Black Holly, Dark Phoenix: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its associated characters: all rights belong to JK Rowling. I do not own any crossover references used in the story: all rights belong to their original creators. I do own any OC spells explained at the end of a chapter.

Plot: The Cache Response: What do Jean Grey, Willow Rosenberg and Harry Potter have in common? One bad day made them go nuclear. Jean had the X-Men, Willow had the Scoobies, but Harry has no-one, but himself: Merlin help us!

Challenge Information: DZ2's 'The Cache' Challenge: Lily's protection is said to have saved Harry from certain death, but this is only half the truth: in fact, the wound may have healed and the caster destroyed, but what nobody knows is that power is still there. Buried deep beneath the boy-hero. And if it is unleashed...

Rules: All affinities are welcome

Super/OP Harry ONLY

The story MUST start at some point in/after 4th year

The reason for this point being the starting point is because, when Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, his 'magical maturity' unwittingly breaks open a cache of hidden magic inside of Harry himself

When and how Harry ACTUALLY discovers his cache is broken and all the magic within is now his to command is up to you, but when it happens, Harry MUST go through a transformation that rids him of his meek, naive, easy-to-knock-down appearance once and for all

This cache MUST have 'traces' of ALL the magic used to harm/wound/kill Harry before this moment (AK, Voldemort's wraith/the Horcrux, the Basilisk Venom, Fawkes' tears, Dementors etc.)

What exactly Harry can do with this new power is up to you, but remember, he's basically one step away from Sorcerer-Supreme-level now

With the cache open and all the power within unleashed, Harry's magic proves too strong to use a wand and so he must either acquire a staff or some other foci OR not use a wand/staff/foci at all and become a magical wandless master

Obviously, the fact Harry's power has gone from 'super-meek' to 'Super-Mage' MUST cause conflict, tension and even doubt, suspicion and accusations from several people, most notably Dumbledore, the Ministry and Hermione

Regardless of their thoughts/opinions, Harry continues to use this new power to rise greater and more than ever before

All pairings are welcome

Guidelines: Crossovers

Godlike Harry

Immortal Harry

MoD Harry

Dark-Lord Harry

Post-transformation, Harry is no longer human

Mystokinetic-Harry (Master Manipulator of All Things Magic)

The cache contains the hidden power/legacy required by Harry to become the MoD

As well as canon examples, other 'lesser' magics are somehow in the cache (e.g. Whomping Willow, Werewolf, Elf Magic - Dobby, Dragon Magic - Norbert/Horntail, A magic tied to the Stone, some sort of Parseltongue/Slytherin/Founder-type magic, Veela magic, Unforgivables etc.)

Hedwig transforms along with Harry and becomes his familiar

For whatever reason, Harry ends up siding with Tom (as an equal/heir ONLY)

There have been others capable of unlocking Harry's level of power via caches of their own




A prophecy speaks of the power within the cache

Before becoming fully-infused with his newfound power, Harry actually appears to die

Somehow, Harry discovers he can 'unlock' the true power within others

Somehow, Harry discovers he can bind/drain/manipulate/feed on the magic in others

The Ministry try to send Harry to Azkaban, but he uses his breakout as a demonstration of his new power

Harry uses Tom/the Death Eaters as examples/guinea pigs for his newfound powers

Harry uses the Dursleys as guinea pigs for his newfound powers

Forbidden: Weak Harry

Harry NOT have a hidden cache of magic inside of him

The cache's magic destroying Harry

Harry turning away from the power given to him, no matter what ANYONE says

Harry needing a wand to use his magic

Harry being subservient to anyone

Other than that, it's up to you…

Author's Note: So, if the title and the summary don't tell you what sort of story this is, then something tells me you might not enjoy this adventure. Anyway, let the chaos begin, darkness reign and damnation ride out.

Oh, and as always, if you don't like it, don't read it.

Dedication: I'd like to dedicate this story to everyone who enjoys stories such as these: my recommended reads are Harry's Madness by SilverLocke980, Rise of the Dark Angel by mykkila09, Harry Potter and the Grim Heritage by shinobikarasu, Harry Potter and the Shadow of the Demon by ArlyssTolero, Harry Potter and the Power of Revenge by God of Death and Disease, Damaged Raven and Dark Lord Potter by JustBored21, Dark Prince Rises by Ronin2106, Dark Rage by YamiPaladinofChaos, Rise of the Wizards and Be Careful What You Wish For by Teufel1987, Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Wizards by Corwalch and Harry Potter and the Forces of Darkness by Judge 99

Key Pairing: Evil Harry/Luna; Evil Neville/Ginny;

Other Pairings: To be determined

Normal Speech


'Mental Speech'


Chapter 1: Harry Potter's Force Unleashed

"Avada Kedavra!"

Even before he'd heard it in the Ministry of Magic, going up against the best of the best – or should that be the worst of the worst – of Tom Riddle's forces, Harry had already decided he'd had more than enough of the Killing Curse; and who could blame him?

After witnessing it – sort of – when his Mother had sacrificed her own life for him and then to watch it being used to rob Cedric Diggory of his life before he'd just managed to avoid meeting the same fate through sheer coincidence and chance – or perhaps it had been his age-old fall-back of sheer dumb luck, as McGonagall had once put it – Harry had decided he'd had more than enough of the Killing Curse for one lifetime.

Then, one year after seeing it kill his friend, Harry watched as the curse was used to execute his family…again.

And, unlike all those previous times, on this particular occasion, all hell broke loose…


Black, Dark

Sirius' smiling face.

That was the only thing that seemed to be forever etched onto the backs of Harry's retinas as he watched his godfather fade from view, leaving him deaf, dumb and practically blind to the rest of the world around him. His heart froze in his chest while every vessel of blood in his body seemed to turn to pure diamond, edged by some dark, unholy taint that seemed to creep over the crystal, like iced-frost creeping over glass as Harry stared at the Veil, almost as though he was silently-willing Sirius to come back and hold him, telling him everything was going to be okay.

But that wasn't what happened.

In fact, nothing happened.

The war waged on around him, the Death Eaters laughed and crowed at what was going on and, at the very edge of his hearing, Harry thought he heard someone screaming his name. He also thought he heard a crash of rock on flesh, or perhaps something else breaking, but, other than that, he was dead to the world.

At least, on the outside, he was.

Black, Dark

On the inside, however, something was happening.

Something that, had anyone else known of such things, could have been summed up in four words to describe what it was that was being roused inside of Harry James Potter.





Black, Dark

Inside of Harry, while time and reality seemed to freeze on the outside, leaving him alone in the darkness, a dark surge of ancient, powerful magic was stirring, taking on the form of a bestial snarl that reached out through the caged bars of Harry's mind as it sought the boy whom it had been born inside of.

As it wove its way through him, this dark force found other sources of magic, each of which seemed to make up what could have been described as a layer of the young soul's magical power.

First, it found what seemed to be the most-recent layer, which took on the form of something that could have been described as a scorpion, with a sword-like stinger that proceeded to stab, rape and, generally, dismember the mind of the young soul. And, with every poisonous barb driven into the mind of The Vessel, another spark died out, only to be replaced by what could have been described as a chain that sought to bind and weaken The Vessel.

However, unlike what The Vessel had done, the dark-force refused to let it win.

As it found the scorpion driving another point through The Vessel's mind, the dark-force took on a large, fierce-looking serpentine shape, with huge black wings, fangs, claws and flames a-plenty, complete with emerald-green eyes ringed with red-and-black that surrounded a gold, slit pupil. In its new, or perhaps its true form, the dark-force dived down as it pounced upon the scorpion.

Seconds later, the dark-force's head rose upwards while its throat bulged as it swallowed the scorpion whole, belching out flames that lit up its nest, which also sent out shockwaves of otherworldly power that started to rebuild, undo and overpower the damage done by the scorpion to The Vessel.

After devouring the scorpion, the dark-force smiled toothily as it found the taste orgasmically-delicious!

And, even better, there were more taints, each one seemingly floating about endlessly within the dark-force's nest, each one either hiding a form of strength that would benefit The Vessel or, like the scorpion, try to weaken him.

Fanning its wings, the sleeping dragon tickled that was the dark-force's true form awoken pounced upon each of these taints, devouring them one-by-one, each one also sending shockwaves and more magical power coursing through The Vessel as the dark-dragon-force feasted like a King.

A bloody feather.

A black shadow that seemed to hold onto a cache of lights like starlight inside of it.

A dark, twisted taint like a twin-headed serpent oozing black blood, or perhaps venomous blood.

A golden feather that turned jet-black even before the dark-force consumed it.

A burst of flame that seemed to attempt to take on the same form as the dark-force before it too was sent into the belly of the beast.

More black shadows, which tried to destroy the dark-force, but, by this time, the dark-force had grown in size and form, flooding The Vessel with more power that only grew again when it sucked up the black shadows like milkshake through a straw.

A golden hourglass that was crunched up by the dark-force, painting sparkles and otherworldly energy all over The Vessel's subconscious.

A black wolf-shadow that tried to infect the dark-force with its madness, only to be flicked up into the air like the fox eating the gingerbread man, before it too was assimilated by the dark-force.

A dark surge of what could only be described as Wrath made physical, which actually smiled at the dark-force before it nodded, allowing the dark-force to eat it and add it to the power that continued to swarm through The Vessel.

A giant serpent that was now equal to the dark-force in size…and yet, the dark-force swallowed it up like it was slurping up spaghetti.

A bird of fire and shadow, which aimed to send the dark-force back into the unknown, only to be chomped up and gulped down by the dark-force.

A strangely-formed creature, who bowed to the dark-force before, like the Wrath-force, this small creature submitted to the dark-force's hunger.

A mass of wood, which seemed to attempt to skewer the dark-force, only to have its limbs bitten off and crunched up like candy sticks.

A new, stronger dark mass, which howled and wailed like a ghost, before it too was swallowed up by the dark-force, who was now on an unstoppable rampage of hunger and growth as it continued feasting on the last few taints.

A blood-red orb.

A dog-like beast, who snarled when it sensed the dark-force before, seeing the alpha before it, the dog submitted gladly.

A black equine beast with a broken horn.

And then, finally, at the heart of the nest of the dark-force, it found the largest, tastiest taint of them all.

A black shadow, tinged with green and thrashing, just like the dark-force, as it tried to overwhelm The Vessel, aiming to claim control and grow as strong as the dark-force had become, if not stronger-still.

And yet, when the dark-force saw this new, final taint, it simply opened its mouth and barbecued this final taint, turning the shadow into black fire, which the dark-force inhaled gladly, growing ever-larger and more-powerful before, lifting one of its giant claws, the dark-force smiled victoriously as it looked around its nest.

All taints were removed.

And as for The Vessel…

He'd never felt stronger.

"Give them hell, sweetie…"

Then, the dark-force drove its claws through its heart…

Black, Dark


That was the first thing the rest of the fighters in the Veil Room were aware of when they saw and felt what could only be described as a rippling shockwave of raw magical force pass over them, like driving rain or an insanely-powerful hurricane mixed with a top-level earthquake.

After the shockwave, there came the Light: a deep, intensely-potent emerald-green glow that drew everyone's attention to the plateau where the Veil stood. When both Order and Death Eater forces looked, however, the only thing they saw was the still, eerily-calm and dead-eyed form of Harry James Potter emitting this radiant glow like a celestial force made flesh.

Every part of him seemed to emit this glow, covering his body like a second veil of magical energy that, as each and every one of them watched, none of the witches or wizards in attendance could bring themselves to try and explain. As for the younger members of the battle, namely the key members of Dumbledore's Army, they could only stare in awe, alarm and even confused horror as they saw the Avada-Kedavra-emerald-green energy enveloping the Commander-in-Chief of their group slithering outwards, like snakes, across the floor.

While Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger backed away in fear and pain, however, they were more than a little alarmed, if not horrified, to see Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood quite literally walk towards the light.

All three of them were like zombies, their expressions relaxed and calm while their movements were slow, sluggish and yet determined; each one of the teenagers also seemed to let the snakes weaving their way out of Harry's body touch them, slithering up their bodies until, one by one, the snakes slithered into the mouths of the three teenagers.

What happened after that, nobody knew or could tell while, to Ron's relief and Hermione's alarm, the remaining snakes didn't go for them, but, instead, they seemed to pick up the speed of their slithering motions as they phased through the walls and left the Chamber.

"What the bloody hell…" began Ron, looking back to his best mate, as well as his sister and the other members of their group.

When he did so, however, his eyes widened in horrified alarm when he saw Ginny, Neville and Luna on their knees, like the Death Eaters before Voldemort, in front of Harry James Potter, who, now Ron and the others could see him, they all noticed he looked nothing like Harry.

At least, not the one they knew…

This Harry James Potter seemed to have gotten several inches taller, while his body's physique was much leaner and his head was topped by a head of untameable hair that had a wild, shaggy-dog style to his raven-black hair that could have been described as James Potter and Sirius Black put together while, to look at him, you would never believe he'd suffered hardships, be it at Hogwarts or at home with the Muggles.

His clothes also seemed to have transformed, taking on a darker, more-badass-looking ensemble that was completed with a long, black leather coat that had sharp-looking edges at his shoulders and a pale, AK-green trim similar to the one on the Hogwarts robes.

Then, everyone saw Harry's eyes and, when they did so, they trembled in fear and alarm – even the usually-fearless Death Eaters, not to mention the werewolf, Remus Lupin, and the usually-immovable object that was Alastor Moody's diamond-hard will – when they saw two black eyes that had a ring of fire in the centre of the black sclera, which was the same colour as the Killing Curse and then some.

As for the strange veil of energy that had enveloped him, it was now little more than a faint aura that seemed to cast long shadows over the Veil, making Harry look like something that was a lot of things, but it definitely wasn't Harry.

At least, not the one they knew.

"Ha…Ha…Harry?" asked Remus, a note of fear in his voice as he watched Harry's eyes scan his surroundings with those new eyes of his.

"Where is Bellatrix?"

There wasn't a still body in the room: everyone shivered with ominous fear and dread when they heard a colder-than-cold, mystically-fuelled tone of voice leave Harry's lips as he surveyed the Veil Room.

"Harry, it's too late!" gasped Remus, moving towards Harry as he told him, "There's nothing you can do; it's too…"

"Petrificus Totalus."

To the alarm of the adults, as well as Ron and Hermione, Harry didn't even draw a wand as he commanded his spell, which had the desired effect on Remus; namely petrifying him and leaving him to fall backwards like a redwood, landing with an audible crack on the rocky floor below, even as Harry looked up from the downed werewolf.

"Now, where is Bellatrix?"

"Fuck you, Potter!" snapped Rodolphus Lestrange, aiming his own wand at Harry as he snarled, "You think you can threaten my wife? Well, see how you feel after this, you insignificant…"


The scream of terror that escaped Hermione Granger pretty much summed up everyone else's reactions when Harry's second choice of spell caused Rodolphus to explode, literally, showering the rocks, the plateau, the walls and even those closest to the Death Eater in blood, gore, gristle and whatever else was left of the Death Eater.

"Now, where is Bellatrix Black?"

"Avada Kedavra!"

This time, it was the green flash of the Killing Curse that flew towards Harry, from Rabastan Lestrange, but when the curse reached Harry, the young sorcerer just shook his head before he waved his hand like he was swatting a fly. To the horror of the remaining Death Eaters, the curse flew back to Rabastan, who barely had a chance to flee before he too was struck down, his eyes wide and glassy while his life was officially done.

"Where…is…Bellatrix…BLACK?" Hissed Harry, his voice growing steadily-colder and darker as he told them, "Believe me, I am perfectly willing to see you all fall to get my answers: now someone tell me where she has gone, or else…"

"She has fled, my Lord."

Harry's new green eyes snapped down to Luna, while even the Order were alarmed to hear the girl submit to Harry, again, like the Death Eaters might submit to Voldemort, as she addressed him with respect, homage and even faithful loyalty in her words.

"She's heading for the Floo Gates in the Atrium: you have…maybe five minutes to catch up to her."

"Thank you, Luna-girl," said Harry, smiling softly before he looked to the other students kneeling before him as he asked, "Neville, will you join me?"

"Don't do it, Neville!" cried Hermione, but before she could finish, she saw those green eyes aim at her next.

"Don't interfere, you stupid girl!" growled Harry, looking from Hermione to Neville as he asked, "Well, Neville? As you heard, we don't have time."

"Lead on, my Lord."

Just like Luna, Neville's submission to Harry's leadership was one hundred percent willing, but also surprising, even as the boy took Ginny's hand as he looked up to Harry before he asked, "Can we all come with you? I want our friends to see this."

"Then we should be going," said Harry, extending his hands to Luna and Ginny, while the blonde took Neville's hand in hers and Ginny held his other one.

"Harry, wait; you can't…"

Before Tonks could finish her statement, however, she gasped, as did everyone else, when they saw Harry and his small entourage disappear in a blazing veil of green fire-and-lightning, leaving no traces of the transformed teenager as he disappeared along with those who might as well be his most-faithful companions.

With his disappearance, Remus was freed from his spell, which caused the wolf to leap to his feet as he cried, "Where's Harry? What did he do? We have to hurry: if he…if he kills…"

"He won't care," replied Lucius, though, when Remus looked to the blonde for an explanation, the only thing he saw was the black trail of the Death Eater departing, taking the few sole survivors with him and leaving the Order, as well as Ron and Hermione, holding their wands.

Though only momentarily, before Remus rounded on Alastor and Tonks as he commanded, "Come on, we have to stop Harry before it's too late."

To Ron and Hermione's surprise, the only one who followed the wolf's demand was Moody, while Tonks stayed where she was, looking from where Remus and Moody had vanished to the spot where she'd watched her cousin, as well as the only boy he could have ever called his son, do their battle and go through everything that had led up to this moment.

And when she looked at the Veil, and the scorch mark on the spot where Harry had vanished, Tonks' hair seemingly-unintentionally blackened while her voice took on a grave tone as she shook her head slowly.

"Why do I get the feeling it already is too late?"

Oh crap-balls and nine circles of damn: Harry's rage, darkness and even his grief have given life to something…someone much different than the boy we know and love, but can Remus and co stop him from jumping off the edge?

Also, having seen what he did to Remus and the Lestrange Brothers, what will he do to Bellatrix when he catches up with her?

Keep Reading to Find Out

Next Chapter: After fifteen years, Harry and Neville get some measure of revenge as they send a message to the ones who think they're going to just go back and be nice, happy, rule-obeying kiddie students again;

Please Read and Review