Hermione was sick and tired of fighting. It didn't matter what she did...it was never enough. She wrote Harry's and Ron's homework, coached them for exams, did all the dirty work in taking care of them, fished them out of trouble...and never got the credit for any of it.

Hermione was beyond over being taken for granted...knowing that her Muggleborn status would leave her as a permanent third class citizen in Wizarding Britain, scraping together some sort of life, at the bottom of the totem pole, time and time again. "Hermione, the Mudblood"...good enough for all the dangerous and/or the shit jobs that come around but shoved back down into "her place" when it was time for the acknowledgement and accolades.

Well..that stopped here. She couldn't stay any longer...not after what happened last night. All along she begged the Order to help protect her parents from the Dark Lord since she herself was a target just behind Harry but time and time again they brushed her off. And then last night happened. Ronald Weasley...aka "a greedy gut, cowardly, scumbag weasel with a big mouth"...carelessly muttered about the parents of Potter's Mudblood and a listening ear heard every single word of his drunken muttering. That was all it took...loose lips...and her parents were killed brutally.

She had come home to see the Dark Mark in the sky, her house demolished, and her parents...in bits and pieces. This didn't have to happen...but the Order didn't give a damn about her or her family...so why should she give a damn about them? Screw the Order...the so-called "light side"...this was the final straw that broke the camel's back and she was so gone...

So Hermione uttered "Incendio Tria". She directed it to surround her former home and burn everything within the perimeter to ashes, including her parents, before ending the spell. Then she focused her magic on the Dark Mark in the sky and obliterated it. This way no one would ever know what happened at the Granger home on that evil night as there was no evidence to say what had happened. People might suspect something but for all they knew, it was a simple house fire that killed off her parents. Hermione though knew differently.

This was not the time for tears though. She wiped the tears from her face and put on a polite, social mask, before heading back to Grimmauld Place. Once there, she became the life of the party...smiling, laughing, joking with the others, while inside she was secretly crying. Finally it became late enough for her to use the time as an excuse to go to bed, saying that she might go jogging in the morning.