It doesn't seem to take as long to get from LanLinJin to QingHeNie as it did to get from YunmengJiang to LanLinJin. This is probably because he didn't detour into the wrong sect's territory like he did with GusuLan and the much more serious attitude Lan Jin has. Not that the travel was completely uncomfortable- the brothers diffused the tension without batting an eye.

Even with the faster pace, it still takes them several days to traverse the route on foot. Lan Zai complains that they should just fly but the others agree with Wen Ning that it would probably only slow them down. Lan Zai is still convinced that he could easily carry Wen Ning.

Wen Ning is not convinced.

The first person they find of any importance is, surprisingly, Nie Huaisang. The Sect heir is accompanied by a disciple Wen Ning doesn't believe he's met before, in this life or the last. He's kind enough to show them to first an inn, where they rent a room for a few nights, and then to Nie MingJue.

Nie MingJue, who is just as terrifying as Wen Ning remembers, even if he had really only interacted with the man's fierce corpse. He does let them speak with Meng Yao, though, so that's good. Even if he and Nie Huaisang and Nie Huaisang's bodyguard-maybe-also-boyfriend will be supervising.

"Hello Meng Yao," Wen Ning says politely. After all- when in doubt, be polite so that nobody finds a reason to stab-or-otherwise-maim you!

"Hello," Meng Yao returns, just as polite. "Do I know you?"

"Uhm- no, not really," Wen Ning says, embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head with one hand. "I'm Wen Qionglin and these are Lan Jin, Lan ZhiNa, and Lan ZhiHao. I actually wanted to talk with you about something of- of a fair amount of importance."

"Ah, ok. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"How would you feel about helping me plan a coup against Wen RouHan?" He might rush through the words a little. It's not his fault, ok! He's just… a little nervous. He's definitely not at all scared that this was all a mistake and that someone is going to inform Wen RouHan of his plan and he's going to get killed and then all of this would have been for nothing and-

Breath. Right.

"What?" Meng Yao says, blindsided. It's echoed, if not verbally then spiritually, by the others in the room.

Wen Ning manages to explain his plan, as broken and not-at-all working as it is, to everyone well enough that they understand what he's saying. He also heavily implies that if they don't plan a coup or some other way to kill Wen RouHan, the man is going to enact war on every single sect.

He'd win too, if this Wei Ying doesn't follow in the footsteps of his predecessor and cultivate Demonic Energy.

Everyone is suitably convinced and Nie MingJue nearly orders Meng Yao to help, not that he needs much convincing.

All in all, it works out surprisingly well. Even Jin Lin stops being grumpy with him! It's great. He's so proud.