be given trouble because of it."

He doesn't wish to imply anything, about the kids' family, friends, school, life. But from his perspective, it looked like the kids' ran away. They weren't hesitant or troubled when attacking criminals, not coursed to a life of crime by their kidnappers. Just two kids doing what they can to survive the streets.

With a seemingly unbreakable and limited-only-by-his-imagination illusion quirk from the taller brother, a quirk that allowed him to change his appearance and helped him escape during their last meeting, and a mind control quirk from the other, it wouldn't be too far out of reach to assume they were given crap about it.

Kids could do whatever they want and blame the brothers for their actions, saying that they were either mind controlled or the taller brother took in their appearance.

"I... he's..." there's a pause in between Naomasa's stutter, pieces about the case falling into place, forming a horror-filled puzzle.

"He's quirkless."

The detective can't focus on Eraserhead's response, his mind too engaged with the theories he's forming.

He's interviewed Midoriya Inko. Asked her everything under the sun- about her life, her son's life, his father, his schooling, his quirklessness, etc. Everything she said pinged true. How Izuku wanted to be a hero. How he was devastated about his quirklessness. How he's most likely being bullied but cared too much about her reaction to worry her.

And now... here's a quirkless kid who's been pushed around by society, laughed at for his dream to be a hero, suddenly gaining a quirk and disappearing from his home. He knows of one person who's able and eager to give a quirk to a desperate kid, in exchange for their loyalty.

"I need to make that call."

With a quick excuse, Naomasa ran past the underground hero, fingers shakily dialing his close friend's number.

"Are you sure?"

All Might asked quietly, fingers tightening around his phone, causing the case to crack slightly.

The news given to him was troubling.

The thought of All for One being alive and active horrified him. He'd given everything he had and more to finish the man who killed his mentor, their predecessors, and countless others. He had promised during their battle, 5 years ago, that he'd end the man's reign of terror. He'd make sure his successor and those who would gain One for All in the future would never suffer the same fate as him. Never again would the owner of One for All lose their mentor. Never again would they live a life in fear of and dedicated to All for One.

And now, he receives news that not only did he survive, he's gained enough strength to resort to his usual villainous actions.

A part of him is currently glad for his and Shisui's agreement. He can't, in good conscience, give One for All to anyone if that monster is still alive.

Sunken blue eyes carefully keeping watch of his future successor lugging around a tire in an effort to clean the beach. They'd been training in Dagobah for hours, with Shisui diligently planning his course of attack against a mountain of garbage before executing it, and Toshinori correcting his form when carrying certain items.

There's little to correct. Not only was young Uchiha a fast and eager learner, rarely making the same mistake twice, they've been doing this for almost two months and were a third of the way done. He could leave the boy alone to clean the beach if he truly wanted to, but these moments allowed him to spend time with his student.

"Quirkless kid suddenly gaining multiple Quirks such as Body alteration, Mind control, and Illusion? I can't say it's definitely his work but I wouldn't be surprised if it was."

The Number One Hero exhaled slowly before nodding. Try as he might, he couldn't think of another reason for multiple Quirks appearing on anyone, especially a desperate Quirkless kid.

"Do you need my help in catching him?"

"No. Save your hours. I've got Eraserhead helping with this. We'll be fine."

"If you're sure... Keep me updated."

"I will... We'll catch him, I promise."

A noise of unsure agreement left the hero as he ended the call. His gaze shifting from Shisui to his phone and back again.

This situation he found himself learning of- learning that somewhere out there was a kid held in the grasp of his greatest enemy, a former Quirkless kid just like his successor. It would bother him until they're found and spoken to.

He needed to distract himself from the implications thrown at him by his mind.


"Young man!" All Might suddenly shouts, waving a hand in his successor's direction, calling him forth.

The teenager gently dropped the microwave he'd been carrying and ran towards him, his movements faltering every few steps; the ache in his bones weighing heavily on his body and tempting him to hug the sand beneath his feet.

"You called?"

"My boy... I received some news."

Green hues glance upward, meeting his gaze and seemingly staring straight into his soul- in search for something. When he found it, he nodded to himself and took the tiniest of step back.

"It's nothing bad, right?"

"No..." A pause. "Nothing bad."

Feeling guilty about his minor lie, lanky fingers were buried under Shisui's messy green hair, gently ruffling them further. All Might's infamous grin appears for a second before forming to a kinder, more truthful smile.

"I'll be unable to train you for the following days, I have something important to take care of... I'm sure you'll try to train by yourself so I must ask you to be careful. Understood?"

The head underneath his hand moves to nod and his smile is echoed by a smaller and softer one.

"As long as you'll be careful too, okay, All Might?"

Puffing up to his hero form, All Might energetically replies, proud smile on his lips,

"I will be Young Uchiha! Now, I want to see this section clear by the time I come back, got it?"

"got it!"

Musutafu's police officers were on alert, more so than they've been for the past few days. There's a tension on their shoulders and a paranoia in their eyes as they check out every deserted alleyway far off the populated streets.

They've been told to keep a lookout for the missing child- Midoriya Izuku. It's a case they're familiar with for its connection to a villain they're in charge of. For the past month, since Detective Tsukauchi got hold of the case, they heard him cursing the slime villain, Midoriya-san's teachers, his classmates, other random villains, and more.

While they're used to keeping an eye out for missing kids and wanted villains during their patrol, they're unused to the unusual order given to them. To keep a lookout for anyone attacking criminals in alleyways, and if found, to disengage and call the detective.

It's a confusing order. Far off the left field when searching for a Quirkless kid, but with an underground hero joining their search, some could only assume that the kid got himself into a bad situation.

"Sir, I think I found what we're looking for. In Surusto street, near Marasta. Over."

The words rang out from the patrolling police officers' radio, static echoing every so often, attempting to blur what was said. Everyone could hear the street names called out, however.

"Understood. Do not engage. Eraserhead's heading there. Over."

How does one capture a teen capable of changing forms and disappearing from view? Who can make you doubt your surroundings, especially what's in front of you?

They couldn't.

It's impossible.

At least, impossible without a proper plan and without knowing how his quirk works.

The good thing about the kid attacking criminals and forcing them to surrender to the Musutafu police station is that they're ripe for the taking. They didn't need to be found and captured since they were already behind bars, and being the criminals they are, they're willing to spill the beans about the 'fucker' who got them captured in the first place.

Detective Tsukauchi didn't need to be in the interrogation room for them to spill the truth, they willingly did so to 'help' the underground hero Eraserhead in capturing and arresting the man that 'assaulted' and stole from them. .

Out of the 9 criminals who found themselves surrendering to the police one evening after being attacked in an alleyway, two had been able to briefly escape taller Midoriya's quirk. When asked if there was anything they did to purposely escape the illusion, both replied that they haven't done anything, going so far as to say that they didn't even know they were in an illusion until something in their perspective changed.

It took a while until they were able to figure out their similarities. They didn't have the same build, blood type, medical history, quirk. Only a casual commentary from one of the criminals, recalling the chronic pain in their spine which throbbed painfully the moment he'd escaped his illusion, led to their discovery.


A certain amount of pain can break the illusion put upon them.

This and stories about bloodthirsty red eyes were their guide to capturing Midoriya Izuku.

"Update, Eraser? Over."

Aizawa flew through the roofs of Musutafu, his capture weapon continuously being wrapped around pipes and the likes, in order to swing him around town. His current technique was sacrificing skill and safety for speed, the hero barely assessing every pipe he's aiming for before using it to move faster.

Tilting his head to the side to hit the button in his headset, the underground hero spoke, gruff voice clearly showing his annoyance,

"Almost there... Is he still in Surusto?"

Flying through the air one last time, he landed on a rooftop just a building or two away from Surusto-Marasta corner.

"Yes, sir. Over."


Sliding his yellow goggles to hide his eyes, Eraserhead listened to Tsukauchi ordering around a few police officers to patrol the surrounding areas, taking mental notes of where they were being assigned. If he could guide Midoriya towards them, it could help in the long run. The amount of people would hinder his Illusion quirk, if they're correct in assuming that the kid could only cast it on one person at a time. If they're wrong, they'd still be able to snap each other out of it. He may personally detest working in groups but against an opponent with a quirk perfect for escaping, he needed to cooperate.

If he ended up biting the inside of his cheek after those thoughts, the pain keeping him awake, unable to say anything against his 'teammates', and preventing him from falling in an illusion for too long, no one had to know.

Running across the last rooftops separating him from his objective, he activated his quirk before looking down on the corner alleyway. Briefly, red eyes met red in a standoff before one was forced to turn back to a darker shade.

It's not a victory.

Their last encounter had started the same way.

His quirk, Erasure, was capable of keeping Midoriya from putting him in an illusion, but the moment he lets go, stops channeling his quirk, he'll be placed in one.

A week ago, he'd been placed in an illusion where the kid had scattered into crows and disappeared. Try as he might to deactivate the quirk, to erase it while in the illusion, he'd been unable to. The teen had disappeared and he had been left in an alleyway unsure when he'd been freed of the illusion that took hold of him.

With the pain on the inside of his cheek assuring him of this sight's reality, he threw and guided his capture weapon towards his opponent.


Shisui dodged the bandages- or are they scarves?- being used to grab him. He may not depend on his Sharingan, unlike other Uchihas, and has trained in certain scenarios revolving lacking chakra (in case he had to prove his clan's strength against a Hyuuga) but that was back then when he'd been truly alive and in the body of an ANBU-level shinobi. After almost two months of hell training, regaining his skills and physical capabilities, 7 year old recently promoted chunin Shisui would be able to beat him in terms of speed.

Right now, he can handle D and C-class villains with ease. A pro hero capable of disrupting his chakra? Definitely not.

He did have a plan against the hero, a foolproof plan passed down from generations to generations of Konoha Shinobi. When encountering an enemy that you couldn't defeat- run.


He needed to get out of his view, gain his chakra back, and use Shunshin to get out of here.

A setback to this plan, however, is his inability to do a sealless Shunshin, making the time between getting out of view and being spotted again limited. His chakra control is lacking- incapable of flaring precisely, and with a new body comes a different chakra pathway system than what he was born with, making learning to consciously flare his chakra to do a sealless Shunshin feel unnatural.

Which meant he had to disable his Quirk, either by knocking him unconscious or meeting his eyes and placing him in a genjutsu.

Mentally cursing his inability to cast Genjutsu: Sharingan without eye contact- he's solved that weakness back when he was 10- Shisui set to move. With his heel pushing against the concrete below, the shinobi jumped backwards, avoiding another bandage flying towards him. There's a small scowl in his lips as he eyes the hero's weapon. For a flimsy-looking weapon, they were capable of being an annoyance. They're durable, hard to cut, and grabbing them in order to pull the hero closer was a trap by itself.

When Eraserhead jumped down from his place on the rooftops, the shinobi used the small period before he could land to run to the closest exit, trying to make his escape. Running around a corner, he threw a chakra-tagged pocket knife behind him (towards the other corner) and carefully listened as footsteps followed him.

A moment before Aizawa was about to turn the corner, he zeroed in on the chakra left in the pocket knife, using Kawarimi to switch places with it.


Shisui dashed forward and lashed out with a right hook, already anticipating the underground hero to dodge his attempt by following his attack with a roundhouse kick. He held the hero in high expectation, and he followed through, dodging his surprise attack and blocking all the punches and kicks he gave out.

If his plan was heavily reliant on knocking the hero out, it would be an obvious failure at the start of their clash.

Luckily for him, it's not.

The small distance should tip the scales to his advantage. Forcing the man to keep his quirk up, making it falter sooner than if there was a distance between them, and it would allow their eyes to meet for his Genjutsu to take hold.

Keeping his body constantly attempting to bring chakra into his eyes, he waited, keeping his aggressive attacks. Sooner or later, those red eyes would disappear and his would appear.

Swiping towards Eraserhead's eyes, he felt his fingers brush against thick eyelashes and his chakra surge back throughout his body. Three black comma marks begin circling around his reddening eyes, moving faster as he continually pushes a larger amount of chakra to the organ.

When their eyes met again, dark and red glaring at one another, he allowed an illusion of ravens to cover his body and fly away, taking the second after casting his Genjutsu to pump chakra in his legs and run as far away as possible- to find a crowded area where he could use Henge and disappear.

Damn it.

Aizawa resisted the urge to flinch away as a murder of crows flew either right to his face or around him. It's clearly an illusion but the numbing injury in his mouth wasn't working to deter the quirk's ability.

His confidence about his earlier logical conclusion faltered. Did he get it wrong? Was there another connection between the two villains that allowed them to escape? This thought didn't last as he exhaled, air brushing against the open wound in the inside of his cheek, causing a sharp pain to snap his mind awake.

Seeing Midoriya trying to escape, he followed on foot; quirk activated to assure himself of the sight before him. Calloused fingers roughly press the button by his headset, harsh orders leaving his mouth, one after another.

"He's going south. Have a team intercept him 2 blocks from point and another in the next block. Other teams stick nearby."

Swinging his capture weapon to pull him closer, Aizawa continued, the scowl on his face deepening as the distance between them maintained- had he been in the kid's illusion long enough for this distance? or was he as fast as him?

"Pain stops his quirk. Do something before he comes by... and Tsukauchi, get our back up plan. We both know he's nearby."

"Already messaged him. He should be there soon. Over."

He hears the commotion of civilians that follow the Number One Hero before he could see the blur of red, blue, and gold speeding towards him. Barely halting his run, Aizawa points towards the kid he's chasing and watches All Might easily close the distance.

It only takes the Symbol of Peace a moment to end this chase but the way he did so made the Underground Hero once again question the reality he's seeing.


This was real.

Nothing changed as his quirk activated, nor did they change when the pain in his cheek grew.

He halts a few feet away, watching the two.

Midoriya had his head bowed down, green locks almost covered by the large hand pressed on top of his head. All Might was staring at the teen in confusion and worry. His knees were bent and his upper body tilted forward, as though it would lessen his gigantic height.

They looked... close.

Stepping forward seemed to break the spell between the two, both looking up at him. All Might stepped forward instinctively, the hand on Midoriya's head falling to his shoulder and pushing him back as though to protect the boy from him. When the Number One Hero realised what he was doing, he didn't bother to correct his actions, only tightening his grip on Midoriya's shoulder.

The teen himself didn't look like the person he'd been fighting a few minutes ago. His eyes had drifted down to stare at the concrete floor but his face was visible enough to show a mix of guilt, reluctance, and acceptance.

Sighing to himself, Aizawa turned around, mind routing the quickest way to the police station before commenting,

"I'll get Tsukauchi."

"Let me get this straight... you, All Might, have been training this kid to get to UA and you don't know the full extent of his quirk? Only 'he can teleport and has red eyes'"

Aizawa's tone portrayed how done he was with the flashy hero, his dark eyes narrowed in a tired glare that caused All Might to scratch the back of his head, an embarrassed grin on his lips.

"It didn't come up during training..."

It's a lame excuse and everyone in the room knew that. Rather than call him out on it, the UA teacher settled further into his seat, catching sight of Tsukauchi nodding in understanding. They're keeping him out of the loop on something but as long as the detective knew whatever it was, then he could care less.

"Don't tell me you were focusing on his academics?"

"Uh..." a blush forms on sunken cheeks, "No. We were working on strength training."


"Anyway..." Tsukauchi interrupted, preventing Eraserhead from thoroughly enjoying All Might's embarrassment, "we checked our records, as well as Japan's registry, there's no Uchiha Shisui in the database."

Three different sets of eyes stare at the teen found on the other side of the interrogation desk. He didn't have a visible reaction, apart from a soft exhale. Realising he wouldn't get anything from him, Naomasa continued,

"No Uchiha Shisui on the database, a Midoriya Izuku missing, and from what All Might said earlier, he made plans to train the kid who distracted the Slime Villain and two days later you appeared looking like this. Either you're a bad shapeshifter, which I doubt, or you're truly Midoriya Izuku. Why did you run away?"

He's insistent, taking in a rough tone. Here's a kid who's currently known to have multiple Quirks- Teleportation, Mind Control, Illusion, Body Alteration- and has unlimited access to All Might. The only reason he's not asking about his quirks (as of now) or calling for Nedzu, Gran Torino, and other Pro Heroes who know about One for All is that he could have showcased his willingness to gain OfA yet he insists on being a placeholder, a possible successor until he proves himself worthy or Toshi finds someone 'better' to inherit it.

"Young Uch-... No. Young Midoriya, please answer Tsukauchi," everyone could hear the pleading tone All Might took and it didn't take much to notice how his lanky body kept twitching towards the kid's direction, wishing to be near him.

Shisui could have kept silent. He's been trained to resist torture thus a simple interrogation like this wouldn't affect him. However, All Might was asking for him to answer. He's Shisui's closest confidant, the only person he has in this world aside from Tokoyami, and the person he's been with for every day bar that one day before training started.

"I didn't run away..." he started, hands folded on top of the desk and head down, his mind running with thoughts of how he'd be able to get away with saying little. If Eraserhead wasn't here, he could have cast a Genjutsu on the two to make them forget. He'd be guilty about it, sure, but it would-...


Was he so eager to get away?

This interrogation has already given him information he'd longed for, his body's name and life. Right in front of him were Midoriya Izuku's files, something he'd been eager to know since Day One. So why was he planning an escape?

It took a deep search into his conscience, to gain the feeling hidden under his skin.


For two months, he'd been learning about this world, theorizing how he ended here, and training to regain his capabilities that he'd forgotten to search for his body's past. He's been eager to learn about Midoriya Izuku, especially after he realised that concentrating on a sight with his Sharingan could trigger memories, but he'd never delved further than likes, dislikes, and heroes. It's been hard to gain memories, sure, and none of them hinted on his identity but if he had tried harder... maybe focused more on gaining memories, he wouldn't have left another family in ruins.

His appearance in this world meant the disappearance of Midoriya Izuku.

He never searched for more about the kid's past since knowing where to go, where he lived, meant he'd feel the need to go there and apologize- showing them that their kid's lost. There was never a plan in mind but it's clear to him that his heart longed to find out how he ended up in this world, where Izuku was, and bring him back, pretending this never occurred.

"Alright, you didn't run away. Why haven't you come back to your home? Is something keeping you away?" Eraserhead spoke once Midoriya's silence stretched on.

"You wouldn't believe me..."

What his heart wanted, bringing an intact Izuku back to his family, isn't going to happen and he should accept it. He needed to face whoever his family is, apologize for taking over his body or whatever this occurrence was, and promise that he'll do his best to bring him back.

"My boy, I doubt there's anything you could say that's unbelievable."

All Might's worry grew clearer and clearer, fear for his successor growing. If he didn't run away, did villains gain a hold of him? Did All for One have him in his grasp?

"I..." a deep breath "I don't know where it is."

"Excuse me?"

Was he an amnesiac?

"Midoriya Izuku's home. I don't know where it is," fingers intertwined as the teen leaned forward, making himself comfortable, "In fact, I'm not Midoriya Izuku but I'm also not a shapeshifter... It's a long story."

The two heroes glance at Naomasa, eyes widening as they saw him nod, indicating that everything the kid's saying was true.

"I've said it multiple times, Young Man. I should stop being surprised by you."

The Symbol of Peace smiles softly, hearing a snicker leave Young Uchiha.

"You should. My story... it's... unusual..."

Shisui begins weaving a tale for them, occasionally accompanied by Naomasa's nod and soft tones of assurance that what he's saying is true. He talks about his world, being born in a village he served as a shinobi since he was 5 years old. He comforts All Might throughout the topic of being a 'child soldier' in the middle of a war, briefly dipping into the difference between the two worlds. He doesn't give out a lot of details due to the two strangers with them but All Might's trust in them allows him to tell enough.

The Uchiha clan are front and center of his story, his love for them and sadness for their situation setting the tone. When he mentions their wishes for a coup d'etat and his plans to stop them, his tone becomes heavy with guilt- a guilt he hasn't let out, not when he's seen visions of Itachi doing his best to stop it from happening. The shinobi speeds up on what soon followed- how he'd been attacked by an ANBU (ROOT) squad, poisoned, fought a powerful shinobi and got his eye taken out, gave his other eye to Itachi, and his fall to death.

Talking about his sudden appearance in this world, being in the middle of a fight, and protecting a person he now knew was a classmate of his, caused All Might to look at him fondly. The older hero moved from his corner of the room, grabbed a chair, and sat beside him, grinning brightly at Detective Tsukauchi and Aizawa. The former shook his head with a responding smile to his face while the latter rolled his eyes, muttering something about the hero being too proud for a mentor.

He summarizes the two months he's lived in this world as broadly as possible. His activities were already known due to Eraserhead and his training had been discussed by All Might, nothing else standing out for him to talk about.


Aizawa longed to say illogical but Uchiha had given proof, showcasing his multiple abilities. It had been a shock to see him walking up a wall but it wasn't as shocking as the series of memories he showed them via Genjutsu.

"Difficult to take in but truthful nonetheless?" Naomasa contributed, his Quirk may have pinged multiple times throughout his story to indicate its truthfulness, it's still hard to believe.

Only All Might, someone who's spent almost every day training him, who's offers of food were eagerly accepted, and who's sometimes seen him wearing the same clothes as the day before, picked up what was left unsaid.

"Young man, what about your education? your shelter? your food?"

Shisui presses his lips together, exhaling through his nose.

"Technically, I graduated when I was 5," he comments, gaining raised eyebrows and a scowl, "I don't know about civilian education but I've been learning about this world by reading books from the Musutafu library. It helps that I've got a dojutsu capable of letting me memorize what I see."

If it weren't for the Sharingan, he'd still be faltering on the intricacies of this world.

"I have a tent to sleep in. I use a space of land in Bogano park for it. As for food, I either fish, use the money I take from criminals, or hint that I'm hungry when training with you."

Yagi places a hand on his long green locks, a sign of comfort that the two have gotten used to. The hero feels disappointed, not at his successor but at himself, for missing the hints his student unconsciously gave out. His lack of knowledge about certain topics, the three sets of clothes he uses, walking in random directions after training, and more.

"My boy! Now that I know your troubles, you'll never need to do those again unless you want to! You-" Before he could offer his home, he was interrupted by Tsukauchi.

"Before you start writing him in your will..." a startled bloody cough leaves the hero, handkerchiefs and a tissue box offered immediately, "we need to talk about your 'Missing' status. I understand that you're not Midoriya Izuku but it would be best if you return to his home. His mother needs to know what happened to him and I doubt anyone of us would be willing to let you go back to living in a public park."

Shisui nods. It would be foolish to think he'd be going back to his tent after all this. He'd known this could happen the moment All Might had called out his name during his escape from Eraserhead.

"What do I do?"

What do I say to the woman who lost her son due to me? How can I assure her that I'll bring him back when I can't figure out how I'm here gaining his memories?

If it were any other time, Shisui would be amused. He's a shinobi who has killed a hundred, probably more. He's fought in a war, asked to assassinate officials, murdered in cold blood, all for a village he was willing to sacrifice his life to. Yet, 'erasing' a person who wasn't a harm to his village, someone truly innocent, brings him to this confused and sorry state.

He feels a bony shoulder nudging against his, giving him yet another source of comfort.

"Talk. Explain the situation to her. Whatever you do, I'm here to help you, my boy."

His mind's filled with a heavy opaque fog; a never ending fog of emotions- of guilt, sadness, confusion, and worry.

He doubts it'll end.

Not when he finds a way to bring Izuku back. Not when he sees the conclusion of the Uchiha clan's attempt to take over the village. They're a baggage he'll be forced to carry as long as he remains alive in this world with memories of his death, of his escape.

However, from the moment All Might had offered his help, offered to carry a small part of his burden, the fog parted just a tiny bit- giving him a path forward.

It'll never disappear...

...but it can get smaller, clearer- show him a life beyond regrets.


I know I should add Mama Midoriya and Shisui meeting but that's for the next chapter!

Also, since a lot of you want OfA to go to our boy green, it'll go to him. My other option was for it to go to a character you'll meet in the next chapter (?) but since that was a back up plan, hooray OfA Shisui.

BTW I might not be able to post next week Monday. Sorry about that in advance.