hiya guys, this is my first fan-fiction I've published so please, any criticism is welcome.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Companions Quartet or any of its characters. All credits go to Julia Golding.

It was five months since her battle with Kullervo and here she was. She was going to tell them. All of them.

How can I do this? Connie asked herself as she gazed out at all of their expectant faces, a sea of her closest friends, family and companions.

Why, oh why did she have to call the meeting together. Why, oh why did she have to be so stupid? She couldn't do it. She tried, she really did but every time she thought about what she was going to say her tongue froze up and her lips locked shut, refusing to obey.

She said it. She told them. She told them what had happened at the refinery. What had really happened to Kullervo. What she had become.

The whole barn was silent. She swore she could hear the mice scampering across the rough dirt floor. Then it came. A barrage of questions and accusations and Col staring at her with shock then revulsion and turning his back on her to leave the barn.

It was then that she woke up. Limbs flailing wildly, she thrashed out of the covers. It hadn't been real. None of it had been real. It scared her anyway though because she was going to have to tell them. But the longer she waited the harder it became. It had taken them so long to get used to her powers as a universal. How would they react when they realised that she was now even further outside the scope of their understanding.

She had to tell somebody, not everybody but just someone who might understand her.

Col. She thought immediately. Who else? He had been her friend and ally through thick and thin ever since she'd met him.

So, it was settled. She was gong to tell Col. She was going to tell Col she was Kullervo.