The Witcher: Through the Worlds

Chapter 69: Bald Mountain

Narrator: After the Battle of Kaer Morhen, the defenders were able to fight back the Wild Hunt for now. Dominik of Cintra, fought Eredin, the King of the Wild Hunt, and was able to buy enough time for Ciri to gather the strength she needed. However, after Dominik was seemingly killed at the hands of Eredin, Ciri unleashed the great powers within her blood. The power was so strong, the Hunt was forced to flee, and the defenders had seemingly won the day. However, Dominik and Ciri knew that this was only the beginning, if they wanted Ciri to finally be free, to save the continent from invasion, they needed to find Eredin, and finally defeat him. So began a week and a half stay at Kaer Morhen. Dominik healed from the great wounds he sustained at Eredin's hands, while Ciri trained to learn control of her powers with the help of the elven sage Avallac'h. After Dominik was finally healed of his wounds, and Ciri began making progress, they knew it was finally time to head out to Novigrad, to meet up with Yennefer and Triss Merigold, who had been gathering allies in the form of the remnants of the Lodge of Sorceresses. However, before that, Ciri wakes Dominik and Geralt up in the early hours of the morning, and says that they first must head to Bald Mountain in Velen…

Dominik didn't think his dreams would have taken him to a vision of Kaer Morhen without Ciri in it, however, that night they did. He saw himself, chasing after Geralt in the very hall he was just having dinner in the night before. Scoffing he marveled at how young he was, he remembered the exact moment he saw, it was a day that was etched into his memory. He was fifteen, he wore the red armored coat with straps of leather over his shoulders, his sword, the same steel blade that he used to that day was slung over his back. His face was rounder, younger, but he could see his young emerald eyes chasing after Geralt full of concern, full of worry, while the new wolf medallion he remembered he had just finished forging bounced around his neck, along of course, with the silver swallow he always wore, Ciri's swallow. As Geralt and he got to the hall, just near the door to the exit of the keep, his young voice pleaded with Geralt again, and Dominik as he watched felt his blood run cold, as he could remember exactly what he was doing.

It was the day Geralt told him he was leaving for Thanedd, for Aretuza, for the mages council and feast with Yen. Yen had gotten into contact with them both, she begged Geralt to come to Thanedd to attend the feast with her, she had said it was urgent, but they didn't understand why. Going there also meant that Geralt would get to see Ciri, which Dominik had been yearning to do in the previous few weeks they had been apart. It was because he missed her of course, wanted to see her, they hadn't been apart for that long since she went to the Temple of Melitele, but those few weeks she was at Aretuza were particularly hard.

However, it wasn't only missing her that made him desperate to go with Geralt to Thanedd, no, it was the nightmares. In the weeks since Ciri left to go there, went through that portal with Yen, his nightmares had gotten worse then they had ever been. Night after night he woke up screaming, but they weren't his normal nightmares of Cintra. The nightmares were of Ciri, running from the knight in the winged helmet like when they were younger, of her running through a portal while being chased, her being manhandled and captured, and worst, was her being killed, he had seen her killed night after night, stabbed, or falling from a great height. Geralt and Yen tried to save her in the nightmares, but she had always died. And each night he woke up screaming, he didn't have Triss, Yen, or most importantly Ciri to help him back to sleep, so he'd lay awake, looking at his ceiling while the nightmares played over and over in his head.

So when he and Geralt got Yen's message, and Dominik learned his adopted father was going to Thanedd, to the magic school, he had begged him to go.

"Geralt you have to let me go with you, please!" Younger Dominik said desperately reaching out and grabbing Geralt's arm as his adopted father sighed and turned back to him.

Geralt had a slightly pained look in his eyes as he shook his head, "Dom… we've been over this, it's dangerous. There's a lot of powerful people there, a lot of people who I don't trust."

"Even more of a reason I should go! What if Ciri's in danger, the nightmares Geralt, they've been non-stop, something's going to happen I know it is!" His younger self said, his voice breaking as he pleaded.

Sighing again, Dominik could see the distraught look in Geralt's eyes. He remembered how in the current day, Geralt had never told him the exact details of what happened at the coup on Thanedd, all Dominik knew was that Ciri ended up escaping through a portal. It was easy for him to see how distraught thinking about the night made his adopted father, so he had never asked for more details, and he also didn't dare ask Ciri about it. He knew she would more than likely tell him without issue, but he didn't want to make her have to relive that day. However, what he did know, was that his younger self's worries, the dreams that he had warning him of that night, had all been true.

Geralt knelt down and put a hand on young Dominik's shoulder, "Dom… they're just dreams, they can mean anything. It's just a banquet, I'm only keeping you hear because like I said, don't trust a lot of the people there, bad enough that Ciri's there, not gonna risk you too."

He scoffed and shook his head, "Geralt I don't care! She's in danger, I know she is, I… I need to be there to look after her!"

"Yen and I will make sure she's safe I promise, we won't let anything happen to her," His adopted father reassured him, before looking deep into his eyes, "Dom… I know you miss her; I know you want to see her I-."

"It's not just that Geralt! I… I just KNOW she's in danger, I know it," Young Dominik said, the tears starting to well up in his eyes as he shakily sighed and met Geralt's gaze, "The dreams they… they normally stop after a few nights, but they haven't… she's in danger, I know it. Please… please Geralt, don't leave me here, I need to be there, I need to be there for her."

Geralt sighed again, and Dominik could see how hard it was for his adopted father to tell him no. However, again Geralt shook his head at him, meeting his eyes however he nodded.

"Okay, listen, I'll make you a deal. You stay here, learn more about your medallion, finish up some of your training," Geralt said slowly, before looking down at the swallow around his neck, and then back up to his eyes, "You promise to do that, I'll bring Ciri after I come back from Thanedd."

"What!? You're serious," Younger Dominik said slightly skeptically, meeting Geralt's eyes as he slowly shook his head, "You really mean that?"

"Yeah, I promise," His adopted father said with a nod of his head, smiling down at him, "Just stay here, relax, train, and in a week or two, I'll be back, and I'll bring Ciri with me."

"But I thought she needed to learn about her powers?" Dominik asked quickly with the letter in his hands trembling.

Geralt nodded again, "She does yeah… but I think she has to have some better control by now. Besides… never should have split you up in the first place. So… we got a deal?"

He looked down at his younger self, and he could see the conflict brewing in him. He could distinctly remember the anxiousness that ran through his brain at this moment. Every single bit of him wanted to force his way to Thanedd one way or another, the dreams had been too potent, he had seen too much in them to not go, to not believe that she was truly in danger. However, he had trusted Geralt's words, Yennefer's words in that moment, their promise to make sure she was safe, that nothing would happen to her. So he watched, and his younger self cautiously met Geralt's eyes.

Young Dominik's eyes narrowed, "Swear… swear to me she'll be alright, that… that if I don't go… she… she'll be safe."

"I swear…I promise Dominik, I won't let anything happen to her," Geralt promised him, not letting his yellow eyes leave his, he put a hand on young Dominik's shoulder and nodded, "Yen and I will make sure she's safe… I promise. And before you know it, you'll both be yapping my ear off here again in no time."

His younger self scoffed a laugh, but still with trembling hands, and quivering eyes, he slowly looked up, and held the letter in his hands to Geralt.

"Can… can you at least give her this? And… and tell her I miss her," Younger Dominik asked, as Geralt took the letter with a nod. Shaking his head, his younger self shakily sighed, "And… and tell her I love her… and… and I'm sorry I'm not there."

"I will… don't worry Dom, everything will be alright, I promise," His adopted father said as he rose back up to his feet.

Dominik watched the scene and almost felt himself tear up again. He had forgiven Geralt and Yen a long time ago, he was never really angry at them, because he knew what would end up happening was completely out of there control. However, when he was young, he had been so angry, so uncontrollably angry, that he needed someone to blame, someone to blame other then himself, or the ones who had really been responsible, because he couldn't get to them, so he lashed out at Geralt and Yen, blaming them, and it haunted him for years. It haunted him so much, that he refused to go with either of his adopted parents when they found him. It had started in that vision before him, and despite the fact he had her back now, seeing the scene again, knowing what would come next, he almost felt himself get sick.

Younger Dominik slowly sigh, reaching up and wiping the small tear that had fallen with his gloved hand and slowly nodded.

"Okay… thanks Geralt… for everything," He said, before throwing his arms around his adopted father's waist, and tightly hugging him, younger Dominik shakily sighed again.

Quickly Geralt nodded, and hugged him back, before looking down deep in his eyes and nodding.

"You're welcome… like I said, don't worry, I'll keep her safe I promise…. Everything is gonna be alright," Geralt said slowly, nodding to Dominik one more time, before the vision of his dream had begun to get blurry.

Geralt had been wrong he knew, because everything hadn't been alright, none of it had turned out alright.


When the dream whirled again, Dominik looked down and saw something that made his heart drop. A cold wind shot through his hair, as he looked and saw Ciri, Ciri out near a stable, right near a bridge as he heard the rush of the ocean down below. Tall towers, a large elegant bridge, and a cold starry night. It would have been beautiful to look at had it not been for what he saw.

"URGHHH LET ME GO!" Ciri screamed in the man's arms, and Dominik felt his heart drop as he saw her.

She was beaten, a black and blue bruise on her cheek, a cut down her forehead. She was younger, only having to be fourteen or fifteen, and he almost screamed out himself when he saw the mage fiercely gripping her from behind, trying to bring her to the ground as she struggled. He looked and saw the ring violently bouncing around her neck, she wore only a black top, a leather tunic with her trousers and boots, she didn't have a sword on her back, and she could only wriggle and try to kick her legs as the man in mage robes behind her laughed.

"Ha! My treasure, what if, not Vilgefortz, not Rience, not that gallant in the feathered helmet, but old Terranova gave you to Emhyr as a present!? Would Emhyr look kindly on old Terranova? What do you say to that little clairvoyant!? You can see the future after all!" The mage screeched behind her, and Dominik and as Ciri tried to elbow into the man's gut, but he moved and avoided it, only laughing more.

He watched and felt his skin crawl as the ring he gave her bounced around her neck, she yelled violently again, an as he looked up at the huge towers again, the roaring waters around them, Dominik finally realized where he was. This was Thanedd, Aretuza, where Ciri had gone missing, he was watching that fateful night where she was taken. He tried to yell out as he did in all of his dreams, but his voice was silent, and he felt his eyes begin to sting as he saw Ciri continued to struggle, but the old mage wriggled her back under control before cackling once again. Dominik was about to try and wake himself up, but that was when he heard the screech of a bird, and he saw a grey owl darting down from a tower, he tried to focus on the animal, but the mages voice tore his vision back down.

"Don't snap your beak at me, little bird! I'm not afraid of little birds. But should I be," The mage asked mockingly with his cackling voice, "Well false soothsayer? Bogus oracle? Should I be afraid of little birds!?"

"You ought to be!" Ciri yelled, and Dominik saw that she noticed the owl soaring down.

He watched and almost cheered out when the mage laughed and tossed his head back, but the laughs were quickly turned into violent pained screams. The grey owl sunk its talons into the man's eyes, and as he screamed he pushed Ciri aside as she fell onto the ground. As the man screamed Dominik turned his eyes to Ciri, she coughed and got to her feet, but he noticed as soon as she did the ring come loose from her neck and fall to the ground. As the owl ripped into the mage's eyes Ciri furiously looked around for the ring, where it could be, however she whirled back around when the mage tried to yell out a spell.

Dominik turned his vision back around to the mage, who had stumbled to his knees, and saw magic starting to whirl in his palms. Ciri yelled and tried to step back, but just before the mage could shout out and unleash his spell, a witchers blade whipped through the air, and Dominik saw the mage's head quickly fell from his shoulders. He barely had time to look back to Ciri, before he saw Geralt step forward, his blade now dripping the mages blood. His adopted father's eyes were wide, and never in Dominik's life did he see such a look on his face. Geralt's eyes were on the mage's severed head, before they widened again and he reached to pick something off the ground, just as Ciri yelled.

"GERALT!" She yelled, and Geralt turned around right away, sheathing his sword and rushing over to her.

"CIRI," His adopted father yelled, as young Ciri slammed into his chest with a hug.

Dominik watched them for only a moment, before he could hear and see more men in the distance running, trying to close in on them. Quickly he turned back to Geralt and Ciri, Geralt pulled back from her, before he held up something in his hands. Dominik felt a breath of relief leave him, as Ciri did the same in the vision, reaching and grabbing the bronze ring from Geralt's hands and clutching it to her chest for a moment, before tying the chain back around her neck as she frantically looked at Geralt with wide eyes.

"Geralt! Geralt, Yen, she told me to run, I… I don't want to be alone," She said desperately, and Dominik saw her nearly now on the verge of tears.

Geralt shook his head, "You won't be, Ciri you need to run, I'll be right behind you, run, but don't look back!"

"Give me my sword Geralt, I need my sword," She said desperately as when she held out one hand her other stayed gripped around the ring.

Geralt quickly reached behind his back and slung Ciri's sword from his shoulder, and handed the sheath to her, meeting her eyes he slowly shook his head.

"If you have a sword… you may have to kill with it. Can you do it?" Geralt asked her, and right away he saw Ciri nod.

"Dominik did it for me… I can do it now… I hope, Geralt what… what about him!? He needs-," Ciri started quickly, but Geralt quickly shook his head.

"Ciri you need to run, run and don't look back," Geralt said quickly with another shake of his head as he looked deeply into Ciri's eyes, "If you get lost, I'll find you, Dominik and I will find you, I swear it, we will. NOW GO!"

Ciri seemed to hesitate for a moment, but the sound of more men's boots clunking as they ran across the bridge seemed to spur her on. She shakily nodded to Geralt, before slinging the sword around her shoulder, and running towards the stable. The ring bounced against her chest and she gripped it tightly, just as she got to a saddled mare. However, instead of mounting it, she turned back around to Geralt, who was still looking at her, and Dominik could see the broken look that appeared in his adopted father's eyes as he narrowed them and yelled.

"RUN, CIRI RUN! They're close, I'll stop them, RUN! Just like you and Dominik did on the assault course," Geralt screamed to her, before unslinging his steel blade again, he desperately looked and met Ciri's eyes, "GO! YEN, ME, DOMINIK WE'LL FIND YOU! WE WILL FIND YOU I PROMISE, NOW RUN!"

Dominik truly had never heard such malice and anger in his adopted father's voice as the first of the men began charging at him. He had seen his adopted father kill men quickly before, however, the first man who came, he parried a blow and with a single stroke of his blade, decapitated him within seconds. Ciri's eyes widened as the men began to surround Geralt, but she only got up onto the mare when the beating of hooves started ringing. Dominik and she's vision seemed to turn at the same moment, as Ciri quickly climbed up onto the horses back and flicked its reins. Dominik watched as Ciri's mare took off down the road, towards a tower, the largest tower out of any that he saw on the island.

However, she was being chased, just like back in Cintra she was being chased. Chased by the knight in the black winged helmet, and when she realized it, Dominik saw her hand come up to the ring around her neck. Just as it did however, he saw Cahir, saw the knight closing in, closer and closer he got, but Ciri's face was still contorted into shock and fear, she was unable to move, stopped kicking her feet to spur her horse on, he tried to scream, scream as loud as he could.

But he couldn't, his voice was still gone, just as Cahir reached out to try and grab Ciri's hair to yank her from her mare.


"Dominik… psssst…. Dominik come on… come on wake up," The voice hit his ears, and right away his eyes widened, and he felt himself shoot up from the bed, his chest dripping sweat.

"CIRI!?" He yelled, frantically looking around, his heart raced at an alarming speed, and he felt it about to rip from his chest, but quickly when he heard the scoff and turned his head it slowed.

"Ha… well good morning to you too… are you okay?" She asked him lightly, as when Dominik's eyes finally fell on her, he let out a long, deep breath of relief.

She was sitting at his bedside, but to Dominik's surprise she wasn't in her knickers and top like what she normally slept in. It had seemed as if she had been up for hours, preparing and getting herself ready for travel. She smiled amusingly at him, and it washed over him, calming his racing heart more as he took in the sight of her. After seeing her younger self in his dream, seeing her being chased and almost taken, seeing her now was able to calm his mind. She had her hair tied up in a tight new bun, the ring bounced around her neck, and she had her corset tightly tied, with her top looking freshly laundered, the juniper and cedarwood scent also did wonders to calm him. Her gloves were on, as well as her boots and trousers, her bag with the cat medallion was filled, and her sword was already across her back. Her one hand rested in her lap, the other was overtop of his as he breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath from the dream he just saw.

He gingerly grabbed her hand as well and squeezed it, meeting her eyes and slowly nodding, "I… I'm okay… and… and you… you're okay? You're alright too?"

She laughed lightly and scooted closer to him, meeting his eyes she smiled, "I'm okay yes… Dominik what's wrong? You're pale, you're sweating… what is it?"

Letting out a long-relaxed breath he slowly nodded, before reaching and quickly wrapping his arms around her waist. He nearly made her jump when he pulled her closer to him and buried his head into her shoulder. As he took in the scent of juniper and cedarwood from her ashen hair, he squeezed her as tightly as she could, feeling his heart thump, over and over again for a few moments he saw the mage trying to restrain her, threatening to bring her to Emhyr, and then Cahir chasing her down, nearly getting to her, and all he could think about was how she was there now, he could hold her now. She wouldn't be in danger anymore, not for long, not with him there, not with the two of them being together.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed as well, before she pulled him back from her and looked down at him, her eyes laced with concern.

"Dominik… what is it? Did… you have a nightmare? I… did feel you thrashing around a bit, but, I didn't hear you say anything," She asked her, her voice laced with just as much concern as the look she gave him.

Letting out a shaky breath he slowly nodded to her. He squeezed her waist one more time, before pulling back and quickly kissing her and meeting her eyes again.

"Yeah… bad one… but… you're okay, that's what matters," He said slowly, before giving her a smile, but it didn't seem to detract her.

She gave him a small smile but shook her head, "What was it? What was your dream about, you can tell me, you know that."

He didn't want to bring up that day to her, not then, not when she had looked to be in such an excited eager mood just a minute prior. He also had no intention on opening up any horrible memories she had of that night. It didn't matter, that night on Thanedd didn't matter anymore, because she was back with him now, there was nothing he could do to go back and change what happened. One day he'd ask what happened, and he was sure she'd tell him, however, in that moment he didn't want to know, he only wanted her to smile again. A new smaller fire was roaring in his fireplace, and it warmed him as he slowly shook his head and let go of her waist.

"It's… not important now, I'll tell you later," He said, and quickly he yawned stretching out his arms above his head, when he saw she still looked concerned he smirked at her, "You know… I've had this dream a few times over the last eight years."

"What dream?" She asked him, her voice still laced with concern as she met his gaze.

He laughed lightly and smirked wildly, and cheekily spoke, "You know, waking up half naked with you next to me… although in that dream, you were half naked too."

She scoffed wildly and laughed, before rolling her eyes, "Ha… well maybe if you're lucky that dream will come true later. Now come on, get up perv, I already got Clop, Roche and a horse saddled for me."

He felt himself flounder for a second and his face get red at her suggestiveness, but soon managed to laugh. Dominik would really tell her about the dream, he'd just wait till another time, in that moment, he only wanted to see her smile. He smiled himself as well at her amused look, however, after all of the thoughts of his dream cleared, he felt the sun stream in from his window right into his eyes, and in a flash he felt his head completely flare up and he groaned.

"Ughh… fuck… fuck my head hurts," He said, looking up to see Ciri smiling at him even more amusingly as he shook his head, "I don't even remember getting into bed last night…"

Ciri scoffed again, and she met his eyes with an amused smirk, "That's because I had to drag you here. You said you were going to buy me a diamond necklace and a new hat, you know, because you're rich now."

"Rich?" He asked her, and Ciri laughed.

"You really don't remember? You bet George 100000 crowns that Freya would beat Faram at arm wrestling, and she did," She told him, seeming to be trying to hold back a fit of laughs.

Hearing that Freya had beaten Faram, a witcher from the school of the fucking bear, at arm wrestling and won him 100000 crowns was the last thing he expected to hear.

"She… she did? How?" He asked feeling completely bewildered.

Ciri laughed again with and eye roll before she smirked at him still, "Faram let her use two hands, and well, he said he… had to take a shit or something and lost focus? I don't really remember… but I AM curious as to when you're getting me that diamond necklace."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, before rubbing his eyes and smiling at her. He would need to ask her more about his drunken adventure with his friends later, because apparently Ciri was much better at holding her liquor then he was. Yawning again he looked outside, and realized that the sun had just risen, it was only the crack of dawn, earlier then he even got up normally with Geralt on the road the previous month. He took a quick look around his room, and saw his armor on the stand was still there, his trousers, socks, boots, gloves were all folded neatly, both his swords leaned against his dresser where he also saw Arno's crossbow resting as well. His bag was also on the dresser, along with his dagger, and it seemed as if Ciri had gotten everything prepared, slowly he turned his gaze back to her and smiled.

"Oh I'll get you one soon princess, don't you worry," He said amusingly, as she laughed and gently stood up from his bed adjusting her sword. Dominik laughed back at her, as he swung his legs around, letting his bare feet hit the ground as he met her eyes, "Jokes aside, Ciri what are we doing up so early? It's the crack of dawn, that's even earlier then Geralt's been making me get up the last month."

She smirked wildly at him, and it had been a long time since Dominik saw that look in her eyes, the look she got when she was ready to set out and do something, accomplish a certain goal. And he knew, when Ciri got that look in her eye, nothing would stop her, and it was one of the many things he loved about her.

"The sooner we leave, the sooner we get there," She said, sounding eager even as she met his eyes and smirked before crossing her arms, "Me, you, and Geralt, we're going to Velen, to Bald Mountain."

"Bald Mountain," Dominik asked confusingly, meeting her eyes with a small laugh, "Ha… and what do you want to go there for?"

Dominik smiled at her, seeing as she cutely seemed as if she was ready to bounce up and down on her toes. The sweat gently dripped down his chest, and he felt the small fire warm him, as it beautifully glowed over her face. Around her neck the ring bounced, the same ring that he had seen fallen from her neck at Thanedd in his dream. Now however, she wasn't a child anymore, and she wasn't alone, she seemed more eager than Dominik had seen her in some time, and seeing her like that, it only made the broad smile on his face grow.

She smirked and met his eyes, speaking with an almost giddy tone, "Because… if we leave now, we'll be just in time for the witches Sabbath when they come to commune with the people. And guess who's there guest of honor?"

"I don't know… did they hire clowns? Fire jugglers, mummers, mages who shoot fancy fireworks?" He asked her jokingly, only for her to roll her eyes amusingly.

"No you ass," She said jokingly, before she met his eyes and looked deeply into them, and still, he heard the eagerness dripping from her, "Imlerith…"

"Really!? You're sure!?" He said as he shot up from his bed, feeling his voice grow just as eager as hers was.

She laughed and nodded, "I am! He craves human pleasures, wine, sex, the attention the crones gift him. He'll be there drunk, not expecting an attack!"

"And I can finally keep my promise to the Crones…" He said feeling the smirk come to his face, as he scoffed and met Ciri's eyes, "Two birds with one stone, you're brilliant princess!"

Biting her lip Ciri lightly laughed, "What can I say? I was born this way, now come on, let's get your armor on and go get Geralt!"

He felt his heart rate begin to spike, as the same excitement and eagerness that looked like it was shooting through Ciri shot through him. For so long, the Crones had been in the back of his mind, he had other things to focus on of course, but he didn't think he'd ever forget his encounter with the grotesque beings, how angry he had gotten when he learned that they almost ate Ciri, or gave her to the Hunt. Then of course… there were the children, the children that they had taken for who knows what reason, the one's that he felt responsible for, given that he had killed the whispering hillock's spirit. He thought that if he killed the spirit, he could still somehow save the children, but he had been wrong… and now it was finally time for him to make the Crones pay. A small part of him also believed, that if he could kill the Crones, perhaps the Baron's wife Anna would have an easier time healing. The beastly sisters had told Geralt and he they would never find Ciri, that every time they saw her she'd be a mirage, that their search would be in vein.

However, they were wrong, they had found her, and now, just like Geralt and he promised, they were going to all go back together, and they'd kill them all.

Also there was Imlerith, who would be the main target of their journey. In the last week and a half, he had seen the giant bruise on George's torso slowly heal from his friend's duel with the Hunt general. The griffin witchers armor had been cracked, they had fixed that during the week also, but Dominik had heard how close to dying at the generals hands his friend had been. Imlerith would pay for it, he would pay for all the destruction he had helped the Hunt cause, for chasing Ciri through the bog, and in doing so, they'd deprive Eredin of one of his generals, and deal the Hunt a massive blow. A small part of him wondered if Baelen, or Kilgarrah would possibly be there, be at the Sabbath as well, however, he knew Imlerith was just as arrogant as Eredin, he wouldn't think to bring any backup. The trip would be the perfect opportunity to deal the first blow to Eredin and the Hunt.

Of all the things that made him giddy in that moment, however, was the prospect of doing it with Ciri and Geralt. It would be at least a five-day journey to Velen, and then another day or so to Novigrad after the deed was done. The three of them would be out on the road together, traveling, fighting together, it had been something he, and he knew Ciri as well had always dreamed about. And when they finally got to the Crones, they were monsters after all, so it would in a way be there first contract together all three of them. He had been cooped up for a week and a half, in bed for most of that time, now he was finally ready to get his life back to normal, the normal life he always wanted, the life with Geralt and Ciri with him. His leg was currently gently throbbing, and he could feel the scar on his cheek lightly stinging, but it was nothing that could deter him. He was as ready as he would ever be, he'd always be ready to fight with Ciri and Geralt, be by there side.

Smiling he stood up, inches from Ciri's face now as she looked up at him with that giddy look of excitement. He was only a half a head taller than her, and she had always teased him for it, but the teasing would always be followed by her kissing him, telling him that it was actually easier for her, because she didn't have to reach up as far. He smirked down at her and admired how beautiful she was as he always did. Her higher cheekbones, angular face, those gorgeous shimmering eyes. And that, combined with the sword on her back, her hair tied up in a bun, her boots and gloves on, ready to travel and fight at a moment's notice, he felt his entire body tingle as he smiled.

Very rarely would she ever be more attractive to him then she was then, and he smirked wildly as he nodded.

"Alright, you got it princess," He said with a massive smirk as he looked down at her, "Gotta admit though… kinda upset we didn't get to lay in bed for a bit."

She laughed lightly and leaned up, she ran her gloved hand up his bare torso and chest, before kissing him. It was only for a few seconds, but he gently held his hands on her waist as he moved his lips in motion with hers, and every time they met, he felt the tingling sensation run down his stomach. He didn't want to move at the moment, he was excited to head out with her yes, but as she kissed him, he wanted to lay down, have her huddle into him, but she pulled back and smirked.

"Is that enough convincing for you to leave?" She asked suggestively, and Dominik lightly laughed as he gently pulled her closer.

He smirked and bit his lip, "You know… I could use a little more maybe."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, gently smacking his chest before walking away from him towards his armor stand. Turning around she rolled her eyes at him.

"Maybe later, now come on, I'll help you get your armor on," She said as she picked up and unfolded his trousers for him.

He smirked amusingly as he walked over to her, "You know, I can get dressed by myself."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Oh yeah? How does your leg feel tough guy? And don't you dare lie to me."

"Fit as ever, tip top shape," He said with a roll of his eyes.

After he spoke, she proceeded to come over, and punch her gloved hand down on his right thigh, and as soon as she made contact with it, he nearly stumbled as his knee buckled. She hadn't punched him hard at all, but still his leg folded under the force, and after he managed to steady himself, he let out a slightly annoyed sigh as he looked down to see her looking at him with a triumphant and amused smile.

"So… wanna tell me again how your legs feeling?" She asked innocently from next to his armor stand.

He scoffed and couldn't help but lightly laugh as he met her eyes, "Fine… still hurts a little now and then, but I'll be alright I promise…. You know, you're more than welcome to lay me down and help rub the kinks out."

She rolled her eyes at him, before she smirked. Gently she came over and rested her hands on his chest again, before leaning her lips up close to his ears, and gently whispering.

"Maybe later I will… if you're lucky," She said, and Dominik felt his skin tingle, before she pulled back and smirked at him, "Now, stop being stubborn, and let me help you. We need to get moving, like I said, the sabbath is in five days, we'll get there if we leave today."

He felt goosebumps run up his entire body and had to readjust his undergarments as the feeling of her hot breath and words washed over him. Ever since that night in the cave, seeing her fully naked for the first time, being so close to finally making love with one another, he wasn't afraid to admit, that his urges had been spiking, and he only seemed to find her more and more gorgeous with everything she did. However, he shakily sighed and pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. They would do it when the moment was right, when they were both ready, and now they had much more important things to focus on. So, he let out a relaxing sigh and smiled down at her, before holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"Okay, okay princess whatever you say," He said amusingly, before she nodded at him with her smile still present and handed him his unfolded trousers, and then she went to gently lift his armor from it's stand. Dominik pulled the trousers up over him, before looking over at her again just as she turned around, "By the way, how'd you learn about all this? The Sabbath and Imlerith?"

She handed him the armor and went back to his dresser, "Avallac'h told me about it, said that the Crones have been listening for any signs of him or me through Velen for them, and Imlerith normally goes for the reports… and the revelries."

Upon hearing Avallach's name mentioned he rolled his eyes, feeling his annoyance spike. Like Alexander had told him, he had reserved himself to the fact he would have to deal with the elf and accept his help if it truly helped them defeat Eredin, as long as the sage didn't do anything to try and harm Ciri. He had to put past biases aside for the greater good, look at the bigger picture as his ancestor said. However, despite the elf no longer sneering at him and insulting him, deciding to simply ignore him and be short with him instead, his presence still sent shots of worry up his spine. The fact that Avallac'h still hadn't confronted him, brought up anything about Alexander other then what Dominik had said in their last confrontation, and was even beginning to act more civil towards them, it only served to worry him more. It would have been less nerve racking if the sage was still snarky, belittled him at every opportunity and confronted him about his ancestor.

However, in moments like that one now, he realized why they needed the elf. They never would have known about Imlerith, or the Sabbath the Crones were having if not for Avallac'h telling Ciri. So, he simply sighed and rolled his eyes as he pulled a fresh white top over his torso, before taking his armor from Ciri.

"They listen pretty well… judging from all the severed ears they use in the forest…" He said slowly as he pulled the armor over his shoulders, meeting Ciri's gaze he rolled his eyes, "By the way what does your nanny elf think about you going off alone? Did you have to get his permission?"

She rolled her eyes back at him, and spoke sharply, "No, I didn't. And I don't know, because I haven't told him, but even if he said no, I would still be going with you both, this is my idea not his."

He right away felt his mood lift, as he tied the straps of his armor, feeling the weight start to bare on his shoulders as he smiled amusingly at her.

"Have I told you how much I love it when you get like that?" He said amusingly, before she scoffed out a laugh, and gently reached down for both his swords.

Smirking up at him, she leaned up and kissed his cheek before holding out both his blades, "I'll keep that in mind. So, are you ready? You know… this will be our first time really out on the road together."

He gripped the sheaths of both his swords, and it felt as if he was finally feeling himself complete again. Scoffing he gently laughed and looked down at them both, Fate, the sword that he used to fight Eredin, and the faithful steel blade that he loved, the same one that had been on his back during his dream, all the way back when he was fifteen years old. As crazy as it sounded, he had missed both blades, the feeling of them both bouncing against his back, the feeling of having his armor on, his dagger at his side and now the crossbow from Arno and Elise as well. Finally again, he felt like he was Dominik of Cintra, witcher of Kaer Morhen, School of the Wolf. And while he technically had been like that with Ciri, his swords and armor on, at full strength, it had only been for a short while.

However, now as he slung both the sheaths onto his back, and looked across to Ciri, her own sword across her back, her corset, top, dagger, belt and bag all on and ready to travel, he finally felt as if this was the true start to their journey together. And of course, she had the ring bouncing around her neck, while the swallow bounced around his with his medallion. Finally, after everything he had gone through, the eight years of searching, the battle at Kaer Morhen and his recovery, he was there with Ciri, and they were going to head out together for the beginning of their journey. He smirked at her, reaching down he quickly slid his feet into his boots, before pulling his faithful silver dagger from the dresser, spinning it he slid it into his belt. Finally as well, he took the small crossbow that once belonged to his friend Arno Dorian, the friend who had given his life so that he and Ciri could be there now. In the bit of practice he had used it, he had gotten relatively good, and he smirked, remembering Elise making him swear to put it to good use, to 'kill that Eredin cunt,' and 'send those cucks back to their fucking world'. He would do just that, and after it was clipped to his belt, he went over and grabbed both his gloves.

With a deep breath, he looked up and smirked wildly at Ciri, before pulling them both over his hands tightly. He adjusted both his swords on his back, and finally, finally, he was back. He felt like himself again with his master wolven armor, his swords, his medallion and swallow.

And most importantly, now he had Ciri, who bit her lip and smirked wildly at him.

"Alright princess… let's get going," He said turning over to the door, and right away she walked up next to him. Pulling his gloves tighter he smiled down at her, "To Bald Mountain, we got a general, and some fucking Crones to kill."


"Geralt…. Geraaaaalt…" Ciri whispered to their snoring adopted father, who still at her words didn't budge.

Dominik quickly stepped next to her, "Let me try, this happened a few times while we were on the road, I think I developed a method to wake him up."

"What's that?" Ciri asked him, as Geralt's snoring below them got louder.

"Like this," Dominik said, before looking down, cupping his hands around his mouth, and leaning down close to Geralt, "GERALT WAKE UP!"

"GAHHHHH FUCK," Their adopted father yelled, and Dominik smirked while Ciri laughed as Geralt's head shot up and he turned to him with murderous eyes, "What the hell was that for!?"

"You weren't waking up," Dominik said simply with a shrug of his shoulders, a smirk on his face while Ciri laughed next to him.

Geralt had been in the hall sleeping in nothing but his undergarments and didn't seem very keen on waking up, however, his adopted father pulled his legs around the side of the bed and groaned rubbing his eyes. A small part of him smirked along with Ciri who still smiled with amusement as Geralt blinked the sleep out of his eyes. Dominik tried to smile as well continuedly, however, for a horrible second the dream of Thanedd popped back into his head, he shuddered as he saw Geralt dislodging the mages head from his shoulders, screaming for Ciri to run, promising that he and Dominik would find her, before she was chased again by Cahir. Shuddering again he tried to shake the thoughts from his head, however he couldn't. He remembered Declan's words from before the battle, how he told Dominik Cahir was hunted by the Emperor for his failures after a few years. He didn't know when Thanedd was in comparison to the Emperor starting to hunt him, but either way, it seemed either Declan had lied to him, or Cahir had lied to Declan, because three years after Cintra, Cahir was still chasing Ciri.

And he would take Declan's word easily. Not wanting to get angry about something in the pass, something that he had already been angry about and thought on, he forced the thoughts from his mind, just as the morning light started to filter into the hall from the windows. He felt himself smirking when Geralt groaned again and rolled his eyes at them both.

"Well… I'm up now, what do you two want, why are you both dressed already," his adopted father asked them both, looking over at Dominik, "And I thought we agreed to get your armor on before we left."

He scoffed and smirked, "Well just so happens we are leaving, the three of us."

Geralt only had time to look at him wonderingly, before Ciri eagerly spoke up again.

"He's right, come on, I already got our horses ready, we must leave now come on," She said, as Geralt scoffed out a tired laugh and shook his head.

"Haven't been able to get Dom up this early without an hour of complaining all month," Geralt said, making Dominik roll his eyes and Ciri laugh before he shook his head, "It's the crack of dawn, where do you both wanna go?"

Dominik rolled his eyes again, "Well Geralt, Ciri's a bit more persuasive then you are. And we're going to Velen, Bald Mountain."

"A few days before the witches sabbath," Ciri said with a smirk, crossing her arms next to him and meeting Geralt's eyes, "And guess who's the guest of honor?"

"Don't know, enlighten me," Geralt asked them both, clearly still half asleep.

Ciri however, still smirked, "Imlerith!"

"Him and the Crones will be there," Dominik quickly said with the eagerness seeping back up into his voice as he met Geralt's sleepy eyes, "Two birds one stone, sabbath will be the perfect opportunity."

Geralt sighed and shook his head, "Ciri, Dom, what's gotten into you both, this is kinda outta nowhere."

Before Dominik could answer Ciri scoffed. She shook her head and grew that fiercely determined look he loved on her face.

"This is our best chance to strike back at the Hunt, i won't let them get away with attacking, for almost killing Dominik," She said as she turned back to him, and then over to Geralt again, "The sabbath is the perfect opportunity. Imlerith will be drunk, caught up in the revelry, he'll not be expecting an attack!"

Geralt scoffed again and looked at her, "And where'd you both learn about all this, Imlerith, the sabbath?"

"Nanny elf told Ciri," Dominik answered, and he saw Ciri roll her eyes before he met Geralt's eyes and went on, "Turns out all those ears we saw in the forest, is for the Crones to listen for any signs of Ciri or Avallac'h in Velen for the Hunt. Ciri here, had the brilliant idea of heading there, it's the perfect opportunity to take out two of the Hunt's weapons."

He smiled over at her, and Ciri got slightly red at the praise, before smiling broadly back over at Geralt. If Ciri had told him that this was Avallach's plan, then he may have been hesitant, not wanting to do anything to help the elf, however, he knew that it was without a doubt something she would come up with. He smiled at her, before going and adjusting the straps for his swords and armor. His shoulders were slightly aching from the weight of the armor, but they were quickly getting used to it. A cool breeze shot through his hair within the hall, and he shuddered lightly, feeling his leg throbbing and the scar on his cheek tingle. Ciri next to him still seemed to be glowing with anticipation, the sun streaming in hit perfect off her angular face, her emerald eyes were particularly sparkling with that childlike excitement he hadn't seen on her in ages, but still made his heart flutter to that day. After seeing the dream and knowing that there had to be even more from that night he hadn't seen, his thoughts of her being the strongest person he had ever met in his life were only reaffirmed.

She smiled at Dominik quickly, before turning back to Geralt with an eager look to her eyes.

"He's right, now come on, get dressed and let's get moving, we need to leave soon if we want to make it in time," Ciri said, just as Geralt finally sighed and stood.

He felt himself smirking as well when Geralt looked down at them both, a look of pride beaming on his face. Dominik knew that he had to be thinking the same exact thing that Dominik, and no doubt Ciri had been thinking earlier. After so, so long, they were all finally going to get to properly travel together, spend time together, go Hunt dangerous monsters, make the world a safer place for themselves and others. The last time that it had been the three of them, just the three of them, had been the trip to Kaer Morhen after he found them both in the woods. In Ellander, along with Yennefer, they had all trained and spent time with one another yes, but now, they were grown, Ciri and he were grown, and Geralt was finally going to get to travel and fight with them both. The time between the Isle of Mists and the battle had been so short, neither Dominik or either of them had time to properly appreciate it all, appreciate how they were all together again.

No matter what happened on Thanedd, in his dream, Geralt had been right, right when he told Ciri, that Dominik and he would find her. So, Dominik was finally able to push the dream from his head, knowing confidently, that while he would one day want to hear the events of the night, in that moment, it didn't matter. It didn't matter, because Geralt had kept his word in the end, it was slightly late, a few years so yes, but in the end it had happened. And now, they were only a few more fights, a few more quests away, from having that true freedom they all deserved. And it would all start on Bald Mountain, the first quest in their last journey, their journey together.

"Alright, let's get going," Geralt said, as Dominik felt the smile come broadly to his face, as well as seeing Ciri practically bouncing on her toes before Geralt crossed his arms, "What about Freya, Faram and George? Don't think it'd be right to just leave without telling them."

Dominik scoffed and nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Maybe we can wake them up, let them come with us. I know George would kill for round 2 with Imlerith-."

"Actually…" Ciri said carefully, before Geralt and he's gaze both turned to her, she laughed slightly nervous as she rubbed the back of her head, "I… already left a note under Freya's door, told her what we were doing, and that the three of them should meet us in Novigrad…. I was… kind of hoping it could just be the three of us."

"Just the three of us? Why, be good to have some back up," Geralt asked amusingly, and Dominik laughed lightly, knowing exactly what Ciri meant.

He had felt the same way to a degree. The only reason he suggested bringing his friends along, was because he hadn't known Ciri already left a note and didn't want his friends to think that something had happened to the three of them. However, like Ciri, the idea of himself, her and Geralt all going and hunting together, like it should have been for years was something he had always wanted. For the past month of course he had been traveling and searching with Geralt, and despite what their task had been, he loved nearly every minute of it, being with his adopted father, on the Path with him. Dominik had even gotten to experience it when he was younger, when Ciri was at the temple in Ellander, and Geralt had taken him out on the Path with him. The time they were attacked on a barge crossing the Pontar by men looking for Ciri, had been the standout moment during those few months, before Geralt would eventually take him to Ellander to meet up with Ciri and Yen.

The plan after that, after Ciri got back from Aretuza, was always for the two of them to go on the Path together, as fully trained witchers, and Geralt would be by there side, at least for a little while. The idea of taking on contracts, fighting side by side with Geralt and Ciri, killing fiends, drowners, vampires, and in this case, Crones and the Wild Hunt, despite how crazy it would sound to some people, was something that Dominik himself, and he knew Ciri as well always wanted. Ciri had gotten to fight by Geralt's side at Stygga Castle, Dominik had gotten to fight by his side plenty of times over the last month, now however, the three of them would finally get to do it together.

Ciri's nervous look turned into a smile as she looked at them both, "Well… when you think about it, it's our first real contract together. I've always wanted it to be the three of us, besides, even with Dominik hobbled, none of them stand a chance against us all."

"Hey, I am not hobbled!" Dominik said incredulously, as Ciri narrowed her eyes and Geralt laughed.

Ciri scoffed at him, "I could knock you off your feet right now just like I almost did upstairs. But like I said, even with your leg like it is, we're more than a match for them. I already left Freya the note, horses are saddled, so, are we ready?"

Geralt finished laughing, before his smile turned serious, and he looked over at Dominik, "Jokes aside… are you sure you're okay? Sure you're up for it?"

"I am," Dominik said right away without thinking, before smiling at them both, feeling his heart warm up he slowly nodded, "Besides, I got the both of you watching my back, I'll be more then okay, I promise."

Slowly Geralt nodded, before smirking and looking between them both, "Alright then…time to go hunt some Crones."

As he looked to his left and saw Ciri practically bouncing off her eager toes, he felt his heart warm up even more, but as he looked out the window at the sun streaming in, he felt a small bit of sadness run through him. They were leaving Kaer Morhen, the place where the journey had all begun for them both. Ciri and he came here when they were eleven, and now, eleven years later, they were leaving, leaving after seemingly just arriving back, leaving to begin the next phase of their journey together, the final phase in this chapter of their lives before a new page was turned to begin a new one. He remembered it all in that moment, the first night they arrived, their first kiss near the pendulums, running the walls, sneaking out of lectures, or their rooms late at night to watch stars, laying in bed and relaxing with one another on days their bones ached after long training sessions. They were all moments there with Ciri, with Geralt, with the witchers, his new family, the ones he loved. A small part of him didn't want to leave, because he knew what would come if he did, they'd have to fight, fight and fight more, if they stayed, they could simply hide away and pretend none of it was real.

It was real however, and if they wanted that life they had craved since they were young, they had to leave Kaer Morhen then. However, the sadness, the slight anxiousness, was calmed when he looked and saw Ciri's eager face, her sparkling eyes, and Geralt's smirking withered smile. No, this wasn't going to be the last they saw of Kaer Morhen, he'd come back, Ciri and he would come back, and when they did, they'd see Eskel, their Uncle Vesemir, and a new generation of witchers all ready to go on the same journey they did at a young age… hopefully however, not too similar. It had been eight years between his visits to Kaer Morhen, and leaving there now, it almost felt like he was leaving home, leaving home to head out on his new great journey with Ciri by his side, something he always knew he'd do, however, still he was anxious to do. However, he looked deep into Ciri's excited eyes and she smirked at him, she adjusted her sword and nodded at them both, the smile growing on her face.

"Brilliant! Are you ready, ready to leave?" She asked him, and Dominik, upon hearing her almost giddy tone slowly nodded.

He smiled and looked between them both, "Yeah… come on, let's get going, this is the beginning."

He was leaving Kaer Morhen yes, but he wasn't leaving home. His home, his true home, was wherever Ciri was. And he was more confident then ever, that he would never be away from home again.

As for Kaer Morhen? He smiled as well, knowing that it would be a lot less than eight years before he and Ciri came back this time.


"It's beautiful…" Dominik said with a scoff and shake of his head, as the skiff gently hit the shore, he turned back to Geralt and Ciri both, "Great view… damn shame a bunch of evil witches live at the top."

Ciri scoffed and rolled her eyes at him, "Be careful how you perceive things! The most beautiful sights, can hold the most dangerous monster, a beautiful woman for example-."

"Could be a deadly beast! The Bruxa! The Alp! Don't take your lessons from Lambert! A good witcher always thinks before slinging out his silver," He finished for her, doing his best Uncle Vesemir impression, making both himself and Ciri laugh, with even Geralt at the back of the boat cracking a smile.

The trip to Bald Mountain had been every bit as great as he thought it would have been. It had taken them five days, and they were arriving now just as the sun was setting, and a dark chilly breeze ran through his hair, and Dominik sucked in the fresh air as he stepped down and his boots splashed in the shallow water. Ciri finished laughing behind him, and he jokingly held out his hand.

"May I help you down from the boat milady," He said jokingly, and like he expected she scoffed a laugh at him before rolling her eyes and leaping down.

"As sweet as that is, this lady can walk by herself," She said to him with a smirk, she jokingly patted his shoulder and walked to the shore ahead of them.

He laughed lightly, and fondly watched her from behind as she walked onto the earthy shore. During the time it had taken them to get there from Kaer Morhen, traveling and being with Geralt and Ciri both had been every bit as amazing as he hoped. They would ride and travel during the day, then when sunset came, they'd make camp. They'd all hunt together, before Geralt sparred and trained with them both, and finally he was regaled with some of Ciri's stories around the fire, while he told her about more of his contracts. He listened eagerly as Ciri told him of different worlds, he enjoyed one story in particular, where she told him of a world that sounded similar to their own.

A giant continent with seven kingdoms, different kingdoms, and apparently she had arrived just as a massive war of succession was occurring. She said she couldn't stay long, but she actually saw one of the battles, and got to see two of the army's leaders fighting atop massive dragons in the sky. The idea sounded ridiculous to him at first, until he realized his own ancestor had indeed done the same thing. While the dragon rider idea was plausible, Geralt and he both scoffed when Ciri told them they were fighting over a throne made completely out of swords, the idea was ridiculous, who made their throne of nothing but swords? He enjoyed the story of the continent with the sword throne however, and every other one Ciri had told, his stories of fighting drowners and water hags sounded boring in comparison.

However, the best parts were the nights, the nights where Ciri and he got to climb together into one bed roll, simply laying and looking at the stars for hours before they had fallen asleep. He almost didn't want it to end, the three of them simply traveling from place to place, training and spending time with one another. Soon however, the fist of reality slammed into him, and they had arrived at Bald Mountain. He took a second to marvel at the fact, that Ciri had now been back with him for almost three weeks, almost a month, when only a month prior he had no hope, and thought that Geralt who came up behind him was dead, and Ciri in front of him was gone.

But there they were now, at Bald Mountain, going to finally strike a blow against the Wild Hunt, and he'd also make the Crones pay, pay for what they did to Ciri, just as he had promise. And the best part of it all, was that they would all do it together. The cool breeze continued to blow as Ciri ahead of him sloshed out of the water, towards the mountain trail that led up towards Bald Mountain, and he assumed the festival that took place near the base of the mountain. He hadn't taken his eyes off her, admiring her figure, and feeling his heart continue to flutter, before Geralt came up next to him, and looked down at him.

"Weren't you the one who told me and Yen to 'stop undressing each other with our eyes?" His adopted father joked, and right away Dominik felt his face get red as he shook his head.

"Fuck you…" He said under his breath, as Geralt laughed before the both of them walked to join Ciri on the shore.

Geralt had made them both get sufficiently flustered, when he stated loud and clear only a few steps outside Kaer Morhen, that the two of them could share a bedroll but the minute him and his super sensitive hearing heard kissing or anything else, he'd pour water over both their heads. Ciri and he both knew that their adopted father was being deathly serious, so they decided not to try anything. It didn't stop them from kissing however after Geralt had begun snoring, although they didn't dare try anything more, not just because they wanted their first time together to be somewhere else other then in some bushes on the road, but because they didn't dare test how sensitive Geralt's hearing was.

As upset as he was the trip was now over, he knew that it was time now for them to begin, officially begin their new quest together. The Crones and Imlerith were waiting at the top of the mountain, but they wouldn't live through the night, the three of them would make sure. His hands twitched as he adjusted his swords, and felt Arno's crossbow bouncing against his waist, he had finally gotten used to the feeling of his armor again, but he also had been feeling both his cheek sting and his leg still throb on occasion. He didn't bring this up to either Geralt or Ciri, he knew they both knew him well enough to probably be able to tell on their own, but he didn't want to sour the good mood they'd been in. He also wanted to fight, so many times during the last years he had said the opposite, that if he could afford it, he wanted to simply stay inside and relax, do nothing for a few weeks. However, after what he had just been through, he felt his entire body twitch with anticipation as Ciri nodded at them both with a smirk, before they all looked up at the mountain.

At the top, he saw what looked like the sacred oak he had remembered seeing in Skellige. However, it was deformed, broken, the leaves were all gone, it was blackened, nothing like the large, beautiful, healthy green tree he had seen on the isle. The cold breeze suddenly made him shudder, when the sun had been setting and they were moving the skiff across the lake, it had looked beautiful from the distance. Now however, it sent chills down his spine, but he quickly was able to shake it off, as he remembered why they were there. Imlerith wouldn't live through the night, and neither would any of the Crones.

Ciri looked at them both with a grim smile, "The men at Crow's Perch, they spoke of this place… Aard Cerbin. Home of the Ladies of the Wood."

Dominik scoffed and looked back up at the mountain, "This place practically screams 'a group of dangerous witches live here' doesn't look very welcoming…"

"You're right," Ciri said, looking back over to Geralt and he, "The peasants feared coming here. And the baron thought the Ladies of the Wood a terrifying tale for naughty children. Incidentally, I wonder how the baron is…"

Geralt and he shared a look, the Baron's quest to heal his wife had been something in the back of his head since the incident occurred. He remembered the Fiend at Crookback Bog, being flung up into the air before landing and killing it. The poor woman, Anna, her mind had been completely muddled, and he couldn't help but think it was somehow his fault, if he had killed the Crones then, maybe the woman would have been healed. Biting his lip, he sighed out as Geralt looked to meet Ciri's wondering gaze.

"He found his wife, took her away, somewhere far to look for a cure. Anna she… was unwell," Geralt explained, and Dominik quickly sighed and shook his head afterwards.

"The Crones took her mind, drove her mad," He said with disgust, as he narrowed his eyes at the tree at the top of the mountain, "I'm hoping if we kill them… maybe she'll be okay."

Ciri looked at him, and slowly nodded, "A true shame…. Don't worry, we'll take them out, won't stand a chance against the three of us."

He looked and met her gaze, her reassuring smile and sparkling eyes calmed him as they always did. Letting out another shaky sigh he slowly nodded in agreement, as he could see the full moon starting to rise. It was getting later and later in the night, and soon the buzzing of insects and the water gently lapping got louder, as he took in Ciri's words and felt his fingers anxiously switch again, the wind clattered both his swords. He felt nervous for a moment, with his leg the way it was, the fact he hadn't casted signs outside of Igni to light fires, gotten into a real fight in over two weeks now came back to him. He didn't know how well he would be able to move, but he knew he had no choice, if he was anything less then one hundred percent, there was the chance that Ciri and Geralt could get hurt, they needed him and he needed them, and he'd make sure he was there.

Then, there was also his powers. Naturally, they hadn't activated since the battle, despite the fact he had tried after meeting Alexander in the illusion. However, he just couldn't muster up the strength to do anything other then make his eyes blink for a moment, and almost blow himself up using Igni. In the days they had been traveling, he had spent time reading Alexander's journal, trying to see if it could give him any help. He read it alone, sometime with Ciri, as they both truly did laugh at some of the short stories Alexander had wrote down from his time in it. However, he had also wrote down new ways for Dominik to try and harness his magic, harness the powers he inherited not just from him, but Connor and Lara as well. He didn't know if using his powers in the fight then would do more harm then good, but one thing was for certain, that he'd do everything he could, powers or no powers, they'd all make it through the night, while the Crones and Imlerith died.

"You're actually familiar with this area?" Geralt asked Ciri, as Dominik's gaze went back down to her, and Ciri quickly nodded.

"Centuries ago it was a hallowed site for druids, but then the Crones came," Ciri explained quickly as she looked up at the mountain, "They destroyed the Velen circle and destroyed the sacred oak at the top of the mountain."

Dominik looked up and shuddered at the site of the deformed oak, before looking back down to Ciri, "And you said Eredin orders them to listen out for Avallac'h in Velen right?"

"That's right," She said quickly as the wind blew the strands of ashen hair loose from her bun, "And every year the people have a feast, the Sabbath they call it. And I suspect Imlerith attends too, as the Crones guest."

Geralt scoffed with a smirk, "You seem to know it well."

Ciri rolled her eyes, and scoffed as well, "He may be an ass, but Avallac'h is a good tutor."

"Okay, not that I don't trust your nanny elf's judgement," Dominik said sarcastically, making Ciri roll her eyes before he went on, "But we're definitely sure he's here?"

She nodded quickly again, "He craves pleasures of the flesh like I told you, wine, sex…. The Crones indulge him, flatter his ego. I'm certain he'd not let this opportunity pass, and he's waiting atop that mountain now…"

Dominik nodded, feeling his heart race before looking to the path, "Good… fucker will pay for almost killing George, and everything-. GAHH!"

He had gone to take steps forward towards the path up the mountain when his leg had flared up. It had felt like someone was injecting him with poison, as his inner thigh panged, before the pain shot down his leg and he fell. For a moment he thought he was going to smack into the ground, but thankfully Ciri and Geralt both had quick reflexes. Ciri reached him first and caught him before he winced as she and soon Geralt pulled him up. Over the previous few days traveling, he had felt sore in the leg yes, but nothing that had kept him from walking, and now it was choosing the worst time to start again. He bit his lip and groaned as the pain subsided before he heard Ciri frantic next.

"Dom, are you alright," She frantically asked him, before she and Geralt both let him stand, he met her eyes and she shook her head, "I should have known you weren't telling me… Dominik if your leg is hurting you need to tell me, it could get you killed."

"It won't, I promise," He defended himself right away shaking his head at them both staring at him, "It feels fine I swear, it's just every now and then, it's okay!"

Geralt slowly shook his head, "Doesn't look like it Dom… maybe you should sit this one out, Ciri and I can-."

"Not a chance! I'm fine Geralt, and there's no way that I'm letting you both go alone," He said in a hard tone, looking at them both again as he shook his head, "I know you can both handle yourself, but I still want to be there."

He couldn't stop now. He didn't want to feel like a liability to anyone, let alone Geralt and Ciri. This was the first hunt that they were all going on together, the first step in taking down the Hunt, and he wasn't going to miss it. He looked over and saw Ciri's worried eyes, her enthused look had turned worrisome in seconds, and it made him feel even worse, however, she quickly stepped next to him and held a hand on his arm. She met his eyes and slowly nodded before turning to Geralt.

"If he says he's okay… I believe him," She said confidently, before she looked back over and met Geralt's eyes, "Besides, we'll watch each other's backs, we'll be alright."

Geralt looked as if he were having an internal debate, he could tell that Dominik's leg wasn't a hundred percent, however he also more then likely knew that no matter what he said, Dominik would be going up that mountain anyway. Ciri gripped tighter to his arm, and he felt the warmth of her touch wash over him. The night breeze blew, it clunked all their swords in the sheaths, and finally Geralt sighed and nodded as the moonlight glinted off his armor and swords.

"Fine, just make sure you're being careful, let's get moving," Their adopted father said, before he turned and started up the mountain.

As Geralt walked towards the path, Dominik let out a breath of relief, feeling the breeze whip through his hair, he looked over to Ciri who was now glaring up at him. He smiled broadly and smirked down at her.

"Thanks princess, I really -. OW! What was that for!?" He asked incredulously, as he rubbed a spot on his arm where she had punched him.

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him, "That's for not telling me your leg was still hurting you, you stupid fucking boy."

Seeing her annoyed face, it flashed him back to the moments like that when they were younger. He couldn't help but smile, because he knew that she wasn't really mad at him only worried. The moonlight reflected beautifully off her, and when she finally looked up at him again he smirked down at her again.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry," He said jokingly as he held up his hands in mock surrender, before meeting her eyes and smiling, "Thanks though princess… for real."

She sighed and rolled her eyes one more time, she grabbed his arm and planted a kiss on his scarred right cheek, before she pulled back and looked at him.

"You're welcome… I wouldn't want anyone else other then you two with me here…" She said in a softer tone, and Dominik smiled back at her.

"Right back at you princess… now come on let's-." He started, before Geralt's voice hit his ears.

"Will you two please stop staring at each other so we can get moving," He shouted over at them both, a mixture of amusement and annoyance to his tone.

Ciri and he both whirled their heads around, before looking at each other, and at the same time they both seemed to laugh. He remembered when they were younger, how it felt to him as if they could quite literally read each other's minds. Just by looking at one another, he could tell what she was thinking, or if she were trying to tell him something he could always have told what it was. That was one of the many little things he was afraid they would have lost after he found her; however, he had been overjoyed to see that it was still there, that bond, that unspoken connection that they had. All eight years he had only had the dreams, the dreams of her being in his arms, the dreams and flighting feelings of her warmth, of her embrace, of how warm simply her smile made him. Dominik wondered, if he hadn't had the swallow pendant enchanted to give him only good dreams, if he would have had dreams of her, where she was, when she was with the Rats or in the arena. Geralt had told him he often did, of what she was doing, small glimpses of where she was. She was his destiny, the woman he loved, he'd like to think he would have.

And perhaps if he had, then he would have been able to find her sooner. Perhaps if Geralt had taken him to Thanedd, he would have escaped with her, or perhaps he would have killed Cahir that night. It was amazing to him how many what if's life would throw at you, and how much he used to get hung up on them. All eight years he had been by himself, he had spent so much time thinking, what if. What if he had convinced Geralt and Yen not to bring Ciri to Aretuza, what if he had gone to Thanedd with Geralt, been with Ciri through all of her hardships, would he even be alive, the elves in the Aen Elle world he'd have to assume would have either killed him, or used him as leverage over her. What if he had gone with Yennefer when he was sixteen, or Geralt when he was seventeen, what if he had been able to join Geralt's company, his hansa, would he have died like the rest of them, or been reunited with Ciri? And then what if at Rivia, he had gotten there sooner? What if he had simply stayed in Novigrad with Dandelion, and he ran into her when she got there? He had lived his life wondering things like this every day, it ate at him, gnawed at him, whittled away at his psyche, all the way to a point where he had become practically a shell of his former self.

Even in the previous few weeks, with her back by his side, getting to wake up every day next to her in bed, see her eyes, hear her laugh, hold her, talk to her, be there with her, he still felt himself asking 'what if' an unhealthy amount of times. It had continued gnawing at him, when he would sit in his bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling his scar tingle and his leg throb, all the things he could have done different all of those 'what ifs' would pound into his head. However, as he stood on the shore, feeling the cool breeze shoot under his armor, he saw her smiling at him. Her eyes sparkled, that cute scar on her bottom lip was upturned, her sword clunked in the wind, and the ring around her neck gently blew. She gently was smiling at him, and with her there, between that and the previous few days, was when he told himself the what ifs didn't matter.

If his journey had taught him one thing, it was that one couldn't let themselves get caught up wondering 'what if', because as much as we wish we could, we could never change what happened. Dominik himself, had ended up letting Ciri go to Aretuza, he hadn't gone to Thanedd with Geralt or been with Ciri through all her hardships. He hadn't gone with Yennefer or Geralt, he hadn't been with Geralt and his hansa at Stygga Castle, and he hadn't stayed with Dandelion in Novigrad. If himself, or anyone got caught up thinking too hard about these 'what ifs', then you could miss the beauty, the amazing things that were happening in the present. We could learn from the past yes, remember it, but there was nothing we could do to change it. By focusing on the 'what ifs', focusing on the past, you would miss all the things happening in the present, which were things you could control, did have power over, not the 'what ifs'.

He had learned that the previous few weeks, seeing Ciri with him now, that his present and future had everything that he ever wanted. Ciri, Geralt, Yennefer, his friends, everything he had wanted when he was younger for his future he now had. And now, he could control what he did, how his future turned out, and he wouldn't be able to do that if he continued to focus on 'what ifs'.

"You ready? Gonna be honest, been waiting a long time for this," Ciri asked him, sounding almost giddy.

Smiling he nodded, before turning back to Geralt, and looking up at the deformed oak, "Yeah… come on, let's go kill some fucking Crones."


Ciri was disappointed in herself she hadn't noticed his leg acting up earlier in the week they had traveled. However, as she walked next to him, being sure to keep a close eye on his leg she noticed him in an even better mood then he'd been in the previous few days. She was elated to see him smiling of course, however, in the back of her head, she saw horrible scenes of him falling when they were fighting, and her being unable to reach him again. He seemed to notice her staring at him, because when he turned around he winked at her, and Ciri found it both cute and amusing. She laughed lightly as they all followed up the mountain path, but in the back of her head, she couldn't shake that worried feeling. The last time they had fought together, she had let him fall, let him fight by himself, however, this time she knew she wouldn't let him out of her sight. It was how it would be for the rest of their time together, the two of them. Now, they even had Geralt with them, Imlerith would pay, the Hunt would pay, they would pay for everything they've done to her.

The previous week had been even better then she could have hoped. Although she wished at one or two points, her and Dominik could have been together alone, Geralt being there, training with them both, hearing her father's dry sarcastic one liners, being with them both had been everything she could have hoped. At night Dominik and she'd sit and read some of the stories in Alexander's journal, and she found herself laughing, smiling at the stories of her ancestors, wondering how true it was when Alexander said that Dominik and she reminded him of a new Cregan and Lara. It had been true it seemed from what they read, she also remembered how Dominik said he even thought Lara Dorren was her in the vision he saw, calling them both the most beautiful women he had ever seen, which Ciri of course kissed him for. The trip had been fantastic, but now, as they got back up the mountain, closer to Imlerith, closer to the Crones, she felt her hands begin to twitch.

Like Dominik, she had been craving action, craving the ability to do something, something more than just train, more than just sit in the keep all day. It was time for them to finally fight, it was like she said after the battle, there wouldn't be anymore running. She wasn't going to have Avallac'h, Geralt, Yen, anyone else try to hide her anymore. She'd go out and face them, and Dominik had sworn he'd be with her the entire time, like he always was. She was hoping the extended time she had spent training with her powers would have paid off somehow, and this time, she would be able to make sure they both made it out injury free. They would, they had too, she wasn't going to be separated from them, not so soon after finally finding them all again. Her freedom was within her reach, and soon she'd take it.

"Hold up," Dominik said from her right, holding his hand out, Ciri nearly jumped when she ran into his arm, before looking up and seeing a crossbow pointed at them all a few meters away.

Geralt next to them held his hands up, "Easy, not here to do any harm."

"Should I shoot!?" The young man with the crossbow asked an older man standing next to him.

The old man shook his head, "Nay! The white one, and his lad here, they served the ladies once."

"Oh jeez…" Dominik muttered next to her with an eye roll, and Ciri took a closer look behind the two men.

The one holding the crossbow was younger, with a crown of flowers around his head. Nervously he lowered the larger crossbow before the old man next to him stepped forwards, he had a head of grey hair and a wispy beard, as Ciri heard light music and tons of chattering from the locals behind them. Multiple fires were lit she could see, and the smell of cooking meat and mulled wine hit her nose. If she didn't know what the celebration was for, she would have found the scene inviting. She looked over and could see how uncomfortable Dominik was as well as they followed Geralt closer. How Geralt and Dominik had to make a deal with the Crones was one of the stories they had both told her during their time on the road. Dominik had told her how they freed the spirit in the whispering hillock, and the Crones took a group of children to do gods know what with. It reminded Ciri of Gretka, whose parents were ready to leave her alone in the woods to either be eaten by wolves, or the Crones themselves, and it sent a shot of anger through her.

It was almost her that the Crones ate, if she hadn't escaped she would have been devoured and then her remains given to Imlerith. They would pay for that, for the children she knew Dominik felt guilty he couldn't save. The wind blew her loose strands of hair, and as she always did she subconsciously moved it to the left side of her face, trying to cover her scar, as Dominik looked down at her when they walked over to the old man. He gently nodded at her with calm eyes, and she could tell right away what he was trying to say, 'just relax'. Ciri didn't want to be told to relax in that moment, because with every step she took, closer to the celebrating and chatting people, she could hear them worshiping the Crones, hoping that they would get the privilege to see them. Her fists curled, but she sighed and nodded back to him, just as they both walked up behind Geralt.

"Let them approach…." The old man said as the three of them came to a stop, before he turned his gaze back to them, "They've come for the feast. Wouldn't do to cast them out."

Geralt shook his head, "Didn't come to celebrate. The three of us need to get to the top of the mountain."

Ciri came to a stop next to Geralt, with Dominik on her left now, when she looked to the right, she saw the young man who had been holding the crossbow, the one with the crown of flowers on his head staring at her. The young man stared at her quite intently, and she was about to shout something at him, before Dominik stepped to her right and looked over at him. Between his scarred face, two swords, his own crossbow at his waist, she assumed Dominik looked downright horrifying to the young man, who smartly gulped and turned his gaze away from them. She felt herself smirking as Dominik turned back around and winked at her, before the old man spoke up again.

"The gate is shut, you'll not pass. But we've fires down thataway with food and drink a plenty," The old man told them, holding out his arm and gesturing further into the old village, "Sit down beside one, and perhaps this year, the Ladies will descend, give us the privilege of seein'em!"

"Seen them myself, a reaaaaal privilege let me tell you," Dominik said sarcastically next to her with a roll of his eyes, making Ciri scoff and nod in agreement.

Thankfully however, before the old man could catch onto their sarcasm, Geralt shot them both a calming look and nodded at the man.

"Sure, we'll go sit down by the fire with you," Geralt said before turning his gaze to them both.

"Speak for yourself," Ciri spat out with a scoff, not wanting to hear anything more, she had seen everything the Crones were about and had no intentions on doing anything other than making it to the summit, to Imlerith and the beasts. She shook her head and gestured towards the path, "Come on we can-."

"We'd love to come sit with you, like Geralt said," Dominik quickly said, in an awfully convincing tone, coming up behind Ciri he held his hand on her back, and she shot him an incredulous look as he went on, "We're new to this area, we'd love to sit and learn about some of the customs you all keep too."

"Dominik, what the hell are-," Ciri started, before he cut Ciri off with a look down at her.

She met his eyes, and clearly saw that they said, 'relax, and let me talk'. Sighing in annoyance she realized what he was doing, just like Geralt was, he was trying to learn as much about the Crones as they could, possibly finding a way up the mountaintop. She rolled her eyes and nodded at him, before the old man nodded to them all and gestured for them to follow.

"Come then follow me," The greying man said, before the three of her, Geralt and Dominik all walked towards a firepit, a roaring blaze inside the coals.

While they walked the few meters, into the small run-down village she looked almost incredulously as Dominik walking next to Geralt with her. She knew he was angry, agitated, downright furious and wanted to murder the Crones just as much as she did. He just like her, thought this whole cult of people following them were being taken advantage of by the evil beings, being killed, forcing them to sacrifice children. She knew for a fact that it was infuriating him as well, however, he didn't appear that way. As he sat down, she saw the firelight hit off his face, the night air gently blew his brown hair to the side. He appeared calm, cool and collected, like nothing was bothering him at all, and Ciri eyed him and Geralt both as she gently sat between them. She watched as they both exchanged looks across from her and nodded. Ciri almost scoffed, it was as if over the previous month, Dominik and Geralt themselves had developed their own language consisting of head nods and glances.

Ciri had that herself with them both, a way of simply knowing what the other was trying to say, but she felt a small pang of jealousy shoot through her, she had missed all that time. Dominik had explained to her, how after Rivia he thought that Geralt and Yennefer both were dead, so being saved by Yennefer in Claywitch, meeting up with Geralt again, and of course going to save her, it was as if in a matter of days his entire family was back. However, she knew that for the previous month the two had been side by side, looking for her and tracking her down, so she had to assume then that they had developed good repertoire from that time. However, as she overheard more conversations about the Crones from other chattering villagers, hearing them speak about the trail of treats, the kindness and mercy of the Ladies, and how they wished they could see them, all of it combined with the fact she knew Imlerith was up there as well, it all almost boiled over as she crossed her legs and looked over at the man, before Geralt began the conversation.

"So… Ladies of the Wood visit you?" Geralt asked the man, as the wind blew her father's silver hair straight back in the moonlight.

The old man gingerly nodded, "Aye, if the favor us. My father told me they descended once, passed from fire to fire, listening to hopes and grievances. So each year we wait for them to walk amongst us once more."

Dominik shifted next to her, she looked at him as he slowly nodded. His scarred right cheek was to her left, and she met his eyes as he turned over to Geralt and he, his swords clunking on his back as he did, while the crossbow at his waist bounced against the log. He still appeared as if nothing was wrong, and Ciri was slightly amazed at how levelheaded he seemed as he met her and Geralt's gaze.

"So… haven't done it for some time then it sounds," He said slowly, and right away Ciri nodded in agreement.

"Yeah… no point in waiting to see if we get lucky," She said before she turned to Geralt, her father nodded as he leaned against his knee.

"You're right, both of you. Gonna have to find a way to reach the peak," Geralt said before he turned back to the old man again, "You mentioned a gate, said we wouldn't pass?"

"Only the Chosen visit the ladies," The old man explained, and Ciri could practically hear the excitement dripping from his tone as he went on, "Every year, young lads and lasses climb the mount, but never more than three…"

Ciri scoffed again and snapped before she could stop herself, "And let me guess… these lads and lasses, they don't return!?"

She saw Dominik shoot her a look from the left along with Geralt, but before they could say anything to her, the old man scoffed a laugh and shook his head, his stringy grey hair blowing in the cold night wind.

"No, no, they return! Happy and radiant, but rare is the one who stays in Velen," The old man said fondly with a shake of his head as he looked at them, "Off they go to seek fortune in the wider world!"

Ciri was ready to snap again, but she felt Dominik gently nudge her arm with his elbow. She met his gaze and looked at him incredulously, as he narrowed his eyes at her, before slowly shaking his head. Again she knew exactly what he was saying, and in that moment with the annoyance that was shooting through her, she rolled her eyes at him. It was clear he was telling her to stay calm, she looked over to Geralt for some kind of support, but her father was quickly onto the next question for the older man, so Ciri could only huff, and her annoyance only shot up more when Dominik smiled at her and seemed to internally laugh.

"So, this feast… what does it celebrate?" Geralt asked the old man, clearly trying to extract more information. Ciri knew that's what they both were trying to do, however, her hands still twitched with anticipation, ready to simply march to the mountaintop to get at Imlerith.

"Why do you need to know wonderer!?" The young man with the crossbow yelled from next to them, pointing the weapon up again, however when Dominik glared back over at him again, the man's eyes were quick to widen as he lowered it.

The old man slowly shook his head, "No need for anger, the White One, and his lad over here, served the Ladies, as we do now."

"Yeah… we served them before," Dominik said slowly from next to her, before he turned his head back to the old man, "So like Geralt was asking, what do you celebrate here?"

She turned her head back to the old man who slowly nodded. In the distance over the cliff, she saw the moon gently risen over the lake they had rode in on. The view slightly calmed her as she saw Dominik as well, she was becoming slightly amazed. He had always been the more reserved one of the two, however she knew better than most where his temper could lead him, how angry he would get. She would never forget the look on his face during the battle, after Declan and Arno had both sacrificed themselves, that, and the pure, pure rage that had appeared on his face when he fought Eredin. To most, he would appear calm, relaxed and composed, however Ciri knew in reality once you got to know him, he was a giant goof, a loving, caring, protective, giant goof and it was one of the multiple things she loved him for. However, she also knew that his temper was there, and he would be quick to snap under the right circumstances.

When he had told her about the Crones, how he had spoken about them just down on the shore, it had led Ciri to think that when they got there, he would snap, lash out just like she had been doing. However, that wasn't the case, he was keeping a level-head, smiling gently over at the old man as if he were genuinely curious about their customs and beliefs. She turned her head back to the old man as well as he smiled at them and nodded.

"We send'em gifts all year long, and on this night they repay us with their blessing," The old man said as if it were no big deal at all.

Ciri remembered finding Gretka in the woods, the story the girl had told her about her father and mother leading her into the woods, intent on leaving her for the elements and the Crones. The girl couldn't have been anymore than eight years old, and from what she had gathered, she hadn't been the only child sent. That was when Ciri felt herself snap, the idea of innocent children like Gretka being left to be eaten or killed at the Crones mercy.

"I met one of your 'gifts' to the Crones," She spat out, feeling her skin begin to boil, "Sniveling, scared to death, and about eight years old!"

"Stay calm…." Geralt quickly said from her left, and Ciri shot him a glare, before she felt Dominik's hand quickly rest at the base of her back.

"Yeah… just relax princess…" He whispered to her, and Ciri had enough time to shoot him a glare as well, before Dominik turned his gaze back over to the man as he leaned on his legs with his elbows like Geralt did, "Your children… what do the Ladies need them for?"

The old man grimly shook his head, "We know not, and we never ask."

"You don't know," Ciri snapped again, almost feeling herself fall forward as her heart continued to race and her skin boiled, "Well, let me tell you what they-."

"Ciri here… has had a long day," Dominik quickly said, scooting closer to her, cutting her off by putting an arm around her, she shot him a death glare, but Dominik still kept his eyes on the man and gently shook his head, "We aren't from here, we don't know your customs like you do. It's not in our right to judge you by other's laws, and we won't."

Ciri didn't know if she was amazed or angry with Dominik in that moment, it was a healthy mixture of both as he sharply looked back down to her, his gaze was soft and pleading. Just like she always had been, she was able to read what he was saying. She couldn't recall a time Dominik had ever told her to shut her mouth, but in that moment his eyes clearly said, 'please be quiet and let me talk.'. She narrowed her eyes at him, before sighing with an annoyed tone and rolling her eyes as he smiled and nodded at her. He gently removed his arm, but as Ciri looked down, he could see both of his hands balled into fists along with his left foot tapping vigorously. He looked across to Geralt, and the both of them locked eyes again before Dominik gestured towards the old man, clearly telling their father to inquire on more. Ciri felt the amazement and disbelief begin to overtake the annoyance. She could see his fists balled and his leg shaking, he was just as angry as she was, but he was keeping his cool.

She turned around to see Geralt slowly nod at them both, before her father slowly pulled his head around to the old man again.

"So… you said the ladies bestow blessings on you?" Geralt asked, as Ciri finally managed to pulled her head away from Dominik over to the old man again.

Seeming to forget Ciri's outburst, the old man nodded to confirm what Geralt said, "Aye, for our lives turn thus- first a summer of laborin beneath the hot sun, then autumn rains, then a winter of death…. Then we await spring, when all that is dead is born anew. And from our blood and sweat the oak bears acorns- at times a few, at times a handful."

Ciri narrowed her eyes in disbelief and shared a look with Dominik, for a second his calm demeanor broke as Ciri saw him roll his eyes. Over the years, through that world and different ones, she had seen crazy beliefs, crazy religions, however, knowing what the Crones did to these people in Velen, knowing what they made them do, even if the acorns were enchanted, they were being taken advantage of. That combined with the knowledge Imlerith was on the peak, only made her legs and hands twitch more. Dominik rolled his eyes at her, and Ciri almost found herself laughing at him, before Geralt's voice brought her back to the conversation.

"And what do you do with these acorns?" Her father asked the man, and Ciri felt a chill run through her shoulders as the night breeze shot past her.

The greying man smiled grimly, "The Velen elders gather, hold council. Some favor grinding them and spreading them on the fields for a rich harvest. Others want to give'em to a cunning woman, who'd make medicine for consumption."

"A handful of enchanted acorns is enough for all of Velen?" Ciri scoffed, before looking to Dominik and Geralt both as they both had similar looks of disbelief.

The old man gravely shook his head one more time, "Tis never enough…"

Dominik just like her, had apparently finally heard enough. It was clear to all three of them, that they needed to get to the peak, there was no other way around it. Imlerith was there, the Crones were there, in the heart of the tree if Avallac'h had been correct. She took a quick look at the moon, and realized that they would need to move, if the Sabbath ended before they got to the summit, it would give Imlerith the chance to escape, and she wasn't going to let that happen. Her legs twitched and apparently Dominik's did too, because he shot to his feet at the same time as Geralt, as her father looked down to the old man.

"Thank you, we should be going now," Geralt said quickly just as Ciri got up next to Dominik as well.

The old man laughed lightly and shook his head, "Eager to see the Ladies… I share yer yearning…."

Ciri rolled her eyes, "Yes, we're a fire with yearning, aren't we Dominik?"

Next to her he scoffed and nodded, "Oh yeah, we're just craving to see the Ladies again, right Geralt?"

Her father rolled his own eyes at them both amusingly, before he turned to the old man and nodded, "Yeah they're right, just can't wait…"

"Go to the tent and stand before Thelca. She's the one who decides who's worthy to face the Ladies," The old man said to them, bowing his head and finally seeing her chance, Ciri walked away from the fire, towards the center of the rundown village.

She past more of the villagers and could hear Dominik and Geralt both on her heels. After stopping, she looked back up towards the oak on the mountain top again. It was almost hard to believe to her that Imlerith was there, actually there. She could remember how angry she was after the battle, having to watch the pyres of the men who died burn, men she hadn't known, but still had come to fight for her anyway. She knew their names yes, but she had regretted every day since that she didn't get to know them more. Dominik had known them all, been friends with them all, that was enough for her to want to avenge their deaths, and it would begin that night. Eredin had spent so many years chasing her, she wasn't going to be the hunted anymore, she was going to turn into the Hunter. For the men who died, for what he did to Dominik, who she turned and saw smiling broadly at her as he walked next to Geralt.

The moonlight hit handsomely off his face, his brown hair, which over the previous week had gotten even longer and more unruly blew in the wind. Geralt next to him came up next to her, he crossed his arms and looked up at the mountain as well, the moonlight reflected off his armor, and Ciri couldn't help but admire it as well. She loved the look of Dominik's armor yes, however, she could see how incredibly lightweight and flexible Geralt's was. Thinking about armor made her torso tingle, the scars she had received, particularly the one from Baelen during the battle, the one that kept her from getting up to fight Eredin with Dominik. If she had armor perhaps that wouldn't have happened, she had been telling herself for a while then that she should find proper armor, however, in the moment she didn't have time to think about it, let alone try to find a set. With her powers she was elusive enough, although the chilly breeze on her shoulders did get quite cold after some time. She gripped the ring around her neck for a moment, like she normally did before a fight she squeezed it, just as Dominik looked up at the tree as well.

"If Imlerith's really up there, we should get there before daybreak," He said, looking back down to her and Geralt, "Think he'd be gone by then, we should get moving."

"Yeah, good point," Geralt said quickly, before looking down towards Dominik's leg, "You're still sure you're okay on your leg right?"

Quickly Dominik nodded, "I am yeah, so, you two ready to head out?"

"Yes, I am," Ciri said, before she scoffed and smirked over towards Dominik, "When did you get to be so level-headed?"

He quickly scoffed incredulously and crossed his arms, "Eight years on the Path will do that to you. Remember how Uncle Vesemir used to say, 'sometimes on the Path, you'll meet and have to take jobs from people you don't like, you don't agree with?' Yeah, well that lesson was pretty true."

She narrowed his eyes at him curiously, "If you don't like them, why bother taking the contract for them?"

Dominik simply shrugged his shoulders, "Because, if people are at risk, then that's what matters. Sometimes to get things done, you're gonna have to work with people you don't like, why do you think I put up with your nanny elf?"

She scoffed out a laugh as he said the last part with a joking tone and smile, before she took a second to realize, that while he still was that goofy, impulsive boy she fell in love with all those years ago, Dominik truly had changed, matured, and despite how he acted at times, was extremely wise and intelligent. It not that he wasn't before, but she could see how it had grown in him since the last time she had seen him. She felt her pride well up, not only was she elated to be back with him, but she found herself being even more proud of the man he had ended up becoming. Even with the things he said he had to do, he still had, because Ciri knew, even the best of men had demons in their closet. She liked to think she was a good person, but she knew however, that the people she had robbed and killed with the rats, the people she had brutally killed, they certainly didn't think so. Nobody was perfect she learned, but what mattered, was that you always tried to be the best version of yourself you possibly could, and yes, sometimes you slipped up, but getting back and trying again was always the most important part.

That was what she and Dominik did, they'd done horrible things yes, and they both still regretted them, however, now, they were doing everything they could to make up for it. She gently smiled up at him, and seeing his smile, and the look of great pride that appeared on Geralt's withered face, it made her heart flutter, and she couldn't have possibly felt more confident that not only would they succeed versus the Crones and Imlerith, but they would versus Eredin, the Hunt, and everyone who came their way.

Geralt scoffed amusingly and looked at her, "Don't let him fool you too much, he's learned to keep it under control now, but the first week or so we were traveling, had to stop him from losing it a few times."

Ciri laughed but Dominik scoffed and rolled his eyes, the smile still staying on his face.

"Won't deny it," Dominik said with a shrug, but still keeping his brilliant smile, "Geralt set me straight after a few weeks… a temper can be a good thing sometimes, but you just need to learn when to let it loose, and when to keep it in."

"Wow, incredibly wise of you," Geralt joked dryly with him, smirking he met his eyes, "Got any other advice oh wise and powerful witcher?"

She felt herself burst laughing, as Dominik got slightly flustered, but quickly laughed and smiled again.

"Yes, I advise we get moving," He said with a small eye roll, turning towards the road leading further up the mountain, before looking and smirking at them both, "Ready to get going?"

Ciri felt her heart continue to stir, as Geralt nodded next to her. She felt the smile come to her face before she smirked and came up next to him.

"Yes I am, I'm eager to absolutely lap up all your knowledge oh great and wise witcher," She said jokingly, as he quickly rolled his eyes at her.

They started walking towards the bridge with Geralt next to them, as he smiled back down at her.

"I'll teach you everything I know I swear." He said in an amused voice, before he smirked and rolled his eyes, "You know, it's extremely cute when you get all pouty and aggravated like you did there."

She scoffed and felt her face get hot, "I was NOT pouting!"

"Oh yes you were," He said with the smile staying ever present on his face as they walked, "You purse your lips and look at the ground while your hand starts shaking, you've been doing it since you were eleven, most adorable thing ever."

"Fuck you…" She said, feeling her face get red, as she tried to stop the small smile from coming to her face, but was unsuccessful.

Geralt groaned next to them, "Ugh, do you two ever stop?"

Ciri chuckled a scoff and looked at Dominik who simply shrugged his shoulders and smiled before looking down at her.

"Hey, I got eight years to make up for, gonna take a while to catch up," He said, and Ciri laughed again, feeling her face get hotter, just as the cold wind howled in the night.

She didn't know what to say, so simply grabbed his hand and squeezed for a moment before letting it return to his side. Geralt amusingly rolled his eyes next to him, and for a few moments again, Ciri felt that bubble return around them. Herself, Geralt, and Dominik, all out together, hunting beasts that were terrorizing people. It was the life she had always wanted before it was ripped away from her.

And that night, was the first step to making it permanent.


They hadn't had to walk much further, across a small bridge with some supplies wedged into higher peaks on the mountain, however, was when Ciri first saw the small child. The moon to their left was huge and beautiful, and under different circumstances she may have been inclined to sit down on the cliffs, have Dominik wrap his arms around her with Geralt next to them, and peacefully watch the moon, before the sun finally came. However, as they got closer, she could see more people camped out near what was sure enough a large gate. It was easy for her to tell that the gate led deeper into the mountain, and in the distance she could even see people camped out by it, as if they were eagerly waiting to see the ones chosen to visit the crones. Along with this she saw more fires lit, and even more people then she had seen in the village below. People wore flower crowns and necklaces, much like the ones she remembered Dominik making her when they were younger. It seemed like a normal festival, and Ciri did indeed see multiple younger children, however when she saw the one sitting on the cliffs by itself, she felt herself slightly begin to panic.

She turned as the wind howled again, she grabbed Dominik's arm next to her and stop him along with Geralt.

"Dom, Geralt look, it's a child," She said, pointing up to what seemed to be a young boy sorting through old crates and barrels.

Dominik and Geralt both turned around, Ciri watched as the wind howled their hair, and a smile actually appeared on Dominik's face as he scoffed and shook his head as he looked to Geralt.

"Ha, Geralt can you believe it?" He asked, sounding incredulous.

Geralt scoffed and shook his head, "Yeah… didn't think the Crones liked him too much."

Ciri looked between them both, "You know him? How?"

"We do yeah, it's not a child, it's a godling, my buddy Johnny," Dominik said with a smile at her, seeming quite excited actually, before looking up and cupping his hands to his mouth, "JOHNNY!"

She let out a small laugh as the godling whirled around, and Ciri could practically see the young creatures' eyes get wide. Looking to her left, she remembered the story that they had told her now, how they had used the godlings help to eventually communicate with the Crones. However, they never mentioned the name, or the fact the godling looked to see them both. The cool wind sent goosebumps down her exposed neck, while the ring around her neck bounced. She readjusted her sword and watched as the godling eagerly climbed down the scaffolding, before jumping and landing on the bridge.

"Well I'll be your both back! You found her, you found your lass," The godling said eagerly, practically bouncing up and down on his toes as he latched onto Dominik's waist in a hug.

Ciri laughed lightly and Geralt smiled broadly, as Dominik smiled down and patted the godlings back. She looked at the elated look on Dominik's face as the godling pulled back. He hadn't stopped staring at her, him and Geralt both. She had time to feel her heart flutter, and a pleasant tingle run through her blood, before she felt the wind howl through her hair again as she turned to see the eager godling looking up at her with a smile.

"I'm Johnny! We've had the pleasure already, a bit one-sided though it was. See, I saw you running, your back was to me, and I was heh, having the pleasure of..." The godling started, before he scoffed and shook his head, the smile not leaving him, as he pointed to Dominik, "Eh, tis a long story! After I lost my voice, these two fellers helped me get it back, he told me your story, never in me life had I heard such a story of love and loss, I knew I had to help them!"

She felt herself fluster slightly but smiled widely as she looked over at Dominik nervously rubbing the back of his head with a laugh. Ciri did herself as well, feeling her face finally get red, realizing that Dominik quite literally had told their story to a random godling, and apparently spoke so passionately the creature still remembered. She smirked over at him, which only made him get even redder and more flustered, before she laughed and smiled back down at the godling.

"They call me Ciri. Nice to meet you," She said with an amused tone, before she looked and felt herself take a subconscious step closer to Dominik, who smiled at her, and she felt his hand at the base of her back, sending a small pleasant tingle up her spine. She smiled at him one more time, before Geralt's voice turned her back to the godling.

Geralt smiled down at the creature, "How are things Johnny, staying out of trouble?"

The godling laughed and shrugged with a smile, "Oh you know, same old really, what brings you here?"

Gearing the words brought her back to the mission at hand, she remembered how Dominik told her the godling helped them with the Crones before. She took a look ahead towards the village and could see the people all gathering in a long line, and soon the smell of cooking meat and wine hit her nose again. The moon was still high, and from its position she could see it was an hour or two past midnight, and they would need to find Imlerith soon before the general either sensed them or left. She knew the elf's biggest weakness was his vanity, so she'd like to think that if they were there, he'd face them, but she didn't wish to take the chance of him leaving. She looked next to her, and Dominik looked down to meet the godlings eyes.

"First off… Johnny, what're you doing here? I thought the Crones didn't exactly like you," Dominik asked, and Johnny quickly scoffed.

"I got an invitation I couldn't refuse-Same as every year," The smaller creature said as he looked between the three of them, "In their peculiar way, the Crones tolerate my presence and wish to see me at their Sabbath. So I come, wonder about, and go home with the rising sun, what about the three of you?"

Geralt stepped up and looked down, "We gotta climb the mountain. Can you help?"

Johnny scoffed and looked over to Ciri and Dominik now, "Ha, I'd rather try to dissuade you, but I'm certain that'd be in vein. The lass-is she as stubborn as the both of you?"

"Even more so," Ciri said amusingly, before Dominik smiled over at her.

"One of the things I love most," He said teasingly, and Ciri playfully shoved his arms before he laughed and looked back down to Johnny, "And you know how stubborn Geralt and I are."

She felt her heart get warm as she looked at him smiling, if they were alone she would have kissed him, but she held back, as they all looked down and the godling sighed with a shake of his head.

"Figured as much…" The godling said with another sigh, before he pointed forwards towards the people and the tent, "Path to the peak starts there, past the gate. But old Thelca's got the key, so since you shan't ever get it, you'd best turn back now…"

Ciri looked up and narrowed her eyes at the gate, she found it slightly hard to believe they were actually this close. It had only been around two weeks since the battle, but it had felt even longer since she was in an actual fight. She smiled lightly, remembering fighting alongside Dominik, and eventually Geralt on the walls. Obviously, she wished they hadn't had to be in a battle at all, but she'd be lying to herself if she didn't mention how elated it made her feel fighting alongside them both. Dominik in particular she hadn't fought with since they were young children, that was if you counted cowering near a cart during the Scoitael ambush fighting. That day, the day Dominik had to kill the elf that had an arrow pointed at her, it wasn't something she would ever forget. She distinctly remembered him throwing up afterwards, and having nightmares for the rest of their trip, and Geralt had told him, that when you first took a life, this happened, but despite the fact it sounded cruel, you got used to it.

She remembered the first time she had almost killed, on Thanedd, the knight in the winged helmet. When he had grabbed her, all she saw was the fires, him grabbing her, him almost killing Dominik in front of her, she remembered how he had killed Bella, Dominik's sister and his mother, it was the man who haunted her nightmares. Up until that point in her life, Ciri had never felt rage like that, after the man tried to grab her, she had launched at him, spinning and cutting across his hand with her sword, using every bit of the training she had at that point. She had beaten him with ease even as he was unprepared, even after his helmet had fallen off, and she had seen his face, Ciri was prepared to kill him, she didn't see the face of a man, she had seen the face of a monster. It didn't matter if he looked human, he was the monster who had kidnapped her from Cintra, had murdered Bella, one of her best-friends, Dominik's beloved little sister, and Sofia, Dominik's mother who Ciri had loved every single time she saw. And of course he had almost killed Dominik himself, if not for Dominik that night, the knight would have taken her to Emhyr, and her disgusting birth father would have gone through with his vile plan when she was eleven fucking years old. All of it had started with that knight, and Ciri had been ready to make her first kill that night.

However, she had decided to flee, she fled when she heard more men rushing towards her, the Scoitael commandos, if not for them arriving she would have done it, she had been prepared too. She didn't however, and she had escaped, and her first kill would come later. The moment played over in her head and she lightly shuddered, as now she could kill a man with ease. Geralt had been right, it had gotten easier, and she couldn't even begin to count the number she had to kill to get where she was now.

But it had been worth it, because now she was so close to that freedom she always craved, no more being used for political gain, no more being used for her powers, she'd have Dominik, and her family, it had been all she ever wanted or needed.

She was brought back to the conversation by Geralt's voice.

"The key, why don't you think we'll get it?" Her father asked the godling, as Ciri looked down with Dominik and saw the godling scoff.

"Good grief you're worse then children," The godling exclaimed, as Ciri managed a scoffing laugh as the creature sighed and looked at her and Dominik in particular, "Three souls are allowed atop the mountain- and only strapping lads or comely lasses among them. They get the key, open the gate, and meet the Ladies."

Ciri smiled playfully and looked over at Dominik next to her, "I believe I qualify; wouldn't you say?"

He laughed and smiled at her; he gave her that loving gaze she loved so much as he slowly nodded.

"I would think so, you're pretty comely if you ask me," He said affectionately, and Ciri had time to laugh, before he grew a small smirk and went on, "And I'd like to think that I'm a pretty strapping young lad."

"Ehh… a bit short, but strapping nonetheless," She teased playfully smirking at him, and she felt herself start to laugh, even seeing Geralt smirk when he rolled his eyes.

She felt herself laugh even more when a cute, annoyed look came to his face. Ciri had always teased him about being shorter, it was always affectionately of course, but he always got that cute annoyed look he had now when she did. She loved him all the same of course, but he was only a half a head taller than her, despite the fact Gregory his father had been a mountain of a man, he had inherited his mother's height, and she always found it slightly funny. Just like she did when she was younger, she laughed and winked at him, she would have kissed his cheek if they weren't in the middle of a conversation, but apparently the wink was enough, because as Ciri finished laughing, he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Hi-fucking-larious princess," He said dryly, but Ciri saw the amusement behind his gaze, before he turned back to Jonny, "Ciri and I should get in no problem."

Johnny scoffed and pointed to Geralt, "You should yeah, but he's old and ugly, what good is he!?"

Ciri didn't want to burst out a laugh, but as Dominik did next to her she couldn't contain it. They both turned and she saw a shot of annoyance run through Geralt's eyes as he narrowed them at Dominik and she both. It only served to make them both snicker more, before their father rolled his eyes and shot his gaze down to Johnny.

"I'm pretty damn good at finding lost voices," Geralt complained back to the godling as Dominik and her both finished laughing.

Johnny despite Geralt's tone still shook his head, "Then I suggest you find the voice of reason. It'll tell you to turn back. There's no foolin' with the Ladies."

Ciri found the godlings concern quite touching, but she knew the Crones weren't the biggest enemy they had on the mountain. The Crones themselves bowed before Imlerith, and Ciri knew he was the much more dangerous adversary. Losing him would be a huge blow for Eredin, other than Imlerith, he knew the King relied on only Caranthir more. However, there was also the wildcard of Baelen. Ciri had asked Avallac'h more about the female commander, the human female commander, and the sage insisted he knew nothing, which Ciri found odd, considering that the elf did know much about the rest of the Hunt. Such a powerful fighter in their ranks, wielding that much power, she assumed the sage would know more about Baelen then most, seeming as the commander was trained by Caranthir. Her powers were also much more immense then she even saw in Lofeton when she fought her. Ciri could remember the blows of magic that came from Dominik's fight with her, if she focused her ears, she could even still hear the explosions from the commander and Dominik on the tower.

Dominik had also explained his fight with Baelen to her in exact detail. He told her how Faram held her off until he arrived, and Baelen screamed how Ciri and he had broken a promise to her, how Dominik had always been more focused on Ciri then her. Ciri was absolutely baffled as to who it could be, the woman clearly knew who they were from even back in Cintra. Unless Dominik had an extremely powerful ex-girlfriend from before he was even eleven years old he wasn't telling her about, Ciri didn't know who she could be. She liked to think she hadn't broken any promise so big, that the person would turn to joining the Wild Hunt. Then of course there was the dragon, Kilgarrah, who had apparently been a great friend of Alexander Dominik's ancestor, and had spared Dominik at the battle. Killing Imlerith was just the start, but it was a start nonetheless, and it would still deal a massive blow to Eredin.

Geralt seemed to remember the general as well because he looked and met Johnny's eyes again.

"We're actually here looking for an elf named Imlerith," Geralt said slowly, looking up towards her and Dominik, "Ciri thinks he might be a guest of the Crones."

Ciri's eyes darted down to the godling with Dominik's as she heard the creature shiver. The small boy slowly shook, before looking up at them all again.

"Big bloke in full plate? Goin the right way- he's atop the mountain all right…" Johnny said slowly, and Ciri right away turned to Dominik and Geralt and met there eyes before shooting her gaze back down to the creature.

"You saw him, you're sure?" She asked quickly, and the godling nodded right away.

Seeming to shiver again, the creature nodded, "Saw him in the bog first. Water froze under his horse's hooves. Then I saw him again yesterday, heading up this path… why are you looking for him?"

She looked and shared a look with Dominik and Geralt. They both shot her reassuring gazes and nodded. Dominik's eyes grew slightly dark as he looked down to Johnny.

"He tried to kill some friends of ours…" He said slowly, before looking over at Ciri, "He's been chasing Ciri for years… not gonna let that happen anymore."

Johnny sighed below them, but when Ciri looked down, she saw the godling smiling between then two of them.

"It's just like you told me, a love story like in the tales," The godling said fondly, before he looked up into Ciri's eyes, "He told me all about your promise to protect and get to one another, and now you finally have! Downright glorious that tale is!"

Ciri felt her entire body flutter, as she looked and smiled broadly over at a nervously chuckling Dominik. She saw that cute goofy smile she had missed so much come back to his face, and slowly she smirked over at him.

"Talked about me a lot… didn't he?" She said amusingly, as Johnny eagerly nodded below them.

The godling looked to all three of them again, "He did yes, and I'd hate to see any of you die. You need to be careful with that one bloke… even the Ladies bow before him…"

She looked over at Dominik and Geralt again, Dominik's flustered look was replaced by those hard eyes again as he looked up towards the summit. Ciri knew exactly what he was thinking, he was thinking about their last encounter with the Hunt, the last fight he had been in when he was almost killed, the fight was playing over in his mind like it often had done for her the previous two weeks. He was thinking about that fight, and the deaths they sustained, Declan, Arno, Vigi and Folan, along with the countless other people they were both sure Imlerith was responsible for killing. And most importantly for him she knew, he wanted to make Imlerith, and the rest of the Hunt pay for chasing her. It was something that made her heart flutter, but also hardened her own gaze.

She wasn't going to let him do it alone this time, her and Geralt wouldn't. It was almost finally time to start fighting for that life they deserved.

Geralt nodded to them both, before looking down to Johnny, "We gotta get up there Johnny, we gotta try, simple as that."

"It's Thecla you'll need to convince. She's blind as your bum, but she won't be fooled," The godling said, his voice still laced with a dash of concern.

Ciri quickly shook her head, "We shan't try to trick her, no worries."

Nodding Johnny sighed again, "She sits in that tent over yonder. I wish you luck and do hope we meet again… someday."

Dominik quickly nodded and smiled down at the creature next to her, "Thanks for your help Johnny, make sure you be careful and stay out of trouble now."

Again Johnny nodded, before a small smile came to the godlings face as he looked between Dominik and Ciri both.

"And good luck to you as well, don't worry, you won't lose your lass again," He said reassuringly with a smile at Dominik, before looking over at Ciri, "You made your promise, and if you're both as stubborn as you say, it'll stay that way!"

Ciri laughed lightly as she felt her face get red and nodded, "Thanks Johnny, like he said, be sure to stay safe."

The godling eagerly nodded, before turning and scaling back up the cliffs. Ciri watched as the small creature climbed, and felt Dominik come up next to her, putting his arm around her waist, she found herself gently turning to him, seeing him smiling broadly up at the creature. It had been doing it every day she had been back, but she felt herself loving him more, somehow even more. She took in the feeling of his arm around her and felt the warmth of his embrace.

Over the years she had almost forgotten how warm a person could be. Mistle's touch was cold, draining, while Dominik's was warm, and invigorating. She found herself slowly looking up at him, his face, his smile, every single little detail. For so long she had felt deprived of love, deprived of that feeling of having someone who cares for you so much, that simply their gaze, their presence can fill you with warmth. There had been times over the years when Ciri felt cold, oh so terribly cold for days, like she was an empty walking husk. Day to day she lived with this emptiness, this cold feeling inside of her. And even when she found comfort in the arms of another, it didn't make her feel anymore complete, or any warmer. She was afraid, that she had forgotten how to love at times, forgotten how to feel warmth from an embrace, unable to have that feeling of love and warmth both at the same time. After so long of wondering, calling herself different names, feeling as if she was losing her very essence, her very soul, after so long of feeling that coldness, that emptiness, she was back in his embrace. Back in the embrace of her family, back in the embrace of people who loved her, truly, genuinely loved her, loved Ciri. Dominik didn't love the Lion Cub of Cintra, he didn't love the Lady of Worlds, the Lady of Space and Time, or the last child of Lara Dorren, the carrier of the Elder Blood. No, her family, Geralt, Yennefer, and most of all Dominik, they loved Ciri, loved her so much, that just by their gaze she felt warm.

She slowly reached up and kissed his cheek, turning her gaze to him as they stood there in the moonlight with one another. He smiled down at her, that goofy flustered smile she loved, that smile he gave her, that made her truly, truly feel like the most special person in the world. His arms slipped around her waist as she looked up at him, she had been scared when they first reunited, that she would forget how to properly embrace a person, embrace that person you love, give them that warmth, and get that warmth back. She was afraid, that she truly had forgotten how to receive, and give that love, to not just him, but anyone. It had been so long, so excruciatingly long, and the previous two weeks had still felt like a dream, and perhaps despite what she had thought, she still didn't know how to properly express how she felt, what being back with him truly meant to her. But as he looked down at her then, she knew it didn't matter, because even if it wasn't, they'd still keep trying, trying and trying with one another, keep trying until they were able to properly express it. It could take a while, but Ciri didn't care.

It wasn't about enduring the suffering. It was about how you endured it, how you fought through it, fought through it even when you were at your lowest point, because you know, that at the end of that suffering, was happiness, happiness and love.

And that's what it was for Ciri in his arms then, that moment was what all the suffering was for.

"Ha… what are you looking at me like that for?" He said, his breath hit her neck, and Ciri felt her body tingle, as she simply shook her head.

"I love you," She said slowly, before leaning up and kissing his lips, it was short, but still he put everything he could into it like he always did, while she did the same, gently she pulled back, and looked deep into his eyes gently shaking her head, "Thank you… for never giving up on me…"

Her words seemed to catch him off guard for a moment, as for a second he laughed with that goofy smile on his face. The moonlight glowed off his face, and she smiled even more when she saw his brown silky hair blow up. After a few seconds however, he smiled lightly at her, those emerald eyes bore into her, and gently he held his forehead against hers.

"Never…" He said gently, smiling over at her, and Ciri laughed lightly, before tightly pulling her arms around his neck.

And when he pulled her into that hug then, she had never felt warmer in her life.

"Alright you two… as touching as this is, we got some work to do," Geralt said and Ciri could hear the amusement, and the love coming from her father's tone, as Dominik and she both turned over to him. Her father came up next to them both, before gesturing towards the tent and the gate to the mountain, "Come on, you can look longingly into each other's eyes later…. Let's go kill this fucker."

Ciri smiled at her father, before turning that smile to Dominik one last time. She saw his goofy, loving smile turning into a wicked, almost eager one as he gently let go of her waist and turned to the summit. She still felt warm even after leaving his embrace, but soon when he turned and smirked back at them both, Ciri felt her heart nearly burst out of her chest as she smirked back at him.

"You're right, let's go give Imlerith and the Crones a little festival present," He said with a bit of smugness, turning to Ciri, "What do you say princess?"

She scoffed and joined him, smiling the entire time, "I think that's a wonderful idea, let's get moving."


"Gods… she really is blind," Dominik said just before they entered the tent, looking over to Ciri and Geralt both, "And probably like a hundred years old…"

Geralt nodded in agreement next to him, "Yeah, your medallion humming too? Its small but… definitely some kind of magic at work."

Ciri looked at the old woman sitting in the corner of the tent as the three of them walked towards the entrance. Her eyes were completely white, her face filled with moles and warts, it was as if someone took the description of every old witch in every old fairytale and now that woman was sitting in front of them. The cool night air was still ever present, and she knew they'd only have a few more hours, so after they had passed through the precision of gathered peasants they wasted no time. The people were all gathered and collecting soup, meat, wine and other foods for the feast, while people danced, and light music played. It was as if it were a cruel version of the Belleteyn festival Dominik and she had both attended once when they were younger, the moment the silly boy had spent almost an hour in the water trying to find her missing shoe that she had thrown. She smirked as she looked over at him then, that same goofy boy who had swam for her shoe, was still by her side, even after all those years.

Dominik slowly nodded over at Geralt, "It is yeah, but if what Johnny says is true, then we can't trick her, come on let's-."

"EH!? Who is it," The blind woman said, making Ciri nearly leap out of her boots as they all turned and saw the woman looking at them. Dominik had stepped into the tents entrance with her and the woman shot her white eyes to them both, "Well!? C'mon! Come closer boy, you too girl!"

She almost leapt out of her boots again, she shared a quick look with Dominik before they both looked over to Geralt. Their father nodded to them both and walked to the other side of the tent. It was quite a large tent, a fire burned in the center brazier, and Ciri felt its warmth wash over her face for a moment, before Dominik shrugged his shoulders, and walked with her first towards the old woman sitting in the corner. Ciri felt her skin crawl, as she walked by Dominik's side, and narrowed her eyes when the woman seemed to take in a large smell of them both, before letting out a breath.

"Ahhh… interesting," The old woman said, before snapping her gaze past them, towards a young woman who had been sweeping dirt out of the tent, "Tell me what they look like, the boy first!"

Ciri barely had time to turn, before she heard the young woman's voice as she walked up next to Dominik, too particularly close for Ciri's liking as she looked up at him.

"Mhm… bit short, but large chest, strong arms, big eyes, handsome face," The young woman said with a slight smirk as she looked back down towards the blind woman, "All in all, a very striking young lad…"

The old woman scoffed, "Ever been with a woman?"

"No… but that may change," The young woman said with a smirk, and while Dominik's face went red, Ciri felt her fists curl and her eyes narrow, she was ready to currently cut the woman in half.

However, before she could grab the young woman and throw her off the cliff, the old woman scoffed and turned her white gaze to Dominik again.

"Aye, it'll have to wait. I choose you boy, this night, you shall see the ladies," She said, and Ciri saw Dominik let out a relieved breath, before the blind woman turned her gaze on her, "Aye, and what about the girl?"

Ciri looked at the young woman narrow her eyes over towards her. The young woman had long brown hair and big eyes, with a blue dress and crown of flowers around her head. Before she looked at Ciri, she noticed the woman had her eyes glued on Dominik, and a shot of annoyance ran through Ciri in that moment as it had before. Dominik himself shot her a glare, and she sighed with an eye roll before turning back down to the old woman.

"Narrow hips, sparkly eyes- a striking feisty lass," The young woman said crossing her arms, before she glared at Ciri again.

Ciri had enough of the woman's glare, between that and her staring too close to Dominik for her liking, Ciri was finally ready to step forward and strangle her, however the old woman shot her blind gaze up towards her.

"Never had a man…" The old woman asked, and Ciri felt her skin get cold as the blood drained from her, as she looked over to Dominik and Geralt before the old woman continued, "Mff…. Never mind, got me answer. I choose you as well girl, you and the boy shall see the Ladies this night."

She looked over at Dominik and was worried for a second he'd ask what the woman meant. Ciri had never been with a man before, only a woman when she was with Mistle, so she didn't know what the old woman was referring too. She remembered after the night Dominik and she spent in the cave, that she had been talking with Freya on the matter, her being the only other woman at Kaer Morhen, and the fact her friend had figured out the truth that night Ciri learned about Dominik and she made it easier for Ciri to talk to her about the whole thing. Freya herself had never been with a man or a woman, but she told Ciri, that during her time with the army, she had moved through Velen often, and encountered these people who worshipped the Ladies of the Wood. She also told Ciri, how while Freya herself didn't think that way, some people wouldn't even consider what she did losing her virginity, since she had been with a woman instead of a man. However, Ciri knew that in reality, that was complete horseshit. She had sex with someone else, it didn't matter if it was a man or a woman, all that mattered was that you loved the person and it was consenting.

It hadn't been consenting, or loving with Mistle for her, and that was why Ciri still felt so horrible about it to that day, despite all of Dominik's reassurances. So, when the old woman's words left her mouth, she shot Dominik a look, trying to reassure him that she hadn't lied, Mistle truly had been the only other person she had been with, she expected him to look at her questioningly, however, as she should have expected, he seemed to be completely unbothered by the question at all. Instead the big goof simply scoffed and rolled his eyes looking at her.

"Wow you hear that Ciri, how lucky are we? We get to see the Ladies," He said to her sarcastically as he crossed his arms.

She felt all the worry leave her at his tone, and she even began to feel stupid for even thinking he'd doubt her. He still, even after everything, still had one hundred percent, unequivocal trust in her. She smiled and scoffed, moving next to him and crossing her own arms, before looking over to Geralt who was standing in wait, watching the scene. Ciri nodded to her father and turned back to the old woman.

"Yes… extremely lucky the both of us, who wouldn't want to meet the Ladies," She said with as much bitterness as she could muster, before gesturing to Geralt, "Our companion comes with us."

"And it's not up for debate," Dominik said sharply again next to her as he crossed his arms.

The old woman scoffed as Geralt came up next to them both, "Mhmm…. What else has the cat dragged in?"

Next to her, the young woman who had been staring at Dominik scoffed, "It's gray and veiny. Got a scar. And eyes like a viper."

Dominik and she both looked concernedly over to Geralt, who shot them both a calming look. She was worried for a moment they'd need to force the key off the woman to get through the gate, however, she knew that if anyone could talk their way into something like this it was her father. Geralt claimed he was low on emotion, vocal expression and charisma, however Ciri, and she was sure Dominik as well, both knew that they were just words, and their father could inspire, persuade, and truly did have a way with words. He wasn't the tough, brooding witcher that he tried to appear as sometimes, he was eloquent, and a good speaker.

The old woman scoffed, "Aye, mff…. Stinks of clotted blood and corpses. Plus it's old and infertile…. I reject ye, freak- the boy and the girl will ascend alone."

She and Dominik both looked at Geralt again, but quickly he shook his head and turned his gaze back towards the woman.

"You misjudged me. I'm as worthy as anyone," Geralt said, his voice calm and reassuring, it seemed to work, because the old woman scoffed, turning over to Ciri and Dominik.

"Girl, boy, can you vouch?" She asked the both of them.

Ciri nodded right away, "He's spryer then any youth. Only smells like corpses because he kills monsters."

"And he'll kill anyone who stands in his way…" Dominik added after she was finished, as both of them looked at Geralt.

Again the old woman turned her gaze back to their father, "Mhm… perhaps I was mistaken. Perhaps there's life in him yet. By ancient rite, you may appeal my choice. But to do so, you must best the challenge."

Geralt quickly nodded, "I accept your challenge, what is it then?"

The old woman let out a cackle, "Hehehehe… come then."

With more spryness then Ciri ever would have expected, the old blind woman sharply stood from her chair. With the young woman, who still much to Ciri's annoyance shot Dominik a sultry glance, the blind woman walked by them all out of the tent. She, Geralt and Dominik all shared a wondering look before they shrugged and walking next to them both she exited the tent with them as well. Looking up at the moon, she could tell now that there would only be another hour or two until the sunrise, so she knew they still had plenty of time. It wouldn't take them long to kill the Crones, and then Imlerith would be no problem as well. However, it was looking more and more like they'd have to split up to fight the two, both so they made sure they were all dead, and so one couldn't reinforce the other. She knew that Dominik and she could take down Imlerith, they would have killed Caranthir together if the navigator hadn't retreated, so she knew they'd handle Imlerith as well. And then Geralt would have no trouble either with the Crones, all of them would be dead by the morning, and the idea almost made her giddy.

The old woman walked them all towards a rickety old drawbridge, and when she saw the young woman once again staring back far too closely at Dominik for her liking, Ciri took a step closer to him, and shot her the deadliest glare that she could. Dominik, the big goof didn't even seem to notice, but Ciri did, and even with her staring the young woman simply rolled her eyes and turned back to face forward. Ciri's fists balled as she looked up at Dominik next to her again as she could see a look of anxiousness, his hands were twitching, and Ciri knew he was ready to get everything moving, get to the fight, his first since he got back on his feet. She looked down to his leg and noticed him slightly favoring his left one as they walked. Biting her lip she looked to his face again, and he finally seemed to notice her looking at him. He smiled down at her, it was reassuring and full of new warmth, and as it always did it warmed Ciri's bones.

What the old woman had said, how she 'had her answer', when asked if she had ever been with a man played in her head again. It had been something she had thought about over the years of course, just like she was sure the thought of what it would be like to be with her had passed through Dominik's mind over the last eight years. The idea of making love to him, the one person she had ever actually felt that type of deep, real, romantic love for, of course she had thought about it, and she also wasn't afraid to admit she had more than a few pleasant dreams about their more intimate moments when they were younger, and what it would possibly be like then. She remembered how she felt in the cave, having him kiss, and touch up and down her body, how it warmed her, shot the beautiful tingling, loving sensation into every part of her, it had been even more beautiful then she could have hoped for, it was everything she had dreamed.

Of course that moment had to be interrupted, the horrible flashbacks had come, and she couldn't go through with it. He had understood however, of course he had understood why she couldn't go through with it all that night. It was just the kind of person he was, he loved her that much. However, despite how sweet a gesture it was, and how determined she was to make that moment as special as it could be, Ciri wasn't afraid to admit to the urges she had been having for him since then. She was sure he had them as well, she saw that desired look in his eyes at times since that night, when she teased him, when she kissed him, she could see it. In that moment she aimlessly wondered what the differences would be like, other than the obvious ones, were going to be from having sex with a man as opposed to a woman. Of course Mistle had been the only one she was with, she had no experience being with a man, however, it made her slightly nervous for a few moments, before she remembered that Dominik as well had never been with a woman, so it balanced itself in a way. It didn't matter however, it was Dominik, everything had always come completely natural with him, nothing ever felt forced, or difficult, everything had always been easy, easy, loving, and beautiful. And she was sure making love the first time with him, would be the same.

She must have been staring at him quite intently, because he had to hold his hand out to stop her from running into Geralt and the two women in front of them. Ciri came to stop and looked to see they were at the end of a broken bridge. It led to a deep, deep drop, and as Ciri and he both took another step forward, she saw the drop led into a pond, that she couldn't tell how deep it was. She looked at the both of them, Geralt and Dominik both looked at the woman wonderingly as well, as she reached into her pocket to pull out a gold coin.

She cackled and held it out, "Look this over- a coin from days of yore. Falka burns on its reverse, so they call it the Defier's Oren."

At hearing the name Falka, Ciri shuddered, remembering her old name with the rats as Geralt turned and looked back at them both. Dominik however, seemed to perk up at hearing the name, and poked his head to see the reverse side of the coin.

He scoffed after he did, "That's supposed to be Falka? Doesn't look anything like her."

Every set of eyes turned to him, as Ciri's own widened and she quickly grabbed him and pulled him back. Dominik seemed to realize what he said, and quickly and embarrassingly bit his lip while he rubbed the back of his head. Ciri rolled her eyes at him playfully, as she saw the look of realization come to his face. He had told her how he saw Falka, the real Falka in his vision with Alexander, his ancestors had been the one's to end her rebellion, so it was natural he was interested in knowing more about the woman. Ciri smirked at the cute flustered look, but suddenly felt her anger spike, when she saw the younger woman walk past them back towards the tent, gently touching his shoulder as she did. Ciri was ready to grab the girl's hair and toss her over the side, but he quickly held out his arm and wrapped it around her waist, she turned around and found him smirking at her. It was a cute look, but Ciri rolled her eyes at him, which only made him laugh more.

The old woman scoffed, before Ciri watched her slowly tilt her hand, before the gold coin fell down into the water. She swore she could hear it hit the water below, before the woman slowly turned her gaze to Geralt.

"Bring me that coin… that is your challenge," The woman said slowly with a smirk, before she turned and as if she could see perfectly fine, walked right past Dominik and Ciri towards the tent.

Geralt sighed and turned back to them both, and behind him, Ciri could see the glow from the moon reflecting off his silver hair and swords. Rolling his eyes, his father unclipped both his swords, and Dominik and she both reached out to take them from him. Rolling his eyes Geralt looked at them.

"Sure you don't wanna join me?" He asked sarcastically, as Ciri scoffed and placed her father's swords on the railing next to the bridge.

She shook her head, "I think I'll pass."

"Same," Dominik said with a small smirk from next to him, "It is YOUR challenge after all."

"I swear, you both get more like me and Yen everyday…" Geralt muttered, before her father turned to the edge of the dock and dove off headfirst.

She and Dominik both naturally ran to the edge to make sure he was okay. When Ciri saw her father's head of silver hair pop above the water, before quickly diving back down she sighed out in relief and stepped back, turning to see Dominik already leaning against the railing, his swords clunked in the wind as he smiled over at her. She felt the smile wash over her as it always did, gently she walked over and leaned on the railing next to him. The moon was absolutely beautiful, it was started to descend, but Ciri knew that they would still have an hour or two left before sunrise as she predicted. The smell of the cooking meat, wine and the sound of gentle music and chatting brought her back to that Belleteyn festival, and apparently it did for Dominik as well, because he smirked at her as she leaned against the railing while he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Reminds me of Belleteyn… remember me going to get your shoe back?" He asked her, as if he was reading her mind a moment.

She laughed, and scooted closer, looking up and meeting his gaze, "I do yes, you were in the water for over an hour, and got extremely sick for a week afterwards because of it."

He scoffed, "Hey, I had to prove my love for you now didn't I!"

Her heart nearly burst at his smile, and she felt her face get hotter as she slowly nodded at him. She took in the feeling of his arm around her, that warmth she missed so much, his warmth.

"And you did… a hundred times over you did…" She said gently, and it looked like the big idiot was about to say something else.

She interrupted with a kiss however, a kiss while she gently held her hand up to his chest. It was gentle the kiss, caring, tender, and it amazed her how gentle and tender their kiss then could be, considering that for the previous eight years, she, and she was sure he as well, had almost forgotten what caring and tenderness were, but as they kissed in that moment, it all came flooding back to her, it would take them a while, despite how the previous two weeks had been, it would take them a while, because for so long, all they both knew was emptiness, loneliness, longing and coldness, so yes, to fully get that caring and tenderness back it may take them awhile. But they would succeed, because they loved each other, and they wanted each other more than anything. And Ciri also knew they would succeed, because they didn't have to rush, not at all. The two of them wouldn't be apart again, not like before, she wouldn't let anyone rip them apart, and she knew he wouldn't either, with this knowledge, they were in no hurry whatsoever.

It was if the whole world ceased to exist in that moment, and all the moment she kissed him, nothing existed except for them. It would only be a brief moment in real time, but to them, it was like a whole eternity. And when the world started to exist again, as her lips gently left his, it existed very differently, just like it had after every kiss, because with each time, she felt herself only loving him, his embrace, and wanting that life they'd have after this more and more.

He breathlessly sighed as he pulled her closer, "Wow that… wow…."

She laughed lightly, and gently shook her head, "Just hold me for a bit alright?"

He only nodded, he didn't have to respond, because she knew that he would, he always would. Gently she leaned her shoulder against him for a moment, and took in the beautiful sight of the moon as the wind gently blew her hair, washed over her skin, and despite its coldness, the warmth she felt then didn't cease, and it was the most amazing feeling in the world. She found her heart doing flips in those few minutes, before she felt his medallion and the swallow bounce against the top of her head, and she smiled as she looked back up at him. She took in the details of his face as she normally did, and her eyes fell to the jagged scar running down his right cheek, the scar he had received fighting for her, to keep her safe, just like he always would, and just like she'd always do for him.

She leaned up and gently kissed that side of his face, right on the scar, and when she did he laughed and smiled down at her.

"Ha… so what do you think? It's healed pretty well, does it make me look more dashing?" He asked jokingly, as she gently pulled her head off his shoulder with a smile.

Feeling his arm stay wrapped around her waist, she smirked as she crossed her arms and met his gaze.

"Aha, yes it does, very, very dashing," She said with a small roll of her eyes, before she felt her own cheek, where her scar tingled, a small laugh left her, as she remembered how worried she was when she got back the first time. Meeting his eyes she smiled amusingly, "Ha… you know, when I came back the first time, and I thought I'd see you in Rivia, I was dreadfully scared you'd think I wasn't as beautiful with mine."

"Ha, you kidding? You could have lost an eye, and I'd still love you all the same," He said, as if the very idea offended him, and it made Ciri blush more, before he met her eyes with a slightly more concerned look to them, "I… was actually wondering. How'd you get yours? Geralt never told me, and I remember you saying that it was just as bad as mine."

She scoffed, feeling the whole left side of her cheek sting as she could practically feel the orion ripping across her face. She could hear Bonhart yelling, Skellen yelling, and all she could remember was seeing the blood, feeling it drip down her cheek as she ran. Looking over and meeting Dominik's eyes, she knew that one day she'd have to finally sit down, and tell him from start to finish what happened, she had mentioned small pieces yes, but just like she knew he'd do for her, one day soon, she'd sit and tell him the whole story, the story of how she got back to them all. Slowly she shook her head and shivered, which caused him to pull her closer, as Ciri looked up at him. She knew that Dominik already knew about Bonhart and the arena, so she decided to leave out those parts.

"It… was a man named Stefan Skellen," She said with as much disgust as she could muster as she shook her head, "When I was escaping the arena, I was riding out and… he threw an Orion at me, sliced open damn near half my face, I'm lucky this is all I got now…"

The two of them had agreed to let the past stay in the past, to not let past events bother them, because now they were together, and that was all that mattered. However, upon hearing her words, she saw him shudder, and felt his arm wrap tighter around her, as he slowly shook his head and met her eyes.

"I would've loved you, no matter how big it is… I promise," He said shakily, and Ciri gave him a reassuring smile, and it seemed to work, because he smiled, before scoffing, "So Stefan Skellen? I heard about Vilgefortz, Bonhart, Rience, not him though. So, was he one of the hundreds of people who wanted to kidnap you?"

Ciri scoffed out a laugh at his joking tone and slowly nodded, "Yeah… he was. Chased me for a while, he was a Nilfgaardean Coroner, hunting me on Emhyr's orders."

"Should've fucking guessed…" He said right away, spitting out the words in disgust.

She nodded in agreement as she scoffed again, "Funnily enough, his plan was actually to overthrow Emhyr. Wanted to capture me, put me on the throne as a puppet, when Emhyr found out he had him killed, it's funny because-."

"Because now that's exactly what he wants…" Dominik said with a scoff of disbelief, he shook his head and looked to meet her eyes again, "I can't believe that delusional fuck actually thinks that we'd bring you to him, I thought he'd be smarter then that."

Ciri rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement, "You're right, its baffling how he thinks I'd even be in the same room as him, let alone Geralt would take me there, especially after what happened at Stygga and-."

"What happened at Stygga," Dominik asked right away, a hint of urgency in his voice, and Ciri looked to see his eyes widened in shock and fear as he looked down at her, "Geralt… he told me the fucker tried to do something… something bad… but he never told me what. Said if he did, I would've tried to kill Emhyr in Vizima both times I was there and gotten myself killed."

Ciri's eye's widened, and she cursed herself for letting her tongue slip. She was of course going to tell him about what Emhyr tried to do at Stygga Castle when she came back, however, she didn't plan on it being in that moment. She scoffed to herself, thanking Geralt for holding off telling him, because she knew her father was right, if Dominik had known the times they went to Vizima, he would have almost certainly killed Emhyr then and there, which Ciri wouldn't have minded, but that also would have led to him getting killed soon after. Shakily she sighed and met his eyes, she saw the intentness in them, and she knew she wouldn't get out of telling him. Ciri knew it wouldn't change anything, it would only make him hate the Emperor even more, which she knew he already did plenty enough. So, biting her lip she slowly nodded, before looking up and meeting his eyes.

"Well… after Geralt saved Yen and me, we went to leave and… well, Emhyr was there with his soldiers, he had found us," She said slowly, and Dominik's eyes widened, before she carefully met his gaze again and went on, "He… had Geralt and Yen arrested, and went to take me, he… he said his plan, was… to impregnate me, force me to marry him he-."

"HE WHAT!?" Dominik screamed right away, and it had been so loud, Ciri even saw a few of the people turn around from the festival. She could see his eyes turn to fire, see the anger seething inside of him, and even during his fight with Eredin, Ciri had never seen such a guttural rage pour out of him.

She quickly stepped to him, her touched calmed him slightly as she slowly nodded, "It… it's true he… he had heard a prophecy, that if he married me, that he and the child he had with me would rule the entire continent. And… and he almost did it, he… only stopped because Geralt he… he shouted at him, screamed about how horrible what he planned to do was in front of his men. The men they… they started to doubt him, so… he told me he was my father… and left me there with Geralt again."

As soon as she finished, the night wind howled violently, it blew through his brown hair as Dominik scoffed and started pacing, his fists shaking as he did.

"How could that fucking degenerate possibly think we would even THINK about bringing you to him!? How could he think YOU would ever want to do anything to help him!? He wants to fucking rape you, force you to marry him, and he has the fucking GAL to call MY father despicable!? I swear, if I ever fucking see him again, I don't give a fuck how many men are with him, I don't care where we are, I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM, I-," He started, before Ciri quickly grabbed his arm, and pulled her to face him.

"Dom! Dominik, calm down it's over, it's over, I'm here now," She said to him, as she held her arms up on his shoulders, and she could feel him shaking as he looked at her.

He shook his head, "Ciri, I SWEAR I am never going to let him get his filthy hands on you, un… unless for some reason you told me you wanted to go I'd-."

"I don't… the bastard can go fuck himself, I'm not going to go fix the mistakes he made, he made his bed, the degenerate can fucking lay in it," She said, gently looking up into his eyes, and pleading with him to relax, and it seemed to work, because he let out a shaky sigh, gently she smiled at him and met his eyes as she felt his hands wrap around her waist, she smiled and went on, "He won't get his hands on me, I won't let him… after this… it'll be me, and you. We're going to control our own destiny, Geralt, Yen, our friends… but most importantly, me and you…"

It was what she had always wanted, and what she knew he always wanted as well. That freedom to control their own destiny. They were each other's destiny she knew, but since they were together, that one was fulfilled, and now, they were going to have that freedom. For years, she had one goal, to get back, and Dominik she knew had one goal, to find her. After everything they had gone through they deserved that rest, that freedom to go from one end of the continent to the other. And nobody would get in the way of that, not the Hunt, not Emhyr, nobody, and they'd make sure of it.

The moon beautifully shone behind them, the wind blew through both there hair, as he gently leaned his forehead against hers. She felt him pulled her closer, into one of the tightest hugs she had ever felt from him, and she squeezed around his neck with just as much ferocity. The wind was cold, but he was warm, he'd always be the warmest person she had ever known. She remembered back to that day at Stygga, after everything she had gone through, she had finally gotten back, only for Emhyr to do what he did, and then the Lodge to try and use her again after that, it had all been so much, and all she had wanted, was to be back with Dominik, Geralt and Yennefer, all together, and while it hadn't happened then, it happened now.

She wasn't going to be used anymore, be used by anyone, she would control what she wanted to do, and all she wanted, was that freedom, for her and Dominik to have that freedom together. He slowly pulled back from her, and she saw his emerald eyes return to that loving gaze that always washed over her, and made her heart flutter. It didn't so then, gently he held one of his gloved hands to her face, she met his gaze with a smile, their emerald eyes locked, and he slowly nodded.

"I swear Ciri, nobody is going to use you again," He said slowly, his low, coarse voice washed over her, and she lightly shuddered before smiling as he went on, "When this is over, we do, what YOU, want to do, nothing else."

She laughed lightly and shook her head, "You know, you CAN have some say in it. We're a team, the two of us versus everyone remember?"

"I do yeah… but I mean it, people have used you for too long, it'll be whatever you want to do," He said gently, and her heart fluttered up in her chest before he smirked and shrugged with both his hands returning to her waist, "If you for some reason, told me you wanted to be Empress of Nilfgaard… I'd shave my non-existent beard, buy a tacky outfit, and completely over the top armor."

She scoffed out a genuine laugh, one right from her gut, and before she knew it they were both laughing. Hearing his laugh, being there next to him, the world ceased to exist again. She laughed in amazement again, and looked over at him while he held her, still seeing him laugh hysterically at his own joke. Smirking she grabbed the collar of his armor and pulled him to kiss her. Right away he melted into her, and she laughed into his lips with him, as they kissed yes, but neither of them could stop uncontrollably laughing. She felt herself pulling him even closer, her arms wrapping completely around her neck, as he leaned forward and practically dipped her while kissing her, Ciri's leg kicked up into the air, and she laughed uncontrollably when he kissed the side of her face and pulled her back up. She laughed so much then, before realizing that she had laughed more in the previous few weeks, then all of the last eight years combined.

He pulled her back up to face her again, before smashing his lips to hers, and finally the laughing ceased, but she could feel the broad smile on his mouth as she kissed him back. Sparks ran down her entire body, and despite the fact in the back of her head, they were about to enter a dangerous battle, she didn't wish to be anywhere else in the world, the world still ceased to exist around her, and when he gently pulled back, the both of them heavily breathing, scoffing out breathless laughs as they looked at each other, the world had started to exist again yes, but it existed much differently, as Ciri reaffirmed what she already knew, all of that suffering had been worth it now.

She laughed gently and smiled broadly at him, "I love you, you stupid boy… where you go, I go, remember that."

Gently he nodded, the smile not leaving him, and when he spoke, Ciri felt almost every cell of her body erupt.

"I love you too princess," He said gently, before nodding affirmingly and not letting his gaze leave her, "Where you go I go. Through this world, or any world… always."

Ciri could almost feel her eyes beginning to sting, as she felt her heart nearly beat out of her chest. She'd always have him, from then on, just like always, she'd have him with her. Biting her lip, her skin gently tingled, she felt the night wind blow through his hair again, the ring gently bounced against her chest, and she realized that she actually had been wrong. She had never lost him, he had always been with her, and as she looked at the swallow around his neck, she realized that she had always been with him as well.

And that would never change. Biting her lips, she smiled at him, a small smirk coming to her face as she held her hands on his shoulder.

"Gods, that's so sweet, really… thank you," She said, before the smirk became wider, and she looked deep into her eyes, speaking in a low suggestive tone, "But… am I right in assuming you want another kiss like that out of me? Maybe something more?"

His face got beat red, but the big goof managed to smile and gently shrug.

"Well… depends on how close I am," He asked as he gently raised his eyebrows at her wonderingly.

She laughed lightly and leaned closer to him, one hand on his chest, "Oh you're closer trust me… very… very close, so close that maybe-."

"Well glad to see you two are having a good time," The voice of Geralt rang into both their ears, and when they both turned around, they saw their father, his arms crossed rolling his yellow eyes at them, his armor completely dripping wet.

She scoffed, and felt Dominik laugh next to her. She looked and smirked at him one more time, before turning and letting go of him, crossing her arms back over at her father.

"We're having a great time, aren't we Dominik?" She said as she looked up at him.

Dominik laughed as he adjusted his swords, "We are yeah… so how was your swim?"

"Refreshing," Geralt said sarcastically, but Ciri could see the amusement in his eyes, as he reached and grabbed both his swords leaning on the railing. Her father strapped them both to his back, before turning back to them and flashing the gold coin to them both, "So, if you two can managed to pry yourself off each other for a few hours… I think we got some business to take care of."

Ciri felt herself looking back up towards the top of the mountain. The reality of their situation was slowly setting back in. She looked over and saw Dominik giving the peak a similar look, he narrowed his eyes, before letting out a shaky breath and turning to meet her eyes, he slowly nodded and smiled to her, and between that, the small smirk on Geralt's face, it was all she needed. She knew what she wanted, what she wanted for her future, and the first step to making sure she got it, was up that mountain. She reached behind her back and adjusted her sword, before looking between Dominik and Geralt both with a smirk.

"Ready… let's go kill some monsters," She said with a dash of arrogance, before she saw them both smile, and follow her as she walked back towards the entrance to the mountain.

A/N: And just like that ladies and gentlemen, we are off to fight the Crones and Imlerith! I remember when I first wrote the chapters where the Crones appeared, it was months ago in reality, but to me it feels like yesterday. I honestly never thought I'd actually make it back to the fight with them, I thought I'd get bogged down but here we are haha seventy chapters later we are here fighting the Crones, and now there's only about twenty or so chapters left, depending on if I'm going to need to split certain arcs up or not. It's mind boggling and I can't thank you all enough for the support you've all given. We are far from done however! Let's break down this chapter before we get down to chapter seventy!

First, we see Dominik had dreams of the events surrounding the Thanedd Coup. Now like I've stated before, in this stories version of events, everything that happened in the book happened, except for a few changes. Mainly that being everything just took longer, Ciri was with the rats, in the arena, in Tir'Nala longer, it took Geralt longer to form his company and find them. Ciri slept with just Mistle, and wasn't interested in anyone else, and as we'll see she still did most things she did however her mindset was just a bit different.

However, there are a few events that did change slightly, and I wanted to highlight them. Thanedd for example as we see, Dominik tried to go with Geralt, but Geralt ultimately decided not to let him. Ciri also was fully prepared to kill Cahir during it, because in this version of events, Cahir didn't 'save Ciri from Cintra', he only kidnapped her before Dominik came to save her, before Cahir almost killed him, so as she said in a passage, she was fully ready to kill Cahir before she was interrupted. And I will also confirm, if Dominik had been on Thanedd, there is a zero percent chance Cahir would have lived lol But now since Ciri's back, I'll be referencing a few more book events when I can.

I actually am debating on writing a story soon after this is done, based on the book events. It would be an alternate reality of sorts, where instead of not going, Geralt did bring Dominik to Thanedd with him, and Dominik escapes with Ciri into the desert, and goes through everything with her… let me know if you all would want to see that.

After waking up and going to get Geralt we head to Bald Mountain! I wanted to show the differences between Dominik and Ciri, while Ciri can take care of herself, and is more than capable, we see the changes in Dominik through her eyes, and how he's cooled out his temperament, with his eight years on the Path helping him.

After that it plays out like the games, we see Johnny, go to the blind woman as Geralt gets the coin from the lake, and we also see Dominik learn finally what Emhyr wanted to do to Ciri. He reacted how we all expected xD Expect the next time we see Emhyr to have some fireworks lol

We get some more relationship building, and romantic moments with Dominik and Ciri, before we're finally ready to go fight the Crones!

Now, next chapter, we're only going to see Dominik and Ciri fight the Crones, Geralt will kill Imlerith in an exciting action-packed chapter! I can't wait for you all to see it!

I again can't thank you all enough, next chapter is the 70th and that's absolutely mind boggling again to me. I can't express how much this story has meant to me, and a how happy I am you've all enjoyed! Please leave a review if you have time, be sure to follow if you enjoyed, and as always I will see you all next time!