Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does. This story was made for fun, and not for cash. (How unfortunate.)

Note: This story is non-canon. It takes place after the Grand Magic Games arc.

Seeing Heavenly Spells & Concealing Romantic Feelings

Lucy opened her eyes slowly while feeling groggy, and the user of Heavenly Body Magic got to see that she was in Minerva's apartment that resided in the town of Saffron. Lucy took notice of how she was laying on top of the blue comforter as her body felt slight frostiness from the cold temperature of the new morning, and she looked over at the nearest window to see some rays of sunlight slightly shining through the window. Lucy smiled nicely from how today seemed like it would be a bright day with no fights, but she softly gasped from how her right hand gently felt her stomach area.

Lucy looked down at her body in a slightly surprised manner while feeling herself be quite sticky, and her green eyes shifted to how Minerva had rolled off of her to simply be laying next to her. The sunlight made Minerva's sticky skin glisten, which caused Lucy to slightly blush at how her stern teammate looked quite peaceful as she slept, and Lucy slowly widened her green eyes. She let her mind begin to recall the events of the previous evening that were related to how Lucy assisted Minerva with relieving herself of the pleasure that was inflicted on her by the light-based spells of Sherry Yukisaki.

She hoped that Minerva was fully relieved now, since Lucy would gladly be her subordinate and teammate instead of merely becoming Minerva's sexual servant for her relief sessions, and Lucy also felt like getting herself prepared for a scolding from Minerva if the pleasure messed with her mind to where she would possibly not remember getting them both nude for the sex to be initiated. If Erza had been the one sleeping next to Lucy right now, then getting yelled at or receiving an angry glare for waking up with a sticky feeling would be predictable.

Lucy decided to get herself out of bed by making her legs move to gently let her feet touch the wooden floor, and she raised her body up from the bed as she went towards the bathroom. Lucy felt like taking a hot shower right now, as that would get her juices and Minerva's sticky juices off of her body, and smelling clean for the next mission was always one of Lucy's priorities. She lightly placed her left hand on the doorknob of the bathroom door, only to find herself suddenly falling back on to the spot where she originally fell asleep, and Lucy began to look shocked from seeing how Minerva had opened her eyes. Lucy's face started to show a timid expression, expecting to be yelled at.

"Good morning, little Lucy. It's pretty early, so don't be in a rush to handle our next mission." Minerva told Lucy in a calm manner while sounding somewhat tired, closing her eyes for a moment.

Lucy replied softly with her eyes showing surprise, before looking over at Minerva's red alarm clock, "Good morning to you, too, Minerva. It's certainly early, but I just wanted to take a shower. Minerva... we're teammates, but showed out dirty sides to each other around sunset yesterday."

Minerva responded in a groggy manner, opening her eyes as she frowned, "Lucy, you helped me get free from a spell that was making my desires go crazy. There's nothing wrong with that, so don't act as if we drank strong liquor and drunkenly had sexual intercourse like wild girls with no control. If you're so worried, ask me for a massage after breakfast."

Upon hearing Minerva talk to her without yelling or even being angry about the evening where their good feelings for each other mixed together with warmth, Lucy's lips formed a gentle smile as she proceeded to get most of her body under the blue comforter. Lucy noticed that Minerva had gotten herself under the warm comforter at some point during the evening or night, and both of the girls actually shivered slightly from how this morning involved cool breezes going through Saffron Town while some clouds concealed most of the sunlight.

Lucy liked how Minerva seemed very understanding, and she continued to smile as she silently promised that the previous evening's ecstasy would be the little secret that was strictly between the two of them. Lucy closed her eyes as she allowed her right hand to gently touch Minerva's beautiful black hair, loving how it felt so soft as Minerva's hair gave off the aroma of honey-scented shampoo, and Lucy let her right hand go around to Minerva's abdomen. She gently rubbed her friend's body, feeling the juices from last night, and Lucy quickly got her hand away.

She decided to just wrap her arms around Minerva's waist while opening her eyes, and Lucy's body gently snuggled against Minerva's back. Lucy kissed her friend's left shoulder in an affectionate manner, but Lucy viewed that as being better than the act of kissing Minerva on her lips or kissing her on the cheek. That was merely because of how Lucy still saw Minerva as a friend, and any kisses that didn't pertain to sexual intercourse would only be of a calm and friendly nature. Plus, Lucy didn't want to rush anything in this new friendship with a beautiful woman who was the leader of their duo.

Minerva simply smiled in a sweet way while her green eyes showed approval for Lucy's cute little kiss, and she decided to just let out a sweet sigh of satisfaction. Minerva thought that Lucy was trying to be romantic her, especially by how Lucy's arms moved downward to make her hands gently feel Minerva's pussy, and he fact that Minerva could feel Lucy's breasts against her back made her cheeks faintly blush light pink. Minerva did her best to suppress that blush, however, and she didn't have any strong urges of pleasure inside of her body anymore. As her own hands felt her tan skin being sticky and slightly slippery in some areas, though, Minerva had the urge to take a shower and she turned around to lock eyes with Lucy while her smile became somewhat cute.

"Lucy, let's go have a hot shower and start our day." Minerva calmly told her, smiling as she felt glad that Lucy would be in the bathroom with her.

Lucy comically asked as her cheeks blushed light pink, some drops of sweat lightly forming on her forehead, "Minerva, you want us to take a hot shower together?"

Minerva explained in a somewhat annoyed tone, her smile changing to a stern frown, "Lucy, we'll take a shower together and you'll wash my back for me. I'll wash your back for you, and the body wash and hot water will make us both smell much better. Lucy, a woman should publicly smell pleasant instead of putrid."

The strict Sabertooth mage didn't feel like repeating her words to Lucy, and she simply got out of bed while wanting to smell quite clean again. Lucy got out from under the comforter while trying to make her cheeks cease with blushing, and she would gladly serve Minerva by scrubbing her back. Lucy looked at Minerva raising her arms high above her head while Lucy focused her attention on the beauty of Minerva's back, as well as her lovely rump, but the green-haired female hastily got out of bed and shifted her attention to the bathroom door.

The previous evening was just Lucy doing the right thing of helping out a friend who seemed to be quite troubled because of earlier events that were pretty rough, but Lucy started to look nervous about her heart wasn't exactly agreeing with that thought in her head right now. Lucy wouldn't ask Minerva if she enjoyed her massage, since they would probably be doing another interesting mission today, and Lucy wondered if the previous evening made her have more admiration for Minerva's beauty. As Lucy watched Minerva walk past her to go into the bathroom, she walked behind her and started to think about how being in Sabertooth was proving to be exciting.

Meanwhile, at the Fairy Tail guild...

Haruka walked into the Fairy Tail guild with a proud smile on her face, quite happy that she finished her important job two nights ago, and finding that Cerulean Blue Orb in the distant town of Huálán really made that night be great. The client in that town may have handed her the money on one of the dark backstreets of Huálán Town, but Haruka had wasted no time with using her powerful Wind Magic to possibly end that woman's life. She didn't want any people being around to possibly tell the Magic Council later about how they were attacked by a wizard, since this was Haruka's first crime being carried out after impersonating Lucy Heartfilia.

Haruka happily strolled up to the table where Erza was sitting with Natsu while she noticed that scarlet-haired mage had the newest issue of Sorcerer Magazine that was in a cherry red color, and Haruka wore a sky blue T-shirt with a short white miniskirt to match. Haruka had her blonde hair down, and the feeling of delight was in her cocoa brown eyes as she sat next to Natsu. The antagonist turned her head to see that Gray was looking at the request board, wondering about which job would be the best one to take for the team while the three real members of Team Natsu all felt like they needed a good way to help Lucy pay her rent.

Getting money for themselves was important, but Erza and Natsu would be glad to help their friend Lucy with paying her monthly rent. Haruka felt very satisfied with stealing that blue orb to where she would want to show off her money, however, and the criminal pulled out a neatly folded stack of at least eighty-thousand jewels from the right pocket of the miniskirt that she wore. She started to smirk a bit while hoping that her teammates would perceive Lucy Heartfilia as being awesome to where she could take more jobs by herself, but Erza widened her brown eyes in amazement for a few moments.

Natsu looked down at the money, before assuming with a smile on his face that Lucy went out on a job last night without telling the rest of the team, and the fire dragon slayer was glad that his friend managed to find a well-paying task that she could complete on her own. Haruka grabbed the money with her right hand, before putting it back into her right pocket, and she gave Erza a calm smile as she just wanted to inform her that this month's rent was not going to be an issue for Lucy to fret over. As Erza wore her Heart Kreuz Armor, she simply smiled at the girl who was supposedly Lucy.

"What type of job allowed you to earn all that money, Lucy?" Erza asked with curiosity in her eyes, glad to see that her friend wasn't even injured.

Haruka responded with a fake smile of cheerfulness appearing on her face, "Erza, it was a fun job that I had to do all the way in Huálán Town. All that I had to do was retrieve some treasure from that seaside town."

Natsu told Haruka while smiling, before gently sniffing her, "Lucy, you thankfully don't smell like seawater."

Before Haruka could start to brag about how she ended up getting the Cerulean Blue Orb that could possibly amplify spells pertaining to Water Magic and Ice Magic, she saw Gray come back to the table with a purple flyer in his left hand. Gray wore an orange plaid shirt with some black pants, and he yawned softly as he hoped that a job that was handled early in the morning could be good. He showed the flyer to Erza, who liked the fact that the task could seem interesting while not minding how it also seemed simple, but Haruka's eyes widened in shock for a split second from seeing the job.

People could definitely write up requests in a hasty manner, since the client wrote about how this incident was causing them to freak out, and the person who sent the purple flyer to Fairy Tail was actually the curator of the Oceanic Museum in Huálán Town. The client was stating how they urgently needed some assistance with getting back the Cerulean Blue Orb, and their cameras had only captured the sight of someone moving incredibly fast to where they managed to steal the blue treasure in the blink of an eye. Haruka quickly handed the flyer back to Gray, and she definitely didn't want to join Team Natsu on this mission.

Haruka was aware of the simple fact that she couldn't become more powerful if she kept hanging around them, and she had spent the past two days reading spell books on Water Magic and Ice Magic. The female villain had hoped to at least freeze Natsu and Erza to death when the time was right, but power wasn't the only reason that Haruka wanted to keep doing jobs at night. She hoped that no pieces of evidence were left behind by her in the Oceanic Museum, such as stopping to pant or letting any of her beautiful blonde hairs fall, and Haruka regained her composure.

Gray focused more on the flyer instead of how Lucy seemed a little surprised, and he was glad that the reward would be 600,000 jewels for the successful retrieval of this precious treasure. The train that went to Huálán Town wouldn't be active for two hours because of the train schedules, however, so the members of Team Natsu could just use that time to relax. Erza turned her attention back to the magazine that was on the table, and she began to look quite shocked from what was on the next page. This issue had been published yesterday after getting the best fashion trends, as well as the juiciest topics, but Erza never expected to see one of her worst enemies have the spotlight.

Erza read aloud in a stunned manner, seeing Minerva smile and pose on one half of the page, "Minerva Orland poses beautifully in Sekichiku Town's fashion show, and Sabertooth's new green-haired female wizard takes second place."

Haruka asked and exclaimed with an expression of disbelief, sounding surprised that a certain woman wasn't dead, "Wait, what?! Let me see that, Erza! She should've been left to die!"

Erza questioned her friend while looking puzzled, "Lucy, you think Minerva should've been left to die? Why are you so worked up from seeing her? She was weaker than me in the Grand Magic Games, but other people could have difficulty dealing with her magic."

Haruka replied nicely, as she immediately tried to calm herself down, "It's nothing, Erza. I just thought you severely wounded her on that final day of the tournament, that's all."

That excuse continued to leave Erza with her puzzled facial expression for a few more seconds, but then she shrugged it off from how Haruka's words actually sounded like a reasonable explanation. Erza went back to reading her magazine, and the good feeling of relief began to appear in Haruka's eyes. The fact that Erza once again believed her made Haruka view this as a little opportunity to gather her thoughts in the calmest manner possible. It seemed like her abilities as a thieving dark mage were displayed with overconfidence, since she expected the real Lucy Heartfilia to be dead by now.

Haruka had heard from some people in Magnolia Town how Sabertooth seemed like the rival guild to Fairy Tail, and she seemed surprised that Minerva actually took Lucy in as a new member for the guild. If Erza ever figured that truth out, then her friendship with Lucy would probably be damaged from how Lucy chose to find safety with Erza's worst enemy. Haruka allowed her lips to faintly form a smirk that almost called for rude laughter while she was definitely taken aback by these new events, and she wondered if Lucy was crying right now.

Three hours later, in Saffron Town...

Lucy happily walked out of the Sabertooth guild with Minerva by her side, and she wore a white vest top that showed that showed the undersides of her breasts while she also wore a violet skirt that had some ruffles at the bottom of it. Lucy also wore some orange high-heeled shoes, too, and Minerva was glad to buy that casual outfit for Lucy earlier in the morning because of how it kept the green-haired girl from constantly wearing Minerva's dresses. Lucy's green hair was styled into a side ponytail on the right side of her head, and she held a pink flyer in her left hand.

Minerva surprisingly decided to wear a pink version of her dress today, since she didn't feel like wearing blue every day, and Minerva also wanted to associate herself with a color that was currently representing victory. Minerva recalled how the photographers and fans who took pictures at yesterday's fashion show were very happy to see her beautiful poses, but the photographers and fans who survived Sherry's attacks long enough to get photos of her fight against Lucy were happy to capture some images of those pink spells that ended up helping Lucy be the winner in that fight.

The pink flyer that Lucy picked out would require her and Minerva to handle the simple job of showing Heavenly Body Magic to a resident of Saffron Town, which surprisingly came with the reward of 200,000 jewels, and that resident actually posted that request two days ago to see if her task would truly be taken care of. Lucy was glad that she would get to show off her magic, and she hoped that it wouldn't be destructive. Minerva would probably warp her attacks far away if they got too dangerous, so the girls were a good pair of teammates.

Minerva glanced down at the pink Starry Ring that was on the ring finger of Lucy's right hand, and she only looked at it for a few moments while hoping that Lucy would be able to have more control over her new heavenly spells. Strong attacks could drain a mage's magical power while training or spells that increased magical strength would help mages boost their overall levels of strength, and Minerva simply felt like she needed to assist Lucy with making her attacks become better than they already were. Lucy only had four spells in her arsenal right now, so Minerva began to look up at Lucy with an ambitious smile on her face.

"Lucy, it might be a good idea for me to help you increase the power of your spells. After all, you'll probably have to eventually deal with dark mages who could be worse than a vengeful fashion designer." Minerva told her in a nice tone. as she looked quite motivated to assist her friend.

That prompted Lucy to ask Minerva with curiosity in her eyes, wondering if Minerva was reminding her of something, "You're referring to how I'll eventually need to face that thief again, right?"

Minerva replied with a manipulative smirk on her face, playing off of Lucy's question, "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Lucy, this current job is simple. However, that task of taking down someone from Fairy Tail is a mission that will require you to be at your absolute best."

Minerva's words about the impostor still being in the Fairy Tail guild made Lucy start to think about Erza, the girl who she did have some little romantic feelings for, but Erza not believing the real Lucy in the Tokiwa Forest and rudely scoffing caused Lucy to accept that she and Erza would never end up being a couple. Lucy saw no point in trying to be in a romantic relationship with someone who had no feelings for her, but she began to narrow her eyes at the thought of the thief somehow becoming best friends with Erza.

It would be horrible for Lucy to possibly be replaced forever by that thief, since she did miss Natsu's occasional moments of being a comic relief, but Lucy began to mainly shift her thoughts towards Erza while thinking how she probably deserved to be friends with an impostor. Lucy silently wondered how Erza never thought about how there were spells that could make people steal appearances or even switch bodies altogether, and she hoped that Erza wasn't petty enough to also dismiss the real Lucy's claims because of how Minerva had been the one to report the shocking news to Erza.

Not liking rumors about being in a relationship with someone was something that could be viewed as acceptable, but Lucy felt that Erza couldn't just view Minerva as a bad person for her horrible actions that occurred during the last two days of the Grand Magic Games. As Minerva started leading Lucy down one of the town's streets in hopes of finding the client, Lucy began to smile at Minerva while viewing her to just be a powerful woman who simply had some sadistic tendencies. Even though Minerva was very rough with Lucy in the Naval Battle, Lucy now assumed that Minerva just wanted to show off the strength of her guild at the time.

The thought of showing off strength soon made Lucy refocus her attention back to the simple task of showing off her magic for a client, and Lucy hoped to find them soon. She charged up a pink aura in her right hand while Minerva led her down a street that was interestingly occupied by some of the Sabertooth wizards who liked to be performers, and Lucy moved her left hand in front of her right hand to make the pink flyer seem a bit brightened by the pink aura. As the girls went down the street, Lucy soon saw a purple-haired girl around Wendy's age run towards the team while she wore a purple dress shirt with a black skirt to match.

"That's the flyer I sent to Sabertooth, so you must be here to handle my request! I'm Rika Fujiwara, and I'm from the guild known as Witch's Lavender." The young girl told the protagonists with a nice smile on her face, as she held a large brown bag in her right hand for a moment.

Lucy replied kindly while smiling back at the girl who had purple hair and cherry red hair and cherry red eyes, "I'm Lucy Heartfilia, and this is Minerva Orland. I'll show you my Heavenly Body Magic, and I hope you enjoy this simple performance."

Rika explained while choosing to counter the last part of Lucy's last sentence, "Performing with magic requires passion, and my guild mistress has always said that to us. After hearing about your Heavenly Body Magic from my friends who read Sorcerer Magazine, I came here at dawn to hopefully find you and see your awesome skills!"

Lucy started off this little performance by aiming her right hand upward, and she fired a pink orb of heavenly energy from her hand. Lucy followed that up with a new spell that she wanted to be referencing the Starry Ring, and Lucy called it the Starry Morning Beam. This spell made Lucy fire a pink beam of energy from her right hand, and it spiraled upward while heading straight for the orb. Lucy didn't shoot out her attack with much power, though, so she would not be surprised at the result. Lucy smiled, but Minerva simply looked unimpressed.

When Lucy's beam struck the orb, the two moves collided and burst instantly to create pink glitter that came down to the street in the form of a spiraling beam of glitter. Most of it landed around Lucy and Minerva, which caused Rika to clap her hands while seeming impressed, and Minerva hoped that there would be no issue with how some of the magic ended up softly falling into her mouth. Lucy wasn't done with her little performance, however, and she activated her next new spell that pertained to Heavenly Body Magic.

It was known as Heavenly Ring, and this spell merely made a pink ring of heavenly energy appear in Lucy's right hand. She threw it up into the air, only to see the spell suddenly ascend higher than she intended it to, and Lucy guessed that her spell wanted to go straight up to the highest level of the heavens. The small ring grew larger in size, before making pink thin beams of heavenly energy come raining down in a high amount, and they all went straight down towards Minerva. Rika really liked seeing this crazy part of the performance, especially since this high-level attack could possibly kill someone.

Minerva raised her hands upwards to create two large energy waves that were rainbow-colored while they slowly swirled around, and she made their properties be capable of attracting Lucy's spell to her. When the beams landed against Minerva's energy waves, they were instantly nullified by the properties of the energy waves nullifying an enemy's attack. The attacks only created pink blasts that were lacking any power, but the pulsating pink ring making the sky share its pink color for a few moments was definitely an amazing sight for the residents of Saffron Town to see.

"Wow, that was an awesome display of spells!" Rika told the protagonists with an excited facial expression, her purple eyes twinkling in amazement.

Lucy responded nicely as she softly smiled, "Those weren't all of my spells, but I'm glad to be creating some new ones."

Minerva thought to herself as she looked surprised by those new spells appearing, "Lucy, is the magic of that ring pushing you to self-create certain techniques?"

As Rika picked up her brown bag of jewels and handed it to Lucy, Minerva's green eyes looked at Lucy's pink ring and she felt quite glad that Lucy made herself hold back with showcasing the power of her spells. Lucy thankfully did not destroy Saffron Town, which made Minerva happy, and Minerva could now look forward to the days where she would spend time training with Lucy while seeing the power in those spells would probably make Minerva feel some excitement. She hoped to enhance Lucy's power to high levels, and that could probably help Sabertooth win the Grand Magic Games or some other major event.

Minerva continued to look at Lucy while she proceeded to notice how some pink glitter was on the undersides of Lucy's breasts, Minerva watched Rika walk away from the wielder of astral attacks, before gently touching Lucy's breasts with her hands to quickly wipe off the glitter, but Minerva's actions made Lucy scream softly in a shocked manner. Minerva was quick to remove her hands as she sternly told Lucy that her outfit had some glitter on it, and she quickly turned away from Lucy while proceeding to fold her arms. Lucy didn't feel like being irritated from that, and her cheeks began to blush pink from how a strong woman like Minerva could have such a gentle touch while Lucy started to blush more in admiration from how one of Minerva's black hairs landed on her lips after Minerva gently ran her fingers through one noticeable aspect of her heavenly beauty.

How was Chapter 6? Did you like it? Lucy and Minerva are starting to be better friends, even though Minerva is stern with her. Their friendship will only get better, especially since Lucy's feelings and admiration for Minerva are increasing. Anyway, what shall happen when Minerva takes Lucy somewhere for training? Will they enjoy their time together? What does Gray manage to recognize in Huálán Town? Standby for the update!

Now, to the reviews!

LucyMabely: Thank you so much!

FireBlitz: Thanks!

OrangeDetermination: Thank you! When Erza finds out that Lucy has chemistry with Minerva, she might be extremely surprised.

YellowThunder5: Thank you so much! Just so you know, Lucy and Minerva will end up kissing soon.

GreenGrass4: Thank you! I'm glad you liked the lemon scene, my friend.

BlueWater234: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter!

PurpleReis155: Thank you. Yeah, Lucy and Minerva will start dating soon.