Chapter 2 is here. Thanks for being patient, I hope everyone is okay during this self-isolation. Stay safe and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Chapter 2 Greasers and Socs. Alphas and Omegas

Ponyboy and Johnny met Dally up at the corner of Pickett and Sutton, he offered Johnny a cigarette.

"We're early." He belched, ignoring a disgusted glance from a Beta girl walking past the trio.

"What do you want to do?" Ponyboy asked.

Dallas smirked, a small dimple making an appearance on his left cheek. "Nothin' legal, pup. Let's go." he declared following his strut down Pickett. Dallas never found anything fun in "legal" activities. Dallas Winston would purposely make something illegal. Ponyboy wondered if Dallas would do that the rest of his life. Surly, not everything had to be illegal to be enjoyed? That wasn't Dallas Winston.

"Hey, hey!" Dallas growled, startling a few pups smaller than Ponyboy playing with cards. "What are you doing on my grass? Did I say you could be here? Gimme those."

One Pup immediately handed him the deck of cards before a blonde Pup out of the group dared to speak up, "This isn't yours-"

The Alpha sent a glare to the Pups that made them cower. Dallas was good at that, Ponyboy had seen him in action making even the toughest Alpha Socs think twice. He wondered if that had to do with Dallas' murderous glare, or if he was a greaser. He'd never know.

"Don't get wise. You know, I don't like Pups, I just-." Before Dallas could finish he let out a roar, startling the pups and the trio chased them through the fields until they lost them in town. It was almost lunchtime and Ponyboy was starving. They agreed to get some cash from Sodapop at the DX since it wasn't that far of a walk to the DX. Ponyboy liked visiting the DX when Sodapop worked. Sodapop after all was his favorite person alive. He loved Sodapop more than anybody.

The DX was quiet allowing Soda and Steve to tinker around with the trucks outside.

"Soda, some hobos are approaching us." Steve chomped on his gum smirking as the trio approached the other Greasers. Dallas swiped a money wrench from Steve's hand, annoying the Beta even further when he held it out of his reach.

Ponyboy and Johnny stood by Sodapop; asking for money to go to The Dingo. Sodapop frowned, searching his pockets. "You might be out of luck, Pup. Can't you run home and eat those chicken and mayo sandwiches Darry made?"

The Pup whined. "I don't want those, Soda. I want Pepsi and fries."

Any normal Alpha would have found a Pup whining at them to be irritable, but Soda being not like most Alphas, only smiled and ruffled the greasy hair of his kid-brother and handed him five dollars. The blonde frowned before speaking. "How are you, Pony? Did you sleep okay? I know I had to leave early."

Ponyboy thought back to last night. Since he was still a Pup, Ponyboy needed to sleep with someone. All Puppies normally still shared a bed with their parents until they presented. Back in the day, Darry, Sodapop and Ponyboy used to sleep cuddled together on a mattress at the end of their parent's big bed. Ponyboy switched on and off who he cuddled with at night, normally it was Sodapop. When Ponyboy presented, he'd have his own space and his own room. In regards to last night, Ponyboy was still frightened about being jumped earlier so his Alpha brother calmed him down by claiming he wanted to mate with Sandy.

Sandy was Sodapop's soon-to-be-mate, he claimed.

That was another process Ponyboy was still confused about. Mating. When an Alpha, a Beta or an Omega mate, they are mates for life. Which is why it was risky mating so early, choose the wrong mate early in life you're bound to be miserable. Not Sodapop. Sodapop found a good one, Ponyboy thought. Sandy was an Omega. Like their mom. She was tough, didn't whine or cry like Steve's girl, Evie, or cheat all the time like Sylvia, Dallas' girl. Both girls were Betas, and Ponyboy didn't think that was a factor, but he wasn't too sure. What he did know, was Sodapop was crazy about Sandy.

"Ponyboy?" Sodapop called.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about what movie we're gonna see." Ponyboy lied.

The alpha tilted his head back to laugh. "Another movie? Pup, you never bore of those, do ya?"

The said Pup had no chance to answer as Steve let out a yelp from Dallas wrapping his arm around his neck and delivering what could be described as the worst noogie to his scalp. This went on for a few moments before growing bored with pestering Steve, Dallas released him. The trio left and Sodapop reminded Ponyboy not to be home too late.

After sneaking into the movie theaters, they found some seats near the concession stand. Ponyboy had never seen Beach Blanket Bingo before. He supposed it was funny, but they had arrived late. Ponyboy was trying to watch the film but Dallas had other ideas. In front of them sat two girls, one of them was annoyed and Ponyboy recognized her a Sherri Valance. A cheerleader from school. The other girl he didn't know.

Dallas kicked his feet on the back of Sherri's chair. The red head turned slowly behind her and glared at Dallas, who smirked and smoked his cigarette.

"Your hair, is it real?" He asked. She didn't answer. he took another drag and asked. "Are you real?"

Sherri turned away. Ponyboy had a bad feeling in his gut and looked towards Dallas.

"I'm cold." He muttered.

"Why didn't you wear a coat then, stupid?" Dallas mumbled.

"Forgot. . . "

"Oi." Dallas kicked Sherri's chair once more, leaning back in his own. He went to kick again when she yanked her own chair forward at the right moment, causing Dallas to loose balance and fall over. Ponyboy, Johnny and the brunette haired girl in front laughed while Sherri bit her tongue. Dallas said nothing but hauled himself off the floor to stand behind her and pick at her hair.

"How do I go about finding out this is your real color hair?" He asked.

"Go away." Sherri rolled her eyes.

Dallas sniffed her. "Alpha, eh?"

That was surprising to Ponyboy. Granted he and Sherri didn't run in the same social circles. She, after all, was a Soc. The biggest one he's ever seen, too. She was head of the cheer-leading team, on student council and in show choir. This made Ponyboy nervous: if she was a Soc there were bound to be more roaming about.

"Hey you know if-"

"No, be nice and leave us alone." Sherri spat.

"I'm never nice. Can I get you a Coke or-"

"Get lost!" Sherri finally growled, her fangs prominent, bold and it made Johnny and Ponyboy and that other girl cower away. Dallas stood still, the smirk never leaving his face.

"I didn't know you had a kink with yelling in my face. I know where I'm not wanted." He muttered, leaving. Ponyboy and Johnny sat up slowly, glancing at one another before the red head in front turned to them, her stern glare almost making Ponyboy yelp.

"Are you going to start now?" She seethed.

Ponyboy shook his head, speaking up because he knew Johnny wouldn't. "N-No." He admitted. The brunette laid her hand on Sherri's arm and whispered something to her. The Pup couldn't tell what but whatever was said calmed Sherri down. Sherri apologized, admitting that Ponyboy and his friend didn't look the type to pull that stunt. The movie was instantly forgotten as the two girls and boys started talking to each other.

"This is Marsha. If you can't tell, she's a Beta. I'm Sherri Valance, an Alpha. But everyone calls me Cherry because of my hair." Cherry said.

"Yeah, I know. We go to the same school." Ponyboy admitted.

At first, Cherry frowned, not before leaning closer to Ponyboy to lightly sniff him. "You don't smell like you've presented. And that Dallas Winston-yeah, everyone knows about him, he just got out of the cooler I heard-he seems too rough to be around you. What are sweet Pups like you both being around that trash?"

Johnny blushed, glancing at the ground. Ponyboy took pity in Johnny.

"We're greasers. We're all friends." Ponyboy didn't want to tell Cherry he was academically placed in high school a year early. Not that he was ashamed, but he didn't know if Cherry would believe him. Sometimes, Ponyboy himself didn't know why he hung around certain people either. If he had his choice, he'd limit seeing Two-Bit, the Alpha was always getting him into trouble with Darry. Steve was downright unpleasant and bitter towards him and Dallas was frightening. If he wasn't a Greaser, would he even been their acquaintance?

Cherry bit her lip. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." The subject was then changed quickly. "So your name, is it really, Ponyboy?"

Ponyboy smiled, liking where this story was going because it involved his Dad.

"Yeah, my Dad named me, he was an original person. I even have a brother named Sodapop." The Pup smiled. Marsha gasped and her eyes lit up like a tiger. Many girls got that way when Ponyboy talked about Sodapop. He supposed because Sodapop is such a social butterfly and handsome they all know him one way or another.

"Oh my god, Cherry, that's that cute boy from last term!"

Cherry laughed. "Say, Ponyboy? What happened to your brother? He wasn't a senior if I remember correctly."

The Pup frowned, "He dropped out."

From behind him, Ponyboy was handed a cup of Coke from Dallas who had returned from the concession stand with four drinks and was handing them to Johnny and Marsha. When he turned to Cherry, he made a bold move. He smirked at her, handing her the cup and sat next to her, lighting up another cigarette. "I thought this might cool your head off, hot-head."

Cherry didn't waste a second in dumping the beverage onto Dallas' head, soaking him.

"Listen here, Greaser. Talk and act decent and then I may too." Cherry growled.

Dallas growled back, his voice deeper than Cherry's female range, but still as intimidating. Before things got out of hand, Johnny stood up.

"Leave her alone, Dal."

The four's attention was now on Johnny, especially Dallas. No one told Dallas Winston what to do. Nobody. Dallas wiped his mouth before glaring at the smaller Alpha.

"What did you tell me to do you little shit?"

Ponyboy heard his heartbeat in his ears and his throat tightened watching Johnny stand, shakingly, up to Dallas. "I-I said leave her alone."

Dallas glared. Ponyboy could tell he wanted to punch Johnny in the face. But you just don't do that to Johnny Cade. Johnny had a terrible home-life, resulting in a stunted Alpha mentality and got enough flack from Socs and his abusive parents to have anyone in the Gang ruffle him up. Dallas kicked a chair and stormed out of the movie house. Marsha whistled, impressed.

"That was brave."

Johnny blushed and for the first time that day, gave a small smile. "It was nothing. No one talks to Dal like that."

"Well, from what I witness, you do. Why don't you brave Pups sit up here with us and protect us?" Marsha giggled. Cherry, had it been anyone else and knowing Marsha was just joking, would have felt offended a Beta thought she couldn't protect herself. Cherry turned to Johnny, who sat next to Marsha, and spoke up. "Thank you, little Pup. But I can handle my own battles. If Dallas gives you grief for this, come get me."

Johnny's smile fell and he stared at the floor. Ponyboy bit his lip.

"How come you weren't scared of us like you were Dallas?" Pony asked.

Cherry rolled her eyes. "I know of Dallas Winston. He doesn't scare me-" Cherry gasped, seeing Ponyboy's shirt. It was slightly damp from some of the Coke Cherry had tossed at Dallas. Poor Ponyboy must have been in the splash zone. Cherry grabbed her purse from bellow her seat and yanked out a handkerchief, patting Ponyboy's chest.

"I'm sorry, Pup. I presented over the summer and am still working on my temper."

Ponyboy blushed. "It's...okay."

Cherry smiled sweetly and Ponyboy went to smile back when a large hand slammed on his shoulder followed by a deep Alpha growling, "Alright Greasers, funs over." Ponyboy yelped and behind him laughing in hysterics, was Two-Bit. Cherry stood up, defensively blocking Ponyboy. Ponyboy couldn't blame her entirely. Alphas and Omegas are typically, naturally protective of Pups. Where some Greaser parents went wrong, Ponyboy would never know.

"Two-Bit!" Ponyboy whined.

"Sorry 'bout that, ladies-oh." Two-Bit paused, sniffing Cherry. "Alpha, ma'm."

Cherry crossed her arms. "You got some nerve going around scaring Pups."

Two-Bit cackled. "Ah, these aren't ordinary Pups, this one here is a brat at heart. So, who are these girls Pony and Johnny? Your girlfriends?" Two-Bit snickered. Marsha spoke up first. "Actually, we're their great grandma's-twice removed." Two-Bit, chuckling at the joke, instantly liked her. Ponyboy knew Two-Bit liked girls that were as easy going as he was. Two-Bit hated being held down; for being an Alpha, that was strange. Alphas normally have their life sorted out by their early to mid-twenties with an Omega or a Beta and Pups of their own.

Not Two-Bit. Two-Bit was an Alpha, but a Pup at heart.

"So kiddos, where's Dallas at? He owes me money." Two-Bit asked.

"Yeah, were is Dally?"

That was a new voice. The Greasers and Socs turned to see Tim Shepard, Alpha and leader of the greaser Shepard Gang. Ponyboy felt all the blood drain from his face. It wasn't that Tim was evil, but Darry and Sodapop have told him both not to piss him off or linger around him. Tim was bad news like Dallas. They hated each other. They often had Alpha power fights that ended up with either of them in a hospital or the cooler. Always both, never the one over the other. Tim was intimidating to Ponyboy, he slouched with his hands in his pocket and stared down Ponyboy.

"He left." Ponyboy answered, trying to face the movie.

"That bastard slashed my tired. I'm going to kill him. Where is he?" Tim demanded once more. Cherry narrowed her eyes and Ponyboy gripped her hand.

"He left, Tim. Anyone seen Dallas?" He winked to Cherry. The Alpha female shook her head, agreeing with Ponyboy. "He left." She stated.

Tim growled. "When I find him, he's dead."

Tim left the theater before Two-Bit asked, serious, "Does Dallas have a blade?"

"Yeah." Johnny answered.

"Good. Tim and Dallas will fight fair then. Tim always has his blade. One time, I saw him slash open another Alpha's head with a glass bottle and I swear I could see that dude's brain-"

"Ponyboy come with me for Chips and Popcorn?" Cherry stood up, yanking Ponyboy away from the vulgar conversation. Two-Bit hopped over Cherry's chair to sit next to Marsha.

"Finally, no drama." Cherry sighed as they reached the counter. Ponyboy chuckled, pulling out the five dollar bill Sodapop gave him and glanced at the amount of candy his growling stomach yearned for. The Alpha cleared her throat, grabbing Ponyboy's attention.

"So, Ponyboy. Tell me, about your Pup friend, Johnny. I noticed he had some scars on his face. . . "

Ponyboy winced at the memory. The memory of walking with Darry and Sodapop on a rare duo day off. It was a wonderful day to head to the lot to play football. Spotting poor Johnny laying on the ground in agony, crying and almost blind. He didn't want to remember.

"He's not a pup," Ponyboy stated. Cherry's eyes widened. "He's an Alpha, but he's stunted. He has a bad home life and Socs jump him. You probably couldn't smell his Alpha scent because he's stunted. But the guy who gave him the scars messed him up really bad and it was a Soc who did that too." Ponyboy felt bitter. Why was it the Greasers being discriminated against? Socs had everything. Big homes, good paying jobs, and didn't have to worry about being taken away from their families.

Cherry bit her lip.

"Not all Socs are bad, Ponyboy. Just like not all Greasers are bad."

"I've yet to meet a nice soc." Ponyboy muttered.

"Aren't I nice?"

". . . .you're different. When I talk to you, I'm not talking to a Soc."

Cherry chuckled. "Social constructions are strange. The way Alphas, Betas and Omegas create scenarios to decide who is safe and who is dangerous. Following that are labels and stereotypes" Then, she took a deep breath. "Ponyboy, this may be hard to believe, but things are rough all over."

Ponyboy thought for a moment. Maybe Socs had problems, but they'd never understand his problems. Ponyboy bet for every Soc problem, there's ten Greaser problems. He felt invalidated that Cherry told him to remember things were bad all over, as if his worried should be diminished and he was over reacting. But he did have a reason to be fearful and angry. He was being jumped, judged and ridiculed over things he couldn't handle.

Maybe when he presented he'd understand.

Maybe when he's an Alpha, things will get better.

He smiled. "C'mon. Two-Bit will think we eloped to Mexico." They paid for their stuff and returned to watch the end of the movie.

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