There is nothing. Just a void that seemed to suck all of the happiness… all of the joy… everything out of the world. Slowly, snow began to fall, creating a landscape from the void. It kept snowing and kept forming a landscape until a human eye could tell that it was a forest. The snow then began to form a body. That body slowly moved until it looked up, revealing to be Ruby… her clothing in tatters and her body full of cuts and bruises.

Hope can drown… lost in thunderous sound. Fear can claim what little faith remains…

Gritting her cracked and broken teeth, Ruby slowly pushed herself up as she continued to stare into the void. From it, three soldiers walked into view, their weapons trained on her. Standing up, she looked to her hip and saw her wand…

But I carry strength from souls now gone… They won't let me give in…

Ruby looked at her hands… they were covered in blood and she knew who's blood it was… Ruby narrowed her eyes, blood running down the side of her head, as she grabbed her wand.

I will never surrender…

Ruby sent a flurry of snow at the farthest left soldier before stopping the bullets fired by the far right soldier and sending them back at him.

We'll free the Earth and Sky…

Ruby used a spell to whip a gun out of the middle soldier before she sent a ball of fire at the soldier, killing him and sending the soldier back into the void.

Crush my heart into embers and I will reignite… I will reignite…

The far left soldier charged Ruby, but she managed to beat him at hand to hand before kicking him so hard, his helmet flew off… Exhausted, Ruby could only continue to stare into that void as she heard more soldiers approach.

Death will take those who fight alone…

As Ruby readied herself for what she knew was her last stand, she felt a hand on her shoulder, a hand that she was familiar with, and turned to see Jaune standing at her side. Looking farther down the line, she saw Neo and Coco holding pistols and Neo's baton, Sun was holding a staff and a ball of fire. Looking down the opposite way, Ruby saw more Grimm and a squadron of human soldiers, and domesticated wildlife standing beside them…

But united we can break a fate once set in stone

Jaune looked to Ruby, "For Liberteria…"

Ruby nodded and composed herself as she saw the Elders step forward.

Just hold the line until the end cause we will give them hell…

All five Elders sent giant balls of fire towards the coming darkness… and shortly after, all the Grimm and humans charged proudly into the darkness with the Elders sending a barrage of covering fire.

I will never surrender… We'll free the Earth and sky… Crush my heart into embers… and I will Reignite… I will reignite…

With seemingly charged up energy, Ruby yelled one last thing as she charged into battle.


The lyrics to the song belong to Malukah and her song "reignite" go take a listen to it!