The first few days following the Great Thaw was a time of rekindling Anna and Elsa's relationship. When Elsa didn't have council meetings, one would find her spending every minute with Anna, except when she needed that special time alone.

"Hey, Elsa! How'd the meeting go?" Anna was walking by the door of the council room just as Elsa exited the meeting.

"It went well," Elsa smiles contentedly.

"Oh, good! So, today I was thinking maybe we could go visit your ice castle again! I'm assuming it's still there, right? It is so beautiful and-"

"Anna," Elsa interrupts her voice suddenly sounding exhausted,"I need to be in my room for awhile."

Anna's breathing hitches. "Oh, o-okay. Is everything okay?" She asks concern washing over her.

"Everything is fine," Elsa reassures her by gently squeezes Anna's arm.

Anna waits until Elsa is out of sight before she moves. She decides to run to the stables to find Kristoff and Sven. What she didn't realize was the tears cascading down her cheek.

"Hey, Anna! What are you— woah, feisty pants, what's wrong?" Kristoff returns the hug that Anna desperately needed.

"It's so stupid," Anna wipes her face with her arm— very unladylike.

"What's stupid?" Kristoff asks in his Sven voice. His tone sounding genuinely confused.

"Elsa just needed some time alone in her room and— I don't know— I just get worried that she's going to shut herself out again," Anna hangs her head shamefully.

"Hey, that's not stupid," Kristoff says as he moves back to look at her. "I know you are scared that she might do that, but, Anna, just in the short time I've spent with her, Elsa seems different than how you described her before the Great Thaw."

"Y-you really think so?" Anna sniffles and gazes as Kristoff with her wide eyes.

"I know so," Kristoff smiles and pulls Anna in for another hug. "Anna, she loves you! Elsa needs you to help her adjust, and I'm sure she will be willing to help you too. I just think you should try to be patient with her. Let her have some space, but the more you two spend time together, the more comfortable she will become."

Anna doesn't respond right away. She simply looks up at Kristoff and gives him a smile— a real smile. "Thank you, Kristoff. I really needed to hear that," Anna says as she pulls away.

Kristoff walks over to Sven and feeds him a carrot. "Anytime, Anna," he says.


A few hours later, Anna finds herself in front of Elsa's door.

Just knock. Olaf's voice rings in her head, reviving that recent memory in front of Elsa's ice castle.

Why isn't she knocking? Do you think she knows how to knock?

Anna takes a deep breath. She slowly raises her fist to knock on the door, but still, Anna hesitates.

What if Elsa rejects me again? It would be even more painful now that we've spent time together. Anna thinks as her mind starts a battle within itself.

"E-Elsa?" Anna whispers, her voice cracking slightly.

No response.

Anna's optimism attempts to kick in when she decides to knock. Maybe Elsa did not hear her, since Anna had only whispered her sister's name.

Knock. Knock. Knock-knock. Knock.

"Elsa?" Anna tries again louder.

Still, nothing. "Please, Elsa?" Anna begs as tears start to fall down her face for the second time today.

Anna begins to have a small panic attack. At first, her vision goes blurry. Her breaths become more labored. She feels like she could faint, so Anna leans against the door in front of her.

Then her body crumbles to the ground. She brings her knees to her chest and tucks her head between them. Small sobs escape her lips.

After a minute or so, Anna hears a worried gasp.

"Anna? Anna, are you okay?" she hears a familiar voice ask.

Elsa crouches down to her little sister. Anna lifts her head, her tear-stained cheeks are rosy and warm.

She lets out another sob, this time Elsa takes the opportunity to hold Anna tight. "Shhh, it's okay, Anna. I'm right here." Elsa begins to rub Anna's back comfortingly.

Anna continues to cry for what seems like an eternity. Realistically, she cried for about half an hour more.

Elsa strokes her sister's warm cheeks as Anna's sobs turn into whimpers. "Do you want to talk about it?" Elsa asks softly.

Anna closes her eyes and sighs. "I don't want to sound like a baby."

Elsa firmly places her hands on Anna's shoulders. "Anna, look at me. You a not a baby. You are the strongest person I know," Elsa gives her a hug.

Anna takes a deep breath. "I came to check on you, because I thought you were still in your room," she starts, shame lingering in her tone.

"I was... scared to knock."

"Oh, Anna," Elsa suddenly realizing why her sister was so upset. "I'm so sorry-"

"No, no. Don't apologize," Anna interrupts. "It's just, when you didn't answer I... I thought-"

"You thought I was shutting you out," Elsa says knowingly, guilt laced in her words.

Anna gives a small nod as wipes her face as more tears threaten to fall.

Elsa gently grabs her sister's hands. They share a look worth a thousand words. An apology for what happened in the past, guilt for upsetting each other, and love that thaws the metaphorical coldness between the sisters.

"I love you, Anna."

Anna's face lights up, her personality starting to peer through the sadness.

"I love you too, Elsa."

The sisters embrace each other with as much love as they could possibly give.

Anna giggles which causes Elsa to smile. "I love warm hugs," Anna stands up and helps Elsa off of the floor.

"Me too," Elsa answers. "Why don't we go enjoy the rest of this evening together?"

Anna practically jumps up and down with excitement. "Yes!" she squeals happily.

"Oh! I have an idea," Elsa tells her sister.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Anna asks.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"