Note: So. I don't do this. I don't write multi-chapters. I have a million and one other things to do, but this would not leave me alone... I sincerely hope you enjoy. This has been a lot of fun to write and work through. I plan on having this be four parts, give or take.

Biggest thank you to Heather (kalingswifts), without her this wouldn't be possible, and to Jaime (paulsenpoehler) for being the best sounding board/cheerleader in this process. Also thank you to outtabreath for her stellar Tony/Pepper version, the premise on which this fic is based. 3

Please let me know what you think - comments/critiques always welcome :)


Harvey does not expect the morning to play out this way.

Louis asking for sex advice — he shudders — naturally leads into teasing Louis about asking for sex advice, which of course, Donna overhears, which naturally leads into teasing Donna.

The strawberries and whipped cream comment fell right into his lap — literally and figuratively, not that he'd ever admit that to her — and her slightly disapproving and downright sexy expression was enough to make his palms sweaty and his groin ache.

It's familiar, it's them, it's the day-to-day of wanting more but never taking the plunge because, well. It never feels like the right time. He's ready, more than ready — but is he?

As is par for the course, Donna decides for him.

"That's it," she snaps suddenly, flirty tension dissipating in a split second and Harvey is taken aback.

He turns by his desk, shoves his hands in his pockets by way of waiting for an explanation.

"Harvey," Donna says, holding out her hands. "Are you going to do anything about this?"

He frowns. "About what?"

"About us. And don't even ask 'what about us', because I know you know what I'm talking about." Donna crosses her arms over her chest, daring him to counter.

Still. He retreats, coils back into himself. Force of habit. "There is no us, Donna."

"Then what are you doing?" She's exasperated, and he's on thin fucking ice.

When she doesn't get a response, Donna glowers and continues. "If you aren't looking for anything more then you can't keep making these comments, Harvey."

Harvey grips the edge of his chair. You could not be more wrong, Donna.

She's pressing on. "All you do is flirt, make insinuations and innuendos with no follow through. We never touch, or we never used to, but that's flown out the window these past few months."

He cuts in at that, points a finger at her. "You're out of your mind."

Donna laughs incredulously. "Oh, am I?" She shakes her head. "Harvey, we both know something's there. I think we both want it. What the hell are we doing?"

Her words hit him square in the chest, knock him off the life raft. He doesn't know. All he knows is that same fear he's held on to for years now, but stronger, always stronger in moments like this when she's within his reach but he can't quite seem to hold on.

So, he does what Harvey Specter does best: deflect.

He schools his features and saunters forward until he's standing toe to toe with her.

"You're obviously trying very hard to pin this all on me."

This seems to throw her off balance. Good. They're on the same playing field.

"Excuse me?"

Harvey grins despite himself. "You're going to tell me your hand never lingers on my arm, takes just a little too long fixing my tie, that you don't stare at me across the room when I'm not looking..."

Donna's mouth falls open. "That is..."

"True?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Not relevant to this conversation."

"Oh, I think it's relevant. If you're saying what I think you're saying — you're into me."

Donna purses her lips at his choice of words.

It's a challenge, now — one he set years ago, and one that makes his heart hammer in his chest in much the same way.

And if the spark in Donna's eyes tells him anything, it's that she's more than up for it.

"You think I have trouble keeping my hands off of you?" she parries, holding them up to prove her point.

"I know you do."

"If anybody has trouble keeping their hands to themselves... it's you."

The déjà vu hits him hard. He smirks.

"Care to make it interesting?"

Donna raises her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"One week," he announces. "One week, no physical contact. No innuendos, no flirtatious comments, nothing. We'll see who can't hold out."

Donna scoffs, and he thinks he sees something else flash across her face, but it's gone before he can analyze it.

"And what do I get for my victory?"

"You sound sure of yourself."

"That's because I am."

"Well, in that case," he muses, "a weekend of shopping."

Her eyes widen. "A whole weekend?"


"As in, two days?"

"You heard me."

"Anything I want?"

"Anything you want. And I'll hold all the bags like a perfect gentleman. Won't even complain."

Donna smiles wide. "Sounds perfect. I can't wait."

"Oh, well, you haven't heard my terms."

Her smile fades. "And what are those?"

"Nothing at all." He leans in conspiratorially. "Because when I win...the satisfaction will be enough."

Donna's eyes drop to his lips before shooting back up. "Oh, it's on."

Something inside him jolts, as if to say, this is it — it's going to end one way or another. Or with nothing changing at all. Maybe this just got way out of hand, but the way Harvey sees it, it's a final act of self-preservation; if she has no problem steering clear of their boundaries, then he'll know. If he can do it, then he'll know. If they both can't do it...

...then he'll know.

"Okay," he says simply, holds out his palm in invitation. "One week. No touching."

"No flirting," she adds, pulling her hand away before reaching towards his again, shaking firmly.

He squeezes her hand in his. "Think you can do it?"

Donna huffs out a laugh. "You're too full of yourself, Specter. I've been doing it for years."

"Really," he deadpans, moving infinitesimally closer and she fights to keep his gaze. "Who came on to who, again?"

She knows exactly what he's talking about, narrows her eyes. "Who showed up at my apartment?"

"Where you were waiting."

"It's always nice to be prepared."

"Whatever you say, Donna," he says, and his lips are now close enough for her to feel his breath on her face. "Whatever you say."

He shoulders past her out the door. If he has to keep his distance, he'd better start now.

It's going to be a very long week.