Chapter 16

"I am. I'm Blue," Sebastian said.

"Yeah, whatever," Blaine rolled his eyes. "There's no way you're him."

"Oh yeah? And why is that? Think of what you know about him. He has a stepmother and a stepbrother. So do I. My brother is a trophy son, his father's chosen heir, and I'm shipped off to boarding school. I'm well-read, fluent in French, musically talented, athletic, and gay."

"You're lying," Blaine said through gritted teeth. "If you were Blue, why would you post our messages?"

"Because Dalton is the most mind-numbing, boring place I've ever been to, and Westerville is a cowtown. Maybe I needed something to keep me entertained."

Blaine took a deep breath as he felt his whole body shaking. "No, it doesn't make sense. He posted first. He had no idea it was me that was going to reply."

"There weren't very many other options of who would reply. There was you, your roommate, bleach blonde, and gayface. If it had been gayface, I would've shut it down before it started. And if it were one of your two buddies, they would've eventually clued you into what they were doing. It was simple, really," Sebastian explained.

"You really are an asshole," Blaine said, crossing his arms.

"What? No love declaration? No kiss?"

"No," Blaine stated simply. "Because you're lying through your teeth."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Your father isn't a mechanic," Blaine stated simply.

"He could be a mechanic. He likes to work on cars in his spare time."

"If you're Blue, why would you make jab after jab about yourself?" Blaine inquired, tapping his fingers with his chin.

"To throw you off. Besides, I wanted to see what you really thought of me when you thought your words were private. Harsh, buddy. I'm not all that bad. You do love me after all."

"There's no way you're him. He's compassionate, witty, intelligent, confident, and intriguing. You are an egotistical, manipulative, smug, elitist jerk. Now, get out of here."

"Fine, maybe I'm not Blue. But I'm not leaving. I got shortchanged in our deal, and I at least deserve an apology, especially after you called me out like that on Dalton Underground and tried to get me suspended," Sebastian hissed as he stepped in toward Blaine so that there was hardly any space between them.

"Excuse me," a familiar voice interrupted. The fair-skinned boy stared directly in Sebastian's face. "I believe you're in my spot."

"Pardon me, mademoiselle, but I believe that your spot is in a vintage toy store with the other Cabbage Patch dolls," Sebastian snarked, glaring at Kurt.

"And I believe that your spot is in that giant rat trap I saw near the broom closet. I fear it may be a tad small for vermin of your size, but we can set you up with three or four of them. That should certainly liven your night, since you're so bored and all," Kurt grinned widely. "Now, kindly see yourself out or I'll alert the security guard to call animal control on you."

Blaine bit his lip to try to prevent the laugh that eventually escaped from his lips as Sebastian stormed off, his face red with anger at being bested by Kurt.

"I thought you weren't going to come," Blaine smiled softly.

"I thought about it, but I promised Rachel I'd be here on her opening night. Besides, it's West Side Story, and I heard the guy playing Tony is incredible," Kurt grinned. "Plus, there was this guy that posted on Dalton Underground that practically invited me to star in my own love story. I didn't see that as an offer I could refuse."

"Look, Kurt, I wanted you to know that night at the party, what you saw with Sebastian- There was and never will be anything between us," Blaine explained, taking Kurt's hand in his.

Kurt nodded. "That was made apparent by the exchange you two just had. I'm not usually an eavesdropper, but since I heard someone else claim to be me, I wanted to see how you'd respond."

"Was it satisfactory?" Blaine asked, shrugging his shoulders and grinning wildly despite his attempt to stop the smile from spreading.

Kurt wrinkled his nose. "Well, I guess," Kurt flirted. "So, how about you tell me the other reason I'm here behind the stage being glared at by an angry Rachel Berry," Kurt said, motioning toward the door that was ajar. Sure enough, Rachel was glaring at them both through the doorway.

"Blaine, the curtain is about to go up, and the director is about to lose her mind if you don't join us for our customary show circle. Hey Kurt," she waved.

"Tell her he'll be there in just a minute if you would allow us a moment of privacy," Kurt smiled.

"Fine, but any longer than a minute and I'll get her to come shoo you out of here," Rachel teased.

"So, why am I here?" Kurt smiled.

"Because I have a proposition for you. You said you auditioned for Tony, and you wanted a chance to shine. Now, I know that you haven't worked on this production, so you can't just fall in, although I think you'd make an amazing Tony, but you could join me, onstage, after the show."

Kurt looked at Blaine in absolute confusion. "Um, why?"

"To make a statement. To show the director and the audience that you are the leading man that I already know you are. And to tell everyone that you're Blue."

"Blaine," Kurt bit his lip. "Look, meeting you back here is one thing but I'm not ready to-"

Blaine took Kurt's hands in his. "If you wait for the perfect moment, it'll never come. You have to make your own. Just think about it. Please," Blaine begged.

"Alright, Anderson, I know you're having a heart to heart, but if you don't get that perky ass out there in one minute, Shelby is going to put your understudy on," the stage manager warned.

Blaine nodded. "I'm coming. Kurt, you better find your seat. Just think about it. Please."

Kurt sighed but shook his head. "I just don't know. I'll think about it. Go out there and give it your best. You're going to be amazing," Kurt smiled.

"Thank you," Blaine grinned. "Think about it ok."

Kurt bit his bottom lip and nodded and waved shyly at Blaine. Then, he exited the backstage area and went out to the auditorium to find his seat, his heart racing from the thought of what Blaine wanted him to do. He wanted him to come out in front of the entire school. No way. He wasn't ready. He wasn't.

Or was he? He thought back to Monday when he and the Warblers sang Blackbird and the way the lyrics had spoken to him. He remembered how Tony, well Blaine, had explained that those lyrics were written to inspire people during the civil rights movement. He thought back to when Blaine was speaking passionately in their messages about his dream for them to celebrate during the pride parade, hand in hand, not caring what anyone else had to say.

Kurt sat back in his chair as the curtains rose, his stomach in knots, hoping that Blaine would change his mind.

Kurt clapped his hands wildly with pride as Rachel and Blaine joined hands and took a bow as the crowd cheered and applauded. Blaine gestured for Rachel to take one more bow. Afterward, she motioned for him to do the same. However, as he stepped forward, the rest of the cast cleared the stage and the lights dimmed down so the spotlight shown only on Blaine.

"Good evening. Thank you so much for coming to our opening night. It was a pleasure performing for you. I think I speak for the whole cast when I say that there is nothing like performing in front of an audience."

The crowd was deathly silent as Blaine continued to thank various people for their help with the show. Kurt sighed in relief. Maybe Blaine would let it go.

"And lastly, I wanted to thank all of you that came to support me. Some of you may have no idea what I'm referring to, but a few weeks ago I read something that changed my life."

Or maybe not. Kurt squirmed in his seat as Blaine continued.

"Someone, who went by the name Blue, posted on a website about how he was living his life like a performance, pretending to be something he wasn't in fear of judgement and ridicule. He admitted to living a lie and longing for someone to talk to, someone who understood. Thankfully, a friend," Blaine smiled as his eyes found Jeff in the crowd, "told me about the post, and I replied, because I felt the exact same way. We shared the same fears and the same secret."

Blaine continued, looking past everyone else in the crowd until his eyes landed upon Kurt. "It's not a secret anymore for me. Although I was outed, I'm so glad now that I can just be myself openly, and I found that those who loved me still love me just as much. I don't have to hide anymore, and for the first time in forever, I feel like I'm free, like a bird ready to take flight and never look back. But I don't want to make that flight alone."

Blaine stepped toward the edge of the stage. "Blue." Kurt scrunched up in his seat, his stomach feeling like butterflies were swarming inside. "This is our chance, our opportunity to soar together, to be free to fly, you and me. I don't want to make this journey alone. Please."

All of a sudden, Kurt heard a low sound come from the crowd that sounded like booing. Then, he heard others joining in. Blaine was getting booed! It was just as he had feared.

Until he realized that what the crowd was chanting wasn't the word boo. It was Blue.


It got louder as people stood up from their seats, shouting their encouragement. For him. They were applauding for him, encouraging him to step forward, to make a statement about who he was. This was his chance to face his fear.

He stood up from his seat, even though he could feel his legs shaking in fear. They had cheered for Chandler as well right before the eggs started flying. It all seemed too good to be true.

"Blue, please. There's a time and a place for us. Somewhere. And I think that place is here, on stage. Please."

Kurt felt frozen in place when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Jeff. "Go Kurt. Go to him. It's ok."

All of a sudden, Blaine started to sing.


There's a place for us

Somewhere a place for us


Blaine looked directly at Kurt and nodded, motioning for him to join him on stage and sing with him. He turned his head and saw Tina smiling at him, encouraging him to join Blaine on stage. As Blaine continued to sing, Kurt slowly made his way to the stage, his heart beating rapidly inside his chest. He wondered if anyone had actually ever died on a stage because if not, he was about to change that statistic.


Peace and quiet and open air

Wait for us somewhere


As Kurt stepped on stage, someone handed him a mic. Rachel. She took his hand and led him over to Blaine. Blaine walked over to Kurt and took his hands in his. He nodded to Kurt as if to signal to him to sing the next lines.


There's a time for us

Someday a time for us

Time together with time to spare

Time to learn, time to care



Blaine stepped closer to him as he sang the next lines.



We'll find a new way of living


Kurt looked at Blaine and he forgot about all of the people in the audience. He forgot about all of the judgemental stares and hateful words that he had been so fearful of. At this moment, it didn't matter. He only saw Blaine. Beautiful Blaine. He opened his mouth and sang right to him.


Oh, we'll find a way of forgiving



Blaine smiled and joined Kurt.




Blaine took Kurt's hand and led him right center stage. A spotlight shown only on them while their voices crescendoed together as they faced one each other, staring into one another's eyes.


There's a place for us

A time and a place for us

Hold my hand and we're halfway there

Hold my hand and I'll take you there





Kurt felt euphoric as he saw the crowd cheering, still on their feet. Blaine smiled at him and leaned in closer to him. "How do you feel?"

"Free," Kurt replied, and closed the gap, kissing Blaine soundly on the lips.

One kiss faded into another as the auditorium finally started clearing out and people started scurrying around them to prepare the stage for the matinee performance the next day. Reluctantly, Kurt allowed people to whisk Blaine away to congratulate him on a job well done. Kurt used the moment to do the same for Rachel.

He was about to slip off stage when he felt a warm hand slip into his. Blaine's. "Leaving so soon?"

Kurt shook his head and bit his lip shyly. "No, I was just going to wait backstage for you."

"Actually, I have someone that wants to meet you. This is our director, Shelby Corcoran. I've been telling her about you."

Shelby nodded. "He said something about you wanting to audition for our next show, Wicked. After the way you just sang with Blaine here, I say ``welcome aboard."

"Wait, seriously?" Kurt squealed.

"Anyone that has the guts to do what you just did deserves a role. Consider this a callback."

"Oh my God. Blaine! I can't believe you did this."

Blaine shook his head. "What I did? Kurt, you are amazing. You did it. You stepped on the stage. You came out. You showed everyone what you were capable of and who you are. I had very little to do with it. I'm so proud of you," Blaine said, closing the gap and kissing Kurt squarely on the mouth.

"Can you believe it! We did it. We won Nationals!" Jeff gloated as he got into the back seat of Blaine's Prius and scooted next to Nick."

"Yep, I believe it because you've reminded me every day," Blaine laughed as he backed up and pulled out of the driveway. "It's because of this guy here." Blaine pointed to Kurt in the front seat, who leaned in and kissed Blaine's lips sweetly.

"Yep, pretty much," Kurt laughed.

"Conceited much," Jeff teased.

"Nope. Just confident," Kurt chuckled. "Admit it. It was the reason you were so glad I came back."

Jeff shook his head. "Winning nationals was a bonus. The main reason I wanted you back, besides the fact that you are an amazing roommate, is this guy right here," Jeff said pointing at Blaine. "I mean, I don't believe I've seen a frown from him since you returned."

"Truth," Nick nodded. "Thank God. I was sick of his moping. You were only gone a week, and this guy played the saddest, most depressing songs every freakin' night. I'm so glad this guy right here," he said, giving Jeff a quick peck on the lips, "let me share his bed. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made it through that ordeal," Nick laughed.

"Awwww. You missed moi," Kurt grinned. "I missed you too," he said, kissing Blaine square on the lips. "So, where to? Did Wes call an emergency meeting to talk about our game plan for next year?"

Blaine shook his head. "Nope. He handed the gavel over to David. No more meetings and no more practice for us this week, right Nick?"

"Nope," Nick smiled, slapping a suitcase in the seat behind him.

"Where the hell did that come from? That's my luggage," Jeff blurted in surprise.

"I packed it. Let's just say we're all going on a trip."

"Wait, Blaine! We're going on a trip? I didn't bring anything! I don't have my-"

Nick pointed on the other side of the seat. "All of those are yours. You have more clothes than a dry cleaners. Damn Kurt. You could clothe the population of Hawaii," he laughed.

"So wait, where are we going?" Kurt asked.

Blaine held up a brochure.

Best Colleges and Universities in New York

"New York! We're going to New York? Oh my God! Does my dad know?"

Blaine chuckled. "Do you really think I'd take you to New York without your father's permission? I had to promise him no funny business so you could come. We were this close," Blaine said, bringing his fingers only half an inch apart, "to having Finn come along with us. But Nick and I convinced him that this is an educational trip, so we can decide exactly which college we're going to attend."

"So wait, it's just us? Going to New York?" Kurt squeaked.

Blaine nodded. "Just us. You up for it?"

"Hell yeah!" Kurt and Jeff both yelped as they kissed their boyfriends. Blaine pulled out of the driveway and they headed off, ready for their next adventure.

Author's Notes: Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed this. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on this. Did you like the changes to the Love, Simon Plot? Was Sebastian justified or was he really just a jerk? Did you like the change from the Ferris wheel to the stage?

I want to thank my fabulous beta, Klainydayz, who read over this multiple times. Any mistakes are mine because after she went over chapters, I'd sometimes go back in and change a line which would lead to me changing another line, and so on. LOL. I also want to thank Kellyb321 for looking over this as well even though things have been incredibly busy for her. I love you, lady.

I also want to thank my artist, Klainiac, aka LasagnaLiz, for her incredible artwork. Check her out on Tumblr. .com. Her artwork is amazing. Hopefully, I'll continue working on Domestic Partners now this beast of a story is finished. Stay well.