Stepping off the elevator Kylo heads off in the direction of the meeting room where Hux and Commander Hess are discussing final arrangements for their visit to Coruscant where they will be attending the unveiling of a new mega superstar destroyer dubbed the Executioner. General Hux and Commander Hess are about to adjourn their meeting when in walks Kylo.

"What do you want Supreme leader Ren", we were just discussing final plans for our trip to Coruscant"

"I need information regarding one of Snoke's slave girls"

"Which one?"


"Oh Rena Tano, she's so beautiful and hot", I' wish she was my personal pet"

Kylo cringes at the thought of Hux in bed with Rena, "Yes that's the one"

"What would you like to know?"

"What room is she in"

Let me look and see" replies Hux picking up his data pad, he quickly pulls up her info

"Ah yes, here it is her room is up on the third floor,room 307"

"Thanks general"

"Anything else"

"No" replies Kylo walking out of the meeting room.

After spending several unpleasant hours up in Snokes throne room, Arala enters her room, shuts the door and walks into the small bathroom off her room. She quickly takes off her slave outfit and underwear and uses the toilet before stepping into the shower. The hot water runs down her entire body, soothing her sore muscles. She picks up a washcloth and a bar of soap and begins scrubbing every inch of her body in order to wash away Snokes scent from her body. Ten minutes later she steps out of the shower onto a soft rug, she grabs a very soft towel off a nearby rack and wraps it around herself.

She finds a blue silk nightgown and a clean pair of matching underwear in a dresser next to her bed, she finishes drying off before putting on the underwear and nightgown. Arala climbs into her bed, pulls the covers up and soon falls asleep.

A young teenage Arala is woken by a very loud crashing noise." What was that" , sounded like it came from outside", "I'd better go see what's the matter" thinks Arala quickly getting up out of bed. She runs out into the hallway and heads for the front entrance. Once outside she sees that Ben's hut is in shambles. She runs in the direction of his hut, "Ben!" you alright" yells out Arala nearing Ben's hut."Yeah I'm alright" answers Ben standing in front of his collapsed hut." Glad your okay, "What happened? " asks Arala looking around at the rubble

He attacked me, tried to kill me in my sleep Arala," " and now he's dead" says Ben

"Master Luke would never harm us students"

" He did it Arala", "I blocked him from striking me with his green lightsaber with my own blue saber", "I collapsed my hut on top of him using the force", replies Ben looking at the temple

I can't fathom why he would do such a thing"," I get the feeling there is more to this" answers Arala looking at the temple also

Suddenly the two of them notice strange colored dark storm clouds gathering over the the temple. The wind starts to pick up, the two of them watch in horror as the academy erupts in a huge explosion of lightning, her and Ben are both blown backwards by the force of the explosion. Flames immediately engulf the temple.

"Ben the academy is on fire" says Arala getting up off the ground

"Oh no" screams Ben getting up on his feet

"You alright"


No! "screams Arala jolting up in bed, heart pounding in her chest. The screams of long dead padowans echo through her mind.

'I need to get out of this room for a while," I wonder if this ship has a cafeteria where I could get a cup of coffee" thinks Arala to herself getting up out of bed.

Ten minutes later Arala wearing her slave outfit, her belt with her lightsaber attached, black fingerless gloves and a black hooded cloak steps into the empty elevator, she pushes a button marked cafeteria on the elevator's control panel ,the the elevator door closes and begins it's descent down to the cafeteria. She steps off the elevator and walks down a short hallway and enters the ship's deserted cafeteria and sits down in a small booth next to a snack machine.

Kylo accompanied by his knights of ren walk into the cafeteria a short time later, he notices her sitting in a booth,he stops in his tracks...

A cliffhanger. Decided to make some changes to the story, make it better. Thanks for the follows/favs. Working on chapter 5. Coming soon. Enjoy!