Title: In The Family Way

Author: Valleygirl

Rate: Teen

Summary: What if when Dean got to Bobby's after digging himself out of his grave there was another hunter staying with Bobby.

Chapter 1

Dean spit out the holy water Bobby tossed in his face. He had made his way to Bobby's after her pulled himself up from the grave he woke up in. He looked up when he heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Bobby, is everything okay?" he heard a female voice said, a female voice he knew too well.

He looked up when she walked into the room and couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face and said in a gravelly voice, "hello Sweetheart."

Jo looked up into the face of a ghost, it had to be a ghost. Dean Winchester was dead, he had died a little over four months ago. He had died and was dragged to Hell. He had known he was going to Hell and he hadn't even called her to say, 'It was nice knowing you Jo.' before it happened.

He certainly wouldn't be standing in front of her in Bobby's living room giving her that sexy little smile of his and cooing 'hello sweetheart' to her. So, Jo did the only logically thing she could do right then, she fainted dead away.

Dean rushed forward and caught the blonde before she hit the floor. Scooping her into his arms he laid her down on the couch that Bobby was clearing off. "Do I look that bad?" He said in an attempt at humor.

"Shut it idjet. She's had a shock and in her condition it's no wonder she fainted." Bobby snapped.

"Her condition?" Dean said and he finally really looked at Jo and his mouth fell opened when he realized that her stomach had a roundness to it, a certain roundness that could only mean one thing. "Son of a bitch!" He hissed as he looked down at a pregnant Joanna Beth Harvelle.

Grabbing Bobby's arm, he pulled the older hunter into the other room. "I don't see a ring on her finger. Is the bastard in the picture or do I need to kick somebody's ass?"

"Look that isn't my story to tell, you want to know you ask her." Bobby snapped.

Dean looked over at the woman in questioned and sighed. "First thing first, we need to find Sam."

Forty-five minutes later Dean had a lead on Sammy and was trying to reason with an extremely angry Jo. Once Bobby had convinced her that it really was Dean, she had turned hard eyes on the resurrected hunter and hissed, "Could my life be anymore screwed up!" Before storming out of the room to go upstairs and grab her things.

"Dammit Jo, you're not leaving. Bobby and I are going to collect Sammy, find out what kinda of deal he made and then come back here where you and I are going to have a very long overdue talk!" He shouted.

"Screw you Dean, you're not the boss of me!" She snapped as she started throwing her things into her duffel bag.

"I'm not but I know who is." He said as grabbed Jo's phone off the bed and ran out of the room and locked himself into the bathroom while Jo chased after him.

"Give me back my phone!"

"Nope." Came back a muffled voice from behind the bathroom door. Jo stared at the door in horror when she heard Dean begin talking. "Ellen, it's Dean Winchester. Yes mam, no mam. It's good to hear your voice too mam. Long story short I'm back, still trying to figure how and when I got to Bobby's, I saw your daughter and the little bun in her oven. Anyway, she's a bit hormonal and threatening to leave while Bobby and I go to bring Sammy back here to figure this all out. She says I'm not the boss of her and that she isn't going to stay here if Sammy and I are here. Nope, she shouldn't. She fainted earlier and needs to stay put. Bobby also said he didn't think she was eating enough either. Yes mam. Yes mam. Hold on a second Ellen."

Dean opened the bathroom door to find Jo staring at him with those big brown eyes. "Your Mom wants to talk to you." He said with a smirk as he handed the phone to her as he went towards the bedroom to unpack her things. Stopping he turned and spun Jo around, leaning forward he capture her mouth in a searing kiss that had them both breathing a little heavy when he pulled away. "Now that's a proper hello Sweetheart." He purred as he kissed her forehead before leaving the young woman to speak to her mother.

Dean had just made it back downstairs when he heard the screeching from up above. "You put him in charge of me! Mom have you lost your mind, I can't stay here with them and I'm certainly not going to listen to that ass." Dean smirked as he imagined the other end of the conversation and grinned when he heard her scream. "You gave him permission to do what if he thinks I need it! Mom I'm not a child and I'm not going to submit to Dean Winchester!"

"Oh boy, Ellen must really be worried about that girl if she gave you that much control over her." Bobby said a shake of his head.

"Please don't cry Mom. Of course, I want the baby Mama," Jo's soft voice floated down from up above. The anger was quickly replaced with sadness and Dean almost went up when he heard the expectant mother crying. "I know you love me and want me to be careful. I love you too Mama. Please don't worry, I'll stay put. Just promise me you'll be really careful on this hunt and come see me soon." He heard her sniffle and murmured. "I miss you too and I'll listen to him if you really need me to."

The conversation ended with the women saying their 'I love yous' again. He looked up as Jo came done the stairs, wiping her eyes. Bobby chanced a glance between them and cleared his throat. "I'll be in the car. Jo you know where everything is. You take good care of yourself and that little one inside you."

"Be careful Bobby," she said she as gave the older man a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he headed towards the door.

Dean went over and pulled Jo into a tight hug. "I'm sorry but it was the only way I knew to get you to stay put."

Sniffling Jo pushed away and shook her head. "Why are you doing this? Why do you Winchesters feel it's your entitled right to mess with my life?" She snapped.

"Well excuse me for caring." He hissed.

"Yeah right, like you care about me. All you care about is being in control, nothing more."


"Really," she taunted. "Tell me Dean, where was all this caring after Duluth, hmmm? Oh, and I definitely felt how much you cared about me when you called to say goodbye before you became a chew toy for a Hell Hound and went to pit!"

Dean swallowed the lump in his throat as he tried to think of the best way to make her understand how he could never say goodbye to her. How could he explain that he had kept tabs on her and knew the woman she had become? A woman he wanted to know not only intimately because Jo Harvelle had starred in several his wet dreams but also a woman he wanted to be with in every other sense of the word. To talk with, to laugh with and heaven help him cry with because he knew Jo could be that woman.

She understood him in ways no other woman ever could or would understand him and his life. He also felt he understood her too. Understood about losing a parent at a young age. The guilt and ache to make that parent proud, to hold onto those memories and make the most of them.

Of being left with an overbearing parent, granted they were overbearing in different ways. John Winchester stopped being a Dad and became a drill sergeant, raising his boys to be soldiers.

Ellen Harvelle went in the opposite direction and tried to force Jo to be a normal little girl and keep hunting as far away as possible from her daughter. It was almost comical how Jo rebelled by wanting into hunting to honor her dad and Sam had rebelled and went to college to have that normal life.

He knew that Jo was just as broken as he was in so many ways and together, they worked. How could he explain to her that he realized too late that she was the one and that he didn't have the courage to go to her in the end because he couldn't say goodbye to her. She was his hope and it was the last thing he had going for him to get through to the end.

But Jo took his silence as an admission of his guilt and continued her rant. "God and the truly sad thing is that I actually mourned you. This," she said looking down at her baby bump, "was made after getting plastered at some sleazy trucker bar after I got off the phone with Bobby. It's gonna be a great story I get to tell my baby, 'well honey, see Mommy can't tell you who your Daddy is because she never got his name. He kinda reminded her of a guy she had just heard had been killed and figured fucking this sad wannabe in a dirty bathroom stall would help since she never got to say goodbye to the other guy." She mocked in a voice you would use if you were reading a fairy tale to a child.

Dean looked at her in shock, he knew there must have been a story behind her pregnancy based on the way Bobby told him if he wanted to know then he needed to ask her himself. He didn't know what he had expected but he hadn't expected what she had just told him.

He knew she wasn't a blushing virgin but she wasn't a one night stand type of woman either and to think she let some guy take her like that after a night of drinking after hearing about his death actually hurt him more than he cared to admit.

"Just go, find Sam. That's truly the only person you ever give a damn about anyways. Don't 'worry' about me... I'll behave and be a good little girl." She said as she turned and started out of the room.

Dean grabbed her arm. "Jo, I'm sorry." He told her honestly.

Snorting she nodded her head. "The only thing you're sorry about is that somebody is calling you on your crap. Just go already."

"Fine," he said sadly. "I'll call later tonight to check in on you." He told her, turning his back on her and heading out to join Bobby.

"Of course, you will," she mumbled to herself.