Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: I'm currently on a personal mission to keep Quinntana alive in 2020 lol so hopefully this is enjoyable. This was supposed to be a one shot but ended up being...33 pages by the time I was done sooooo yeah it's a short story now. Completely AU. Anywho, enjoy and let me know what you think.

"Hey Mom." Quinn says as she walks into the kitchen of her parents Malibu home. Judy throws a smile over her shoulder from her spot in the refrigerator as Quinn sits at the island.

"Hi honey! Why didn't you tell me you were back in town?" Judy says, closing the refrigerator and walking over to embrace her daughter.

Quinn smiles softly as she returns the hug from her mother and shrugs as they break apart. Quinn had been on vacation in Bora Bora for the last week after being forced to stop working for her mental health. Everyone in her life had an actual intervention for her. Quinn is dedicated to her work as a lawyer and she has goals she's striving towards but even she knows that she doesn't have the healthiest coping mechanisms when she's stressed.

"Judy!" Rachel says excitedly as she rushes towards the older blonde woman. Judy laughs sweetly as she embraces the woman she considers a third daughter.

"Hi Rachel, why didn't either of you tell me you were coming?!" She says as she squeezes Rachel tightly in her arms.

"We wanted to surprise you!" Rachel says, returning the force of Judy's hug.

"Well consider me pleasantly surprised." Judy smiles sweetly as she and Rachel break apart.

Quinn is originally from Ohio, living there with her older sister Frannie and their parents. As her fathers career took off, they began to move around but mostly settled in California when she was a pre-teen. Quinn met Rachel in Ohio when they were in the first grade and had been inseparable until Quinn moved. No matter where she went though, Rachel was only ever a phone call away and since Quinn's parents were in a such great financial situation, they would fly Rachel out so she could spend most of her weekends or breaks from school with the Fabrays. Rachel had actually moved in with the Fabrays in their sophomore year of high school because of the art programs the school district had to offer and was able to graduate with Quinn.

"Sit down already. Remember that new shake I'd been telling you to try? Well, you're in luck! I have a whole case in the garage. I'll be right back!" Judy squeals before disappearing to retrieve the drink Rachel does not want to sample. Judy has always been a health nut, buying almost anything that says re-energizing, rejuvenating or collagen. Quinn laughs softly at the look Rachel gives her before rolling her eyes.

"That woman..." Rachel trails off then smiles at Quinn.

"I vote we leave before she comes back." Quinn laughs softly then nods her head.

"That's probably the best option. Let's hide in the cabana, she'll forget about us eventually." Rachel nods as Quinn stands and they quickly leave out the back door, giggling to themselves as they make a dash for the poolside cabana, hiding behind the bar.

"You don't think she saw us right?" Quinn says from her spot, crouched next to Rachel.

"Give it a moment." Rachel says with a playful smile on her lips. Soon, they hear the backdoor of the house opening and Quinn takes her chances, peaking her head up to see. Quinn watches as her mother walks over to a gorgeous woman Quinn isn't sure she's ever seen in her parent's house before. The tan woman has long dark curls, perfectly plump lips and the most adorable cheeks. The smile she flashes Judy almost makes Quinn jealous that she's not on the receiving end of it. As they continue to talk, Quinn's eyes continue down the woman's body, noting the fact that she's wearing an orange bikini top and jean shorts that couldn't get any shorter.

"Judy is too young to be senile, right?" Quinn hears Rachel say from beside her.

"Huh?" She responds, never taking her eyes off the woman her mother is still talking to.

"I don't know who that woman is but she is way to attractive to work for a married man. So I can only assume Judy is losing her mind." Quinn rolls her eyes.

"Dad could not handle that." Quinn says as her eyes return to the woman's face, wishing she'd take off the dark frames covering her eyes. Rachel and Quinn watch as Judy finally goes back inside then once they feel safe enough, they stand and lean against the bar.

"My point is if you want your marriage to survive, you do not hire women that look like her." Rachel says, turning to Quinn and smirking as she realizes Quinn is barely paying her any attention.

"Go talk to her." Rachel says plainly.

"No." Rachel rolls her eyes, knowing Quinn will never willing approach the woman.

"Yes. You obviously find her attractive." Rachel says as the woman who has stopped cleaning the pool with the skimmer, to tilt her head back and pull her hair into a ponytail. Quinn's eyes slowly rake along her toned, flat stomach as the woman fixes her hair.

"If you don't, I will." Rachel goads as she looks towards the woman who has finally taken off her sunglasses.

"You wouldn't." Quinn says and Rachel chuckles lightly, turning to her best friend.

"You know, we haven't had a friendly competition in some time..." She trails off, a devious smirk settling on her lips. Rachel knows she can tease Quinn all she wants but it won't make her talk to the woman...but Quinn is just competitive enough to do almost anything to win a bet. Because of her past, it's sometimes hard for Quinn to approach women so Rachel tries encourage her when she can.

"You want to bet? On what?" Quinn says, turning to Rachel.

"First woman to get 2 dates wins." Quinn quirks an eyebrow at Rachel. Both women have always been very competitive with each other but it's never effected their friendship negatively, it was actually something that brought them closer.

"Since when do we bet on people? You said that was barbaric, remember?" Rachel nods her head then rests her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Yes, and I stand by my previous statement but we can make an exception this one time." Quinn rolls her eyes.

"If I win...you have to pay for my honeymoon, assuming I ever get married. If not, you just owe me a vacation I can cash in on at any time." Rachel nods to Quinn's terms.

"Interesting terms but fine, but when I win you have to see a Broadway show with me. It can't be one I'm in." Quinn rolls her eyes but nods and holds her hand out to Rachel.

"Is there a deadline?" She asks as Rachel puts her hand in hers.

"No, just complete the task. May the best woman win." Rachel says with a grin as she shakes Quinn's hand.

"What if she isn't into women?" Quinn asks as she pulls her hand away.

"Then the bets off, now if you'll excuse me. I have a bet to win." Rachel then leaves Quinn and walks over to the woman.

Quinn watches as Rachel flashes a dazzling smile and begins to start a conversation with the woman. Rolling her eyes as Rachel gets the woman to smile at something, she decides to make herself a drink since she's at the bar, knowing her father always has it fully stocked at all times. As Quinn finishes pouring her drink and glances over to see that Rachel has gone back inside the house.

Quinn watches the tan woman walk over to a black bag sitting near the pool and begins to look through it. Taking a calming breath, Quinn grabs her glass and begins to walk over to the woman. Glancing at the bag, she notices the name of the company in orange lettering. Lopez Enterprises, she reads as reaches the woman. When the woman glances up at her, Quinn offers her a smile.

"Hey." She says softer than she intended. The woman below her smirks as she stands to face her.

"Hey." She repeats back. Looking into the woman's dark brown eyes brings blood rushing to her cheeks and she isn't sure why. Quinn isn't normally nervous talking to anyone but something about the way this woman is confidently staring back at her, makes her feel...vulnerable.

"I uh- I wanted to thank you for not ratting us out to my mom." Quinn says with a nervous smile. The woman shrugs before responding.

"I like to mind my business. Ensures I have a job." Quinn nods slowly as she lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm Quinn...Quinn Fabray." Santana nods and holds out her hand.

"Santana Lopez." Quinn gingerly takes the hand presented to her and silently prays her palm isn't sweaty before her breath hitches at the contact with Santana.

"Quinn? You're pretty famous around here." Santana says as she slowly retracts her hand, mesmerized by the sparkles in the Hazel eyes before her.

"I am?" Quinn questions and Santana notes how her nose scrunches in curiosity.

"Judy talks a lot and you're a reoccurring topic." Quinn's hand comes to her face to try to hide her embarrassment and she lets out a light laugh.

"Oh my god, I hope she didn't say anything embarrassing." Santana watches the woman before her with an amused smirk before shaking her head.

"Embarrassing? No. All she does is brag about you. All of you honestly, but mostly you and your sister Rachel." Quinn's eyebrows furrow.

"Rachel isn't technically my sister but she's family, just not from biology. How long have you been working for my parents? I've never seen you around before." She asks before sipping her drink.

"About 8 months. You just don't visit."

"You sound like my mom." Quinn says with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't mind seeing you around here more often...but you live in New York right?" Quinn's cheeks grow more red from Santana's flirting.

"I do but I don't plan to be there forever. I want to come back to California at some point. Are you from around here?" Quinn asks, having noticed the slightest southern drawl when Santana spoke. Santana shakes her head.

"I grew up in Texas. Moved out here about 4 years ago." Quinn nods as Santana's phone chimes. Santana gives her an apologetic smile before pulling her phone out of the pocket of her shorts and looking at the screen.

"Well, as nice as this has been, I gotta go. Other clients." Santana says, returning her attention to Quinn. Quinn feels a pang of disappointment but she forces a smile.

"Of course, don't let me keep you." Santana nods then goes to collect her things as Quinn walks back inside the house.

"How'd it go?" Rachel asks as Quinn walks back into the kitchen. Quinn shrugs lightly then sits in the chair next to Rachel at the island.

"Fine, I guess. She had to leave." Quinn says with a shrug as she watches her mother go outside with her wallet to pay Santana.

"Well, we've got another three weeks of vacation...and I heard from a little birdie Santana comes once a week."

"Are you seriously suggesting we stay here our entire vacation?" Quinn asks incredulously. Rachel rolls her eyes lightly.

"No, but we know what day of the week she'll be here so you get another opportunity." Sighing, Quinn turns her head to watch Santana leave out the back gate.

Getting an idea, Quinn stands from her chair and quickly goes back outside, past the pool and out the gate. Quinn watches Santana walk towards a black and orange van with the company name and logo on it. Jogging slightly to catch up to Santana, Quinn watches as she sits the bag down and opens the back of the van.

"Need a hand?" Quinn offers politely as she reaches Santana. Santana turns to her, smirking.

"I got it... but we both know that's not why you followed me to my van." She says confidently and Quinn lets out a nervous giggle.

"Okay, fine. You caught me. I just enjoyed our conversation and thought maybe you'd want to continue it? Maybe even over dinner, or drinks?"

"Breakfast if you're lucky." Santana says smirking, then places her hand on the side of the open van door.

"I'm gonna be real with you. You're not my type. I mean you're hot and if you're looking for a hookup, I go to lunch in an hour." Quinn watches her, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"I just don't do rich girls. Been there, done that and it ends the same way." Santana continues with a shrug.

"Wait a second, you're turning me down because I'm rich?" Santana nods quickly.

"Yeah, that's the gist of it blondie. Two different worlds." Quinn laughs and Santana arches an eyebrow curiously.

"Are you serious? That's normally a perk to most people and my family is rich, not me."

"Same thing and I don't give a shit about your money. Rich people and I just don't mix. I worked for every penny I have. I didn't have the luxury of asking Daddy for a small loan of a million dollars. We are not the same." Santana says in a clipped tone with an irritated roll of her eyes.

"Excuse me? You don't know anything about me." Quinn says defensively and Santana laughs mirthlessly.

"I don't need to know anything about you to know that if I stop working, if I fall on hard times, I'll be fucking homeless. On the streets. While Miss. Wall Street, can call mommy and daddy to fix everything." Quinn gives Santana an icy glare who matches her intensity.

"Kiss my ass." Quinn says and Santana chuckles as she grabs her bag and puts it in the van.

"Don't you have enough people doing that for you already, Princesa?" Santana closes the van doors and pulls her ponytail out.

"Refer a friend and maybe I'll consider entertaining you some day." Santana smirks as she taps the sunglasses sitting on her head and they slide down over her eyes.

"You're a real piece of work." Quinn retorts and Santana shrugs.

"You know what they say about the kitchen. Now, I'm late for my next appointment. Rich people and their blatant disregard for other peoples time." Santana says mockingly as she walks over to the drivers side of her van, Quinn following as Santana gets into her vehicle.

"You really don't want to piss me off Santana." Quinn says as Santana starts her van.

"Why? Gonna use your privilege to put me out of business? With this bod and prices like mine, I'll always find work. Tell Judy I'll see her next Wednesday. " Santana says smirking.

"You might want to step back, wouldn't want to get dirt on your thousand dollar Gucci flip flops." Quinn quickly steps back as Santana hits the gas and pulls off, glaring at the van until it turns the corner. Quinn sighs to herself and glances at her feet.

"My flip flops are from Old Navy!" She angrily shouts to no one as she walks back to her parents house.

"Ugh! Where does she get off? she doesn't even know anything about me!"Quinn shouts angrily as she paces back and forth in one of her parent's guest bedrooms.

"Maybe she just doesn't like you? She was nothing but polite when I spoke with her." Rachel says as she absentmindedly scrolls on her phone.

"That's not an excuse. I can't believe the nerve of that woman!" Quinn huffs as she plops down on the bed.

No one has ever spoken to Quinn that way but that's not what's bothering her. It's the fact that Santana's view of wealthier people is so inaccurate in Quinn's case. Quinn knows people like what Santana described but she isn't one of them and honestly hates them herself. Quinn has never felt like she was better than someone or entitled to anything because of her economic status. Yes, her parents are wealthy but they raised her to be grateful, polite and generous.

"Calm down Quinn. You don't actually have to enjoy her company to win the bet."

"I'm going to prove her wrong whether she likes it or not." Quinn says with a devious smirk. Santana may have pissed her off but Quinn doesn't back away from a challenge.

"I'm not sure how beneficial that may be...but I found some interesting information..." Quinn looks at Rachel curiously until she walks over to her and shows her the phone in her hand.

"Her net worth is worth more than my parents!" Quinn says in shock as she reads the article on the small screen.

Santana made Forbe's Magazine 30 under 30 list in 2017 and had a very in depth interview, highlighting her business, which is much more than just a pool cleaning service. Quinn keeps reading and discovers some more personal details of Santana's life. For a period of her life, she was homeless which lead to her working odd jobs to support herself. Now, Lopez enterprises has over 20 locations in the United States and she spends her spare time running multiple non profit shelters in Texas and California to help homeless youth. Quinn and Santana are the same age and Santana has accomplished a lot more than Quinn ever expected.

"The woman is a saint...and a bit of a hypocrite." Quinn says as she continues reading.

"Come to apologize?" Santana says as she checks the pH levels of the pool, then quickly entering it into the tablet in her hand. Quinn rolls her eyes as she stops near Santana.

"That should've been my line." Santana quirks an eyebrow but doesn't look up from her tablet.

"Should it? I don't remember doing anything wrong." She says with a small smirk.

"Being an asshole isn't ringing a bell?"

"No but being told to kiss your ass, is though." Quinn rolls her eyes again before speaking.

"You're a hypocrite." This gets Santana's attention.

"What are you talking about?" She asks as she eyes Quinn curiously.

"All that rich people bullshit when in actuality, we're in the same tax bracket. Hell, you're more rich than we are." Quinn says and Santana shrugs.

"I don't see anything hypocritical about anything I said. I don't mix with rich people who were born with a diamond crusted umbilical cord. I like the people like me who actually worked their ass off for their money but that doesn't apply to you. You've lived your life on handouts."

"I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth and you're not better than me because you acquired some wealth. It's all the same." Quinn says and Santana shakes her head.

"It's the same on paper, not in real life. Are you really this determined to take me out? I told you, I'm always available for a hookup." Santana winks at her which only fuels Quinn's irritation.

"How about this? Prove me wrong. If you can give me any example of something you did for yourself without the help of your parents, I'll take you on a date." Santana says seriously and Quinn's irritation is replaced with curiosity.

"Are you serious?" She questions and Santana nods.

"I don't have to prove myself to you." Quinn says, her irritation returning.

"You don't but I thought you wanted a date." Quinn sighs before tilting her head and looking thoughtful. Eventually Santana sighs impatiently.

"I don't have all day. Who bought your first car?"

"My dad."

"Who paid for that Ivy league education?"

"My parents."

"Who pays your rent? Car note?" Quinn sighs in defeat, realizing how dependent she sounds.

"I didn't ask them to do that, they just want me to focus on other things..."

"You mean they baby you? They keep you nice and safe and tucked away from the real world?" Santana says and Quinn glares at her.

"So, I'm supposed to feel bad that I have supportive parents?" Santana shakes her head.

"No, you should feel bad that your so dependent. You're what? 26 right? What have you actually experienced? You probably don't even know how to tie your own shoe. At least Rachel has had some adversity to overcome in her life with her dads...but you...you're just another privileged trust fund baby. Sorry, not sorry." Santana shrugs again then goes back to her tablet.

"We didn't always have money. My father worked hard and I have experienced the real world. No one was there to help me through school."

"Maybe not but I bet if you needed a break, they'd whisk you away to Aspen for the weekend. Am I right?" Quinn sighs, not be able to deny what she said.

"It's not personal...or maybe it is. I'm not sure and don't really care, but I just don't see us doing anything other than bumping uglies, which I'm still down for by the way." Santana's eyebrows wiggle to exaggerate her point.

"You're a pervert." Quinn says and Santana chuckles.

"I think you like it. When you storm off, mind telling Rachel to meet me around 8 instead of 9? I have an early morning tomorrow."

"Wait...you're going out?"

"Remember when I said I like to mind my business? Consider adapting that."

"You brought me into it when you asked me to play messenger." Quinn says with a roll of her eyes.

"Then just ask her. I'll see you next week Princesa."