Chapter 2

It has been the same regular day at the guild for Eina Tulle. Eina is a receptionist as a guild who can also work as an advisor for adventurers, especially new ones. Aventurers come and go, sometimes they ask something to her, sometimes they come to exchange the magic stones they've accumulated during their dungeon dive.

So all in all, it's the same old day in the guild.

While Eina likes her job at the guild, it does get a bit boring from time to time.

Though these recent days had become really entertaining as well as worrisome for Eina.


The reason for that is the sudden arrival of the girl all cheerfully waving her hands as she ran towards the reception desk where Eina is stationed at all excited.

The girl was about the age between fourteen or fifteen. She had long messy snow-white hair and deep crimson eye. She wore a tattered cloak over a simple worn black undershirt and brown shorts which really show off her legs. Her facial features were a mix of soft and elegant. She was incredibly adorable and cute, Just seeing her smile will make any person, even maybe regardless of gender, want to protect her.

This girl was Belle Cranel.

"Eina-nee!" Belle excitedly called out the receptionist's name as she ran over while waving her hand as a means to get the receptionist's attention. "Eina-nee!"

Always feeling all warm and relaxed with the presence of the young girl, Eina was about to show a smile but halted her facial features as she finally noticed the state which Belle currently had.

Her cloak was more tattered than before telling just how much fighting she had did in her latest dungeon dive. But what Eina found troublesome and worrisome the most was the now completely drenched hair, face, and cloak of Belle.

What was she drenched with?

It was none other than blood.

Feeling as if a vein had popped inside her head, Eina stood up from her seat and immediately stormed her way towards the girl.

"Eina-nee! Eina-ne-!"

"Shut it!" Eina pushed a finger up Belle's lips signalling her to stop talking. "What on earth happened to you!? What is with that blood!? Is that your blood!?"

Seeing the panic in Eina's expression, Belle blinked confused. Realizing that she was talking about her current state, Belle took a look at her own body and realized that she was caked with blood all over.

"Don't worry Eina-nee!" Belle smiled as if she wasn't even the slightest bit bothered by her current state of attire. "It's not my blood!"

"Then who's blood is it!?" Eina questioned with a raised voice all worried. "A monster!?"

"Uh huh." Belle excitedly nodded as a response before raising the index finger on both her hands and putting up against both sides of her head as if to make horns. "I met those monsters with brown pair and horns!" Belle then cupped her chin as she thought deeply before finally clasping her hands together and grinning. "A minotaur! It was a

"A minotaur!?" Eina yelled as she grabbed Belle's shoulders and shook her. "You mean to tell me you went into the middle floors!?"

"N-no!...No.." Belled started to feel a bit afraid seeing the angry expression written all over Eina's face. "I-I did not... Eina-nee..."

"Then how did you meet a minotaur!?"

"I-I tried to peek towards the stairs leading up to the middle floors just to check it out." Belle explained. "It was there that I saw a group of them."

"A horde of minotaurs running up the stairs!?"


"And you fought them!?"


"Belle!" Eina scolded the girl. "Didn't I tell you not to do anything too dangerous in the dungeon!?"

"B-but...B-but... I could handle them!" Belle tried to defend her case. "I-I-I...beat them..."

"It doesn't matter whether or not you beat them!" Eina scolded. "It's the fact that you still did something outrageous! You should've just left the horde of minotaurs to higher-leveled adventurers! You some adventurers right?"


"See!?" Eina put her hands on her waist as she frowned towards Belle who was shrinking back in fear. "They could've dealt with them properly! No need to get involved!"

"I'm sorry!" Belled apologized.

Hearing the sudden apology from the girl, Eina couldn't help but release a deep sigh.

She knew she was being a too strict towards Belle, but she couldn't really help it.

Eina knew just how strong Belle Cranel was. She had seen firsthand just how powerful she can be when she gets serious during their first meeting. Just by going by what she had seen the girl do, she was confident that she can handle the middle floors and with caution perhaps even the lower floors.

But the girl didn't belong to any Familia. Therefore, she wasn't blessed with a falna.

Becoming an adventurer without a Familia as nearly impossible. Most who tried to were turned away by the guild. The guild couldn't really help it though. The dungeon was like a living creature and it swallowed any unsuspecting and unprepared adventurers.

Eina had to make an exception for Belle. She handled all the necessary process for Belle personally and took it upon herself to be the girl's advisor.

Belle was strong. Eina didn't have any doubts about that. But her having a falna would be much better for her safety. With the blessings of a falna, the girl would be able to grow much stronger and faster. Her chances of surviving even in the lower floors would increase.

So Eina decided for herself that she would control the amount of floors Belle would descend to until she found herself a Familia and were to be blessed with a falna.

But that's where Eina's trouble begins.

Belle Cranel didn't have a favorable view towards adventurers belonging in Familias.

Something happened to her involving a group of adventurers in a certain Familia during her first days in Orario. So she was wary of being involved with Familias.

Even though she only knew Belle for a short while, she had come to understand the girl quite deeply.

Belle had two sides.

One side was the cheerful, warm, kind, yet a bit naive girl currently right in front of her.

And the other...

Feeling a sudden warm sensation envelop her hands, Eina Tulle was pulled out from her thoughts. She looked at her hands and realized Belle was holding them tightly with her own.

"I'm sorry, Eina-nee. Are you angry?" Belle had tears beading up at the corner of her eyes as she looked up towards Eina. "I'm really sorry."

Eina couldn't help but blush at the sudden scene of pure cuteness.

Grabbing Belle by her wrists, Eina pulled the girl into an embrace and gently patted the girl's head.

"I'm sorry too. I said too much." Eina comforted the girl.

"You're not angry anymore?"

"No longer angry." Eina showed a smile.

Seeing the smile from her, Belle returned the smile with one of her own.

"How could I stay angry at this adorable face right here?" Eina teased as she poked Belle's right cheek with a finger.

"He he~" Belle released a small laugh.

"Alright." Eina then released the embrace and straightened her posture as she realized they were gaining the attention of most who were present at the guild. "I'll forgive you for now. But please, if you're going to the middle floors tell me so I can atleast do my best to brief you regarding what the floors would be."

"Okay!" Belle nodded with a grin.

"That's my girl!" Eina smiled before frowning again. "Now then! You obviously need to take a bath and wash your clothes. Come on then! I'll give you a bath."

Hearing the prospect of a bath, Belle's expression turned to that of pure terror.

"No!" Belle paled as she tried to reject the offer. "I don't need a bath!"

"What!?" Eina raised a brow. "Of course you do! Look at yourself!"

"I-I'll just change clothes then!"

"Denied!" Eina scolded as she grasped Belle by her wrist and started to pull her from where she was standing.

"Please Eina-nee!" Belle cried out. "No baths!"

"Denied!" Eina smiled. "I'll make sure you're all sparkling clean when we're done."


"So how's the search going?" Loki asked.

She was currently at the office of her Familia captain sitting on the sofa stationed at the side just a few feet in front of a bookcase.

"Be more specific." Finn asked the goddess. "Are you referring to the Familia we'll be asking for support in our next expedition or are you referring to that mysterious girl Ains and the others had met?"

"Both!" Loki answered with a raised voice.

Hearing her answer, Riveria whom were standing at the side leaning against a wall with her arms crossed raised a brow as she stared at their goddess.

"Both really-!"

Finn then was the next one to raise a brow and then the dwarf Garreth followed.

"-But more on the girl."

Finn released a sigh as he heard Loki's honest answer, though he had actually expected it.

"You're really caught up with this mysterious girl, huh Loki?"

"Of course! Aren't you!?"

"I admit I am curious." Riveria answered.

"Would be nice to see this girl and see what she can do personally." Garreth added.

"Well, you're in luck Loki." Finn smiled.

"What!?" Loki stood up then rushed towards Finn and slammed her hands on top of the desk. "Have you learned something about her!?"

"Indeed. It was actually Tione and Tiona who found out something as they asked around." Finna explained as he tidied up the papers that were scattered due to Loki slamming the desk with her hands.

"Well!?" Loki grabbed Finn by the collar and stared at him with eyes filled with excitement and motivation.

"It appears that she's connected to a receptionist by the guild." Finn answered.

"Really!? Yahoo!" Loki jumped with a raised fist in the air. "Then all we need to do is ask that receptionist about this adorable girl!"

"Ah, you must be referring to Eina. I'm sorry, but she's on a day off today, goddess Loki." A receptionist explained at the group of people gathered in front of her desk.

Finn shrugged his shoulders. Riveria sighed. Tiona and Tione rubbed the back of their heads. Ais merely stared in silence. While Loki's jaw dropped open at their misfortune.

"And I was all excited and all!" Loki complained.

"Can't help it." Finn shrugged. "We can just return tomorrow."

Riveria then walked up to the desk and asked the receptionist present a question.

"Can we get a name please?" The high elf asked curious. "The girl's?"

"Cute girl with white hair and red eyes right?" The receptionist clarified. "It should be Belle Cranel. Eina had said that she met the cutie during her last vacation trip outside Orario. She returned here in Orario with the girl."

"Belle Cranel, huh?"

"That was really disappointing." Loki hung her head low as she walked alongside her Familia members.

"We can't really do anything about it, Loki." Finn said.

"Didn't you hear what the receptionist said?" Tione joined the conversation. "This Eina-san had taken a day off. So she should be back by tomorrow."

"But I can't wait that long for a cute girl!" Loki complained.

"Well, she is really adorable!" Tiona grinned as she walked with her hands behind her head.

"See!? I need to see her now!"

"Get a hold of yourself." Riveria scolded their goddess with a light smack on her head.

"Ouch! Mama!"

"Who are you calling mama!?"

"Just get over it Loki, We'll ask again tomorrow." Finna tried to comfor the goddess. "Just be patient. It's not like we'll see one of our members randomly with the girl right?"

As soon as Finn said this, Aiz suddenly stopped in her tracks and seemed as if she caught tranced by something. Seeing this, the group suddenly stopped and asked the sword princess.

"Aiz-tan?" Loki asked. "What's wrong?"



"Belle Cranel." Aiz repeated as she raised a hand in order to point in front of them.

Their sights followed the direction where the sword princess was pointing at and was caught off-guard by the scene unfolding in front of them.

Just in front of the establishment known as 'Hostess of Fertillity' was their resident tsundere-wolf, Bete Loga, and an adorable girl standing right in front of the wolf giving him a sharp glare.

Loki stared at the girl with wide eyes.

She had long messy white hair and deep crimson eyes. She was adorable. Insanely adorable. Perhaps even as adorable, if not as adorable, than Aiz.


Before Tiona could even finish her calling of the werewolf's name, the wold suddenly lunged forward and aimed a punch towards the girl.

"What are you doing you moron!?" Tione shouted angry.

Aiz grasped the handle of her sword and was about to step in when she was stopped by both her Familia captain and their goddess. She looked at the both of them and noticed the serious gaze they were giving at the bout that was unfolding before them.

The first punch thrown was easily dodged by the girl by tilting her head to the side. Bete followed up with a sidesweep kick using his left leg. With a hop, the girl evaded the attack and twirled her body to drop an axe kick on Bete's head. Bete saw the attack and crossed his arms above his head in order to block the attack. As the girl's foot and Bete's arms collided, a rush of pressure was unleashed sending a gush of wind that could be felt by the bystanders watching the fight at a reasonable distance.

"She's good." Finn smiled as he continued to watch Bete and the girl continue to exchange blows.

"I didn't expect such movements from such a cute girl." Riveria commented. "Can't really judge a book by its cover."

"Seems like Bete is getting a bit serious." Tiona observed.

"With him getting a bit serious, it seems the girl is really quite strong." Tiona replied.

"I want her." Loki showed a mischievous grin. "I want that girl in our Familia."

After a series of exchanging fists and kicks, Bete managed to catch the right arm of the girl by the wrist. Seeing this, the girl threw a punch with her left. Bete responded by instinct and caught the left arm swiftly.

"She's caught." Tiona commented.

"For a rabbit to dare bare her teeth to a wolf, you dare have the guts huh?" Bete smirked. "Get lost, weakling!"

With a sharp intake of breath, Bete raished his right leg and with all the strength he could muster kicked the girl in her stomach. With a cough of blood, the girl was flown straight into a group of wooden barrels and crates destroying them as she landed.

"And it's over." Tione said.

"For her to actually last this long, she's quite skilled huh?"

"The hell you guys doing here?" Bete said as he walked up to his allies.

"You're comment on her?" Finn asked curous as to what the wolf would say regarding the girl.

"Decent, but that's it." Bete shrugged as he beamed an arrogant smile. "She's the girl we saw kill those minotaurs right?"

"Yes." Riveria answered.

"Then's nothing more than a one trick pony." Bete laughed. "She's nothing special."

"You're a level 5, Bete." Aiz commented feeling a bit irritated.

"So?" Bete cocked a brow as he smirked at Aiz.

"Regardless, I want her." Loki demanded. "I want her in my Familia."

"Are you sure about that?" Bete asked their goddess. "She's not all that weak, but she's not worth the trouble."

"I don't care." Loki replied before turning to the Riveria. "Check to see if she's alright."

"Fine." Riveria nodded as she walked up to the girl.

However, before Riveria could take five steps towards her direction. A loud sound could be heard. What followed was a cloud of dust erupting as the wooden crates and barrels got thrown away violently smashing into pieces as they landed on the ground or hit a wall.

"How dare a rabbit?" The girl said with now serious tone in her voice. "How dare a rabbit?"

Slowly, the girl got right back up to standing. She tilted her head to the side as a furious expression wrote all over her cute face. Her eyes seemed as if they glowing red. She bared her teeth and showed her fangs.

"So you can still stand?" Bete said with a mocking tone. "Just lay down already, you trash rabbit."

Hearing another one of his mocking words, the girl clenched her teeth much tighter. She then lowered her body and put up her hands on the floor. With her legs wide apart and her hands on the floor right in front of her, the girl was now on all fours as she gave the werewolf a hostile glare and released a growl showing her unnaturally sharp canine teeth.

The stance in which the girl was currently emulating resembled that of a rabbit ready to pounce.

"I'll teach you something, arrogant wolf." The girl growled.

"Oh!?" Bete smirked as he stepped forward. "You think you can do something!?"

Sensing the arrogant werewolf step towards her, the girl looked up and said something.

"Pounce of the White Rabbit." The girl said through her teeth.

With the sound resembling a crack of thunder after a lightning strike, the girl vanished from where she was standing and left a deep crater.

"The hell!?" Bete yelled.

Everyone watching the scene were caught by surprised by the lightning speed the girl had showed as she lunged forwards to the werewolf in a mere second. Disappearing from their sights, they tried to scramble their eyes in order to catch the girl once again with their eyes.

With the sound of rushing wind, the Loki Familia were caught by surprised by the sudden appearance of the girl right in front of them. She was currently had her arms stretched crossed against each other as if they were the claws of a monster. What caught them by surprised the most was the girl appearing behind Bete as if she had passed through him before he could even notice.

"W-what... the... fuc-" Bete mumbled.

With the sound of something being shredded, Bete's shirt got torn into bits as if he was mauled by a violent animal. With a cough of blood, Bete covered his mouth with right hand while his left hand grabbed his chest in pain. With a pained grimace written all over his face, Bete fell to his knees and consequently dropped unconscious on the ground with an audible thud.

"You see sometimes.." The girl said with a sinister smirked. "Rabbits feast on wolves too."

To be Continued


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Thank you for reading!
