Disclaimer- None of the characters or places belong to me. It's all J K Rowling's.

Rating - R

A/N - Sequel to "Mine" (You have to read that first to understand any of it).

'Harry wake up.' A hand shook me and I swatted it away, rolling over.

I heard an impatient sigh. 'Harry mate will you just get up already? Hermione's going to kill us if we're not down in the common room in three minutes.'

There was a pause in which I buried my face deeper into the pillow.

'Harry!' Ron shouted in exasperation. 'Will you wake the fuck up or I'm going to tell Hermione that you kept us all awake last night moaning Snape's name and telling him to take his tutu off.'

All this was delivered at the sound level of a blazing dragon.

Everyone in our dorm room was looking at him in astonishment.

Wide-awake, I blinked innocently at him. 'There's no need to shout Ron. '

He half glared at me. 'It was either that or a bucket of freezing cold water.'

'Have I ever told you what a good shouter you are?' I said in a saccharine sweet voice. 'You're going to rival Mione soon.'

Ron shuddered. 'Alright I'll never shout again- just don't condemn me to a fate worse than death.'

'I'm going to tell her you said that.' I offered him a mischievous grin.

'Yeah well you won't be able to if you're not ready in the next two minutes cuz she's going to be so busy shouting at us for being late.'

I shot out of bed, a blur of motion.

A lecture from Hermione was not how I wanted to start my day.

Precisely a forty five seconds later I spun back around to Ron. 'There!' I panted triumphantly. 'Ready.'

He was looking quite stunned. 'Wow. If I knew that was going to have that effect on you I would have said it years ago.'

'Shut up!' I stifled a yawn as we walked down the stairs.

He grinned at me.

The common room was bustling as people waited for friends, did homework or generally ran round doing chicken impressions.

Or at least Fred and George ran round doing chicken impressions.

'Have you revised for that test?' Ron asked as we sat down.


What test?

'No me either.' Ron said, at my blank look. 'And it's one and two as well so we can only revise during breakfast.'

One and two- what did we have one and two?

I groaned. 'Potions.'

'How could you forget?' Ron said unenthusiastically.

'I wonder if M-'

'Don't say it!' Ron yelled suddenly.

'Hmph?' I asked, confused.

'Don't mention him.'

I frowned. 'What?'

'Don't talk about Malfoy. I don't want to know whether he's going to be in the lesson or not- I'm happy believing he's not. I'm sick and bloody tired of everybody talking about him.'

Ron flopped down onto the sofa with a sigh. 'It's Malfoy this and Malfoy that and-'

'Did you hear about Malfoy?' One of the girls whispered confidentially to another (in an extremely unconfidential volume). 'I heard he hasn't come out of his room in a week.' 'Well *I* heard that he attacked Professor Snape when he went to check on him.'

'Well I heard that-'

Ron turned back to me in disbelief. 'See!'

I hid a smile.

'If one more person even *mentions* that gits name-' He began.

'Hermione!' I exclaimed, relieved to see her as she walked up towards us.

She was the one person in all of Hogwarts (with the exception of Ron) who would 100% absolutely without a doubt not talk about Malfoy as she would consider it trivial gossip.

She sat down next to us. 'Did you hear about Malfoy?'

Ron began to turn purple.

'Are you alright Ron?' Concern lit her features up.

'Peachy.' He ground out.

Alright I could have been wrong - perhaps even Hermione wasn't except from gossip this interesting.

'Oh ok then. Anyway Seamus just told me that Malfoy's father was killed by You-Know-Who and their house was attacked by Death Eaters because he'd been leaking information to Dumbledore.

'Bollocks.' It slipped out before I could help it.

'What makes you say that?'

The fact that Malfoy told me his father had committed suicide because the aurors were going to arrest him whilst we were having a nice little cosy chat in the middle of the night.

Oh yeah why don't I just tell them that.

I shrugged, trying to be desperately vague. 'Well it's Seamus isn't it?'


'Now that we've finished this enthralling conversation about Ferret Boy is there any way we could go to breakfast?' Ron asked impatiently, his stomach audibly growling.

Hermione rolled her eyes. 'Is that all you think about?'

Ron considered it for a second. 'Yes.'

A small smile spread across her face. 'Well let's go then.'

Hermione and I trailed behind Ron, who seemed to be walking as quickly as he possibly could.

'Ron do you have to go so fast?' Hermione gasped as we half-ran to keep up with him.

'Yes!' He exclaimed. 'Or else Seamus'll eat all the bacon.'

Hermione sighed in relief as we arrived at the hall.

'Thank God.'

'Mione have you got your Potions book on you?' I asked, suddenly remembering about the test.

I didn't want to give Snape anymore reasons to take points away from Gryffindor.

'Oh Harry haven't you revised??' Hermione asked in disappointed horror.

'Uhh. Maybe I shouldn't answer that.'

'I'll take that as a no then.'

Ron was so busy trying to see if there was any bacon left that he didn't see the blonde figure heading towards him.

And neither did the blonde figure.

As I watched they ran straight into each other, barely escaping being floored.

'Watch it!' He snapped.

'Watch it yourself Malfoy.' Ron retorted.

Oh great.

Malfoy had been back less than a minute and they were fighting already.

'Then again I guess your nose was so high up in the air you missed seeing any of us lesser mortals.' Ron scowled at him.

He opened his mouth to retort and then stopped, staring at me in shock.

The colour drained slowly from his face and his mouth closed slowly.

Wondering if this was some sort of new tactic I watched him with a furrowed brow.

He turned around and fled.

We stared after him in shocked silence.

'Uhmm.what exactly just happened?' I asked confusedly.

'I'm not completely sure.' Hermione frowned. 'It's not like him to do that.'

'Understatement of the century.' I muttered.

'Do you think he's upset about his father?' Hermione asked.

'Whatever it is I hope it lasts.' Ron said cheerfully. 'I think I like this Malfoy better.'

Hermione rolled her eyes slightly. 'Honestly Ron. How can you think like that? His father's just died!'

'Yeah his father who wanted Harry dead and would have killed him if he hadn't snuffed it first.' Ron took a bite from the muffin in his hand.

'Do you think he's ok?' I asked suddenly.

'Who cares?' Ron looked at me like I was mad. 'We just got one over Malfoy more easily than we ever have done before.'

'That's what's bothering me.' The words slipped accidentally from my lips.

A pair of eyes turned to me in alarm.

'I mean-' I stuttered, kicking myself inwardly, 'well it's not as fun goading him when he doesn't fight back.'

'Uhh.sure.' Ron said doubtfully through a mouthful of muffin.

I frowned, feeling very confused all of a sudden.

'I guess.' I murmured.


I made very certain to turn up early to Potions, I didn't need to be late as well as fail the test.

Having had a look at what we had to know, I knew that I didn't know it.

Not that that was anything unusual but still.

Snape silently handed the papers out, giving me a look reminiscent to that of a constipated hippogriff.

'You have an hour.' He announced. 'Begin.'

He turned with a swirl of his robes.

I glared at him.

Smarmy git.

I took a deep breath, turning to the first page.

Q1. Where do you find-

~I wonder where Malfoy is. He looked really upset I hope he's ok.~

I blinked in surprise at my thoughts. Why did I care?

This was Malfoy the bane of my existence.

~Who I managed to have a perfectly civil conversation with.not even just civil.enjoyable.~

I was drunk. I'd been drunk whilst talking to Malfoy.

That didn't count right?

Or at least it better not do because if Ron ever found out he was going to absolutely murder me.

But even if he was the bane of my existence that didn't mean that I couldn't feel sorry for him.

I mean his father *was* dead after all.

And I knew only too well how it felt to lose parents.

I snuck a look over at his empty chair, kicking myself even as I did it.

Ugh! That git was invading my head and I was going to fail this test because of him!

Desperately I turned back to the paper.

Q1. Where do you find the sanguina lexa and what are it's uses? Divide your answer into paragraphs ordered on its medical, emotional and magical uses.

What the hell was the sanguina lexa?

I felt a vague feeling of panic.

Maybe I should try question 2.

Q2. Describe the colour, thickness and smell of a light sensitivity potion?

Oh crap.

I flicked through the paper, my feeling of horror growing with every question I looked at.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

~OK. Calm down. If you don't know the answer make something up. ~

I decided to take my own advice and hastily began making up answers.

But somewhere around question 6 Malfoy invaded my head again.

That haunted look in his eyes lingered in my mind.

It was a familiar expression.

I saw it everytime I looked in the mirror.

It was a look of guilt. A look that said that somebody was dead because of you.

But surely Malfoy wouldn't think his father had died because of him?

I frowned.

'Mr Potter?' A voice snapped.

I jerked my head upwards, meeting Snape's angry gaze.

'Your paper?' He held out his hand expectantly.

Oh shit. My paper.

Panic ran through me and I handed him the half-finished paper.

I should write a book called ten easy ways to fail potions.

Actually only one step was needed - 'Become Harry Potter'