Pallet Town, a beautiful town in the Kanto Region and our story begins with two boys who have the dream of becoming Pokemon Masters. Sora Nomura Ketchum and his twin brother Ash Jonathan Ketchum. Ash had raven black hair and it was messy and amber colored eyes while Sora had brown spikey hair and blue eyes. Sora got changed into his white and black jacket as well as a red jumpsuit and a pair of white with yellow gloves with his crown necklace and crown chain,

Sora and Ash are so excited about beginning their Pokémon journey that they couldn't sleep. Currently, they are watching two creatures fighting each other on TV. One is a light purple quadruped rhino-like rabbit (Nidorino) and the other is dark purple with a bipedal body with red eyes, spikes on its back, large pointed ears, short arms and legs with three digits on each hand and foot, and a wide sinister grin (Gengar). Nidorino charges at Gengar while the battle takes place at a stadium with the spectators cheering. A Poster which contained the three Kanto Starters hung on the wall near their beds. bulbasaur, a Grass type Pokémon that resembles a small, squatting dinosaur that walks on four legs, but bears three claws on each of its feet and has no tail. It also has large, red eyes and very sharp teeth. Its skin is a light, turquoise color with dark, green spots. It has three claws on all four of its legs. Its most notable feature, however, is the aforementioned bulb on its back. Charmander, a Fire type Pokémon a small, bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon. Most of its body is colored orange, while its underbelly is a pale light-yellow color. And it has a flame burning at the tip of its tail . And the third being Squirtle, a Water type Pokémon with the resemblance of a light blue turtle, but with a shell that's brown on top and pale yellow on the bottom with a white ridge between the two halves, and a long curly tail.

Nidorino attempts to jab Gengar with it's horn only for Gengar to jump out of the way. The Announcer gives the play by play.

"Nidorino starts the battle with a Horn Attack!" the announcer said. "Oh, but Gengar bounces right back!" Gengar's red eyes starts glowing blue as Nidorino starts to fall right to sleep. "And Gengar fires its Hypnosis move! This could be all over for Nidorino!" A red beam hits Nidorino as the Pokémon is turned into a red energy and flows back into a red and white ball with a button in the middle and separate with a bluish black line held by a man with black hair, a red vested shirt, blue jeans and a baseball cap. "The trainer calls back Nidorino! What other Pokémon is he sending out next?!" The man puts the ball he's holding away while he pulls out another one. He throws the ball onto the battlefield. A flash of white energy emerges as a giant snake Pokémon with it's body made of boulders and a rocky spine on its head emerges. "And it's Onix!" Onix roars as it enters the arena. The giant Pokémon slams it's head but Gengar dodges the attack. "And Gengar dodges again! This Pokémon is moving beautifully this battle! Its training has paid off!"

"Man i cannot wait, Tomorrow we begin our own pokemon Journey" Sora said with excitement.

"I know, I can't wait either Sora" said Ash as their father came in with his long black spiky hair. He was wearing a black tank top which showed off his muscles and a pair of pajama pants. "Sora, Ash, you two better get to sleep soon. Kairi will be joining you both in the morning to get your starter from Professor Oak." He said.

"Sorry dad, we couldn't sleep" the twins said as Ryo chuckled. "I was the same way when i was a boy."

That's when a quadruped, frog-like Pokémon. It has light blue skin, white hands, and a dark blue stripe from the center of its oval head to its nose. Its eyes, which have yellow sclera, black irises, and white pupils, protrude vertically from its head due to their size. . "Froa, Froakie" said the frog. This pokemon was a Froakie. A water type normally found in the Kalos region. He was a friend of Ash's when he found the poor water type hurt in the forest. Ash took Froakie to Professor Oak. Professor Oak told Ash about Froakie abandoning its trainers from the Kalos Region and so Professor Sycamore sent Froakie to him to find a trainer worthy of him.. Ash befriended Froakie and ever since the two have become friends. Froakie jumped onto Ash's head and he smiled at his friend. A soft meow was heard as a quadruped, feline Pokémon covered with primarily black fur. It has a short muzzle with a tiny, black nose, red eyes with yellow sclerae, and short, pointed ears with pale gray insides. There are two red stripes around each of its legs and two horizontal stripes with a vertical stripe across them on its forehead. The lower part of Litten's face is also red, and there is a large tuft of fur on each cheek. A tuft of fur sits at the end of its long tail. When it arches its back, three pointed tufts of fur with red tips appear along its spine. This pokemon is called a Litten and it is one of the starter pokemon found in Alola. This pokemon was a birthday gift from Vanitas for Sora when he turned five and he has had Litten ever since. Sora has a habit of nicknaming his pokemon and he chose the name Litty and the name stuck with him since. Litty nuzzled against Sora's leg and Sora picked up his pokemon.

"Sora, Ash, come with me." said Ryo as both boys followed their father outside their house. Their mother and their little sister were sound asleep while their older brother Vanitas was still on his own journey with his Incineroar.

Outside the stars were out and the crescent moon was seen. Standing in front of their house. Ryo turned to them and he opened his palm and with a golden flash did a majestic weapon appear in his hand. made up of two crossing key shaped blades , with the teeth facing outward.a filigree that looked like wings glowed green, and the blade was golden. "Do you know what this is Sora?" asked Ryo, holding the weapon with both hands.

" The X-blade," said Sora, answering his dad. Sora's dad is a descendant of a mighty warrior from long ago who along with others wielded key shaped swords called Keyblades and fought over a source of light that goes by the name of Kingdom Hearts. Sora and Ash's great Ancestor Sokora who was the original wielder of the X-blade went into hiding as the ancient war known as the Keyblade War. a war fought over for control over the light of Kingdom Hearts and the X-blade. The Keyblade War came to an end and destroyed all life but thanks to Sokora. He was able to take the X-blade and hide it from the survivors. the light from Arceus along with the hearts of children and pokemon rebuild the world as it was today and the Keyblade War along with the Keyblade were nothing more than a myth and everyone believed the X-blade was destroyed. Only a few wielders of the Keyblade know that the X-blade still exists and vowed to keep it a secret from those who dare to seek the power of Kingdom Hearts. Three of them happen to be close friends with their family.

"Yes, This weapon has been passed down generations upon generations in our family. Tasked by the Alpha Pokemon Arceus to guard it and Kingdom Hearts ever since the beginning of time and now it's yours son." said Ryo as he offered the weapon to Sora. Sora was taken back as he looked at his dad. Ryo nodded as Sora took the X-blade. A glow came bonded the two together. Ryo then looked at Ash as he said. "Ash, your mother will give you something in the morning since she is asleep." said Ryo.

Ash nodded to his father. He was born with the gift of Aura. His mother was a descendant of Sir Aaron, an Aura Guardian and a master of Aura. he took the staff from his father.

"Now remember Sora. With great power comes great responsibility." said Ryo.

"I know Dad and I am ready to take the responsibility." said Sora. Ryo smiled at his sons as he pulled them in for a hug. "Now off to bed." said Ryo. Ash and Sora went to their room and they got into their pajamas. "Good night Sora." said Ash as Froakie fell asleep next to him.

"Good night Ash" said Sora as he fell asleep with Litty on his stomach. The next morning came and the two boys were still asleep as a six year old girl and a red headed girl about the same age as the boys came in. She has ocean blue eyes and her outfit is a white top, with a black shirt underneath exposing a small part of her navel. And also a lavender skirt and pink shoes. She smirked before she knelt over the large bed where her best friend/crush slept.

Litten opened his eyes before he jumped off him stirring him from his sleep. Sora woke up and he yawned before he laid back down and Kairi looked down at him with a smile. ""WHOA!"

He turned to see Kairi, one of his best friends and crush, giggling at him. "Gimme a break, Kairi." Said Sora.

"Sora, you lazy bum. Time to wake up" Kairi said with a smirk,

The six year old girl jumped on Ash's stomach waking him up. "Wake up big brother." she exclaimed with a big smile. Just then Sora must of realized they may be late. "What time is it?" he asked Kairi

""Easy Sora, It's early, Your mother is making breakfast right now." said Ryo laughing from his spot near the door.

"We better get ready Sora." said Ash.

"Come Amber, your mother must be almost done with breakfast. Let your big brothers get dressed." said Ryo as he took Amber and Kairi to the kitchen as both boys got ready for the day. Ash's clothing was a black t-shirt, with a blue and white jacket over, blue jeans, black and white sneakers and green fingerless gloves. He also wore a red and white hat that held a green mark on it. This hat was special to Ash; he won it from a contest the Pokémon league held. It took him one million postcards, but it was worth it.

Sora and Ash then headed down for breakfast. Their mother Delia was making breakfast as Ryo was drinking his coffee. Kairi was feeding Litty and Froakie pokemon food. Delia turned to her sons with a big smile. 'Morning my handsome boys, you look great in your clothes.'

"Thanks Mom" they said in unison as they ate the breakfast their mother made. THey would miss her cooking but she and Kairi's Grandma taught Kairi how to cook since Sora is accident prone when it comes to cooking. The two women knew that Kairi had a major crush on Sora and Sora has a crush on Kairi. But they were afraid to admit it to each other. The two boys finished their breakfast. they were done and were gonna help their mother clean up but Ryo said. "You two go on ahead and get your starter pokemon, I'll help your mother clean up."

"Thanks Dad" they said as they left their house with Kairi. Litten and Froakie followed suitly behind them. "So Kairi, any idea to what kind of Pokemon you're gonna choose. Charmander? Bulbasaur or Squirtle?" asked Sora looking at the girl he was in love with.

"I'm not sure..but i definitely would like to have a Bulbasaur." Kairi said. The three of them heard screaming coming from afar making them stop in their tracks. "What was that?" asked Sora before Ash felt a familiar aura calling to him. He closed his eyes before searching for the source. He then opened his eyes before he dashed off leaving Sora and Kairi behind. "Ash wait for us!" Sora said taking back at his brother dashing off like that.

In the forest. a honey brown haired girl wearing a grayish-black tank-top with a white collar, a red skirt, a dark pink hat with a black bow and hatband, black stockings, and black shoes, with a pink backpack. Next to her a small, quadruped fox-like Pokémon. It is covered in pale yellow fur that is longer on its haunches. It has a white muzzle with longer fur on its cheeks, large, dark orange eyes, and a pointed, black nose. When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen in its upper jaw. Tufts of dark orange fur cover the interior of its large ears. THis pokemon is called a Fennekin. A fire type from the Kalos Region. The girl and the Fennekin were running away from a flock of Spearow.

"Please leave us alone...We didn't mean to wander in your territory!" the girl shouted to the flock of wild spearow. Soon the girl and the Fennekin were trapped as the flock of angry birds surrounded them. Fennekin fired Ember toward the spearow. One of the girls gets scorched by the attack but another takes it place. ``This isn't working Fennekin," the girl exclaimed.

"Fenne! Fennekin!" said Fennekin when a spearow aimed right for Fennekin. 'Look out Fennekin!" said the girl throwing herself in between the spearow and her pokemon. Right before the spearow can claw at her with its talons. She heard. "Froakie! Water Pulse!"

"Froakie!" shouted Froakie throwing a sphere of water at the attacking spearow. The attack hits the spearow dead on. Ash with his hands out in front of him with his eyes glowing blue made an Aura shield to protect the girl and her pokemon. 'Go back into the forest." Ash said. The sparrow flew back into the forest. Ash turned to the girl before he said. "Serena?"

Serena looked at the boy in front of her before she said. "Ash?"

The two friends stared at each other before they hugged each other with a small hug. "Wow., you're really here Serena..i thought you were in Kalos with your mom?" asked Ash.

"I asked my mom if i could come to Kanto to start my pokemon journey." said Serena with a smile. Ash smiled before he heard Sora and Kairi had caught up with Litty. "Serena?" asked Sora on seeing the girl Ash had been friends with for years since their meeting at pokemon camp.

"Hi Sora" said Serena with a wave to sora before she saw the girl next to him."Kairi"

"'s been too long. I like your outfit." Kairi coeed on seeing her outfit. "Fennekin?(Who are these guys and how do you know them Serena?)" asked Fennekin confusedly.

``Who is this pokemon?" asked Sora on seeing Fennekin.

Serena picked up Fennekin in her arms. "This is Fennekin. I choose her as my starter from Professor Sycamore's lab. Fennekin, this is Ash, his twin brother Sora, and Kairi '' said Serena.

"Fennekin(Hello. It's nice to meet you) said Fennekin.

"That's right, we have to hurry to Professor Oak's lab to get our starters!" exclaimed Sora. The four of them with the three pokemon quickly headed for the lab. When they got to the lab. They saw a crowd of people had formed. "Gary! Gary! He's our man! If he can't do it, no one can! Yeah!" The cheerleaders chanted as Sora,Ash, Serena and Kairi rushed through the crowd.

"Excuse us!" Sora shouted as they finally got through only to bump into a boy around his age. Wearing a blue shirt, dark blue pants, a necklace of a yin yang one side being green and another being yellow, and his brown hair done in a hairstyle quite similar to Sora's, but not as spikey.

"Hey watch where you're going!" The boy growled. He got a good look at and instantly recognized him. "Well, if it isn't Sora and Ash. Better late than never you two. At least you'll get the chance to meet me again."

Kairi instantly glared at the boy who was once a part of their group before helping up Sora. Serena instantly took a disliking to the boy she never met. Froakie and Litten glared at the boy while Fennekin was confused.

Ash and Sora gave the boy a scowling look as they knew who he was. "Hello Gary," Sora said in an irradiated tone.

"Mr. Gary to you," Gary corrected him, "show some respect." Ash growled as Gary gave him an arrogant grin. "Well Sora and Ash, you snooze, you lose, and you're right behind right from the start. I got a Pokémon and you two don't!"

"You already got yours" shouted Ash and Sora

"That's right, Losers, and it's right inside this Pokéball," Gary said as he took the Pokéball out, pressed the button to make it fit in the palm of the hand and twirls it on his finger.

"Let's go Gary~Let's go!" the cheerleaders chanted while the crowd cheered for him.

"Thank you fans! Thank you!" Gary addressed his peers. "Thank you all for this great honor! I promise you that I will become a Pokémon Master and make the town of Pallet known all around the world!"


"Sorry to pull you away from your adoring public," Sora said, grabbing Gary's attention. "Which one did you get?"

"None of your business," Gary said arrogantly. "If you two have shown up on time, you would have seen that I have chosen the best Pokémon from Professor Oak. And as you already know, he's my grandfather." Gary got into a ruby red automobile waiting for him. "Thank you all for witnessing history in the making! And now I, Gary Oak, am to set off into the world to learn the ways of the Pokémon trainer!"

The four of them watched as he drove off with the cheerleaders. Sora, Ash and Kairi headed up to the lab and knocked on the door. The door was opened by Professor Oak in his usual attire. 'Ah, Sora, Ash and Kairi. Come on in '' said Professor Oak before he led them inside and to three pokeballs. "I knew that this year would be the biggest turn out with six new trainers so i made sure to have extra starter pokemon shipped to me from my good friend Bill." said Professor Oak. He then tossed the three pokeballs to reveal the Kanto Starters. Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. The Squirtle was a lot bigger than any other Squirtle and it has wave like patterns of. Its shell.

"Now who would like to go first?" asked Professor Oak. Kairi stepped forward before she noticed another pokeball that wasn't opened. "Hey Professor? What's in that pokeball?" She asked.

Professor Oak walked over to the pokeball and he picked it up. He tossed it to release a mammalian, quadruped Pokémon with primarily brown fur. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored. It has short, slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. This Eevee had a small tuft of Red hair on top of it's head like the style of Kairi's hair. "Eevee?(Hello)"

"An Eevee, i found this pokemon just the other day and i have no idea what i am going to do with it." said Professor Oak. Kairi smiled before she studied the Eevee. She looked at Eevee before she said. "I like your red hair Eevee."

"Vee?(You Do?)" asked Eevee, tilting its head, making the red hair move a bit. "I think I made my decision. I want you to be my partner Eevee '' said Kairi with a smile. Professor Oak handed her Eevee's pokeball before he turned to the two boys. Sora stepped forward before he looked at the three pokemon. His mind made up once he saw Squirtle. "Squirtle. How would you like to become my starter?"

"Squirtle(Yes,)." said Squirtle with a nod. Sora then thought of a nickname for Squirtle before he said. '"Your nickname will be Riptide"

Squirtle aka the newly named Riptide loved the nickname before he gave Sora a flashy grin.

Professor Oak handed Sora Squirtles Pokeball before he looked at Ash.

Ash was just about to take his hand out to reach for a pokeball, when he noticed a fourth pokeball. It had a lighting mark on it.

"Say professor what's this pokeball for?" Ash asked. "Oh that well that's a Pokémon I caught yesterday" the professor replied. "May I have a look at this Pokémon?" asked Ash. "Yes you may," Prof Oak answered "but I warn you know, this Pokémon is rather feisty and a bit bad tempered".

Prof Oak opened the fourth pokeball and out popped what seemed to be a big yellow mouse, with red cheeks, brown stripes and a tail in the shape of a lightning bolt. "This is a pikachu, an electric Pokémon," the professor explained.

Ash bent down onto his knees to speak to the pikachu. When pikachu saw Ash it let out some sparks from its cheeks. Ash knew he had to be careful; he had read about electricity and knew that they can be very sensitive. "Hi there," said Ash, with a smile, "you're a really cool pokemon with a lot of spunk". Pikachu looked at Ash in amazement. 'This human isn't afraid of me' it thought. Ash put out a hand to Pikachu. "My name is Ash," he said "and I wish to become a pokemon master. If you want you can come with me and become strong with me. But if you don't want to, I won't force you". Pikachu stared at Ash for a few seconds, and then it hopped onto Ash's shoulder with a smile. "So it's a yes then?" Ash asked. "Pika(yes)" replied Pikachu, with a nod.

Prof Oak was amazed that Ash was able to befriend with the Pikachu so quickly. But then again it was Ash he was looking at. Ever since Ash was six he would come to the lab to check out all the pokemon he had in the ranch. Ash was always able to become friends with the pokemon, no matter what type or size it was. The same could be said with Sora and Kairi.

Bulbasaur and Charmander looked a bit sad that they weren't chosen. Kairi noticed this before she looked at the professor. 'Professor Oak. if it's okay with you. May i also adopt Bulbasaur?"

"Of course Kairi. I have no trouble with that at all. In fact. Bulbasaur here would be quite lonely with Charmander" said Professor oak. "What do you say Bulbasaur wants to join my team?" asked Kairi.

"Bulba(I would like that Kairi)" said Bulbasaur. Professor Oak handed her Bulbasaur's pokeball. Kairi also decided to go with nicknames before she said. "Eevee, for now on, i'll call you Eve and for you Bulbasaur, i will call you Midori"

Eve and Midori instantly liked their new nicknames. Professor Oak then looked at Serena and her Fennekin. "Oh my, a fennekin and i believe this is your pokemon Serena?" Professor Oak asked her,

"Yeah, professor Sycamore gave her to me" said Serena holding Oak studied Fennekin from Serena's arms and he said. "What a lovely pokemon, In fact Serena, How would you like to take charmander"

``Really, you won't mind if I have Charmander?" asked Serena.

"Not at all. Like Bulbasaur, Charmander would be lonely at the ranch and I won't have any starter trainers until next year." Professor Oak said handing her Charmanders pokeball. Serena went onto her knees before she asked. 'Charmander, would you like to join my team?"

"Charm!(yes)" said Charmander with a nod. Serena smiled that she got a new pokemon and looked at professor oak. He then handed the four new trainers a pokedex and several pokeballs. "These pokedexs have all the information i have on every known pokemon."

"Thanks professor!" said the four of them. When Pikachu saw the pokeball in Ash's hand. it shook its head mentally. He was afraid of pokeballs

"I take it that means you hate being in pokeballs?" asked Ash. Pikachu nodded its head. "It's okay," said Ash "if you don't want to be in a pokeball I don't mind at all".

Pikachu nodded before he said to himself. "This is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship,"

"Come on, let's go show Mom and Dad our pokemon" said Ash turning when a frubble hits his head. "What?" asked Ash as he noticed Froakie was in front of him with a pokeball. Froakie moved the pokeball with his head. "Froa(I made my mind up Ash, catch me)"

"My boy, I believe Froakie has chosen you as his trainer," said Oak with a smile.

"Really?, you want to come along with us Froakie?" asked Ash as he knelt down to his friend. "Froakie!(Yes!)" said Froakie as Ash held out the pokeball and allowed himself to be caught. Ash sent out Froakie and he was on his other shoulder. Sora had Litty's pokeball with him since Litty was his.

THe four of them left professor Oak's lab and headed back to the ketchum residents. Delia and Ryo were on the front porch with Delia sweeping and Ryo reading the morning paper. Amber was playing with growlithe and a bipedal, ursine Pokémon covered in short, orange-brown fur. Its muzzle is light tan with a small black nose and black eyes. There is a slightly paler tan crescent marking on its face, and it has round ears. It has three claws on its forepaws as well as two claws and yellow paw pads on its hind paws. Its tail is short, round, and puffy. The two of them had huge smiles on their faces. They then saw Ash and Sora coming back. "There back!" exclaimed Amber running to her brothers,

We weren't gone for long Amber" sora said, getting on his knees to greet her. Delia and Ryo came to greet their sons when they saw Pikachu and Riptide. "A pikachu and a Squirtle?" asked Delia on seeing the pokemon. Pikachu was on Ash's shoulder and Riptide was beside Sora.

"So you choose a Pikachu Ash and Sora choose Squirtle?" asked Ryo.

"Yeah," said Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Pikapi(hiya)" said Pikachu

"Yeah, this is Riptide. Riptide, this is my mom, Dad and little sister Amber" said Sora.

"Squirt..Squirtle(Hello Sora's family)" said Riptide, giving them a peace sign.

Kairi giggled before she saw her Grandma exit her house which surprisingly was right next door to the Ketchum residence. Kathryn Stoner is a small, elderly woman with thick, grey hair tied into a bun. She is usually seen smiling pleasantly with her eyes closed, though the few times they are seen open, she is shown to have blue eyes like Kairi. She wears a short sleeved, purple dress with a white apron over it. She also wears a dark cloth tied around her neck (which was maroon in Kingdom Hearts and grey in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep), and a white ring on her left ring finger.

Kairi with her two pokemon walked over to her grandma and she hugged her which she returned. Kathrynn looked down to see Eve and Midori. "Grandma, I want you to meet Eve and Midori. Eve, Midori, this is my Grandma" said Kairi.

'Eevee!, Bulba" said the two pokemon.

Serena was silent letting Ash and sora talk to their parents and Delia noticed her as the girl Ash befriended at Pokemon Camp a few years ago. "Oh my words, if it isn't Serena and you sure have grown into a beautiful girl" Delia said.

"Hi Mrs. Ketchum and thank you" said Serena with a small bow. Ash and Sora came out of their house with their bags which they packed last night, within their bags are some books their father gave them. Sleeping bags and a few other things they need. Kairi's grandma also handed her her own bag which was purple and pink with a star on it. "

Soon it was time for the four of them to begin their pokemon journey. Amber was crying as she looked at her older brothers. "Hey it's going to be okay Amber" said Sora not liking when his little sister is upset.

"It's Just not fair, Why can't I come with you guys?" said Amber with tears in her eyes.

"We Know, but someone has to keep mom and Dad company while we're gone Amber '' said Ash. The pokemon looked at her feeling sad. Ryo shot a look to D'elia who then pulled out a small red bag. "If you want to go with your Brothers Amber then it's okay with us"

"Really Mommy, Daddy!" said the girl, excited that she gets to go on a journey with her brothers.

"Here's Teddiursa's pokeball Amber" said Ryo handing his Daughter a pokeball.

"Are you sure Mom, Dad?" asked Ash looking at their parents.

"Amber would be pretty sad to see you two go and so we thought this would give her a bit of a chance to learn about the pokemon world. By traveling with her brothers' ' Ryo said before he pulled out two blue and black pokemon eggs in incubators and handed them to his sons. 'In these incubators are pokemon that will help you both with your training.``

Sora and Ash agreed before taking the eggs from their father.

Delia then pulled out a long black staff with a blue round sphere gem on top of it. "Ash...This staff has been passed down in our family for generations much like the X-blade has been passed down on Ryo's side of the family. This staff will help you with your aura training."

Delia offered the staff towards Ash and he looked at the staff before after giving Serena his egg. He took it from his mom and put it on his back. Delia pulled her sons in a breathtaking hug. "I'm so proud of you my sons."

"Mom c-can't breathe" They said, struggling to breathe. She let them go before looking at their pokemon. "Froakie, Pikachu,Litty and Riptide. Take good care of my children''

"Froa,Pika,Rar. Squirt(We will)" the four pokemon replied.

Kathryn pulled out a green and white egg and handed it to Kairi. "For you my dear, this egg was the child of your parents starters before they passed away"

Kairi stiffed back a bit before she accepted the egg from her grandma. Ryo looked at Sora and Kairi before he siad.. 'Keep up your training with your Keyblades. Your both have become very skilled with your weapons and i want you too to keep it up"

``We will, Mr. Ketchum," said Kairi.

Ryo knelt down to be eye level with Sora before he placed his hands on Sora's shoulder. "don't use the X-blade unless you absolutely need too Son. there are still those who will come after it if they learn of its existence"

"Right Dad" Said Sora as Ryo stood up. "Now you five best be off. It's a long trip to Viridian City."

The five of them agreed before grabbing their bags and putting them on their backs. The three ketchums and Kairi gave their families one last hug before heading down the dirt road that leads to Route 1.

Delia and Kathryn waving goodbye while Ryo watched them go with a smile. "Call us as soon as you reach Viridian City!" Delia waved.

``And watch out for those wild spearows." Kathryn warned.

"We will." they waved goodbye with their pokemon. Kathryn, Delia and Ryo watched them disappear. "Our sons are all growing up" said Delia wiping a tear away.

'I know, Kathryn, what were you saying about our bet?' asked Ryo, shooting a look at the elderly woman who had just returned to her front porch to sit on the swing. Delia joined her on the swing. He stood on the steps waiting for an answer.

"Oh that i give Sora and my granddaughter one month before they finally tell each other their feelings for one another." said Kathryn with a small laugh.

Delia shot a look to her husband before she said with a glare. "You bet on Sora's love life. Really Ryo?"

Ryo began to sweat, realizing he was in big trouble. Kathryn and Delia then both let out a laugh together.

"Oh my, am I missing the discussion of the bet between two certain people?" asked Professor Oak. He had just walked here to see Delia.

"Yes but we were surprised to see Serena here too. Do you think she came here to journey with Ash?" asked Ryo.

"It's possible dear. Serena has been talking to Ash for the last few days about what kind of pokemon are they going to get. I wonder if she had this planned from the start" Delia said.

"Possibly love." said Ryo petting his growlithe who was taking a small nap near his feet. "So how much do you want to bet that Ash and Serena will be a couple within a month?" asked Delia.

"I give them two weeks" Kathryn said with a chuckle.

"Your on!" Delia said with a handshake with Kathryn. Both professor Oak and Ryo could only chuckle at the women. Ryo looked back to the road where he had seen his children leave. ``May your hearts be your guiding keys" he whispered.


My redo of my kingdom Hearts x Pokemon crossover. This fic i made Sora and Ash brothers in this au. The keyblade, X-blade and Kingdom hearts will exist in the pokemon world but no Heartless, Nobodies or Unversed. The organization will exist too with Master Xehanort as the leader. Misty and Brock will be joining them as well as Riku and a few others. I won't mention who until the next chapter.

Pokemon team

Sora-Riptide(Squirtle-Male), Litty(Litten-Male)

Kairi-Eve(Eevee-Female) Midori(Bulbasaur-Female)

Ash-Pikachu(Male), Froakie(Male)

Serena-Fennekin(Female), Charmander(Female)