It is the 15th of October 2019 and I have finally settled down in my brand new home I bought myself in the Sisli district on the European side of Istanbul in the Nisantasi suburb. It is a really great area and the people here are great. The new restaurant I've started here is doing great since we opened the doors in January and I have been living between Cape Town and Istanbul till my business here has taken off well and it has since I've opened, on the 2nd of January.

It is a great thing that I've gone on that British cooking show called 'Sweet Factory' and won the season finale with my baked creations and won a cash prize of one point two million pounds. With that winnings, I moved to Istanbul and set up my restaurant I am planning to buy out the two shops next door and turn that into my bakery. But that is my dream in the next two years. I really love the fact that the restaurant location is half on a hill overlooking the great Istanbul so you can see the bridge with al the ships coming and going and it is on the main road leading in and out of town. Considering the location of the restaurant we do get many of Turkey's rich and famous eating my food I cook for them.

I took this week off to move in and get settled into my new home I bought here. Friday afternoon I walked to my neighbors on my left and took a cake I've baked two days ago and decorated with me to go introduce myself to my new neighbors. I press the intercom at their gate and I spoke over the monitor and the large wooden gate swings open and outcome a stunning woman. Gosh, she's tall. Following her is a beautiful man.

'Merhaba ma'am, I am Hope Jansen, your new neighbor. I moved in last week and finally got settled wanted to meet my neighbors.'

'Wonderful to meet you Miss Jansen welcome to the neighborhood I am Öznur Atatürk and this is my boyfriend Mustafa Hikmet.' We all shook hands.

'I hope you like cake ma'am because I've baked you cake to come and meet you.'

'Goodness that is so thoughtful. We love cake. Thank you so much.' She took the cake from me.

'You are welcome ma'am, sir. I would like to invite you to my restaurant sometime and maybe we can have dinner sometime.' I invited them and gave them my business card.

'That would be great.' She smiled

'I placed the address for the restaurant on the cake box.'

'Thank you so much.' Öznur smiled.

'You're welcome ma'am sir. Now you lovey people have a great evening and enjoy the cake.'

'Thank you. Have a lovely evening Miss Jansen.' I left their property and their gate swing closed behind me. I walked back to my triple story home and got the other cake I've baked and decorated. I walked over to my neighbor on my right side. I press the intercom button and I repeated the same speech word for word. The heavy solid-looking gate swing open and I walk down the long driveway to meet the owner of this stunning looking property there is lush thick grass lawn with flower beds with the most exquisite flowers filling every inch of the garden. It looks like a fairy kingdom.

I met the owner and we shook hands.

'Merhaba, sir. I am Hope Jansen I have recently moved in next door and I just wanted to meet my new neighbors.' He shook my hand.

'Nice to meet you, Miss Jansen. I am Akin Akinözü and welcome to the neighborhood ma'am. Sorry for asking but where are you from?' He asked and I clicked how this is and it is the actor that is playing "Miran", in my new favorite TV series.

'I am from South Africa, sir. I have recently opened a restaurant in town I would like to invite you to come and have a nice meal, whenever you have some spare time.

'Thank you that would be great. How about tomorrow night?' He asked as he hasn't let go of my hand he shook earlier. He is still holding it in both of his.

'That will be perfect. What time would you like to book a table.'

'Let's say eight o'clock.'

'Super I will arrange it for you, sir.' I smiled.

'As long as you'd be joining me.' He countered with a cute smile.

'If you so wish it, sir, then I will be there.' I smiled back at him. He is still holding my hand in both of his. 'I do hope you like cake sir because I baked you a cake so I can come and say hello with a gift.'

'Yes, Miss I love cake and just look how pretty you decorated it.'

'Well, I am a chef by trade.'

'You're a chef?' He asked surprised.

'Yes, sir for the past 10 years. And yourself sir?' Look I know who he is, yet I don't want to be rude.

'I'm an actor.' He replied.

'Wow, that is so amazing. Well, that explains this amazing palace you have here.'

'You think it looks like a palace, Miss Jansen?'

'Yes, sir. Your garden alone is like a fairy kingdom with all these wonderful flowers in it.'

'Thank you.' He smiled and hand the cake I gave him to someone that looks like his security to carry into the house. 'Would you like to have a nice cup of tea with me?'

'Only if I am not intruding on your current appointments.' We walked towards the entrance of his house.

'No, of course, you are not intruding Miss Jansen. Please step in first.'

'Thank you so much and please call me Hope. All these formalities are really not who I am.'

'Very well Hope then and you can feel free to call me Akin.' He said and showed me where to go and sit. 'So Hope what brings you to come and live in Turkey when you can live in sunny South Africa?' He asked me.

'Believe it or not, sir, living out here is like a dream come true really. Things back home is going downhill so fast, that I felt to a better move for myself to get out right now and so I left Cape Town and moved out here.'

'I see. So you are a chef you say.'

'Yes sir, I have been living between Cape Town and Istanbul for a little over a year now while my restaurant picks up and now that it's been doing better than expected, I finally immigrated to Istanbul.' His housekeeper a dull-looking woman in her forties carried a tray of Turkish tea out for us along with slices of the cake I brought along.

'Why Istanbul? You could have moved to any other country in the world with your talent but why Istanbul?'

'Everything is so clean and very well maintained and the people are so wonderful. The list is really very long but I don't want to bore you with all the details.'

'What do you mean by clean ma'am?' He really is trying to get to know me. I can't believe I am sitting in an actor's home drinking tea and eating cake with him.

'Despite all the things the media shows only what they want you to see sir, my country is not a clean as you may things. With every strike, they overturn trash cans and piles of trash are everywhere. Then they leaving it there for weeks before it gets cleared maybe. Compare to Istanbul you can metaphorically eat of the sidewalks that is how clean it is here.' I explained and he nods his head as he took his first bite of cake after his sip of tea. This tea I still need to get used to but I think it can grow on me.

'Oh, my ghod... This... This is like eating a slice of heaven. It is so light and fluffy and just the right amount of sweet. You really are good Hope.'

'Thank you, Akin.' We sat talking a while longer than after my second cup of tea I left. I got back home and got my things ready for tomorrow. I have to be at the restaurant early tomorrow morning I have the books to do and then at three PM tomorrow afternoon I have four different food magazines, food critics that will be here and for tastings. I got into my kitchen and pulled out the five chilled cakes I baked with the others I gave my neighbors. I started to decorate them on the cold set frosting once they were done I put them all back into the fridge to set overnight.

I cleaned up my mess I've made then head to bed. I took a nice hot shower as the thunder roll outside and by the time I climb into bed it was pouring down outside. I lay staring at the ceiling and think about my neighbor's and that I can't get over the fact that I live next door to a TV star. Or the fact that he's been flirting with me all afternoon over our cup of teas we had. Okay, now no more thoughts of Akin or the fact how hot he is in person, I should be focusing on the critics that will at the restaurant tomorrow.

After a few lists, I wrote down for tomorrow I turn on my sleep side and eventually fell asleep. Six-thirty AM, I up freshly showered dressed in my yellow chef's outfit, loading the cakes I baked and decorated last night into my car carefully. I lock up my house and drove off. It took me a good thirty minutes to get here. According to the radio, there is a bad accident further down the road. I got to the restaurant and unlock the back gate and drive-in. I lock the gate and unlock the restaurant's back door turned off the alarm and started to unload the cakes from my car and into the kitchen. Once all the things I bought yesterday for today I lock up my car and head inside. I started with the restaurant's books. I got it all updated then started on getting some of the breakfast things ready. Eight AM, my other staff and waiters started to arrive and got everything ready and filled for the day. A half an hour later I got them all together and I talked to them about the food critics that will be here this afternoon and I got Nehir to book a table for two at eight PM tonight.

With everyone knows what to do and what to expect today we all set out doing what we all do best. Serving the finest food in the whole of Istanbul. Once the first order for the day starts coming in from there it just snowballs. Three PM, came faster then you could say knife. I went out to meet all the different groups of critics at different spots we sat them in and off we all go. I started to feel like the roadrunner where your legs do that spinning thing and it rolls up half the road you're running on. So I just stood still for one minute took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and feeling a bit better continued. I start sending out the first two groups of critics food and the last two groups of critics food soon followed.

The restaurant is working as normal and I got the creamy pasta with Sirloin slices as the customer wanted it on the plate and send it out. One of my waiters came to fetch me. I washed my hands and heads out. I walked out and the second I came into view the four groups of critics stood up at their tables and gave me a standing ovation. It was really overwhelming so I held my heart and took a bow. I walked over to the different groups in turn and the praises they sang over my food were wonderful. I thanked them and hand out the small baskets we made them earlier this week with baked cooks and a pre-mix pancake mix for them to make at home with all the instructions.

Once they all left we got back to the kitchen. We all worked our tails off till Akin arrived and asked for the chefs special so I made him what he asked for. My waiter carried out our dinner and I joined Akin as he asked me to. We are having some rosé wine with our pasta dishes.

'Goodness. This is creamy and rich and overall fabulous.' He spoke and dig in some more.

'Thank you, I am glad you like it.' I smiled at him as I take a drink of my wine.

'So Hope tell me does your boyfriend come here a lot?' Akin asked fishing if I am involved with someone.

'Sorry no boyfriend, this place keeps me plenty busy so not a lot of free time for a social life.'

'I see, so when do you make time for yourself or do you not do that either.'

'No I do take time for myself, it just comes by so rarely that I don't know what to do with myself once it does come around.' I explained. He nods his head.

'So if I would ask you to go on a date with me will you be able to make some time for it?' He asked and lean a little over on the table.

'Of course, I would make the time.'

'Good, because I want to take you to a concert next weekend. Enrique Iglesias is in town and I have always loved his songs and I have two tickets.'

'Wow, that will be lovely. I would love to go.'

'Good. So I will pick you up next week, Friday evening for the show.'

'Wonderful, that would be lovely. Thank you.' I smiled at him. My restaurant manager with our waiter came over and took away our dirty dishes to the kitchen. We moved on to cake and coffees.

'So tell me how can a South African woman afford a place like this in Istanbul?' He asked me and took my hand in both of his again. I smile as I look up from our hands.

'There was this baking TV show in England. I entered the game show and won it, the show is on Netflix at the moment.' I spoke and looked back at our hands.

'So I can see it then?' He smiled and lifted my chin so I would look at him.

'Yes, of course, you can see it.' I spoke and just looked at his amazing eyes. It had the same color as my one little sister Tracy back home. It is a mixture of green and light hazel and on some days it even has specks of yellow in it, depending on what she is wearing that day.

'Can you show me on my tablet?' I got up and came to sit next to him. He hands me his tablet and with his login, I got the show I was in so he can see the episode where I won. I hand it back to him and he skipped to the part where I baked the last cake that helped me won that season's prize money. I wanted to leave him so he can watch it. But he grabbed my forearm to stop me from going anywhere. 'Please stay.'

'I will be right back. I am just checking in on the kitchen quickly.'

'Okay, please come back when you're done.'

'Of course.' I walked off and go see to my kitchen and that everything is running smoothly. Food is going out on time. I made some quick rounds at the tables and got a few compliments for the great food we put on everyone's plates. I sit back down as our coffees and slices of cake got placed on our table and Akin is looking at the last bit of the show.

'The praises you got from these food giants were way better then the other contestants got for their work. The creations you made were simple, delicious and really pretty to the eye.' He spoke and looked up from the tablet on the table to me.

'Yes, it was quite something to be getting such an approvement badge from them.' He took a sip of his coffee and a bite of his cake then took my hand as he watches me win this show. I held his hand back and one-handed drank my coffee and ate my slice of cake. I've always heard of men falling in love at first sight but witnessing it is rather strange when it is happening to you. Yet I have been burned a hundred times before by men so I'll guard my heart before I will let another man ruin me, again.

I say to myself, while I'm watching him as they announced me the winner on the show and he got so excited that he jumped out of his seat like an idiot and made the whole restaurant look at him and us. I wanted the whole earth to swallow me whole. He pulled me out of my seat and into his arms. As he hugged me. I hugged him briefly back and we sat back down.

'This... This is amazing. You've accomplished so much. When did you become a chef?' He asked me.

'I have been to college first to become a beautician then I went back to college to become a personal trainer and then nine years ago I went back to school yet again and became a qualified chef.' He just sat and nod his head then when I was done talking he just sat a bit forward shaking his head while smiling.

'That is a widely ranged resume, Miss Jansen.'

'Yes sir, and don't forget my brief experience as a real estate agent just before I decided to enter a chef's school.' I spoke and he threw his hands up in the air. He ended up staying until we closed the restaurant at eleven PM. I took the majority of the cash with me and with Akin's assistance, we head home without a hitch. I invited him in for some tea while I put the restaurant's cash in my floor safe in my home office. No, he is not with me while I put the cash in my vault. I lock my vault and head out as I make us some teas.

'You really had an interesting live Hope. I wish I could have had that.' He said and sounded kind of sad.

'You can still have that.' I countered and pour our teas once it was ready. We sat in my living room.

'How? My filming schedule doesn't really allow lots of free time.' Just play the stupid foreigner card here, Hope.

'Filming schedule?' I asked and pulled a frown in to question.

'I am an actor here in Istanbul Hope.' He uttered and I gave a bit of acting myself as I make as if I'm choking on my tea.

'An actor?' I asked repeating. 'Wow, that must be great. Sorry I don't get much time for TV or movies with the restaurant hours.'

'That is understandable you're a hard worker and I like a hard-working woman.'

'Can you write down a few shows you are in and I will go down to the shop and buy all the DVDs so I can watch them.' He smiled and just looked at me with those amazing eyes of his.

'That will not be necessary to buy all of them, Hope.' He looked a bit shy now.

'Please, I want to see you live out your passion.' I urged him on. He took the pen and paper from me and started to write. After he wrote down the list of about five shows he is in and with another cup of tea he left driving to his house next door. I cleaned up our cups and then with the list he just gave me I went online and ordered it to be delivered to the restaurant for me since I'm always there anyway.

I lock up my house and went up to my room and got a bath going for myself. I climb in and relax with Frank Sinatra softly playing in the background. I listen to music while I lay in the tub. I almost fell asleep in the tub. I got out and got dressed for bed. I climb in and turned the music even softer as I fell asleep to 'Your under my skin.' By morning I got up and as by routine by now I took another shower before I go into work.

I got dressed and head down and took out the cash from last night. I drank my first cup of coffee and with my oversize handbag, I placed the big bag inside and head out to the bank. I got to the bank and they let me into the special cashiers and I deposited the fifty-seven thousand Lira into the restaurant's bank account. May it is good to keep this routine going in who is depositing the money. Right now it is between me and Gül my restaurant manager and the cash in transit guys from the bank.

I left the bank and head to the restaurant and when I got there Akin was waiting outside for me with a bunch of flowers.

'Good morning, Akin. Are you okay? You look like you are about to fall over.' I said and stepped over to him.

'Yes, I am fine. I could barely sleep last night because of you Hope.'

'Oh, I am so sorry about that.' I show him inside and he stopped me.

'Please, you don't need to apologize. Since you moved in next door I noticed you from my lawn. The moment I saw you I just knew I'm looking at my future princess.'

'Really. So you've been observing me?' I asked and it is a little creepy.

'Yes, but not in a creeper stalker way. I have a few of those fans that are like that and I know how that feels.' I nod my head and hear him out.

'I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed our date last night, oh and the food was great too.'

'Glad to hear that because I also enjoyed it a lot.'

'Good. Here these are for you.' He said smiling and hand me the flowers he's been holding this whole time.

'Goodness they are gorgeous, thank you so much.' I said and we finally head inside. I open the door and we step inside. I got my flowers in a vase with water.

'You're welcome. I saw them and instantly thought of you.' He said and sit at the coffee bar. I got the machines going and after a while, I made us some coffee. Then I went to the kitchen where Akin followed me and I made us some breakfast, Turkish style.

After everything was prepared we went to the board room and had a private breakfast, with a new cup of coffee. We talked about things we haven't talked about last night. We talked about things we like doing like hobbies. Our dreams. Then it turned serious as we exchange his old girlfriend stories and my old boyfriend's stories. I told him about Charles Davis, my abusive ex-boyfriend I had for six months till I ran away in the middle of the night. I just couldn't take it anymore. As I told Akin about Charles I saw him clench and unclench his jaw.

Why is he angry? Yet I kept telling him about the seven boyfriends I had in my life and one ex-fiance that was worse than Charles, he was Jeffrey Pope. Jeffrey would drink with his buddies at the pub and then come home slapping me around and hit me into the hospital twice in the span of eight months. That is when my parents got me to go to chef school far away from Jeffrey. They send me to the chef's school in Cape Town.

'How can you sit here and be so calm after what that asshole did to you.' He slams the table with his fists. His sudden outburst of anger made me jump.

'I am calm because I forgave them face to face and that is what my therapist said I should do and I did and I felt better after doing it. For Jeffrey, I had to visit him in jail because he lost control with his last girlfriend he had and beaten her to death.'

'He killed her?' He asked still angry. I couldn't look at him and I sat with my hands in my lap looking at nothing.

'Yes, he smashed her head till there was nothing left of her.' Talking about this is hurting and this hurt needs to go back in my tiny box again. 'Sorry, can we please talk about something else. Talking about this is opening a lot of old wounds for me.'

'Sure. Well, I am here Hope to tell you that you are amazing and would really like to get to know you a lot better.' He finally calmed down and reached out and took my hand.

'I would love that too. You are so easy to talk to and I just love how you talk with your eyes. I love being around you.' I confess a little.

'I talk with my eyes?' He asked like he doesn't understand what I am saying.

'Yes, sir. There are only a handful of people I know who does that?'

'Oh, and who are they then?' He asked and his whole face change.

'An American actor that played Damon Salvator in "Vampire Diaries", the other is Can Yaman and you.'

'Huh... Interesting.' He said and sighed heavily. 'What are you doing today?' He asked me after a long while as we finished our breakfast and my staff started to arrive and started to get the restaurant up and running on this Sunday morning.

'Well, I am only here to do the books then I'll be busy in the kitchen. Why do you ask?' I looked at him finishing my coffee.

'Because I have arranged something and I would like for you to see it.'

'Oh, okay. Let me just quickly do the books then we can go.'

'Cool.' He smiled from ear to ear. I cleared our plates and empty cups and left the room. I put the empty cups and plates in the kitchen to be washed. I said a quick hello to my staff then grab the books I need to do and head back to the board room with my files and my bookkeeping books. I started and he just sat looking at me.

An hour later once everything balanced out, I gave instructions to my staff and Akin and I left going home to change first then set out. He drove us four hours inland and the scenery changed. We came to a lookout point with trees. We drove towards a village and I think I'm seeing hot air balloons. We drove allow closer and closer. We finally stop next to a fully set up hot air balloon. I smiled as I looked up at the stunning rainbow-colored hot air balloon and then back at Akin. He was watching me. I blushed when I noticed him watching me. He shook hands with the pilot and paid the man cash.

We board the basket and off the three of us go. We took off and it is really stunning up here. Akin stood holding me in front of him as we follow the direction the winds took us.

'So what do you think ma'am, does this count as a romantic date or what?' He asked close to my ear.

'Definitely a romantic date Mr. Akinözü.' I turned around in his arms and looked at him. 'Why me? I don't get it.' I said looking up at him.

'Because of all the reasons I have told you this morning.' He spoke and look directly at me.

'I see. I have to tell you I am a bit older than you sir.'

'You've been reading up on me then?'

'Yes, I have if that is okay?'

'Of course. As long as you don't let the gossip column bother you.'

'I don't take note of any gossip, just facts good sir.'

'Good.' He smiled. 'To be honest Hope, I don't really care how old or young you are the important thing is that I found you in the sea of people that is on this green earth and I ended up with the hot neighbor.'

'Yeah, you are right. It really doesn't matter at all.' I looked up at him and he kissed my cheek, and we both turned back to look at the view as we came closer to the ground to land. Twenty minutes later we land and we got out of the basket. We thanked our pilot Akin paid the man the rest of his money and we were driven back to our car we came in.

We got back in the car and head back to Istanbul. I fell asleep on our drive home. We stop for gas on our way back and I ran quickly using the facilities. I washed my hands and was about to rejoin Akin when a group of four men started to corner me. The bathrooms are in the back of the building. Making it a quick easy target of woman that comes out of the bathroom. They kept rubbing their lumps while licking their lips as they closing in on me. I backed away till my back hit the building wall.

They were all really close now and I could smell how they stink. They keep provoking me, I played the innocent woman here. I know if I yell now it will be a bad move on my part. So I followed another route. I grabbed two of the men's balls really-really hard that made them cry out the other two started to punch me in the face and stomach. I kept holding on. Akin came to see what is keeping me when he saw this whole scene.

The man that is hitting me in the gut and face I kick really hard in the groin twice the other Akin took care of the other one. By the time Akin reached me and I let go of the two men's balls they fell passed out on the long thorn cactus plants in the flower beds.

'Hope!? Hope talk to me.' Akin held my face in his gentle hands.

'I...I was stepping out of the bathroom when these four stood waiting for me and started to corner me. One of them played with a knife and I knew if I scream he will kill me with his knife. So I went in for plan b.'

'Shit look at your face.' He spoke in anger and ran towards the men that lay on the floor in agony and he kicks the man that punched me in the face.

'Akin please let's just leave.' I pulled him away with the little strength I could muster. The staff of the filling station came running and tied these men up. The police came and took my statement. The gas station did have video cameras and saw all the evidence they needed to arrest these tied up men. After we were done with the police did we drive home? My ribs are starting to hurt really badly, I passed out in my sleep.

'Hope? Hope, wake up. Speak to me. Damn it. You are badly hurt.' He yells in the car as we enter Istanbul and he drove me to the closest hospital. He carried me inside and the doctor in charge of the ER got to work on me. My right side ribs are broken and pierced my lungs like a spiere. They got me in an OR and started to operate to stop my internal bleeding. They fixed me up, and then pushed me to my room. Akin is with me.

'Akin...' I mumbled when I came out of my groggy phase.

'I am right here sweetness.' He said and took my hand.

'Akin are you okay? You are not hurt are you?' I asked a bit out of breath.

'No sweetness I am not hurt. You are the one that is badly hurt.' He softly held my face in both his hands.

'Good you're okay, I was so worried that you badly hurt. Did you had your hand checked out?'

'Not yet, I was way too worried about you sweetness.'

'Nurse can you please look over Akin's hand it really looks bad.' I spoke to the sweet nurse.

'Of course.' They took Akin away and took x-rays of his blue-black hand. It is just badly bruised and sprained but nothing was broken.

I'm in and out of it for the rest of the day. Akin got on my phone and called Gül my restaurant manager and she came running to the hospital. We told her what happened and she was in a state. Then my phone rang and it is my parents calling to check up on me. Oh, great I don't have the strength to deal with them right now. So Akin took over the call and told them what happen to me. They said they can't get away right now but want updates on my condition. Akin took up the task to call them regularly.

They gave me a strong painkiller and it knocked me out for a few days. I came to and talked to Akin then they put me under again. Week three they send me home to heal at home. Akin insisted that I live with him but I flat our refused. I have my own home and things. I went straight to the restaurant from the hospital. My staff looks so worried when they saw me. Akin paced angerly around me. I sorted out the crisis then we drove the rest of the way home. He came to a stop at my house I unlock the front door and wanted to wave him off but instead, he surprised me as he pulled a bag from his car that isn't mine and we walked into my home. The doctor said something about sleeping sitting upright until my broken ribs heal.

'Akin, you really don't need to do this out of guilt, really. I am fine and understand if you have things to go and do.'

'I am great right here with my girlfriend.' He finally spoke the words.

'What did you just say?' I asked and felt my ribs protest.

'You heard me, sweetness, you are my girlfriend, Hope Jansen.' He repeated happily.

'Why me?' I asked and stepped inside my house as the wind picked up and was unpleasant.

'Do I really have to repeat the list again?' He asked and sighs.


'You actually have a sense of humor. You can take a joke, you are beautiful with your lovely gray eyes. You can also keep a great intelligent conversation going. And on top of everything I fell in love with you.'

'Okay, Mr. Akinözü you made your point. Will you understand that even though all this of what you just spoke of I will need some time to process this information.'

'Of course, you gotten hurt badly in the past.' I nod my head then took his hand.

'But do know this, my handsome knight. I have come to love you too, I just need to process all this new information you just gave me.'

'I am not going anywhere sweetness I will be right here.' He said a slide a strand of my hair he just kissed behind my ear.

'Thank you for understanding.'

'You are welcome.' He hugged me lightly. Gül later came by my house and brought my package that got delivered two weeks ago at the restaurant. She left heading to the bank with the restaurant's money.

'You guys go to the bank without a guard with these large amounts of money?'

'Yes, a bigger group and you start making it obvious.' I spoke and he got on his phone, calling someone.

'Jihan, Akin here, can you guys please escort Miss Gül to the bank please she just left in the brown Audi. Yes, be armed and careful. Thank you.' Akin spoke then hung up looking at me.

'Call Gül and tell her what is about to happen so she won't get scared when Jihan arrives to help her.'

'Okay.' I called her and explained to her word for word Akin just told me. Jihan met up with Gül and they head into the bank safely.