After the pep talk from Sero during dinner, Kirishima was feeling much better. He was determined to have his best friend back, and would have to do something about it.

He stayed in the cafeteria, Sero, Bakugou, and Ashido having left. He watched the table where Kaminari and Ojiro were sitting, until the two stood up, heading to put their trays away. Kirishima headed over, suddenly feeling less courageous. He stopped when Ojiro said something that made Kaminari laugh.

He couldn't do this. Kaminari was perfectly happy without him. He'd just end up making a fool of himself if he confronted him.

Disheartened, Kirishima turned around, ready to go back to his room and forget about this whole thing.

"Hey, Kiri, wait up!"

Red eyes widened as the voice called out to him. He looked back, seeing just a glimpse of Kaminari running towards him, before the blond practically tackled him in a one-armed hug.

"Where have ya been lately man? I've missed you!"

Kirishima couldn't find the words to say. He looked away, blushing as he tried to contain his excitement.

Kaminari raised an eyebrow. "You okay dude?"

"Yeah," the flustered boy replied simply. Kaminari felt so warm. He missed his hugs so much, and could hardly believe this was happening. He didn't want the feeling to end.

"You sure? You're not even looking at me. And you've been avoiding me lately." Kaminari frowned. "Did I do something to upset you?"

"No! Of course not!" His eyes were still on something else, not having the nerve to look at his friend.

Kaminari sighed. "If you say so. You don't seem to be in a talking mood right now, so I'll let you go."

The arm around him was now gone, the warmth disappearing with it. Why couldn't he bring himself to say something else? Kaminari thought he really was upset with him, when he was actually upset with himself for not being braver.

"Oh, before you go..."

Kirishima had no time to react before his chin was being grabbed, as Kaminari tilted his head down. His heart began racing and the blush on his face darkened.

"K-Kami?!" He didn't know what to do. Was the love of his life really about to kiss him? He had always dreamed about this moment, but didn't think it would ever happen. He couldn't believe-

"There you go!" Kaminari smiled as he held his hand out, his index finger and thumb holding something tiny. "You had some lint on your face. Well, goodnight."

Without another word, he walked off, Ojiro joining him.

"Lint?" Kirishima whispered, feeling like he was about to cry. Of course that was all it was. How dumb was he to think it could have been anything more? Like his friend would really be into him. "I'm such an idiot!" He ran off to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Next door, Bakugou sighed in frustration. "That's it."

He got his phone out and sent a text to Kaminari.

A few minutes later, Kirishima heard a knock at his door. He gasped and wiped the tears from his eyes, wondering who was there. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now. He didn't think he'd be able to keep himself together.

"Hey, it's me. Can I please come in?"

That voice was the source of his sorrow. He hadn't been expecting to see him again tonight. How could he possibly face him when he was this distraught? Several moments of silence went by, Kirishima hoping that the other boy had left by now. But that wasn't the case.

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you in any way. I miss my best friend. Please open the door."

Kirishima's chest tightened, and he held back the urge to cry again. He got up from his bed, taking a deep breath before he opened the door.

Kaminari greeted him with a warm smile, but concern was also written all over his face. Kirishima stepped back to let him in, then went to sit on his bed, looking at the floor.

The door was heard being closed, and then the weight of someone else beside him on the bed was felt.

Kirishima spoke up after a moment. "So... I'm still your best friend?"

Kaminari wrapped an arm around him. "Of course you are! Why would you think otherwise?"

Kirishima still couldn't bring himself too look up. "You've been spending so much time with Ojiro. I just thought-"

"Ojiro's a great guy, but he could never replace you. I didn't think much of it at first. I just started hanging out with him more, and our groups separated. I wasn't intentionally trying to avoid you or the others. But now I realize I probably seemed like a jerk."

"No! You're not! I didn't want to bother you guys, so I distanced myself. I did miss you a lot, but I wanted you to have the chance to be with other friends aside from us." Kirishima finally looked up into those sparkling golden eyes, his heart skipping a beat.

"You could never bother me silly." Kaminari made his free hand into a fist and gave Kirishima a noogie, messing his hair up.

"Hey!" Kirishima giggled, all the sadness being melted away.

Kaminari smiled, his arm tightening around Kirishima. "It's so nice to see you happy again. I could tell something was off with you. Even when Ojiro and I were with the rest of you, you were unusually quiet. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm really sorry man."

"It's alright. I should have said something. I was just afraid of what you would think."

"You think I would judge you for wanting to hang out again?"

"It's not just that." He was beginning to feel nervous again, not sure how he would be able to get through this next part.

"Then what?" Kaminari stared at him, kindness in his eyes. He placed his hand on Kirishima's. "You can tell me anything. I won't judge you."

Kirishima nodded, swallowing hard. "The truth is... I-"

Kaminari waited patiently, not wanting to rush him. He would give him all the time he needed.

Kirishima sighed before continuing, looking right at Kaminari. "I've been jealous." He felt heat rush to his cheeks, but he didn't stop. "I keep seeing you play with Ojiro's tail, and I- Well, I wanted you to give me that kind of attention." His face was burning right now, and his heart felt like it would beat out of his chest.

Kaminari was shocked. He didn't know what to say, but his friend wasn't finished.

"I wore my hair down because I was hoping you'd play with it like you did with Ojiro's tail. I was even going to ask him what kind of shampoo and conditioner he uses that night we all played games together. I know it's ridiculous! I feel so stupid saying it out loud! But I- I really like you Kami. No, it's more than that. I think I'm in love with you. Your bright smile and contagious laughter are always running through my mind. We could joke around any time, and I wanted that back. I needed my best friend back, more than anything in the world. And I thought of what it would be like to be more than that."

His stomach was in knots at this point, and he felt hot all over. He wished he could take back everything he just said, but it was too late. Kaminari hadn't said a word, too stunned to come up with a reply. Kirishima knew that he had ruined any chance of their friendship being repaired.

"Y-You should go now. I understand that you don't want to be near me anymore." His heart began to break as he said that. He felt tears well up in his eyes again.

He expected Kaminari to leave immediately, or say something hurtful to him, but he didn't. Instead, he felt a warm embrace.

Kaminari had wrapped both arms around him tightly, and his cheek was nuzzled against his own.

"You're wrong. Your feelings aren't ridiculous, and I'm not going to leave you. Nothing could ever make me want to stop being friends with you."

Tears fell down Kirishima's cheeks, and he shut his eyes, letting Kaminari hug him.

"I had no idea you felt that way about me. But you know what? It doesn't bother me one bit. I'm incredibly lucky that such an amazing guy likes me." He brought a thumb up to Kirishima's face, wiping away his tears.

Kirishima opened his eyes, smiling. "We're still best buds then?"

Kaminari nodded. "But we can also be more than that. How about best brofriends?"

Kirishima laughed, the tears that were falling now from joy. "I'd love that."

"Good." Kaminari leaned forward slowly, closing his eyes as he caressed the redhead's cheek. Kirishima closed his eyes as well, shaking from joy and anxiety. He didn't want to mess this up.

He soon felt a soft pressure on his lips, and he reciprocated, the two of them staying like that for a few moments before pulling away.

"Wow. That kiss just cured me of all the pain I've ever felt in my life," Kirishima stated, looking like he had just won the lottery.

"You're such a dork." Kaminari playfully punched him in the arm. They both laughed.

Next door, Bakugou was very pleased with himself. "Well, it sounds like those two morons finally worked things out."

Now that Kirishima and Kaminari were together, they would often be found cuddling in each other's rooms after class. Once Kirishima's hair was washed and dried for the evening, he would lie back, head against his boyfriend's chest, and be completely absorbed in relaxation as Kaminari's fingers threaded through the crimson locks.

Sometimes he would fall asleep like that, and Kaminari never had the heart to move him, so he'd stay the night, keeping Kirishima in his arms.

Kirishima also started wearing his hair down during the day, at Kaminari's request.

"Your hair is so beautiful Eiji. You should leave it down more often," he had said. Kirishima was perfectly fine with that. It saved him time getting ready in the mornings, and made it easy for Kaminari to play with his hair, even during school hours.

Ojiro wasn't forgotten about, however. He was still as close as ever to not only Kaminari, but also to Kirishima, and the rest of the Bakusquad. They would all play with his tail, to his delight. There was no need for Kirishima to be jealous anymore, since he got plenty of attention from Kaminari now. They both adored Ojiro's tail, and would play with it any chance they got. After all, it was what got them together in the first place. It deserved all the affection possible.

"I still can't believe this ball of fluff is the reason we're a couple," Kaminari said one afternoon while he and Kirishima were petting the hair of Ojiro's tail.

"Yeah. This'll be a great story to tell our kids one day. Uh, i-if we ever decide to have them, that is." A bright blush appeared on Kirishima's face.

Kaminari laughed, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek.

"I think you guys like my tail more than me," Ojiro announced, pouting.

"Nah, we love you too!" Kaminari wrapped an arm around his shoulder, and Kirishima did the same. They both started playing with the hair on his head, and he shook his head in amusement, smiling at his two silly friends.

A/N: I have many more KiriKami ideas, and can't wait to share them.

I hope you enjoyed the story!

I also made three drawings to go along with it. Unfortunately you can't post images or links on here, so you'll have to go to my DeviantArt (Zinka17) or Twitter (Zinka_17) to see them.