A/N: *Sigh* I know, before anyone saids anything. I'm sorry for such a long delay, life has been a 180 for me now and it doesn't help that more things just have to pile into my schedule. Fortunately I found some time for myself, so I decided that for my return, I need to come out with something entirely fresh and new! Before you guys demand me to update Of WinX and Build, Miraculous Decade and the Of Eds and Rider series. I just want to say I want my return to be a fresh new start before coming back to the three other stories. So I decided to make something different for once, a crossover between my recently favorite animated show RWBY and my old time favorite movie monster, GODZILLA!

Yep! This is the very first fanfic I made that is not involve with Kamen Rider! I though making a fanfic besides Kamen Rider will be a good change in pace for me, besides the Kaiju genre deserves some love and attention too. Especially now that Legendary's MonsterVerse keep expanding.

Speaking of the MonsterVerse, this story will heavily centered around the MonsterVerse and obviously I'll be using MonsterVerse Godzilla along with other creatures, though other Kaiju's that Legendary have not gotten the rights to yet won't make an appearance, so don't expect to see Anguirus, Battra, Destoroyah and what not... Unless Legendary manages to get the rights to them in future movies!

Anyways, I have been reading quite a few RWBY x Godzilla fanfics lately and I enjoy some of them. This story is inspired by The God of Destruction comes to Remnant by DragonKingDragneel25 and The Balancers of Mortals by Joking4ever56. Be sure to check them out first!

I think I have enough to say for now, I'll mention more information down bellow. Now without further a do, let's begin.

Disclaimer: I don't own Godzilla or RWBY, all rights belong to Toho, Legendary Pictures and Rooster Teeth.

Location: Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll

Date: March 1st, 1954

The beaches around the Marshall Islands are a splendid sight to see, clear skies, clear calm waters, luscious palm trees and other vegetation made the surrounds seems a tropical paradise, not to mention the friendly natives of the area who seems to get along well with travelers and sailors. This place would have been a great place to visit... if it weren't for the fact that there is a large sea craft several miles away from the beach. A few of the natives on land were curious of the craft resting on the sea, they wonder if it has something to do with...Gojira.

Inside the vessel, several navies, soldiers and other members of the American military seem to be scudding around the ship. And in the cockpit of the sea craft was the general who is operating a test that was about to begin soon, or rather... an extermination plan.

"Alright everyone! Be sure to set everything up and ready to go! We have about 5 minutes to set up before that damn beast arrives!" He ordered his men as they all pick up the pace with their efforts.

"Sir!" a lieutenant called out as he salutes "Castle Bravo has already been set up, we will be ready in less than 2 minutes!" he reported.

"Excellent! Now all we have to do is to wait for the monster to come to shore!" General Mace seemed please at the news, thinking that everything is according to plan.

"General Mace!" a soldier who is monitoring a radar of some sort call out "I'm detecting a massive flux of radiation on the radar and the sonars are picking up a massive object heading it's way here!" he stated before turning to the general "It's coming here soon!".

General Mace seemed suspicious "How long do you think it will arrive here?" he asked.

The soldier looked at his radar and did some calculations in his mind "If I have to estimate, it would be less than 3 minutes from now!" he reported.

The lieutenant seemed satisfied of the information at hand "Good! Our hydrogen bomb will be ready soon before the beast arrives." he said before turning to the general "Sir, things are according to plan." He said in confidence.

The General nodded "Excellent" he said as he approach his lieutenant and patted on his shoulder "Let's begin shall we?" he asked as he and the Lieutenant exits the cockpit of the vessel.

Outside, most of the soldiers are on their seats on the sea craft, while some are setting up the finishing touches.

General Mace walk around the area, inspecting if everything is prepare for the attack. He sees that everyone is in position and are high in attention, he then looked far out on a beach on the other side several miles from the craft and there it was, the weapon to put an end to the incoming threat. A large green painted hydrogen bomb was in place on a pad, the odd thing about it is that there is a black paint drawing of what appears to be a reptilian dinosaur like creature on it with a red circle and a slash mark on it. Indicating that this bomb is made to exterminate it.

Back on the vessel, one of the soldier is seemed to be recording everything on his camera, he's monitoring the surrounding sea, trying to locate their target and not before long, their objective have began to appear. Little by little a large object begins to emerged from the waters, the object reveals to be numerous rows of spikes resembling jagged rocks gliding on the waters like shark fins.

The soldier gasp in shocked as their target have finally appeared "ALL QUADRANTS TURN 2 O'CLOCK TO THE RIGHT! THE MASSIVE UNIDENTIFIED TERRESTRIAL ORGANISM HAVE EMERGED! PREPARE CASTLE BRAVO LESS THAN 1 MINUTES!" he yelled out, getting everyone's attention as all attendants get into positions, taking their seats and putting on black goggles to shield their eyes for what comes next.

The said soldier put on his goggles before looking back on his camera, continuing to monitor the object on the water as it begins to get in range. Another soldier uses a siren and begins an announcement.

"All attendants prepare for the Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism extermination, Castle Bravo began to launch at the target in t-minus 15 seconds." The announcement from the radio feed said, with everyone else in position. Focusing on their target as it came closer to where they wanted it to be.

"IN T-MINUS TEN...NINE...EIGHT...SEVEN...SIX." As the count down came half way, the object slowly begins to rise above the water revealing the owner of the spikes, a massive reptilian creature was about to surface with the spikes rested on it's back.

"FIVE...FOUR...THREE...TWO...ONE." The count down was made as the Hydrogen Bomb was launched from it's base and fires straight at the creature as it rises up from the water.

"SSSKKKRRRREEEEEEOOOOOOONNNNNKKKKK!" The enormous creature lets out a loud roar right before the bomb made in contact with it. Resulting in a large scale explosion with a bright blinding light, forming a large mushroom cloud that kicks up a tone of smoke, dusk, sand and several other small debris.

Everyone on the vessel constantly looking at where the giant creature formally was before their weapon fired at, with their goggles which protect their eyes from the blinding light, they stare at it for the whole time, seeing if there is any sign of life within the explosion. The enormous mushroom cloud lingers for almost more than an hour as the air begins to settled...

"Did...did it work?" one of the soldiers asked as he spots no sign of the target.

A different soldier examines the radars, monitors, sonars and other various tracking equipments "Our radars and other tracking systems aren't detecting any sign of the monster. It just vanished in thin air." he replied as they all waited for a few more minutes, yet there is no sign of life on the waters or on the monitors and trackers.

"We...did it" The general muttered softly, but loud enough for people in proximity to hear "...WE DID IT!" he yelled out cheerfully and triumphantly.



Everyone on the craft cheered in delight, rejoiced that the menace they claimed to be responsible for the attacks of both theirs and the Soviet's nuclear submarines are long gone. Rejoicing that the supposed threat is taken care of.

But one of the soldiers seemed unsure as he looked back at the devastation that the hydrogen bomb have left behind "But, how are we going to explain this to the public?" he said, gaining everyone's attention as they all saw the end result of Castle Bravo. Even though the mushroom cloud has faded, it have left the entire area decimated in ruins and irradiated, making it nearly inhabitable for most life to thrive.

The Lieutenant scoffs at the situation "We could just simply covered it up as a nuclear bomb testing sight instead and getting rid of any evidence of it's existence. Besides, it's not like anyone would believe in a giant monster." he stated which got most of the soldiers nodded and agreeing to go for that route.

"We can't be certain that Gojira is dead!"

A sudden loud voice have silence everyone on board, they turned their attention to an incoming boat with a man in a black suit on the deck of the boat that is approaching their vessel, the small boat stopped only less than a feat from the vessel.

The general took interest of the man as he walked to the edge of the sea craft to make closer contact with the smaller boat "Who are you?" the General asked.

The man showed the general a black file with an image of two triangles connected at the tips, making it resemble an hourglass symbol with the title 'MONARCH' under it.

"I am Doctor Eiji Serizawa, scientist of the organization of Monarch." the man respond in a respectful manner "Our task is to locate all Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms, study it's behaviors, it's biology and understanding it." the man Eiji reveals himself.

The General, along with his lieutenant and some of the soldiers seemed even more intrigued, General Mace then turned to one of his soldier "Bring him on board." he ordered.

The soldier salute in respond "Yes sir!" he replied as he ran to get a rope ladder and hang it down on the ledge of the vessel for the scientist climb up from his small boat.

Upon setting his feet on the sea craft, General Mace decides to ask first "State your business here doctor. If it has something to do with the monster, then you're late for it." he demanded.

The scientist seemed slightly offended, but he held his composure "Gojira is named after the native's of this area, they believe him to be the part of their myths and legends of the Pacific ocean that are named after him." The scientist revealed as he look on from where Gojira was on "We believe that he is the top predator of it's ecosystem long before any human have existed." He proclaims.

"You think this Gojira thing still alive?" The lieutenant asked and scoffs at the idea "That's preposterous! Nothing could have survive from an explosion like that!" he stated his opinion.

Then Doctor Eiji turned to the lieutenant "And how are you certain that Gojira is gone? The radars and trackers may say so, but can you guarantee that these tools will be conclusive enough?" he pointed out, which got most of the military silent and into consideration.

"Even if Gojira did perish from it, who's to say that he's the only one of his kind?" Mr. Serizawa added to his statement.

One of the soldier was stunned when hearing the statement "Are you saying that there's more of those things out there!?" he asked in slight panic.

General Mace however seemed unfazed by the claim "Doesn't matter, we have what it takes to kill them. Even if another one appears, we could just bring it down too." he makes a bold statement.

The lieutenant nodded "Agree General, plus we could just cover it up again like it never have happened." he said as most of the vessel's occupants laugh in joy and cockiness as many of the military personals begin to pack up their supplies after completing their extermination mission.

Dr. Eiji however is the only one who's seemed to be unamused by the military's as he looked back to where the creature he calls Gojira has been 'killed', his instincts tell him otherwise.

A/N: And we will stop here! Sorry about all of that. I know it's short, but this is just a Proluge to get the introductions going, plus I have written too many notes for this chapter to write the rest of it. But don't worry, because the next chapter and future ones will be much longer, also the next chapter is where the true story begins.

Anyways, I bet you guys already have some questions for this chapter, like who is Dr. Eiji Serizawa. He is in fact Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's father and he first appear in the Godzilla: Awakening comic. Though Shinomura will make no appearance in this story because I feel like Shinomura's existence would reckon many of the things we saw in the actual Godzilla (2014) movie. Besides, I didn't read the entire comics, I only know a few snip bits of it like Eiji Serizawa from online videos and websites, I don't know the full details about Shinomura and it's abilities. So sorry about this.

Now before you all gonna ask me this, I like to point out that while this story is inspired by God of Destruction comes to Remnant by DragonKingDragneel25 and The Balancers of Mortals by Joking4ever56. By no means that it will go for a similar route as these two. What do I mean by that? You all just have to wait and see.

Enough of that, please tell me what do you feel about this brand new story, please write down your comments, concerns, criticisms and all of that on the review.

As always, enjoy your day.