Chapter Three: Questioning Tirade

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Mouse. And of course, all my other made-up characters, but Mouse is the only one in this story.

Many thanks to the reviewers! Love to all!


After the experience in the broom closet, Kurt was much more cooperative about going with Mouse to the Library. After all, the library was the ideal place to hold important conversations with someone who you weren't quite sure should be allowed in the War Room.

As Mouse and Kurt entered the empty room, Rouge had decided she should go get Professor Xavier. After all, this was his mansion, his team, and he deserved to know what was going on.

Mouse had gone along with that readily enough, claiming that she would make sure Kurt was comfortable while waiting.

But the moment Rouge had left the room, Mouse pulled a notebook and pen out of her lab coat, and had begun to pester Kurt.

"So, you're really Kurt Wagner? You're absolutely sure that you've never been anyone else in your life?" She asked, talking very quickly while staring at him while scribbling notes and skittering in circles around him.

"Yes, I'm sure that I'm Kurt Wagner." He answered nervously, but he was doubtful that Mouse even heard him.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" She asked, poking his chest firmly with the eraser on her pencil.

"Not really..."

"But you did feel it, didn't you? Or did you not feel it and you're just making it up?" She asked the moment he answered. She poked his stomach, than stopped moving and frowned.

"Are those your underwear?"

Kurt had never been asked that sort of thing before. A blush of surprise came upon his face, and he stammered something that sounded like "Yeah..."

"Interesting." Mouse was writing furiously on her tablet. "How do you feel about showing your underwear to the world? Does it affect your self-esteem? How about your grades? Do you feel that everyone should walk around exposing their undergarments?"

The questions were fired so fast that Kurt didn't have a chance to answer any of them. He had opened his mouth in an attempt to answer, but was interrupted by the door opening. He turned to see who was coming in, but Mouse kept firing questions at him.

"Does anyone in your universe object to the sight of your underclothes, or do they show theirs off too?" After this question, Mouse was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. She turned to see Professor Xavier and Rouge standing in the doorway, both looking terribly embarrassed.

"Mouse, it is not your place to convict others for their behaviors." Xavier twitched uncomfortably.

"But he's the one showing them off!" Mouse protested. "Besides, I wasn't convicting him! I was asking him questions!" How was she supposed to know that her tirade of questions had reached the ears of those down the hallway?

"Mouse, have you offered him anything to drink yet?" Rouge asked, changing the subject.

"No..." Mouse paused for a long moment. "I'll go get the tea." She turned and skipped out of the room.

"But I don't want anything to drink!" Kurt protested weakly. Again, Mouse didn't hear him, but this time it was because she was gone.

"Please, will you sit down?" Xavier asked, gesturing to a chair. "We have much to discuss."


Even as the others were "discussing", Mouse was warming up a kettle of water for tea. No one else was in the kitchen to witness her fiendish grin as she pulled down her special tea from the highest cupboard. Never mind that she had to stand on a chair to reach it...

"I've been waiting for someone to try this out on." She chuckled darkly. "It will be absolutely fascinating to observe the effects of this on the poor fool."


The "poor fool" in question was currently being questioned by Xavier and Rouge.

"Let me see if I understand this." Xavier said in deep thought. "You are from another reality, and you have absolutely no idea how you came to be here?"

"That's right!" Kurt nodded. "I was teleporting to the kitchen for dinner, and somehow wound up here!"

Everyone was quiet for a moment, contemplating this, until the door opened, and Mouse walked in with a tray of teacups.

"Sorry it took so long!" She grinned, passing everyone a cup full of tea.

"Thank you." Xavier brought his to his mouth, then paused. He though it seemed somehow suspicious. His suspicions were confirmed when he glanced over to Mouse, who was holding her own cup of tea, but not drinking it. Instead, she was staring at Kurt, who was drinking his tea, with wide-eyed fascination. Rouge also noticed that the tea was highly suspicious, and was not drinking hers.

"Mouse, what type of tea is this?" Xavier asked cautiously.

"Oh, it's special tea. I made it myself."

That phrase caused Rouge to rush over to Kurt and knock the teacup out of his hand.

"Don't drink it! It might kill you!" She exclaimed. He looked at her, panic stricken.

"I already drank some! What's going to happen?!" He was quite clearly panicked, and looked at Mouse.

"I dunno. It's still in the experimental stage." She grinned, with her notebook in hand. On the notebook, she was writing Causes almost immediate panic among the surrounding area. May be related to the suspicions of others around subject.

"Experimental stage?!!!" Kurt almost shrieked. It was obvious that he was afraid for his life more than anything else.

"Yeah... Is that so wrong?" She asked innocently.


^_^ And what, pray tell, does experimental tea do? Any suggestions? Review! ^_^