Now this will be fun, came up with this in school and since pokemon is my favorite game yeah let's just get started

I don't own pokemon all rights go to game freak and nintendo I only own my OC

Chapter 1: a strange and familiar world

Tyler's pov

You know how you sleep on the couch and you somehow wake up in your bed well...I know that feeling why? Because that's what I'm feeling right now, the only difference is...I'm not in my bed, I'm on the ground somewhere. A warm breeze was on me and I hear birds chirping but something didn't feel right, I'm not a bird expert but they just Then I heard footsteps approaching where I'm laying.

"Um...excuse me boy but are you alright, the road isn't a good place to have a nap" the voice sounded old and wise. I decided to open my eyes and look at him and I felt my jaw drop at who it was.

"P-P-Professor Oak?!" yep it was the pokemon expert himself reaching his hand down to help me up I took his hand and stood up and then I noticed something… in the sky, in the trees nearby I saw something that made me scream in excitement in my mind….POKEMON!

I'm not joking with you pokemon...I thought I was dreaming at the moment but the fact that my head hurts proves me otherwise I looked down and I find out that my body change I'm shorter and and I just noticed my voice sounded like me when I was ten and then I realised…..I'm ten again.

Wait….do I have to go through puberty again? damn it once was enough!

"Okay now care to explain why you were taking a nap on the road?" he asked and crossed his arms

"To be honest sir no I don't I just woke up here" which was half true I mean I just woke up here but he doesn't need to know where i came from.

"How about you come to my lab my boy?" that made my eyes widen "we can discuss more things there. What do you say?"

"YES!" he kinda leaned back when I shouted then I calm down "um...I mean yes please"

"Um alrighty then lets go" we start walking to his lab was and I look at my clothing I'm currently wearing a purple shirt with blue jeans and white and blue shoes oh and I still have my rectangular framed glasses it's like the clothing I was wearing before had shrunk to fit my new ten year old self.

"We're here" I looked up and saw the lab and it looked just like it did in the anime windmill and all.

"It looks amazing!" I said with excitement

He laughs at my answer "yes that is usually every child's reaction when they see my lab for the first time"

We head inside and I look around seeing a lot of kizmos, gadgets, and who knows what else but the main thing I saw was on a round table there were three pokeballs. One marked with a leaf, one marked with a flame, and one marked with a water drop. Huh so this means Ash has not left yet however I needed to ask

"Hey professor?" He turns to me with a raised eyebrow

"what are those for?" Even though I know the answer, I needed to ask.

"Oh those are for the new trainers coming tomorrow when they start their pokemon journey" he sounded excited when he said that.

" room for one more trainer?" I mean becoming a trainer that's every pokemon fan's dream!

He looked surprised by my answer but smiled "why of course I just need your name and I can make you a pokedex" he went to the computer and started typing on it then turned back to me.

"What's your name my boy?" I open my mouth but stop. I mean my first name is fine but I need a new last name...and then I got an idea for one and said.

"My name is Tyler Nova" yes i said nova….what?, it sound cool and memorable

He types up some stuff and a while later something comes out of the slot which i realise is the Kanto pokedex and he comes up and hands it to me "this is your pokedex, it will give you info on the pokemon here in kanto it also proves that you are a pokemon trainer!" I open it and look at the buttons I press one and a picture of me appears on the screen

"I'm dexter a pokedex programed by professor oak for pokemon trainer Tyler Nova, my function is to provide him with info regarding pokemon, if lost or stolen I cannot be replaced" nice, I put the pokedex in my pocket and looked back to him

"Now here is the main question….who do you want as your first pokemon?" that question stumped me like I mean which pokemon would I choose, this might be difficult.

"Actually right now I was wondering if I can take a look around the lab" he seemed confused but nodded as I headed into a hallway and out a window I could see a bunch of pokemon from the kanto region water, bugs, you name it!

I sit down on a couch but I hear paw steps approaching where I'm sitting and when I raise my head I hear a small "vul" come from it. I looked at the source and got a surprised look. I mean it's not everyday you see an alolan vulpix coming towards you.

"Oh um hey there little guy….or girl?" they looked at me weird before barking twice which i took as 'girl' i nodded and patted the seat next to me and she jumped up and instead of sitting next to me she went and sat on my lap.

I start petting her and her fur is very soft and a little bit cold like after taking your lunch box out of the fridge. "Vullll" she leans into my hand as I pet her and I took that moment to scan her with my pokedex but got a no data note on it. But then i hear another beep go off.

Vulpix the fox pokemon, it exhales air colder than -58 degrees fahrenheit. Elderly people in Alola call this pokemon by an older name-Keokeo. I look and see professor oak holding another pokedex as he puts it away "I see you met vulpix already" he said with a smile.

"Oh yes she seemed to take quite a liking to me" I scratch near her ears and she flips on her back and i start rubbing her belly.

"Hey Tyler" I look to professor oak in question

"How would you like to have Vulpix as your first pokemon?" I think for a sec and look to her.

"Hey vulpix" she turns to me wondering why I stopped petting

"How would you like to be my partner pokemon vulpix?" She looks a bit shocked by my question and then gives a big smile and pounces on me and smothering me in licks on my face.

Professor oak laughs at the scene "i take that as a yes" then he takes out an empty pokeball and tosses it to me I knew what to do and held it out to vulpix, she looks at it before booping it with her nose and turns into red energy and disappears inside the pokeball.

One, two, three, click.

I take the ball, look at it but realise i don't have a place to put it but professor oak gives me a belt with slots to hold 6 pokeballs I put it on and put the ball on the first slot of the belt. But then i needed to ask something "hey professor" he turns to me "why did you have an alolan vulpix in your lab anyway?" i mean don't get me wrong it was a good question: how did a pokemon from a different region end up here in Kanto?

"Well my cousin from alola sent her here, apparently from what i heard she belonged to a new trainer" he said and i could tell there was anger in his voice

"Wait but why does she still look new? I mean it looks like she hasn't trained at all!" when i saw vulpix it looked like she was just recently caught.

"The trainer abandoned her because she couldn't meet with her expectations even though she got vulpix a few hours prior" the anger in his voice was showing more and more and who could blame him i mean just getting pokemon and then just abandon it a few hours later in my opinion she just didn't want the trouble of training it.

"Don't worry professor" i touch the ball on my belt

"I can assure you that she will be safe with me" i take off the ball and look at it in determination

The team

Vulpix(alolan) (F) moves: ?

I hope you liked the chapter because this story is going to be fun!

Anyway see you next time

and remember to stay connected