Author's Notes:

My knowledge of Miraculous Ladybug goes up until the end of Season 1. After that, I disliked how things were going, and lost interest in the show. So, fair warning.

So this is an idea that I had and I really wanted to write it down. It's rougher than I'd like, and I'm not sure that I'll have any plans to make it more than a one-shot. The concept itself just really wanted to be written, and I wanted to get it out there.

I've always liked the idea of one of the good guys getting the Butterfly Miraculous and working with a partner. Izuku seemed to be a good match for it since I've seen both Izuku and Nooroo described as cinnamon rolls, and one of the main things that Izuku is known for is for inspiring and uplifting people, which is what a butterfly is supposed to do.

As for the other two people I chose? I just matched the miraculous with their quirk.

Potential Hero name: Viceroy

Reason: A viceroy butterfly mimics monarch butterflies, and people can't tell the difference between the two. With the Butterfly Miraculous, Izuku would probably go with the idea that he's mimicking the ability to have a quirk, with nobody else able to tell the difference.

Midoriya Izuku was not having a very good day.

Now, to be fair, most days hadn't been terribly good lately, ever since Kacchan had declared him to be just a 'Deku' all those years ago and started a years long bullying campaign against him for reasons that he couldn't figure out.

But today definitely seemed to take the cake.

First, he had been on his way to school when there was a villain attack that blocked the nearest path, which caused him to be late to class.

(Though he might have exacerbated the issue by sticking around to take notes on the fight… He couldn't find it in himself to regret his decision.)

Unfortunately, this caused the teachers to become upset at his tardiness, drawing everybody's attention to him. Then, after class, Kacchan had blown up in his face and shouted at him for trying to become a hero again.

He must have been more upset than usual, because Kacchan had taken the hero journal Izuku had used to take notes and ripped it up before stomping away with his chortling friends.

After that he realized that he had forgotten to pack any food, so he wasn't able to eat anything for lunch. Which normally wouldn't have bothered him too much, and he would usually just spend the time going over his hero notes… which… Kacchan… had just… destroyed…

After classes his day started turning up, and he managed to slip out without being seen, and had actually managed to help an older man make it across the street! Sure, it sounded like a small thing, but heroes did good deeds no matter how big or small they were.

He had spent some time in the woods trying to piece together his journal again, but then it started raining, and he didn't have an umbrella… So he had to race home with a torn and wet journal.

Oh, and he was sopping wet himself. Did he mention that part?

So there he was, trying to push down the depression of the day while getting dressed into normal clothing, and he had spotted a strange jewelry box on his bed… Why was it strange you might ask? Well, Izuku certainly didn't own any jewelry, and he wasn't aware of his Mom owning anything like it either.

So, definitely strange.

After staring at the box for a bit, he finally decided to open the box, only to see a purple brooch, followed by a bright flare of light, zipping up and fading into a small purple creature with butterfly wings looking at him with a warm smile.

"Hello Izuku!" The little being chirped, happy and eager.

Now, it might seem harsh, but Izuku thought that it was perfectly natural for him to freak out at this point, throwing the box away as he gaped at the little creature while scrambling away.

It was at this point that Izuku determined that today was not a very good day. How did one tell their mother that they were experiencing hallucinations? It didn't sound like it would be an easy task…

Nooroo looked at the green haired teenager with growing worry as he felt the panic the poor boy was feeling, and he quickly tried to calm him down.

"Woah woah woah!" The little creature felt close to panicking himself, and he waved his hands in front of Izuku desperately, "I-it's nothing like that!" He said desperately, "My name is Nooroo, and I'm a kwami! You're not hallucinating anything!"

Izuku looked at the creature, the 'kwami', while pressed up against his wall. He stared for a few seconds before gulping, "W-well, what if you're a hallucination that's just telling me that you're not a hallucination?" He asked defensively, looking at his door longingly.

Nooro shrugged helplessly, "Well, if that's the case, then running away isn't likely to accomplish anything," He chuckled apologetically, "B-but don't worry!" He said hastily, "I'm not going to hurt you or anything, I'm here to help!"

He saw Izuku take a few deep breaths and felt the panic start to die down, and Nooroo breathed a sigh of relief before perking up at Izuku's next question.

"Help me? What do you mean? And h-how do you know my name?" He blinked a couple of times, trying to get his maybe hallucinogenic thoughts in order, "And what's a kwami?"

Nooroo flew over to the other wall where the box and brooch had been thrown, and he picked it up and placed it on top of the messy bed, straightening it so that Izuku could see the brooch inside.

"I'm Nooroo, a kwami," he repeated, "A kwami is a creature that was made a very long time ago to help and protect humanity." He gave a gentle smile towards Izuku as he felt his interest begin to grow.

"Each kwami is bound to a jewel like this," he continued, gesturing to the brooch beside him, "And during certain time periods, people are chosen to wield these jewels and can use our powers to be heros!" He finished brightly.

He flew closer to Izuku slowly, mindful of being slow to avoid startling the boy again, "I know your name because you're a potential Butterfly! Capable of wielding the Butterfly miraculous!" He stated brightly, looking at him with shining eyes.

Izuku froze at that, the thoughts in his mind seeming to crash against each other.

A chance to be a hero? Somebody actually believed that he could be a hero?!

He desperately pushed back the hope and focused on the impossibility before him. "I-I'm sorry, but that's not possible," He said hesitantly, "I mean, unless you're part of somebodies quirk, but you said that you were made a long time ago so that doesn't seem likely, but if you were made that long ago than surely somebody would have caught on before now and realized that you existed and if that had happened then -"

Nooroo desperately waved his hands in front of Izuku once again to stop the rambling, looking a bit overwhelmed at the mumbling Izuku was doing. "We've always been hidden from most people," Nooroo quickly said, before looking depressed. "For every good person in the world, there's always people who try to take advantage of our powers." He said quietly, looking so sad that Izuku felt bad for the little guy.

Standing up, Izuku cautiously approached his bed where the purple brooch lay and stared at it for a few seconds. "So, if I wear this thing, then I'll gain powers?" He asked the kwami with raw hope in his voice, "Like a Quirk?"

The words from earlier still echoed in his head, the chance to be a hero. His dream, something he had desperately desired for years but had been told was an impossibility by everybody that he knew.

Nooroo had no way to know about that, but could sense the turmoil within the boy all the same and could make a guess on what his life had been like before this.

Even when the miraculi were dormant, the Guardian made sure that they were brought up to speed on what was going on in the world before he gave them to the chosen. He also needed to confirm with the kwami that the person could make a connection with the miraculous.

He buzzed sympathetically and gave a gentle smile to the teen, "Yes," he confirmed, "If you accept, then you'll have the power of the Butterfly Miraculous, and have the power to help other people!"

Tears started leaking from Izuku's eyes, and Nooroo would have been worried had he not felt the surge of overwhelming happiness flow out of the boy, filling Nooroo with delight at the amount of positive emotions.

"S-somebody, *sniff!* somebody actually b-believes that I can be a hero?" Izuku sniffled with a fragile look, and Nooroo giggled softly and floated over to him, rubbing his head against Izuku's hair.

"Yep," He beamed, "The Guardian wouldn't have given you the miraculous if he didn't think that you would be up to it, and I can just feel that you'll make a good Butterfly!" He leaned back and looked at the boy, "So, do you accept?"

Izuku gave a watery smile at that, his emerald eyes shining eagerly, and gave a swift nod as he wiped at his eyes.

"Y-yes! I accept!"

At the Yaoyorozu Mansion

Momo alternated between looking at the small red flying creature that was beaming at her from across her bed and the earrings in her hand, feeling a little overwhelmed at the information that she'd been given.

"But how did this Guardian know about me?" She asked in confusion, "And how does he know that I would make a good wielder?"

The kwami, Tikki, she recalled, gave an apologetic look and a shrug, "I'm sorry, I"m not sure how he determined that. All I know is that he woke me up not too long ago and showed you to me and asked me what I thought." Her look changed into a smile, "I could tell right away that you would make a great Ladybug!"

Momo placed her hands in her lap, a conflicted look on her face. "But, I haven't done anything…" she struggled for a word for a moment, "Worthy!" She concluded, "I mean, I know that I want to be a hero, and I do plan on applying to U.A., but I haven't, well, done anything!" She finished nervously.

Tikki gave her a knowing smile, "But you want to be a hero, don't you?" She asked, causing Momo to look away before giving a small nod.

Tikki flew around the large room, gesturing to everything, "I can tell just from looking that you're, well… Well off." She stated, giving a small chuckle and causing Momo to flush. "You probably don't have to work, and if you did you'd have your choice of profession to go into, wouldn't you? And with your quirk, I'm sure that many industries would love to have you!"

Momo was embarrassed at the mention of her family's wealth, but nodded in assent. Her parents had actually wanted her to follow in their footsteps and take over the business.

Tikki finished her circuit of the room and flew back over to Momo, practically vibrating with a happiness that was almost contagious. "But instead, you want to take the harder path and help others!" She concluded brightly, "You have the desire to help others, and with how complex your quirk is you have to not only be hard working, but smart as well! To remember how to make everything that you have? That's amazing!" Momo watched as the kwami zipped around her giggling, "I think that you have all of the qualities to make an amazing Ladybug!"

For a moment, Momo didn't say anything as she watched the little creature in shock. She had never heard somebody praise her abilities like that.

Oh, she had heard a lot of people tell her what an amazing quirk she had, but they never seemed to realize the amount of effort that it took for her to memorize anything that she wanted to create, nor the headache that came from trying to ensure she didn't create too much and cause harm to herself.

To be acknowledged for her own efforts like that… It felt nice, and Momo felt herself smile along with the kwami.

"Alright," She said with renewed confidence, "If you're sure about this, then I accept."

"I'll become Ladybug."

At the League of Villains Headquarters

Shigaraki glared at the black blob that resembled a cat and the silver ring that was in his hands, and the cat glared back with scornful eyes.

"So," he said with restrained frustration, "What exactly do you do?"

The cat yawned in his face and turned away, causing Shigaraki's patience to break, and his hand slammed down on the table, causing the entire thing to decay underneath the cat.

Unflinching, the cat didn't even bother moving, and simply hovered after the table disappeared. He did grace Shigaraki with another scornful look though.

"Wow, so impressive. If only I could do that." The cat stretched and flicked his tail towards Shigaraki's chair, "Oh wait," he snickered, "I can."

The chair disintegrated, causing Shigaraki to fall on his rear, and he glared at the creature.

"Master," he growled, looking towards a screen, "I fail to see why you would give me this… thing. I know that having high tiered gear is important, but giving me an item that already does what I do seems wasteful." He stared at the screen, ignoring the scoff from the cat.

Soon, a deep laugh came from the speaker, and the cat hissed. "Patience Shigaraki," The voice stated, "There are other… benefits, that come with the ring. Plus, I think that you'll find that his ability and yours combined will provide an interesting fusion."

The growling from the cat became more vicious, "ONLY for our Chosen!" He yowled angrily, eyes glaring at the man in front of him. "And you don't pass scrutiny. No matter how much Camembert you can provide!" He sniffed.

Before Shigaraki could retaliate the voice cut in, "Trust me Shigaraki, right now you are formidable, but this ring will be the cheat code in this game that we play." The voice stated smoothly.

Plagg growled in annoyance. He always hated when he was the one that was abused. He could swear that it happened more often than any of the others… Except for maybe Nooroo.

And to make it worse, the guy that was going to wear his ring was an adult with the mind of a broken kid.

He could already foresee headaches in his future from this.

On the bright side, these kinds usually got caught pretty quickly, and the Guardian would collect the miraculous once more.

But on the downside (because of COURSE there was a downside, being the embodiment of bad luck!) the man child was being directed by a silver tongued smart guy, which lowered the chances of him getting caught.

The guy was clearly used to dealing with the crazy would-be wielder, being able to manipulate him like he was making the most delicate of cheese.

Thankfully, Plagg had plenty of experience of his own with manipulating, and he had many more years to draw upon. He doubted he could stop the man child from becoming his wielder eventually, but he could throw up some road blocks at least.

Looking up and giving Shigaraki the flattest look he could manage he stated in a bland tone, "Use my ring, and I get to decide how you look. How would you like to be in a leather clad magic girl outfit?"

Ah, that was a sad time for him, but it had made his wielder at the time so happy, and she ended up giving him sooo much cheese, so it was worth the loss of his dignity.

The man stared at Plagg in shock for a bit before cursing and throwing the ring to the opposite wall, causing Plagg to snicker and the man on the screen to sigh loudly.

He might be forced to help them against his will, but if he had anything to say about it they weren't going to enjoy one moment of it.


Combat Training Class:

Ochako looked around the room nervously, trying to think of a strategy to keep the 'heroes' from getting the rocket.

She and Izuku had been chosen as the villains in this round, and although she was disappointed that they had to pretend to be villains she was excited to work with Izuku! He was a smart guy, but he was also her first friend here!

She looked at him and admired his suit once more. It looked like a fancy purple and black suit with a butterfly jewel around his neck. He also wore a metal mask that covered the upper part of his face, but left his fluffy hair alone. For a weapon, it looked like he had some kind of cane.

Oh! And he had all of these white butterflies just flying all around him! Ok, so she had no idea how butterflies could help them win this situation, but they were so pretty! She was so going to make him bring them out again after this so she could properly enjoy the sight.

Currently, the butterflies were flying around him like they were agitated. Oh, maybe it was because Izuku was nervous? He kept on mumbling about a whole bunch of stuff that she couldn't hear. Honestly, she was getting a little worried for her friend.

Reaching out, she shook Izuku's shoulder, causing him to jump and spin around, his face flushing when he saw her.

"S-sorry!" He yelped, looking down with red cheeks.

She giggled at his reaction before looking at him curiously, "So did you come up with a plan in your mumbling?" She asked, before blinking in surprise. "Actually, what is your quirk exactly? It never really came up, and I don't think I saw you use it during the quirk assessment besides when you grew big butterfly wings for a couple of the tests."

Izuku glanced around nervously and licked his lips, "Well, actually, my q-quirk could be really useful in this situation. As for what it'll do? Well… I'm not sure yet."

"Huh?" Ochako asked in confusion, only to watch in surprise as Izuku reached out and let one of the butterflies land on his palm. He put his hand over the butterfly, and she saw a purple glow come from his hand, and when he removed his hand the white butterfly had turned purple.

Giving her a nervous smile, he extended the purple butterfly to her. "Ochako, will you be my Champion?"

Although she heard the words, Ochako's attention was on the butterfly itself. Somehow, she felt that she could feel Izuku's emotions through the butterfly.

The desire to succeed.

His determination.

His desire for her to accept this gift, to help her.

Slowly, as if in a trance, she reached out and touched the butterfly, feeling a pulse of some kind of energy as she did so, and it gently flew up and touched the neck portion of her costume, melting into it.

Right after that, a wave of purple smoke engulfed her.

At the same time, outside the building

Iida Tenya looked at his partner with some misgiving. While he was glad that he was the hero in this situation, Bakagou made it hard for him to feel like he was the good guy when he was working with him.

"So, do you have a plan on how to find the bomb?" Iida asked hopefully. The blonde did score near the top for the quirk assessment test and with the entrance exam, so he must have -

"Tch! Just don't get in my way, Glasses!" Katsuki growled, "I'm gonna find Deku and destroy him! Remind him why he's beneath me! Then I'll just walk around till Round Face shows her face and then kill her too! If she's smart and wants to hide, then I'll just find the bomb and touch it. Pathetically easy!" He scoffed.

Iida looked at Katsuki in alarm. "Bakugo! It's not appropriate to say that you'll kill our classmates!" He stated sharply, "But don't you think they can still give you trouble? They are our classmates after all, and as heroes it would be irresponsible for us to underestimate a villain!"

Katsuki rounded on Iida and glared at him viciously, "Look Glasses, I don't care what kind of support gear Deku managed to get his hands on, he's still a worthless freak!" He retorted heatedly, "And all Round Face can do is make me weightless. Hah!" He flicked a finger and a small explosion appeared and his grin turned bloodthirsty, "That'll just make it easier for me to fly around to beat the shit out of her!"

Before Iida could reply to that, the ground began to shake, causing both he and Katsuki had to reach out to a nearby building to steady themselves. Looking forward, they felt their eyes drop open in shock.

The ground around the building that the Villains were in began to crack, and with deceptive slowness the entire building and foundation began to lift up from the ground, bits and pieces of concrete falling down from the main structure as it levitated.

Five feet.

Ten feet.

Twenty feet.

Thirty feet high, and the multistory building finally stopped, simply floating there high above their heads.

"Wow! This was even better than I was expecting!"

Both Iida and Katsuki were snapped out of their shock at the sound of the cheerful voice, and they looked up to see -

"O-Ochako?" Iida said incredulously, his forehead scrunched up in confusion.

The girl certainly looked like the friend he had made the other day, but her outfit was completely different from what it was before. Instead of the pink and white astronaut themed outfit, now she was wearing a black and silver outfit, with three glowing dark pink circles going across her chest.

Looking at the outfit, the first thing that he thought of was that Ochako looked a lot more comfortable moving around in this new outfit, and with the protective bandages around her knuckles it looked like she was prepared to physically fight them.

A black mask was on her face, and she was grinning down at them with excitement.

"Nope!" She cheerfully stated, "Right now, I'm, um…" She put a finger to her chin for a moment in thought. "Graviton?" She mused, before shaking her head in denial. "Gravity Brawler." She decided, looking down at them while getting in a fighting pose.


"Soooo, are you going to find a way to come up here heroes?" She asked awkwardly after a few seconds of nothing happening, "Or are you going to surrender? Cause I'll accept that too!"

With that, Iida practically heard something in his partner snap, and with a roar and explosion that deafened him, Katsuki blasted forward, using his explosions to blast himself up to the foundation where he grabbed a piece of concrete that was sticking out and swung himself up.

Iida, on the other hand, was blasted back by the explosion. Dazed and deafened, he could only shake his head to try to clear it.

What on earth is going on?

Katsuki swung up onto the floating platform in a rage, glaring at Round Face.

He didn't care what support gear Deku had given her, he was still going to show her her place for taunting him!

Despite his snarl, Ochako smiled cheerfully at him and got into a fighting position once more, "I think you left your partner hero," she taunted with a smirk, "Are you sure that you're good enough to take me on by yourself?"

At this, Katsuki saw red, and his teeth gritted hard enough that they could be heard. Instead of answering, he blasted forward and swung hard at her, shouting "You're NOTHING compared to me! Now DIE!"

Had he been in a more stable mindset, he would have probably wondered about the glowing mask that appeared over Ochako's face briefly, before she suddenly grabbed his arm, twisting and slamming the teen against the floor.

She quickly danced away and giggled, "Wow! Viceroy was right, you are too predictable!"

Picking himself up, he quickly launched at her again, only for her to dodge the attack and press her hand against his stomach in an open palm strike.

Katsuki was expecting the feeling of weightlessness. He wasn't lying earlier - and had figured he could just use his explosions to fly, rendering her quirk ineffective.

He definitely wasn't expecting to feel the weight of a building press down on his entire body, causing him to collapse against the ground.

"W-what is t-this?!" He managed to growl out, feeling his anger spike when Ochako hummed thoughtfully.

"What? I didn't really like it when you said I was nothing!" She said with a pout, "After all, gravity is a true fundamental force, isn't it? And right now?" She looked down at Katsuki as she extended her arms with a smile and started to fly.

"I am it's master."

Author's Notes:

I give thanks to my brother (Autumnstar) and sisters (CaptainDarkElf, Running_Coyote, and Crazed_Weirdo) for reading through this for me. :)