A/N: Hey! Thanks for your reviews! That was pretty quick. I'm glad you liked the chapter.

HoVis: Glad you liked the little joke. I like your idea about Draco having actually shagged someone. I am taking that thought but putting a twist to it. Read this chapter and you'll see what it is. I hope you like it. It won't be with that woman because that would be kind of sick. She was a bit to old and ugly for a sixteen year old.

Mystic Fire Demon: Cool name. Well, the answer to your question as to where Narcissa is is in Chapter 14. She went away for a little while because she received a message that her mother is not feeling very well. It's been so long that I even forgot where she went.

Kellalor: I'm glad that you liked that chapter. Here's another for your reading enjoyment. I must apologize though because there won't be too much Draco in it I'm afraid. Enjoy.

Chapter Twenty: A Plot Develops

"Hey, everyone."

"Hi, Fred. Hello, George." Came a chorus of greetings as the infamous duo entered the Weasley house. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all looked curiously at the two twins as they proceeded to find empty places to sit. They each bore very broad grins on their faces and to anyone who new them this was never a good thing.

"What are you two smiling about?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you never would believe what we saw at the Ministry today." Fred said as he began to snigger slightly.

"Yeah, it was great." George added, laughing as well.

"Well, aren't you two going to tell us?" Ginny asked a little annoyed after a few moments of silence.

"Oh, right. Well," began George, "take a guess at who we saw today at the Ministry."

"Who?" Ron asked.

"No, go on, guess." George said.

"Look," Hermione said in an exasperated tone, "we are not going to play your silly little game. Now, are you going to tell what happened or not?"

"Fine." The two twins said resentfully. They then muttered before continuing, "Spoil our fun."

"Well, we were on our way to see dad when who should we see walking down the halls but none other than the drunken ferret himself."

"Malfoy?!" said Ginny disbelievingly.

"Yup. He was walking down the hall with his 'dear old dad' and he did 'not' look good."

"Does he ever?" There were a few sniggers at Ron's comment.

"Well, sometimes he does." Ginny said before she could catch herself. Everyone within the room stared horrified at Ginny. "What?" she said defensively. "It's not that I like him it's just that sometimes the slimy git can look decent."

Everyone made looks of disgust but decided to drop the subject for the moment.

"Anyways," George continued, "he must have had some hangover because he passed out right there in the middle of the Ministry hallway."

Everyone laughed.

"I sure whish that I could have seen the ferret faint." Ron said as he kept imagining it in his mind. "Harry," he jabbed his friend in the side with his elbow. "now we've got something to really tease him about this year."

"Now, Ron, that's not very nice." Hermione admonished.

"Who cares about niceness when it comes to Malfoy? Besides, he teased Harry all third year about fainting from the Dementers and that's ten times worse than a little hangover."

"I'm not too sure about that." Fred said.

"Yeah, hangovers are absolute hell." George added.

"I wonder why he was at the Ministry and not at home being coddled by his Mummy." Ginny said.

Everyone in the room fell silent for several minutes as they both imagined the scene in their minds and also thought of ways in which to torture Draco about it. Suddenly George stood up from the couch with his hands on his head.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! Oh! I am such a genius!" he began to pace about the room; all eyes were fixed curiously upon him. "Oh this is going to great!"

"Would you mind letting the rest of us in on what is so great?" Harry asked.

"You guys are going to love this!" George gave a wicked laugh as he planted himself back on the couch and leaned eagerly forward; a mad, excited look in his eye. "What would you all say to playing a really good practical joke on Malfoy?"

"I'd say that would be great, but what kind of joke?" Harry replied.

"You remember how drunk he was when we found him puking his guts out in the ally?"


"Well, chances are he doesn't remember much of last night; in fact, I'd wager he doesn't really remember anything."

"Where are you going with this, George?" Ron asked.

"How about we give him the scare of his life?"

"What kind of scare?" This question came from Hermione.

George laughed wickedly again. "Why don't we make the little Malfoy prince believe that he shagged a girl last night and in a couple of weeks we'll tell him that he got the girl pregnant?"

For a few moments everyone simply gaped at George in astonishment. In fact, the silence stretched on for so long that George was afraid that his idea had not been well received.

"Oh my gosh! That would be hilarious!" Ron yelled.

"Good work, George." Fred said as he gave his brother a pat on the back.

"See I told you I was genius." George leaned back into the couch, his arms crossed over his chest, and a self satisfied grin stretching across his face.

"Goodness you're evil." Ginny said as she shook her head. "Do you guys really think that it would work?"

"Sure." Chimed in Fred. "He was by himself after all. Who knows how long he was out there. So, there is most likely no one to tell him that he didn't."

"Who will we get to say that they did 'it' with Malfoy?" Ron asked.

"I vote Ginny does it." George said as he looked mischievously at his little sister who was now gaping at him.

"What!" she shrieked. "Why me?!"

"Well, it's obvious that you like him. I think that that is reason enough for you to be the girl."

"I...I do NOT like him!!!"

"But didn't you just say a few minutes ago that..."

"All I said was that he looks good sometimes!"

"Well, if that isn't a admission of love I don't know what is."

"I...I....George, I aught to..."

"Take it easy, Ginny." Fred said in a calming tone. "George is just kidding you. You're really the only logical choice here anyways. The only other girl is Hermione and for some reason I just don't think that it is plausible that Malfoy would shag her even being as drunk as he was."

"Hey!" Hermione yelled indignantly.

"Sorry, Hermione. No offense, it's just that you two hate each other too much for that to happen."

"Fine! I'll do it." Ginny said, however a deep scowl remained on her face.

"Alright then," said George, "How should we go about this?"

For the rest of the afternoon the six teenagers began to plot and plan for the best practical joke that they would ever play. At the same time, in a very different home far away, Draco Malfoy was finally sleeping peacefully; oblivious to the horror that was to befall him.


"Mum's going to kill us when we get home." Ron said in worried voice. "I can't believe that we're an hour late!"

"Ron, I'm sure she's not going to mind too much." Hermione soothed, "I mean, we're all out here together. She won't be too mad at us." Ron gave Hermione a weak smile. "You don't know Mum that well do you?"

The conversation was interrupted by the sound of someone groaning in the dark alleyway which they were just passing.

"Did you hear that?" Ron asked.

The moans were heard again; a bit louder this time.

"Someone must be hurt." Harry said as he rushed into the narrow alley.

"Harry Potter; forever the hero." Fred and George said together as they rolled their eyes and followed the rest of the group into the darkness.

As the group entered they could see a dark figure kneeling next to the wall; his forehead pressed against the cold stone.

"Hey, are you alright?" Harry asked tentatively, not sure whether the boy in front of them was hurt or just sick. The answer to that question came soon enough as the figure lurched to the side and proceeded to puke a brownish liquid upon the uneven cobblestones.

There were several "Ew's" and a couple of "Ughh's" as each person tried not to feel sick themselves at the sight. The figure let out another moan and began to push himself back so that he was sitting on the ground, his back against the wall. There were several gasps as they saw the ashen white face of Draco Malfoy. Draco heard the gasps and peered up through bleary, almost unseeing, eyes.

"You." Draco said in utter disgust when he finally recognized the people who were standing in front of him. "This 's your fault." He slurred as he attempted rather unsuccessfully to stand. "You did this to me."

"He's completely wasted!" Fred and George exclaimed in astonishment. In the meantime Draco had managed to stand but had to lean heavily upon the wall for support. He looked venomously at the group, but mostly at Harry Potter.

"I hate you! I hate you all!" Draco had made a fist and was trying to push himself off the wall in order to get closer to the group.

"You're mental, Malfoy." Harry said.

"Would you hold still so I can hit you?!" Draco yelled as he swayed dangerously.

Everyone looked at Draco as if he were nuts for none of them were moving in the slightest.

"Look, Malfoy, you're completely wasted." Hermione said as she approached him; taking a hold of one arm and pushing down the one with his clenched fist. "Even though you're an evil prick we'll find someone to take you home."

"Don't touch me, Mudblood!" Draco wrenched his arms from her light grasp which resulted in him falling back against the wall. "I'm fine! I don't need you're help."

"DON'T CALL HER THAT!" Ron yelled. He drew his fist back and tried to get at Malfoy but was held back by several pairs of arms.

"Ron! Leave him." Ginny said to her brother, "He's drunk he can't defend himself."

"Fine by me."

"Ron!" Hermione yelled more sternly, "LEAVE him."

Ron reluctantly lowered his fist. Draco gave a lopsided smirk and was about to say something when he suddenly lurched forward; falling to his knees, and puked again.

"Come on," Harry said in disgust, "let's just go."

"We just can't leave him here." Ginny said with a little bit more concern in her voice than she had intended.

"Why not?" Fred asked as he carelessly shrugged his shoulders. "The ferret says he's fine so let's just go."

The six exited the dark ally, leaving Draco to his audible misery.