Chapter 11 - To Swoon a future Dragoon

"I thought that your goal was to achieve Doctor class, Miss Heilbrunn." the young teacher adjusted his glasses, a slight confusion visible on his face. "Oh, I am, Mr. Okumura. I mean, I have been studying medicine, so it would make a perfect sense to pursue the same specialization here." the blonde confirmed, nodding her head. "I meant it as additional mastery. Kind of like, well, you." Yukio arched his eyebrows in surprise. "And what is the reason behind this sudden request?" "It's just that I think it is important that I can not only heal, but also protect myself during a fight." "Do you not trust your teammates to protect you, then?" Yukio inquired further, trying to determine his student's motivations. Thea's eyes widened at that remark. "No, that is not at all what I meant. I do trust them to protect me and I can also take care of myself, but only to a certain extent. What I need is more flexibility. The last encounter in the hospital taught me that the reality can be... a lot different than the ideal theoretical situation - how Doctors stay far behind the front lines, protected and safe to do their job." the blonde cringed a little at that memory, unknowingly reaching for her left shoulder, which was now fully healed together with the rest of her injuries. She had used up all of her energy two days ago during the fight in the Tokyo University Hospital, meaning that her powers had taken longer to recover than usual. "To think that I only managed to fully heal that shoulder yesterday evening… Oh well, at least I had the chance to put those miraculous red pills in use. And I know now to keep some of my powers in reserve for emergencies." she thought and then continued, hoping to convince her teacher into allowing her to further her studies at the Academy.

"To be completely honest, I came to you, because I thought that if anyone could understand, it would be you - Meister Doctor and Meister Dragoon. I know that I am still very new at this, but in that short while, I found myself in too many dangerous situations with nothing but my healing powers. My teammates will not always be there, and I can only do so much to ward off the demons. Also, doctors are mostly needed on the end of a fight, not on its beginning or during an encounter. I… I just do not want to end up sitting around doing nothing. I want to be able to take initiative, too, should the situation require it. So, please, Mr. Okumura..." The young teacher exhaled, then stood up from behind his desk, folding his arms. "Well, to be completely honest…" he smiled, borrowing her phrase "...I would normally advise against it. Strongly. Visiting a set of classes of an additional mastery presents many challenges, not to mention the workload. However, 'very new' does not accurately describe neither your skills, nor your knowledge level in regard to demons, Miss Heilbrunn. It looks like you are an exception in quite many ways already." the teacher shook his head, remembering the first time he had met Thea - he could have sworn she had been a full-fledged Doctor. "Also, I think you are one of the students capable enough to pull this off. If you work hard enough, of course."

Thea's eyes sparked with anticipation and excitement, and she bowed quickly. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Okumura! I won't let you down." "And I will make sure to support you and offer my best guidance." he said encouragingly. "Now, why would you choose Dragoon? There are other classes, after all." Nodding, the blonde started counting out. "Well, Tamer is out of question I think since I have still not managed to summon a single familiar. I believe it is a matter of talent, a rare talent, which I do not possess. I don't think I could go for a Knight, either - I am quite good at sports, but I lack the body strength and agility necessary for martial arts. At first, I was seriously considering Aria, because I can memorize tons of information, but memorizing stuff and understanding it is not the same as reciting it word for word, not to mention in combat. During the fight in the hospital, I only used a few most basic incantations and well… I am a little ashamed to admit this, but it never even occurred to me to search for the Fatal Verse. For a while there, I was considering that binding circle you had taught us a few weeks ago, but I couldn't see myself actually casting it in all that rush, my instincts were telling me to move, to do something more… 'active'. Maybe it is about practice or about the right mindset, but I just cannot concentrate enough to recite the incantations and spells while in combat. I need something fast, precise and instant." she finished with an audible exhale.

"I am glad to hear that you have already given this a lot of thought, Miss Heilbrunn." Yukio scratched his chin, nodding in approval. "Yes, that would leave us with the Dragoon-option..." The teacher considered, eying the blonde apprehensively. "Very well, let me check with my colleagues. I will come back to you as soon as everything's been arranged." he could already see the blonde's expression brighten at the notion. "Thank you, Mr. Okumura! This truly means a lot to me. Uhm, could you tell me how it is - being a Doctor and a Dragoon at the same time?" Thea asked curiously, looking at her unbelievably young and unbelievably capable teacher. He chuckled a little and patted the gun in the holster attached to his uniform in a familiar gesture. "Let's say it like this - it is shooting the enemy while being able to name every bone and muscle the bullet pierced. And patch it up together afterwards, should the situation call for it." his lips curled up.

"I see… so, you must also know how to shoot so that the injury will not be necessarily fatal, right? How does it even work with demons? Not all of them have human anatomy, after all… Oh, does it mean that you also learnt special demon anatomy? And how do you…" Yukio lifted his right hand in order to make his curious student stop from bombarding him with further questions. "Miss Heilbrunn, please. There will be enough time to answer all of your questions, but my lesson starts soon." "Oh, right! Sorry, I will be going now. Thank you again for your time, Mr. Okumura. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon." She tried to bottle up her excitement a little and act like a composed, calm adult she was, but her every step was so cheerful that she was looking almost as if she were flying.

"Oh, one more thing." the enthusiastic blonde paused at the door. "Do you know when Sir Pheles will return from his trip abroad?" Yukio frowned thoughtfully. It was not very common that people would willingly seek out their demon headmaster. And then, even he, one of the staff, was informed about Mephisto's sudden departure to the States only briefly - by a note left on a piece of paper written with a crayon of a ridiculously pink color… "Unfortunately, I do not know, Miss Heilbrunn. After all, our headmaster is a very busy man… He mentioned a couple of days, but he tends to be quite unpredictable, especially regarding time. Is there anything I should convey to him once he returns?" "Ah, not really, I'll just drop by some other time." she smiled and left the room.

"Well, maybe next time…" Thea sighed, scratching her head, a little puzzled about her own actions - why would she even ask about that annoying demon? "No. Stop thinking about him already. Seriously, what is wrong with you?" she mentally scolded herself for letting her thoughts wander to Mephisto again. She had truly believed that he would visit her in the hospital wing, just like the last time. "Oh, come on already, Thea! That was just that 'playful demon nature' of his - as he himself put it. He was just playing around… Why on Earth would he want to have anything to do with you?" the girl shook her head, feeling a pang of shame for even thinking that there could be something more behind his actions towards her. No, she would not think about him! After all, she really needed to focus on her thesis - after the Abyss had swallowed her laptop and with it the long months of tremendous work, she had to start writing the whole thing anew. "Tsk… imagine that - the first ones to read my thesis might actually be demons! How crazy is that?! Serves them well, though - the anesthesiology notes fell down as well, not to mention the notes on public healthcare systems. Those demons will only now learn what pure hell is." she smiled almost devilishly and made her way towards the dorms.


"Or maybe the blue dress instead of the tank top and rock? Hm? Thea, are you listening?" Ayami frowned at her absent-minded roommate. "Oh, uhm… I don't really know, Ayami. Where did you say you two were planning to go?" Thea scratched her head nervously and put on one of her most sheepish looks - she really wasn't paying her friend any attention. "Sheesh, Thea, you are so distracted today… We are going to the movies - which was your idea, by the way." "Ah, right. Movies. Well, both outfits are just fine. Maybe the dress? Because it… uhm… it matches your eyes?" the blonde shrugged, completely oblivious to the current fashion trends. "Right… Ah, why do I even bother asking you about anything related to clothes? I bet you would be thousand times more enthusiastic if I was asking you about cookies." Ayami frowned, shaking her head disapprovingly. "Huh? Did you say cookies?" Thea suddenly perked up and giggled. "You are hopeless…" "Oh, come on, Ayami. I was just teasing you. Listen, I am totally happy that you and Toshiro are finally together. I will gladly suggest date ideas or give you some space when you two want to be alone. Why, I even give you tips on the best cookies to share together, but I honestly have no idea about what is fashionable or not right now. Not that I don't have any fashion sense, but seriously now, I can't name half of the things in your closet..." she pointed at the huge wardrobe which occupied a large portion of Ayami's room.

Ayami smiled at that comment and picked the blue dress with a satisfied nod. "Well, I can't argue with that." she smirked and began putting it on, never leaving her eyes from the tall mirror in the corner of the room. "The movie was a good idea, though. Thanks. Speaking of date ideas, I would have one. How about you come with us?" "Nah, thank you. I've got better things to do than tag along as a third wheel and spoil your lowy-dowy date." the blonde pointed to her laptop - she was set to find an activity to fully occupy her mind, which was not that difficult of a task considering her studies. Restoring the contents of her lost thesis was certainly a good starting point. "And this time, I will make sure to save it to the cloud, too. USB backup is a great thing, unless you happen to keep it in the same bag as the laptop..."

"That's not what I meant, silly. I meant a double-date, of course. Why don't you and that 'gentleman' of yours join us?" the raven-haired girl said encouragingly, fetching some accessories to go with the dress from her desk, only to be interrupted by a loud noise. "What in the… Thea, are you OK?" Her friend was pushing herself from the ground and setting the chair back on its legs, mumbling something about 'annoying man'? "I am fine, I am fine. I shouldn't have rocked on that chair… Anyways, I am not calling him to a double-date." "Why not?" Thea just gaped at that blunt suggestion. "Well, first of all, you need to be dating someone to go to a double date. And second, he's abroad at the moment, so even if I wanted to, he couldn't come, and I don't really know when he returns or if he would like to come and… and that pretty much covers it." the blonde muttered in a strangely solemn voice.

"OMG, Thea, I knew it! You've got a thing for that guy! So, there really is something going on between you two! You have to tell me..." Ayami started chirping and fawning all over while Thea just stood with her mouth open, completely confused. "Which of the words I just said gave you the impression that there is anything between us?" "That's easy. You know his whereabouts, which means you pay attention to him. Also, this is the first time I heard you even consider going out with him. And last but not least, I finally know why you have been so sulky and grumpy today." "Whoa there, I am not grumpy or anything…" Thea waved her hands defensively in front of her, trying to dismiss that notion. "Oh, you are. You haven't even touched your cocoa yet - and you always drink your cocoa. You know what I think? He's somewhere far away and you miss him, so you are sulking. And you miss him because you actually like him!" Ayami crossed her hands to give her words more weight, casting her friend meaningful glances.

Thea's eyes widened in surprise and her breath caught in her throat. "I… miss him? Like him? That's just… impossible… right?" Her head was suddenly filled with so many thoughts of Mephisto, her heart overflowing with confusingly contrasting yet complementing emotions - all mixing together into one absolutely crazy, overwhelming realization. "I... I do?" the blonde said aloud without even noticing, her cheeks slightly flushed. "Oh God…" Thea started panicking, beginning to fully understand the implications, only to be interrupted by her cheerful roommate. "Pfff… Thea, for someone so smart, you can be really dense, you know it? Hopeless. Just hopeless." Ayami burst out to laughter, holding her stomach. "You should see your face - priceless! But seriously, girl, go for it! It's been about time you found someone decent."

"No, Ayami, you don't understand… That's just crazy. I couldn't possibly…" the blonde stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Oh please, why not? He is obviously interested in you." "More like interested in fooling around I am afraid…" Thea argued back, shaking her head. "I don't think so - he wouldn't have called and checked on you in the hospital if he only wanted to fool around. That's just too much unnecessary trouble. And he wouldn't have recommended that beetroot juice or ask about your favorite swe…" Ayami couldn't even finish the counting as Thea's perplexed voice cut in. "Wait a moment - he was the one behind that crazy idea with beetroot?!" "Well, yeah. But he meant well, and he changed it to the blueberry flavor, because he said you liked that one better, so…" A wave of embarrassment washed over Thea as she remembered the reason for why exactly she loved the blueberry version so much more, but she demanded further. "When did you even talk about all of this? How come you guys are so much in touch? Not even I have his phone number, so how come you seem to chat and…" another burst of laughter followed, before Thea could finish her sentence.

"Pfff… you finally asked. Ah, that's between him and me really. But no need to be jealous - he only calls because of you. Here, I will send you his phone number - use it wisely." Ayami winked mischievously and Thea couldn't help but notice a very strange resemblance between her friend in 'dating mode' and Mephisto 'the schemer'. She felt as if those two really did gang up on her. "Wait a minute, Mephisto is the scheming one, right? Not Ayami. She only tends to get quite overboard with everything that concerns dating, why would she try so hard to bring exactly the two of us together? I mean, she always tries to find me a boyfriend, but she is so serious about this. That just seems so…" the blonde acted without a second thought - she stood up and grabbed her friend at her shoulders, looking her deep in the eyes, searching for any signs of a spell or demonic possession. She would feel Mephisto's magic, right?

"Ehm, Thea? What's the matter?" came a nervous question from her shocked roommate. Thea couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary, neither a speck of demonic powers, nor the strangely clouded mind which came with manipulative spells placed on an individual. Ayami seemed to be just fine, if she did not count the slightly low blood pressure, that is. "Ah, sorry, I just wanted to thank you for looking out for me." the blonde said nervously, feigning that she intended to give her a hug from the start. "Jesus, why am I so paranoid? Is it really all so unbelievable? To think that Ayami was under some spell… Or maybe... Is it me who is under a spell? No, he wouldn't dare… or would he? Aaargh, I am going nuts… Annoying demon!"

"Aaaw, Thea, that's what friends are for, right?" Assuming a cheerful attitude once again, Ayami disregarded the strange reaction and was already completely immersed in thoughts about Toshiro and their date. "But I really have to go now, I do not want to miss my date. Don't expect me today, I am staying at Toshiro's flat, but we can definitely chat tomorrow. Who knows, maybe this is good for you and you will have some time to think things through." the raven-haired girl smiled and left Thea to face the crazy battle which was raging inside her head. "I can't like him! - Sure you can. He's interesting, cunning, handsome, powerful, even funny, not to mention with excellent taste when it comes to sweets. Need I go on? - He's a demon! - But you promised yourself to give them a chance. - Yes, to give them a chance, to get to know them, not to date them or… or… - Well, then you might just get to know him very close… - Are you crazy? That's insane! - Maybe… But you are too curious to let this go, right? - Yeah, my assumption is now confirmed. Talking with myself in my head… I am going nuts...!"


"Honestly, when will those fools learn? Assiah is mine to rule." the Lord of Time shook his head, but then disregarded the notion quickly, silently wondering why he would ever expect his kin to act any different. He had been putting off that unpleasant task long enough, and the time had finally come to remind Mammon about the importance of subtlety - thus his seemingly sudden trip to the US. "Thea was right, that 'greedy bastard' was becoming too obvious, indeed." he smirked, remembering the well-fitting nickname Thea had come up with when she had first mentioned the western 'evangelist'. Well, if the Duke wanted the permission to stay in Assiah extended, he would need to play by Mephisto's rules. Oh, Mammon was still free to continue to play a spiritual leader - after all, humans had every right to choose what they believed and Mephisto would surely not take that decision away from them, if only for the pure thrill of irony when they chose a demon to show them the path to salvation.

However, any demons the Lord of Time allowed to stay in Assiah were obliged to obey a set of simple rules, one of which was to avoid suspicion and attention - a feat that inevitably became too difficult to accomplish for someone as big headed and greedy as, well, the Duke of Greed. "Still, at least Mammon has enough wits to actually abide by my terms…" a vicious grin crept upon Mephisto's face at the memory of that one minute he had spent teaching Abaddon a lesson in obedience. Hopefully, the Duke of Abyss would learn from the little sample of torture which would wait for him, should he overstep the boundaries once again. "Well, for now, his only order is not to step a foot in Assiah until further notice. Let us see how he fares, then…"

All in all, it took the demon five long days abroad to deal with most of his troublesome fellow kin, but at last, his job was done, and he could finally move on to the next one at hand. Mephisto shifted through time and space, leaving the US for the more familiar environment of Europe. The Vatican, currently the only center of organized exorcism activities on the whole continent, was his next meeting point. A displeased snort was all the acknowledgement this place would get from him. After all, this was the very residence of the Grigori - the group of Watchers representing the holy side of the endless power struggle between good and evil. Or, the group whose ultimate goal seemed to be making Mephisto's life miserable and his efforts wasteful. Not that the lot has ever come any near to succeeding, of course. "They are growing inpatient, though." Mephisto thought, fully aware of how much they pushed to speed up Rin's exorcism training. "Well, with the threat of another Gehenna gate opening, it is not that surprising…" he concluded. His wager with the Grigori had been simple, really - they had graciously spared Rin's life, so that he could be trained; and had been waiting ever since for the time to show whether the Son of Satan turns out to become the Demon King of Gehenna or The Savior of Assiah.

Mephisto's musings were interrupted, as a familiar figure stepped out from one of the richly ornamented, historical buildings. The middle-aged nondescript man with neatly combed hair walked through the plaza, his appearance so average that none of the passerby would have spared him a second glance, had he not been wearing a black cassock. And so, instead of ignoring the man, the people strolling through the square stopped by to nod respectfully, receiving a charming smile and a blessing in return. The Lord of Time rolled his eyes, but smirked, straightening his own soutane - Gin sure had the most intriguing ideas for hiding in plain sight. "Samael." the man nodded to the demon politely. "What an… unusual place to meet, Sire. Have you, by any chance, got inspired by Mammon and decided to take the path of a holy man, as well?" the man's lips bore a hint of smile, and Mephisto couldn't help but grin at that implication. "Although I do like the irony, I prefer the company of cute young students in well-fitting uniforms, rather than old men in soutanes." The demons shared an amused glance and fell into a slow, inconspicuous stroll through the streets, their black robes rustling around their feet. Mephisto had to admit that promenading right under Grigori's noses while also imposing as their very own staff had an amusing, irresistible feel to it.

Despite the casual, unrushed demeanor, however, there was urgency in Mephisto's words. The secret message he had received from Gin a few minutes ago had been surprisingly brief and cryptic, and what was more, it also called for a personal meeting, which was in strong contrast with his spies' usual mission reports. "Speaking of cute young students - I understand you bring news about one in particular?" Gin nodded with a strange mix of urgency and concern. "I came to warn you, Samael - the situation is more serious than I thought. You might need to keep a closer eye on Miss Heilbrunn." "Is she in danger?" his master asked with alert, his body tensing. "Not yet, I believe. As a matter of fact, it was never mentioned during my investigation that the girl is to be harmed or even approached. Quite the opposite actually, and that is what concerns me." "I see. They are waiting for the right time, then. Gathering intel perhaps?" Mephisto concluded instantly, his look becoming focused.

"Indeed. It seems that some demons of Abaddon's realm remained loyal to their master and were sent off to search the Abyss in order to locate something for him. It must be incredibly important, for the Riders themselves are employed in the searching groups instead of guarding Abaddon's territories. The whole action is running with great urgency, but also in utmost secrecy." the older demon trailed off and a most disappointed expression settled on his face. "I see, you don't know what they are searching for yet." Gin grimaced - his input was valuable, but he was not used to returning from his missions before securing full intel, before learning the whole story. However, his instincts had been telling him, yelling at him, to bring at least the scraps he had managed to overhear. "Actually, I was hoping you might be able to help me with that particular problem. The Riders… they seem to be avoiding even speaking about it. As if they were scared of what they might find. I still have no idea what that item of interest might be, but it is definitely somehow linked to Miss Heilbrunn. Is there anything that the young Miss might have lost in Gehenna during the last attack?"

Mephisto stroked his beard in thought. "The only thing that was lost during the attack was her rucksack which fell down the Abyss together with her laptop and some other personal possessions. I seriously doubt that there was anything of value to our race but see if you can locate it before the Raiders do. Here, this is how it looks." Gin frowned as his master pulled out his cell phone and showed him a picture of the blonde with a dark blue bag at her back - the photo had obviously been taken without her knowing. "Samael, with all due respect… it's a rucksack - it will most probably be the only such item in the whole Gehenna, so there is no need to share a description. Also, Miss Heilbrunn probably won't be too happy should she learn that you are stalking her." Mephisto made a face and something almost similar to a blush appeared on his cheeks - of course that must have been only Gin's imagination - then his lips curled into a particularly disturbing smile. "Then it will be for the best for everyone that she doesn't learn. Wouldn't you agree, Gin?" "I couldn't agree more, Sir." Gin smiled, amusement playing in his eyes.

"Ah, by the way, you were right. The word 'ardent' came up in a most interesting combination when I overheard one of the patrols. It seems that your charming lady is now referred to as 'The Ardent Exorcist'." Mephisto's expression brightened, despite the weight of the situation. "How very poetic. I find it almost hard to believe that it came from the minds of those brutes..." "I knew you would appreciate it. In any case, I should not delay and return back to my mission." the demon clutched his hands to fists, determined to bring more information the next time. "Agreed. I too have some business of importance to attend. We shall meet again soon. Go in peace." Mephisto grinned and dismissed his lifelong eyes and ears in Gehenna thematically, then began his little incantation to shift through time and space - the meeting with his Vatican informant would have to wait... "Send greetings to Miss Heilbrunn for me." Gin flashed a knowing smile to his master before he teleported away. He could have sworn he saw Samael frowning at him prior to his departure. "Oh, come now, Samael. As if you would remain in the Vatican when there is a possibility of her being targeted by demons. I just hope that the Lord of Time did not forget about the time difference in all that composed rush… These youngsters, always in a hurry..." he chuckled and left for Gehenna.


Mephisto appeared in Tokyo in a flash, replacing the simple soutane with his trademark attire. It was already night, around 2 AM, but the Academy hospital was buzzing with activity. Team twenty-three had apparently come back from the mission in Niigata in a particularly bad shape - he would need to investigate the reason for the damage they suffered. When he managed to stop one of his staff to ask about Thea, the nurse just answered "Ah, that one - she was discharged a few days ago. Healed all her wounds as soon as her energy was back and rushed off home. Something about a test or so… I am very sorry, Sir Pheles, but I am needed over there…" she bowed and dashed towards one of the patient rooms.

"Well, at least she is well now. Which also means that she is no longer under the protection of the Academy barrier. I knew I should have at least cast a ward on her…" Mephisto exhaled and after carefully considering his actions, he landed gracefully in a tiny dormitory room on the fifth floor of the huge campus which belonged to Tokyo Medical University. "Good thing Ayami said I could drop by anytime… How very gracious of her to invite me." Various books and notepads were scattered on the table as well as on the ground - a strange sense of order and clear purpose radiating from the whole array despite the seeming chaos. The furnishing was minimalistic - simple and purposeful - just a table with a chair, a wardrobe, a couple of shelves. The only thing that looked completely out of place was a rather spacious bed, which occupied a large portion of the small room. There, amidst cloud-like fluffy cushions, a certain troublesome girl was resting, her golden locks in disarray and her body sprawled across the blankets in a strangely twisted position. Mephisto breathed in the sweet scent of honey and cinnamon that was lingering in the room and approached the blonde's bed quietly.

The girl gave him a start, as she shuffled, grimacing a little. "Bad dreams, perhaps?" Mephisto wondered. "Ayami... No… not… beetroot juice again…" she mumbled. "Pfff…" the demon covered his mouth and had to do his best to keep the laughter in. "She's hopeless…" Then, he noticed a faint light radiating from her hand - she was holding her cell phone for some reason. "Waiting for a call from someone? This late in the night?" his curiosity perked up and he leaned in closer, peering on the screen which revealed an unfinished, or rather unsent text message addressed to… his number! It read: "Hello Sir Pheles, hope your trip abroad is going well. I was wondering about that private lesson you mentioned earlier - maybe we could meet up once you are back from your travels? Thea :)" Mephisto finished reading and had to cover his face with his hand to hide the small blush, as he imagined that Thea finally wanted to reach out but was probably too embarrassed to do so. "I would need to do something about that… Before that, the job comes first, though." he reminded himself of the reason for his arrival and closed his eyes to concentrate on the ward.

As he was chanting in his mind, the hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood up and a wave of alertness hit him. Before he could even blink, a brilliant light filled the entire room in a powerful surge of energy. Mephisto's eyes widened and he instinctively stopped the time. The sight in front of him took his breath away - Thea was crouching on her bed, her back towards the wall and her blazing golden eyes fixed on the demon. "But how? I specifically took care not to touch her. She did not see me either. Only… she must have felt my energy even without direct contact. ...Oh Lord, I must have given her quite a fright..." After the mental facepalm for his ignorance, he regarded Thea once again - her hands were outstretched in front of her in a strange gesture he could not quite place. Then he noticed the runes and glyphs which were starting to form into a circle on the floor under him. "A binding circle? This instant? Why, Miss Thea, you never cease to surprise me." He grinned as he witnessed a portion of her true power. So alive! So blazing! So... ardent! Yes, the nickname fit just perfectly. "Ardent Exorcist, hmm? If this is what Abaddon's Riders saw before the purification of their comrades, then I don't blame them for warning me about her. With that halo all around her, she looks like an embodiment of divine justice - quite a feat considering she's wearing pajamas." the demon chuckled, regarding the little sheep pattern on her shorts. Then he noticed her cell phone lying on the ground. A marvelous idea formed in his head and he smirked as he reached for it. After a short while, which did not truly pass, Mephisto put the phone back where it had fallen. "Ah well, she has already seen me, so there is no reason to hide anymore." With that thought in mind, he let the time flow again.

Thea's powers were blazing all around her, while her body and mind were in a state of contrasting calmness. No, it was more than just being calm or feeling peaceful. It was a burning, ardent light which was tranquility itself. In a time of great need, she was always able to enter this state of inner composure, fully knowing of how fast it depleted her energy resources. "There's a demon in my room!" She did not see the demon very well, but she certainly felt his presence - and in a moment of pure enlightenment, she cast a binding circle. She couldn't believe that she really made it work. Then again, after her last debacle in the hospital, she had been training the casting of binding circles every day. "Such a strong, intense, vibrating power! Too strong. I will not be able to purify this one. I must act quickly, then..." "Miss Thea, could you…" "But that aura… like a rainless thunderstorm…" "..lm down, dear, it is onl…" "...I know this one…" "Thea!" the girl's eyes flickered between golden and brown and she found herself looking into a set of forest-green eyes instead.

"Sir Pheles?" the blonde blurted out as she finally recognized the familiar face of the invader, who was currently holding her shoulders while being thoroughly scourged in her purifying light. "Well, good evening to you, Miss Thea." a certain annoying demon started nonchalantly. "May I point out that you look particularly dazzling tonight? You are practically beaming, dear." he cut a disarming smile, his fangs flashing. Having understood the implication hidden in his compliment, the dumbstruck girl let go of her powers and pulled back her aura. Darkness settled over the room again and Thea could hear her heart beating like crazy. "This is a dream, right? There's no way he's in my…" "Thank you, dear." came a sonorous, but calming voice as Mephisto un-handed her. "Allow me…" with a snap of fingers, the lamp on her nightstand suddenly flashed up and the blonde jumped up from the sudden action, her aura flaring once again, her breathing fastened.

"My apologies for startling you, I…" the demon started smoothly, trying to repair the damage done, only to be interrupted by the stunned girl in front of him. "You are in my room." "Ah, indeed. You see…" "You are in my room!" "Yes, that seems to be the case. Now, …" Thea buried her fingers into her hair in frustration and exploded, somehow managing to shout in a whisper. "Are you out of your mind?! What in the world are you doing here? I thought you were a demon! I mean… you are, but … a bad demon! I could have hurt you! Do you know what time it is? Who invited you? And… Oh my God, where are your clothes?!" Thea pulled her blanket closer and covered her face after she had finally looked at the demon with her eyesight adjusted. His cloak was completely gone. As was his jacket. And the vest. And a significant part of his black shirt. All burnt away, exposing his well-toned chest and… and she didn't dare look any lower just in case.

"Way to make an impression." Mephisto congratulated himself sarcastically, but then he put his hand on his chest in a gesture of utmost innocence and mustered his best puppy eyes. "Miss Thea, I assure you that I came here with pure intentions only. I couldn't possibly have anticipated that you would get all excited and dispose of my clothes at the first chance." Thea just gaped in disbelief. "What is wrong with you?!" came a flustered accusation from the blonde and the demon kneeling in the binding circle outstretched his hand just in time to catch a pillow before it hit him. On the second glance, the pillow was actually a stuffed animal - a ridiculously cute, fluffy sheep at that. "Don't you have any sense of privacy? You could have rung the bell. You could have called me…" she supported her every point with yet another plush sheep which came flying at Mephisto until there was a flock of them around him. The demon hissed as the fabric grazed his fresh burns, but in his mind, he had to fight the urge to scoop the girl up and find out just how flushed her cheeks can get. "Why, oh, why must she be so utterly adorable when she's angry like that?"

When Thea noticed how the demon winced at the impact, she suddenly felt a little guilty for her outburst. "Are you… uhm, are you hurt?" she cleared her throat, eying him sideways. Another marvelous idea sprang up in the demon's head. "Just a little scorched. Nothing serious, dear, I just… ouch… stings." he didn't even have to feign the pain he felt as he tried to move. To his surprise, even the movement felt somehow… restricted. His eyes widened as the realization dawned on him - he was trapped. Her binding circle was actually strong enough to hold him! True, he could break it, but only with time and some serious effort on his part. "How is that even possible?" his mind was racing, only to be interrupted by a concerned voice. "Do you need me to heal that?" the blonde muttered, her eyes still pinned to the floor as if it was the most interesting thing she has seen in ages. "How would I know how severe my injuries are? You are the future doctor, you tell me."

"Oh, honestly now!" Thea exclaimed, daring to take a look - fortunately, his pants were still on, if tattered. Bruises and burns were visible on the demon's skin, some of them quite severe. "I don't understand. How come you are not healed yet?" she frowned and Mephisto just shrugged innocently - he could have been healed long ago, of course. The Lord of Time simply decided to tease the girl a little, so he willed his powers to subside, preventing his regenerative abilities to close the wounds. His demon nature was enjoying Thea's expressions and reactions too much to let this situation go to waste - regardless of the fact that something akin to a conscience was raining lightning of judgement at his idea of fun. "Then again… that purifying light of hers was indeed surprisingly powerful. What if…?" Mephisto pondered, then tried to heal his left arm. Nothing. As if something was preventing him from doing so. The demon could not decide if he was starting to feel panicked or impressed, so he settled for fascinated. "OK, let me see." the blonde said with a serious look in her eyes, leaving the safety of her bed and blankets to sit in the binding circle on the ground with her captive. "If… if that's fine with you I mean." "But of course. Just… be gentle, please." Mephisto smirked, revealing his sharp fangs, slipping back to his nonchalant self. "You… you are impossible, you know it?! Now, stop teasing me and don't move." she berated him. "As you order, dear." he winked and eased himself.

"Annoying demon! Always messing around with me! Barging into my room in the middle of the night, invading my privacy, doing whatever he pleases... This is not how I imagined meeting him." Thea was also a hurricane inside. Never in her life was anybody able to throw her emotions into such turmoil. It was simply infuriating! No wonder her powers were flaring all around when her thoughts and emotions were such a mess. And there were so many of them - she jumped from terrified to confused and abashed in a matter of seconds. "This is bad… I feel like on some emotional rollercoaster! Oh seriously, Thea. Get a grip! Why are you blushing like an idiot? So he's got a beautiful body, big deal... Many demons probably do. That's how they lure all women so easily! ...God, and it's working... Why must it be working?! Stupid Ayami with her romance theories. Stupid Mephisto with his annoying smirk and ambiguous formulations..." Thea mentally stomped on all of her wayward thoughts, getting to work.

The blonde was inspecting the demon all over, frowning at the burnt spots she caused him. Her hands were trailing his skin, returning the usual pale color to the previously red parts. "Oh dear, this might not have been such a good idea after all." Mephisto thought, as he felt her gentle touches gracing his skin. When she got to his chest, she blushed furiously, keeping her eyes fixed on the wounds. "Don't do that. You are too cute when you blush like that." Mephisto thought, finding the gesture strangely endearing. He was used to completely different reactions. Women, who, in a situation like this, would look at him suggestively, sultrily, almost hungrily. Women, who would jump at the opportunity like this in pathetic hopes to secure a life full of prestige and riches for themselves. Much like the daughter of Dr. Mitsuhide - one of the Academy's business partners. Or the exact opposite - women, who would panic and run away screaming if they learned about his true nature. Women who would try to seize the opportunity to finish him in hopes to rid the world of another of his 'wretched kin'. And then, then there was this girl... This girl with hauntingly beautiful chocolate-brown eyes, golden locks framing her heart-shaped face, with soft pink lips, and slim hour-glass figure. This girl who smelled like cinnamon rolls. This girl who could always provide a refreshing company, do or say the unexpected, even scold him for his not so commendable actions, but immediately offer help, nonetheless. This girl who was completely oblivious to what her gentle touches were doing to him, apart from healing his body... Mephisto closed his eyes, trying to summon every last bit of self-control he possessed.

In the meantime, Thea worked her way up to his neck. "So, to what do I owe these night maneuvers?" she looked up as soon as she managed to summon enough level-headedness to formulate a coherent sentence. "Why, you invited me, dear." he leaned in closer and her head shot up to meet his gaze. "I did no such thing…" she said firmly, completely sure of her actions. "Miss Thea, I arrived as soon as I received your message." "My message? What are you talking about?" "I am talking about this, of course." he pulled out his cell phone, showing her the message she thought to be unsent. The blonde's eyes widened at the sight and her mouth was opening and closing as she was trying to process the situation, her previous level-headedness completely gone. "Oh no… No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening… I... I must have sent it by accident. Aaargh, I am such an idiot! Why am I always like this around him?! And I got angry for nothing… Again." Thea exhaled and looked at the demon in front of her reluctantly - she would face him with all honesty, even though her instincts were screaming at her to go and find a nice secluded island, preferably on the other side of the globe, where she could sulk in peace. "I am sorry, Sir Pheles… I did not realize. I didn't mean to send it… this late in the night, that is…" Mephisto felt a pang of shame for that particular little scheme. "Ah, no need to apologize, dear." he waved it off, but the blonde suddenly perked up. "But then… Why were you casting spells here?"

"Ah… she truly does not miss any detail, does she?" The Lord of Time mused, urging his mind to come up with some clever excuse for using his magic - he had startled her just enough tonight, so it was probably not the right time to make any unnecessary revelations. "Well, it was a great opportunity to put your skills to a test. After the last attack at your hospital, who knows where the enemy might strike next? Exorcists need to stay focused and alert at all times, even in the supposed safety of their homes. What better way to test my students and find out firsthand?" Thea's reaction was not what the demon expected - she rolled her eyes and exhaled with a strangely sullen expression on her face. "As reasonable as it sounds, I don't buy it." "Oh?" Mephisto arched one eyebrow. "Oh please, you think you make it sound so believable, but you are not! You tend to close your eyes or look sideways and gesture a lot when you twist the truth. Also, in case you didn't notice, my hands can do more than heal your burns - I can feel your heart rate, your breathing, and if I concentrate hard enough, I can even tell the centers in your brain you need to activate in order to lie…" she tapped on his forehead to emphasize her point while the demon just looked at her in stunned silence. "This girl… seeing right through me again... I really do not give her enough credit, do I?"

"I want to hear the truth, and you are not leaving this binding circle until I hear answers!" she crossed her arms in front of her, emanating anger and frustration. "What is all of this supposed to mean? Why are you keeping an eye on me? Why are you talking with Ayami about me?" "Miss Thea, ..." the demon tried to calm her down, but she went on, her voice suddenly calmer and softer, almost shy. "Did you leave those cinnamon rolls and lilies on my nightstand in your hospital? And… What about that strange kiss in the garden? I just feel…" she met his gaze nervously, but expectantly. "Listen, are you a succubus? Did you cast some spell on me, Mephisto?" Mephisto has reached his limit - he closed his eyes and exhaled. When he opened them again, they were full of resolve and intense emotion. "I have been meaning to ask you the very same question, Thea." he pulled the blonde towards him in a swift motion and placed a kiss on her soft lips. Then another, and yet again. She gasped in surprise at his actions, but judging from the lack of scorching and burning, she did not mind too terribly, quite on the contrary. He buried his fingers into her golden locks, mindful of his claws, and deepened the kiss as the intoxicating scent of honey and cinnamon clouded his mind. To his delight, she leaned into his embrace and put her hand gently on his chest, while the other rested on his neck, creating pleasant goosebumps. He wanted this girl, and he wanted her badly - not as a plaything, not as a mistress, not as a trophy. It was something so completely different from his previous desires, that he could not quite explain it. For the first time in his life, he wanted to please somebody else apart from himself. And that somebody was a woman whose body and soul he wished to get to know as thoroughly as possible. And so, instead of explaining himself, he poured all of those thoughts and emotions into one simple, straightforward kiss. Soon, Thea gasped for air, so Mephisto interrupted the kiss reluctantly, but still held her head in his hands. She was breathing heavily, her cheeks flushed, lips parted, hair disheveled - she was breathtaking.

"Now then, I hope I have answered all of your questions?" Mephisto asked in an amused tone and Thea smiled, trying to catch her breath. "Ah, yes… perfectly..." she gulped. "...Although, I didn't quite catch the one with the garden. Could you maybe repeat that one for me again?" The Lord of Time grinned mischievously - she was a playful one, that was certain. "Most certainly, dear. And this time, you'd better pay good atten..." Mephisto suddenly tensed and turned to his right, his look growing distant and focused. "Is everything alright?" Thea asked with concern - she looked in the same direction but could not spot anything out of ordinary. The demon made a face and frowned, completely annoyed. "I just can't catch a break, can I… And of all the nights, you just had to pick this one! You will regret that..."

"I am afraid that your questions will have to wait, dear." he said, and took her hands into his, standing up smoothly. After seeing her confused expression, he decided for the truth this time. "Apparently, someone is trying to enter the Academy without my permission." he gritted out, trying to maintain his composure. The blonde gasped "You mean that the Academy is under attack?" "Not quite. More like under a pathetic attempt to sneak in." Mephisto explained, as he felt one of the wards placed over the Academy waver. "Take me with you. I can help." she stood in front of him with a determined look on her face, but the demon shook his head dismissively. "I appreciate the offer, but the Academy employs Exorcists specifically trained for this kind of situation. Besides, you returned home from the hospital only recently, so you'd better give your body the rest it deserves." he said, gently brushing her left shoulder. "I promise to answer all of your questions very thoroughly the next time." the demon whispered into her ear, getting another blush from the blonde.

"He's right… I am a doctor, after all. What could I do in that kind of situation, anyways? Throw another rucksack at the invader?" Thea tried to reason with herself. "Fine… Just, take care, OK?" "Oh, I will take care… of them." he grinned. "Now, would you mind?" he pointed at the runes on the ground which were forming the binding circle - if the situation at the Academy turned out to be serious, he would need every speck of his energy, especially considering how many wards, barriers and other spells he already had to hold in place. "Well, I really don't wanna, but sure…" the blonde giggled and dispelled the circle, allowing Mephisto to step out. He looked at her thoughtfully - he was, after all, the second in power in the whole Gehenna, so the fact that this little human girl was able to trap him was simply fascinating. "I will not make the same mistake and underestimate her again. She might yet surprise me and actually manage to capture me one day. ...Only, she might have already done so, in a way…" he smiled and snapped his fingers - his clothes were back as fresh as new. "Hey... You could have done this before?!" Thea gaped. "Oh, I certainly could have, but how else would you have been able to locate all the burns, then?" he asked innocently, which resulted in Thea facepalming herself. Mephisto chuckled and pulled the girl closer, placing a kiss on her hand, sealing the protection ward at last. "Gute Nacht. Ein - zwei - drei."

"What have I just done?" Thea clutched her hand to her chest, her mind in a bigger mess than her room. A part of her still thought that the whole encounter must have been a dream. The more eager part of her hoped that it was not. She shook her head and started picking up her plush companions, some books and her cell phone from the ground. The whole evening, she had never been able to bring herself to send that message, until her sleeping self took care of it. She laughed out loud, for once actually thanking her clumsiness, because after all those long days, she no longer felt confused. Now she felt… just happy.


"Did you bring what I requested?" "This one… ugh… this one has fulfilled your wish, master…" a trembling voice replied through coughs, as its bearer approached the makeshift throne of the Duke of the Abyss. "Well, hand it over then, you have made me wait long enough already." Abaddon demanded and outstretched his hand impatiently. The 'woman' in front of him began her laborious climb on the stairs, her legs shaking wobbly and body trembling. With every step, a blackish liquid splashed on the ground, creating a slimy trail behind her. Strong, violet hour-hands were rushing out of her body, piercing it at multiple places as Mephisto's ward had taken effect - a successful infiltration of The True Cross Academy was a feat that did not go without paying the bitter price. "Oh, for Satan's sake…" the red-haired demon exclaimed and closed the distance between them in a swift motion. "Give me that before you completely ruin it." he gritted out, pulling a folder of papers from the creature's still half-human half-liquid hands.

"M-master, please, the spell…" the 'woman' asked, bowing low. Abaddon looked over his shapeshifter vasal. "All right already, stop whining, it is not that serious." he outstretched his hand and muttered an incantation. "Cursed wards… how can Samael afford to keep so many, anyway? Hmm… no matter, as long as they are not impenetrable." he smiled viciously and in a couple of seconds, the creature in front of him was free of the hour-hands and was able to revert to its original liquid form, the fallen slime-like substance returning back to its body. The nameless shapeshifter exhaled - if that was even possible in that strange substance it gained - and bowed even lower, thanking its master. Abaddon dismissed it with a wave of his hand, already eagerly listing through the folder. He might have been ordered by that poor excuse of a demon to remain in Gehenna, but he still had his resources and informants in Assiah. It would have been too dangerous to follow that wench around, but with some information, he would know exactly where to strike. "So, our 'Ardent Exorcist' is Althea Heilbrunn, born on June 20, 25 years old, …"


Disclaimer: Blue Exorcists belongs to Kazue Katō. Please, do not re-post or publish my story without my consent.

Author's note: Hi All! I am happy to publish another chapter of this story :). Apologies for keeping you waiting for so long - it was quite a hectic month, so thank you very much for bearing with me! I believe that you will find the wait worth it ^^

P.S. Thank you All so much for your kind messages and feedback - it is much appreciated and I will do my best to always bring you reading you can enjoy. In case you have not yet shared your impression with me, do not hesitate to do so, I am eager to better myself.