Wen Ning is tired. Not tired as in he wants to sleep but tired as in mentally. He's lived too long, feels too much like a rag soaked through and wrung out, has lost too many loved ones. Still, Wei WuXian still has need of him and he's nothing if not loyal. He will work himself in nonexistence to keep his Young Master and Hanguang-jun alive and safe. He's aware Wei WuXian would likely do the same no, particularly after he came back from the dead. He was unaware Wei WuXian would go to lengths such as these. Still, he will do the best he can manage.

The first time Wen Ning failed Wei WuXian, Jiang Yanli ended up dead. He had wanted to do anything he could to make it up to Wei WuXian, to somehow change what had happened. There was no time, and Wen Ning was forced from his Young Master's side.

The second time Wen Ning failed Wei WuXian, Wei WuXian himself had died. He had watched it, unable to do anything. He had been useless. A little kid playing at responsibility. Wei WuXian had stayed dead for 16 years, far too many in Wen Ning's opinion. Wei WuXian had made mistakes, yes, but he had been a good man, he had only wanted the best for his family and he had torn himself apart to get it.

Wen Ning is far less heroic. He was unable to make a difference when it truly counted, was unable to pledge himself holy and unhesitatingly after it was already too late. This time, however… this time would be different. He would do what he had to. He was prepared to give his flesh, blood, and soul to make sure those who had been wrong would not be so again.

He would do what he could and, hopefully, he would change things for the better.

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