Chapter 1: The Anomaly

(Disclaimer: This is really self-explanatory. I don't own anything except my OC.)

It was 11:55 PM on a dark Sunday night, I was sitting on my bed, about to close the laptop that was on my lap. Of course, I had been working on an assignment for school that was due the following morning. Procrastination is fun!

"That should be good enough," I whispered to myself, closing the laptop, and grabbing my phone.

Upon grabbing my phone, I immediately opened Arknights, the game that had been my favourite ever since it was released. I had played many games like Arknights, including Girls' Frontline and Azur Lane, but Arknights was by far my favourite of the 3.

As I opened the app, a thought crossed my mind.

"What if this world was real? What if the operators were real? I wish I could go to that world. I would kill for a chance to get out of my current life. It's so dull and boring. Oh well, I'm probably not the first person to wish for this, and we all know it won't happen..." Just then, I noticed a weird option on the login screen, that I had never seen before. It read, "Visit Terra".

Seeing the option, I almost dropped my phone. "What the fuck?" I almost raised my voice when I stopped myself, remembered that the rest of my family were currently sleeping. "Okay, something's not right. I randomly think about going to Terra, and this option shows up? This can't be a coincidence. Then again, with the world I live in, the most boring and uninteresting answer is usually the correct one. Oh well, being optimistic can't hurt anybody, and besides, I don't have anything better to do anyways."

With these thoughts in mind, I clicked the button, hoping for the best, yet expecting the worst. Another message popped up, "You Can't Undo This Action, Do You Still Want To Continue?" Only 2 options remained on the screen, "Yes" and "No".

"Wow, way to sound ominous..." I whispered to myself, thinking about what might happen.

"If this really is what it says it is, I might actually get a chance to meet some, or maybe all of the operators. On top of that, I might get to learn about some of the classified backstories if I'm in the right place at the right time. Maybe I could kick some ass while I'm over there. I mean, the fact that I get to see a different world in itself is amazing, even though Terra may very well be a dystopian world. Besides, if I were to press 'No', then chances are, I probably won't get this chance again, and I'd probably never forgive myself for not choosing 'Yes', because I would possibly be passing up an opportunity of a lifetime." I silently thought.

"Fuck it. How could I possibly pass this opportunity up?" Once again stopping myself from shouting, I pressed the 'Yes' button.

"Please wait for a few minutes" It read. I waited a minute, not really expecting anything, when all of the sudden, my vision started... Glitching? It was as if I had just become the chosen one from "The Matrix", and I was seeing my surroundings in various codes.

Just as I got used to my glitchy vision, it was about a minute later that my vision went white. At that moment, I lost consciousness.

3rd Person POV

Two figures, one Cautus, and one Lung, both with long white and gray hair were walking down the street, going to group meeting. A gang of unlucky thugs decided that these two were perfect targets. "Alright you two! Give us your money! You're both infected, so we can take whatever we want from you!" One of them shouted. "Oh really?" The Lung spoke, preparing her arts, and getting ready to cast it. "Shit! She can use originium arts!? RUN!"

Just then, an ice wall formed around them, closing off their escape route. "Like either of us would let you get away after that." Stated the Cautus, who just casted the ice wall. "Disappear, scum. You can regret your choice while you burn in the flames." A wave of flames consumed the targets. "AAAAHHHH!" Their screams pierced the air. Not even half a minute later, they were dead. They melted under the sheer level of heat that consumed them.

"What a disappointment." The Lung spoke. The Cautus looked at her, wondering if she was actually being serious. "To be honest, you shouldn't be surprised. This is Victoria, after all. The 2nd most crime infested place in the world, after Syracuse. There are sure to be thugs and gangs around." The Cautus returned the conversation. "There's nothing left here for us. Let's head to the meeting."

With that they started walking down the street, the Lung taking the lead, with the Cautus following close behind. "Hmm?" The Lung looked into the alleyway she had almost walked past. "Who are these people who keep ending up in alleyways? It's particularly a lot more frequent in Victoria for some reason..." She walked into the alleyway, and examined the person that was lying on the ground. "Unconscious. I can't tell if he is infected or not, his clothes conceal him well." The Lung looked around when her colleague spoke. "Leave him. We should go now, we are going to be late." The Cautus was trying get her friend, and leader, to stop paying attention to this person, and focus on what was actually important. "Alright, let's go. Those who discriminate against the infected will pay. I personally, will make sure of that." With that, the pair left the alleyway.


I don't think I've ever done a better job at faking unconsciousness. "This is the first fucking minute being conscious and all, and I already see not only Talulah, but FrostNova as well? My bad luck surprises me yet again. Or maybe it's good luck? I mean, they'd have no reason to want to kill me, so I guess I'm fine. Still, I'm glad I resisted the urge to stretch and look around, as I probably would've been interrogated by those two. That aside..." I got up, and looked at my surroundings.

"Where is my phone? Why do I have a pair of visor-like sunglasses on? And most importantly, where am I? Some sort of alleyway? When I look outside of this alleyway, it looks fairly technologically advanced. Originium has to be the weirdest thing I've ever heard of. It's practically an endless source of power, but at what cost? But that aside, I thought I overheard her say something about Victoria, which I believe is this world's version of Britain. So maybe I can find the Glasgow gang if I stick around. And now that I think of it, I somehow managed to completely understand those two. To me it sounds like English, but it probably isn't to them. You know what? Why question it, it just happened, and nothing I do or say will change it, so forget about it. So, back to the phone searching..."

I checked myself from top to bottom, to no avail. "You've gotta be kidding me. I need to find my phone. That would make anything that comes my way a lot easier to handle. Oh right, my surroundings, I might find something."

Checkling my surroundings, I managed to find what looked like a phone, but it was way more technologically advanced than any phone that I might've previously owned. I started fidgeting with it, trying to get a feel for it's controls, and how exactly this thing worked.

"This is actually a really cool device. It can turn in to a tablet, and it can even project it's screen onto a surface. The main thing that gets me though, is the fact that this thing has limitless battery. No more charging, no more dying, and certainly no more Chromebook ads either! I like it! Well that settles that. Now, I know I have sunglasses on, but what about the rest of my clothes?"

Looking down at myself, I instantly recognized my favourite pair of running shoes, coloured a neon yellow, that had the ability to glow in the dark, even if only slightly.

I also had on a comfortable yet casual pair of black pants, a blue, grey and white hoodie, unzipping the hoodie, I found a white t-shirt underneath. I left the hood over my head, as I didn't really feel like flipping it down.

Thankfully it was fairly warm, aside from the slight temperature fluctuations that Talulah and FrostNova caused.

"Alright. I think it's time to step out of the alleyway. Also, considering the fact that Talulah and FrostNova went to the street behind me, I think I'll go to the much more lively looking street in front of me."

Walking towards the end of the alleyway, I stopped myself one last time. "Oh wait, what should I call myself? Definitely not my original name. Dumb bible names, so boring and overused. You know what, I'm going to call myself Lunar. Because why the fuck not? So Terra, prepare yourself, because Lunar is here."

And finally, I stepped out of the alleyway, and into the street. Looking around, I was completely flabbergasted. Only two words left my mouth:

"Fuck me."

A/N: Hahahaha! Evil cliffhanger, I know, but I couldn't resist. Anyways, I kind of wrote this when I got the idea, and I had to rewrite it a few times. Another thing, I had to interpret a few things:

-Talulah's race was never revealed, so based on her artwork, I noticed she had many similarities to Ch'en, who is also a Lung, so I went with that. (I thought she was a Sarkaz at first).

-Syracuse is supposedly filled with criminals, and the mafia thrives there. So I had initially planned on starting my OC in Syracuse, but I came to think against the idea, and decided to start my character off in Victoria instead.

-I'm also assuming that there are more than a few prominent gangs in Victoria, with Glasgow being the most prominent gang in Victoria. Also, at this current point in time, Siege hasn't met or fought with Indra yet, so Indra is the current leader of Glasgow. This is pre-cannon, it's just Lunar hasn't figured that out yet, but he will soon.

Also, we will be seeing more characters in the upcoming chapters. Now, the golden question: Pairings? To be honest, I'm not really sure, but I will take recommendations.

I'll try to update whenever I can. Don't get your hopes up though, I'm pretty slow, due to my life being an absolute torrent of crap right now.

Finally, I'm open to criticism, but just know that this is my first crack at writing a FanFiction, so hopefully it isn't too bad.