Chapter Thirty

Knowing at which the speed of news travelled through the Wizarding Press, Draco was keen for their family to hear the news from them first. He sent word along earlier so both Mitzi and Narcissa were waiting at Draco's when he and Luna arrived to officially announce their engagement.

It was difficult to tell who was more excited - the little house elf spun herself into such a frenzy that Luna was concerned she would injure herself and the extent of Narcissa's joy at having Luna as a daughter-in-law caught even Draco by surprise.

They all had a long, lovely visit. After Draco had escorted his mother to the floo he returned to the study where he spied Luna staring wistfully out the window with her hand reaching absentmindedly towards her neck. He slipped over to his desk where he quietly retrieved something from the top drawer. He joined her at the window and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Your missing your Mum and wishing we could tell your parents as well, aren't you?"

Luna nodded but kept looking out the window as she replied, "I love Narcissa and I feel so grateful to have her in my life but it's times like this that I really miss my own mother."

"I can understand that," said Draco. "You have no idea how desperately I wish that I could facilitate a reunion with your parents the way that you did for me, but that is sadly far beyond my power to provide."

He held his hand in front of her face. "I was going to wait and give you this as a wedding present but somehow it seems like this was a more appropriate time."

He opened his hand to reveal an exact facsimile of her lost locket. "You gave me the opportunity to see my mother again and I wanted to find some small way to return that favor as well as keeping another promise that I made to you. So, I hope you will accept this token as my feeble attempt at giving you a small taste of the comfort and happiness you have given me."

Luna gasped as she tentatively allowed her fingers to touch the chain. "You got it back for me?"

"Unfortunately, no. The original is lost but I got a good look at it the night we stayed up with the graphorn. I had that memory copied into a pensieve then asked the jeweler who made our rings to create a duplicate." He laid it in her palm and coaxed, "Open it."

Luna carefully undid the clasp and opened the locket and immediately tears flowed down her face. Inside were pictures of her parents, looking lovingly at each other and then up at her. She struggled to speak and finally managed, "How?"

"Like I said, I got a good look at both the locket and the pictures that night. I asked Mother to find me the best artist in Europe, shared the memory with him so he was able to recreate the images and animate them. I know it's not the same as the original but I thought at least this way you could have your parents with you when we get married."

"Oh, Draco. You wonderful, thoughtful, incredible man." Luna wiped her face then handed him the locket, lifted her hair back and asked, "Would you put it on me please?"

Draco complied, kissing the back of her neck softly when he was done. "There. Now both of our mothers know." He then turned her around and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "So - fill me in on the details of our wedding. I'm dying to know what you have in mind."


They got married a month later at Charlie's Dragon Preserve with all of their friends and loved ones in attendance.

Luna was so excited that she abandoned protocol and ran to the arbor where Draco was waiting, losing one of her shoes in the process. The whole party was touched when Draco reached down and discarded Luna's remaining shoe before shedding his own. Soon all assembled, including officiate Kingsley Shacklebolt, followed suit and the ceremony proceeded with everyone barefoot.

Afterwards, at Draco's insistence, everyone changed into the most ludicrous outfits that he and Luna could concoct and they staged an entire portfolio of photos to 'leak' to the media. As an added bonus, Draco enlisted several prominent fashion designers that were disillusioned with the Wizarding Press, convincing them to publically proclaim the images the most "fashion forward" ensembles they had ever seen.

The icing on the cake came when several respected former members of the DA volunteered to wear the outfits to upcoming gala events, causing Luna to be named "fashion icon" of the year by the Daily Prophet, much to the chagrin of Rita Skeeter.

The next day, Draco asked Luna to don special earmuffs and a blindfold before leading her through a complicated series of floos and portkeys to their surprise honeymoon destination. Luna gamely followed along and eventually found herself being led down what felt like a bridge of some sort. The earmuffs kept things quiet but she could feel intense sound waves reverberating through her entire body. She felt Draco's strong hands place her in a specific spot then suddenly the blindfold and earmuffs were gone and it took a moment for her to process the sensory overload around her.

Beneath the walkway they were standing on raged a mighty river and all around them waterfalls plunged down steep canyons with a deafening roar. The resulting spray created a myriad of rainbows and prisms all around them.

Draco let her take in the full force of the natural wonder for a moment before casting a charm that surrounded them in a clear bubble, which gave them an unrestricted view while now allowing them to hear each other speak.

"Draco! Where are we?"

"Welcome to Iguazu Falls, Brazil. Home of the largest waterfalls in the world."

Luna was wide eyed with astonishment. "It's amazing! But shouldn't a place like this be overrun with muggle tourists at this time of year?"

"Normally it would be, except a sudden environmental crisis has closed it off to all outsiders for at least a week."

Luna's face scrunched in concern. "What kind of environmental crisis?"

"A magical one..." Seeing the look on her face Draco assured her, "Kingsley authorized it. Said it was his wedding gift to us. We have the entire place to ourselves for seven days."

Luna stepped out further on the walkway to better take in the view. "Draco? Exactly how many waterfalls are there in this place?"

"Two hundred and seventy five."

Luna's jaw dropped then she started to laugh uncontrollably. "Show off!"

Draco lifted her up and sat her on the railing of the catwalk before kissing her soundly. "Get used to it, love. I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing off for you."

And that is exactly what he did...

The End