Senki Zessho Symphogear: A Cybernetic Touch

~A tale of the valkyries and the beasts that follow them…~

Chapter 1: Progrise of Touch -The Grasshopper's Leap of Faith-

WARNING: I own none of these characters sides from my OC(s). All rights go to their respective owners and properties.

This is nothing more than, well a fanfic, a story made up by a fan for entertainment and knowledge.

Everything in this fic is not canon and is only meant to give the audience a new idea of the works of each of the franchises in this story.

So please support me, my work and have some fun. Now enjoy the story. ^w^

As the afternoon came around, it seemed to be a very busy day. Out near the coast line was a very special, and large building. It was mostly held for events, movies and more for the public. But today it was being held by a very famous idol group known as Zwei Wing. And of course, it was packed like any great concert was.

Though outside, waiting to get their tickets and seats were two young teens. One was a male, with dirty yet messy blonde hair, with blue eyes and glasses on. He was wearing a lime green shirt that had a depiction of a grasshopper on it, while having shorts.

And next to him was a young girl with dark orange eyes with short cream colored hair fastened with two red clips on either side of her head. She was wearing a sundress as she seemed to be on the phone with someone as the young boy stood next to her.

"Miku, I thought we were going to meet at the stadium for this concert?" The girl questioned this Miku person on the other line.

"G-Gomen, Hibiki. My aunt had an accident, so my father is going to drive me and the others there to visit her." The girl known as Miku responded on the other line.

"Aw, but Cody-san and I don't even know this idol group! After all, you're the one who invited us to this!" Hibiki Tachibana whined out loudly. "We don't even know this group other than what the tickets told us…"

"Gomen…" Miku apologized once more, "But think of it this way. It has been awhile since you and Cody been alone together. Maybe this can be a good experience for you both?"

"EEEEHHH?! W-W-W-Why would you say something like that, Miku!" Hibiki cried out loudly with a blush on her face, only now gaining the attention of the young male, Cody Aldrich, next to her as he looked confused by her outcry.

"I promise, I'll repay you two for this later. Just have fun, okay?"

"F-F-Fine… but you owe us, Miku!" Hibiki responded with a huff.

"See you two later!"


"I must be cursed or something…" Hibiki muttered with a sigh.

The call was done as Hibiki sighed, putting away her Risephone as the young man walked over.


"She… had to cancel because of a family accident."

Cody groaned out, rubbing his arm softly with discomfort, "Seriously? Miku should know that we only came 'cause she didn't want to be alone." He said with some annoyance.

"She promised she'll repay us for having to cancel." Hibiki stated.

"Are you sure we can't just go?" He questioned the girl.

"Of course not! We're all the way here after all. Sides, we should at least see this idol group." Hibiki said, putting on a smile as Cody began to relax.

"I… suppose so." He said in agreement.

"Hey, I know you don't like being in super large crowds. But I'm here, ok?" Hibiki reminded him as she did her best to make a smile to relieve him of his stress.

Cody could only smile back softly as he nodded, "Yeah… I guess so." He said with a nod.

Meanwhile, a young boy was tapping his foot impatiently for something backstage.

He had silver hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a normal navy blue suit with a strange gun holster on the side of his belt.

"Go to the concert the old man said, you need to stretch your legs he said…" he grumbled to himself in a Brooklyn accent, "Yeah, we'll see about that you piece of-"

"Language!" a voice called out to him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Standing nearby was a young woman, in her mid-teens, with messy red hair and a cloak over her body, keeping what seemed to be an outfit secret. She had a bit of a tomboy nature to her, as she had a soft smirk on her face.

"You know that uncle wouldn't like you shooting off that potty mouth of yours, bro…" she told him as he visibly rolled his eyes

"Can't you just try to be nicer to him, Kanade?" Another voice called out, as another cloaked woman came out, but she had long blue hair, in the shape of a musical note, but she seemed a bit more meek than Kanade.

"You know I can't Tsubasa, even if he's my brother." Kanade Amou responded, "Gotta keep him on his toes at all times."

She soon smirked, "Ain't that right Balto?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep yanking on my chain…" the boy , Balto Asimov, grumbled.

Kanade had a soft frown as she walked over to him, hugging him gently, "I know you still don't feel like that, since we're not related by blood. But I assure you, you are a brother to me, and one I'll stick by no matter what."

The boy soon sighed, "I'll hold you to that. If not, then I'll be dragging you out of whatever afterlife there is myself…"

"Heh, I can't argue with that." She winked playfully, "Now, get to your vip seat. We need to get ready."

"Right." He nodded softly.

"Just wait, I promise that we'll treat you to something later. So don't go anywhere, pupper." She said with a wink, using the nickname he hates to hear.

"Don't you dare call me by that name!" he barked, no pun intended, "It's embarrassing!"

"Aw, why not? You would be a cute dog." Kanade teased with a giggle. However the boy was just red in the face at the nickname with fury in his eyes.

"Stop teasing me like that, woman! I hate it when you treat me like a stupid child!" the boy shouted at the top of his lungs before storming off, hands in his pockets.

"H-Hey! Balto!" Kanade tried to call out, but he was out of sight as she sighed. "Guess I went too far again, huh?"

Tsubasa merely slapped her palm onto her face, "Come on… we can talk to him later."

Back at the seating area, Hibiki and Cody were moving through the crowd to find their seats. Both of them with glow sticks as they soon find where they were seated, as they took their seats within the stadium.

"Man… this place is packed." Cody muttered, "This Zwei Wing group must be very popular."

"Yeah, at least we get to see what makes them so popular?" Hibiki smiled.

Soon the inner lights of the stadium began to dim, as the crowd went quiet. In moments, light poured down onto the two idols, wearing a very angelic, feathery dress for their performance as they began to sing. The two friends cracked their glow sticks as they waved them a bit, even though they were starting to get involved with the beat of the music.

As the two idols sang and danced, the ceiling of the stadium lit up before breaking apart to reveal the sunset while they sun, making it a very beautiful scene as they continued on while the crowd, who knew the songs as well sang with the duet, making it a very chilling yet amazing atmosphere.

While the song continued to play, Cody noticed that Hibiki was having the time of her life, occasionally singing along when she could. This put a large smile on his face before returning his focus to the concert at hand.

Finally as the song completed, Tsubasa stood in front of Kanade, turned her back and then dropped onto her knee. The two raised their hands to the sky in a prayer-esque stance.

The crowd soon erupt into applause, as everyone cheered for the duet, including the two teens who were new to this. It was an amazing event as they knew there was more to come. They at least knew after the concert, they'll buy their cds at the kiosk.

Meanwhile, under the stadium….

Deep below the structure was a group of people, not only viewing the performance, but also using whatever data was revealed. Many were typing away as others watched. But past the screens and more was a set of devices gathered around what looked to be some kind of fossilized vines and armor.

"How goes the Phonic-Gain?" One person asked, as he looked at the screens of data.

"Everything seemed to go as planned… Phonic-Gain growth seems to be within the expected range" a female scientist noted before turning towards two other people. The first was a burly man with red hair and a maroon shirt, while the other was a tall woman with violet eyes and a brown beehive hairstyle.

"We may have enough to go to the next phase, sir?" Another female researcher relayed, as she typed away on the computer.

"Make it so." He nodded as they soon began to initiate a series of tests on the computer as they monitored the armor.

"Hey, do you think it was a good idea to let Balto watch over the girls?" the woman asked the man, "You know how antsy he is about leaving the base..."

"I'm sure of it, this will help give him some fresh air instead of being stuck in that training room everyday." He nodded in response.

"I can already hear him grumbling and cursing your name…" she sighed, "I just wished that he would calm down for a moment…"

"He is still a kid though. He needs to learn and grow." He responded back, "Besides, I can't consider myself his guardian if I don't give him some tough love."

The woman soon smiled as they returned their gaze towards the experiment. After a while, things seemed to shape up just fine.

"Looks like we can call this a success-"

"Sir?! We have company!" The woman on the computer screen said, a pale look on her face as she turned to them, "We're detecting Noise as well as Magia on the systems."

"Seriously?!" the man said as he shook his head, "Of course it wouldn't be that easy…"

But before the man could even move, an earthquake shook the compound. As the fossilized relic began to react and glow.

"It's activating?!" He got out, only for a blinding light to encompass the secret area.

Backstage, Balto was watching the concert when he heard an explosion go off.

"What the hell?!" he gasped as he spotted several multicolored creatures begin to enter the arena. "Oh crap, not these things again!"

He soon ran out and took out a large black and blue pistol from his holster, firing off several shots that destroyed some of the monsters in his path.

"Everyone, evacuate the premises! Women and children first!" he shouted as he popped off a few more shots at the beasts.

The staff who heard responded as some got to work to start the sirens to inform the audience, while others began to run away. Yet for those who were leaving, several shots were fired off before some either collapsed dead or injured. From the other side, robotic enemies rushed in, aiming at the people and firing.

"aLL fOr thE WiLl oF tHe ARk!"

The extra invaders were mostly black with metal scraps and pipes making up their bodies, with their faces being covered up by a trilobite-like mask.

"Magia?!" Balto gawked, "You gotta be kidding me!"

These enemies were known as Magia, invaders with the power to corrupt HumaGears that seemed to be following some program. They were soon a main enemy to the world along with the monsters.

These other entities were known as Noise. Unknown creatures that were almost invincible and can turn any living material into ash. Both of these groups were dangerous and would attack at random. And sadly, this was their next target.

"Well then, it looks like it's time to put all those years of training to good use!" he growled as a manic grin began to form on his face.

"aLL fOr thE WiLl oF tHe ARk!"

The Magia repeated before they continued their attack, while the Noise started to turn those it touched into ash.

Without wasting a second, Balto began charging towards the monsters, firing his pistol at whatever Noise was in his way while protecting the remaining civilians.

When one of the Magia tried to land a punch on him, the boy merely slid in between their legs and fired off a shot into their back.

Once he got up, he soon began firing at any enemy that moved until he was the only one standing as the people he was protecting had successfully evacuated the area.

However before he could leave, Balto soon noticed a critically damaged Magia grip his leg, unintentionally putting itself in front of his guns' barrel.

"aLL fOr thE WiLl oF tHe ARk..."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, you bucket of bolts…" he growled before pulling the trigger, destroying the machine in an instant.

Meanwhile outside of the stadium, as the sirens cued off, the people began to try and escape. But upon the Magia shooting down anyone they find, or the Noise turning anyone they touch to ash, it became too chaotic as people were shoving and pushing others away as they tried to escape or find shelter. It was a brutal sight.

"We need to stop them!" Kanade shouted, unable to watch this any more as she started to run out, but was stopped by her partner.

"We can't, Kanade! We weren't given orders to change and fight." Tsubasa stopped her friend, "Once we find the commander, we can ask for permission!"

However they soon heard several gunshots in the distance as they spotted several Magia being taken down by Balto in the stands. "Come on! I've seen androids who can fight better than you!" he shouted with glee as he shot down another Noise.

"Balto?! Where did he get that!?" Tsubasa gasped before realizing something. Kanade however recognized the look of the gun, "The ShotRiser…"

"That idiot! I thought we told him, he isn't ready for that yet!" she growled but sighed, "Either way, at least we have some chance."


"Tsubasa, we have the power to save these people. Forget rules for now. Let's just fly!" Kanade said to her before jumping off the stage.

Crotizall Ronzell Gungnir zillz…

As music began to play out from her body, Kanade had begun to transform, gaining a white, black, and orange suit with black thigh high boots, a pair of bulky gauntlets on her wrist, and a pair of rabbit-like headphones.

This caused the Noise that were starting to converge at Balto to change color and turn their attention towards the red head.

"Wait, the heck?" The young boy asked in confusion before noticing Kanade running towards the Noise, bringing her hands together to create a white and orange spear with a red glass center.

"Kanade… damn it!" He growled, not wanting to see her in that suit again as he began to fire upon the Magia. After taking down a few more monsters, the two turned to each other with an annoyed expression.

"Balto Asimov, just what do you think you're doing?!" she said in a disciplinary tone.

"I can ask you the same thing!" He shouted back, "I thought you promised you wouldn't use that relic for a month! You still haven't recovered from the last time you used it!"

"Don't change the subject! You're not supposed to use that gun! You're still not prepared enough!" She argued as she slashed down a few Noise.

"Well do you have a better idea!" he growled before shooting past Kanade, hitting a nearby Magia in the process.

"Ugh… we're going to have a LONG talk after this is over. Just don't use that key, got it?!" She sighed in response before spearing through a few more Noise, only for one to lunge at her, only to be slashed as Tsubasa was now there, wearing her own suit, similar to Kanade, but blue and more sleek.

"Let's focus on dealing with them first!" Tsubasa shouted to the two, regaining their attention.

Focusing on the task at hand, Kanade began to run straight towards a group of Noise and Magia, cutting down several of them in the process. She then leaped into the air and threw down her spear, creating multiple copies of it that rained down on the enemies.


As for Tsubasa, she slashed and cut down the larger Noise, especially around the group of people who are trying to escape, giving them a way out. Of course she did forget about the Magia as they shot at her, but she retaliated as she rushed ahead and cut them to bits.

Finally Balto, while not like the two girls, was running around shooting any enemy that moved. Noticing a large battalion of Magia in front of him, he soon tossed out a large grenade and aimed his gun at it.

"Hot potato!" he shouted as he fired off a shot, blowing up the grenade and the robots along with them.

It was becoming very brutal to see as more monsters, Magia and Noise alike, were killing off many of the fleeing civilians in terrible ways, making it hard to even watch for a bystander who was hiding.

Cody though, was trying to get out, as he had Hibiki by her hand as they were up in the upper deck due to their seats. His heart beating in his ears as he was in utter terror, only able to think about getting out safely with her.

"C-Co-Come on… Hibiki… We need t-to keep moving…" He said to her, terror in his voice. She nodded as she did her best, but she too was in fear at this attack.

Back to the battle at hand, Kanade noticed the color of her suit was starting to fade away. "Shit, my suit's running out of power…"

In her frustration, she did not notice the frustration on her brother's face begin to rise. "This is getting ridiculous. The more of these things I shoot down, the more they regain their numbers…" he grumbled to himself, "If only I had the permission to use that…"

As he gripped something in his pocket, he noticed a Noise run straight for Cody and Hibiki.

"Kanade! We got more civilians" he shouted to his sister, but she wasn't responding, still busy with a group of Magia that had nearly ambushed her.

With the Noise inching closer and closer, Balto's fesr and worry grew and grew until he could not takit anymore. "Screw it!" he shouted as he ran past Kanade.

"Come on, come on!" he thought as he ran as fast as his legs could allow. "If I don't hurry up, then they'll die before Kanade can even do a thing!"

Taking out a blue cassette-like key that had a wolf imprinted on it. Thinking fast, he pressed the button before loading it into his gun like a...




Sliding in between the two, he quickly slid the top part of his key and aimed his weapon at the monster. The boy then growled with a hushed tone, "Henshin…"

He soon fired a blue bullet that went straight through the Noise and right back to him.


With a mighty punch, the boy broke the bullet as it transformed into several pieces of armor and atrached themselves to his body. Once the transformation completed, all of the built-up steam fron the bullet came out of the finished suit.


[The elevation increases as the bullet is fired]

He was now donned in a white and blue armor, with the blue mostly being on the right side. It also had some features and curves to resemble a wolf. The visor eyes of his helmet were slightly cupped and curved downward to resemble a wolf's gaze, while around the helmet had the furt points and ears of the creature.

"Vulcan, kenzan!" he shouted aloud as he aimed his gun at the nearby Magia and easily shot them down.

Kanade heard the call as she turned, her eyes widening in shock and horror that he would truly defy orders and her pleas and used the device he wasn't ready for. But she had to continue and focus on the enemies around her.

"You two okay?" Vulcan asked the two as they nodded.

"Y-Yeah…" Hibiki timidly said as the wolf Rider noticed several Noise coming for them.

"You two get out of here as fast as you can, we'll try to hold them off…" he told the two before running off and battling against the Noise.

"Come on, Hibiki…" Cody said, as the two were moving, but both were limping. The teens were injured, but luckily still able to move.

Tsubasa was slashing another Noise before she saw Vulcan punching down one of them, as she looked shocked as well. But shook her head, "Hope you have something that can deal with multiple enemies?" She questioned.

"Technically…" he noted as he took out a light blue suitcase and transformed it into some form of shotgun.

[Attach Case opens to release the incredibly powerful shotgun]


When a crowd of Magia began to charge at the trio, Vulcan fired off a powerful shot that took them out quickly before turning his gaze back towards Tsubasa

"Good. Just know, you're going to be grounded for a month after this." the swordswoman said in response, as she too was angry with him, but now wasn't the time for that.

"If I didn't then those two wouldn't have been attacked…" he said as he pointed his thumb at the escaping Cody and Hibiki. Tsubasa's face began to soften for a moment.

"Of course…" Tsubasa sighed, "Alright, make that two weeks…"

"Watch it!" Kanade cried out, lunging past the two and standing in front of the two fleeing teens as she spun her spear, as Noise let out a deadly attack. However while it connected and blocked, due to her weakened state, a part of her armor began to chip and crack before breaking apart.

Hibiki noticed this, as her eyes widened before she let go of Cody's hand and pushed him away as several shrapnels began to fly by, missing him… Only for them to strike her instead, hitting her in the chest and causing her to collapse.

Cody's face grew pale, his eyes widen in fear as a flashback from the moment he lost his parents appeared, only to be replaced when he sees Hibiki dropping to the ground. "HIBIKI!" He cried out to her, rushing to her side.

This alerted Kanade and Vulcan as they spotted several more Magia coming for them, "We gotta move, now!" He told them before running towards the two.

Kanade though, rushed to the two teens, holding her hand onto Hibiki's, "Oi! Don't give up! You can't die here! You need to live!" She shouted to Hibiki.

However as the group of killer robots were closing in at the three, Vulcan stepped in, aiming his shotgun at the battalion.

"I ain't letting you get one step near them!" he shouted as he activated an aquamarine key as it had a picture of a hedgehog on it.


Once he loaded it up into the compartment of his shotgun, Vulcan aimed the weapon at the incoming hoard and began firing a volley of hedgehog quills at the machines.


Kanade could only watch, as she looked at the Magia her brother was busy fighting off, then at the Noise still in the stadium. They were being overwhelmed, and they needed to be taken care of. She soon stood up as she smiled softly at the others.

"Alright, time for the finale!" he growled before pressing the button.


As he began to aim his weapon, he suddenly dropped it as he cried out in pain and clutched his chest. The wolf Rider soon fell to his knees as he continued to wail in agony.

Kanade walked over to Vulcan, as she tugged the key out of the pistol, reverting the teen back to normal.

"Balto! Kanade!" Tsubasa cried out as she rushed towards the two.

"Tsubasa? Take care of him. Okay?" She requested the bluenette as she began to walk to the horde.

"No...I can still...fight…" Balto tried to protest as he tried to get up before falling back down.

"You've done enough… But even though you disobeyed us, I'm… so proud of you." Kanade said, only to strike his neck, knocking the teen out.

"What the hell was that for?" Tsubasa asked her, wondering why she did that.

"I don't want him to see this…" She said, before holding up her spear as she began to glow.

Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal

Emustolronzen Finé el balal zizzl

Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal

Emustolronzen Finé el zizzl

"No...don't tell me…" she whimpered, "STOP! YOU'RE GOING TO-"

Tsubasa soon stopped as she heard Balto grumble, causing her to look at him with a horrified expression.

"Wha? What's going…" Balto grumbled before hearing that song.

Soon, the energy and glow around Kanade began to surge out, only for a powerful shockwave rushed outward, hitting every Magia and Noise in the stadium, as it swiftly destroyed and turned them into only pieces before being evaporated by the energy.

Kanade had just used the forbidden move that she and the others knew, the Superb Song. However this move came at a price, as the girl collapsed on the ground and began crumbling away from the backlash of the attack.

"Kanade!" Tsubasa cried out, rushing to her side. Kanade couldn't respond, as she simply gave a loving smile, before she too faded and began ash within Tsubasa's arms.

This day, was known as the Terror of Angels by the people. So many people have died or gone missing from it, including the famous Kanade Amou of Zwei Wing. But this was also the beginning of something that will change the world, forever…..

(Insert Op Song - Heroes - Ryota Fujimaki - Zero and Geed Chronicles)

The song starts with an instrumental, as various multicolored ones and zeros begin to rain down from the sky before transforming into a stampede of multicolored robotic animals, all lead by a yellow robotic grasshopper, running through a hexagonal tunnel of sound. Once the grasshopper leaped through an orange ring of sound, it soon transformed into the series title

[Hikari no naka de, Yami ga umarete, Ookiku hakari wo, Kuzushiteshimau toki]

It soon jumps to Cody watching the clouds go by. As he gets up, he is greeted by Hibiki and Miku, who are happily waiting for him. However when he walks towards them, they are spied on by Yua, who is recording data for Gai.

[Yamiyo ni sakebi, Chi wo hau monotachi, Machi wa kirisakare, Kizuna wa tatareru]

As it soon shifts, we enter a firing range at night, where Balto is practicing his aim. As he takes off the protective gear, he turns to see Tsubasa and as the two walk by each other, the ghost of Kanade appears between them as they share a glance of animosity and regret between them.

[Zero ni naru kakugo wa aru ka, Shimei wo eranda senshitachi]

It shifts once more first to Genjuro looking through a window as he stares at various screens about Gungnir, Ame-no-Habakiri, as well as data on Shooting Wolf, before transitioning into Gai watching the data for Rising Hopper with a wicked grin. Finally, it jumps to Fine, who is preparing three figures, later shown to be Chris, Horobi, Jin, and Raiden for battle.

[Sakete wa toorenu tatakai e, Hikari wo obite, Mae e mae e mae e..]

As the four rush into battle, they are confronted by an army of Noise and Magia walking towards them. With each of them ready for battle, the girls begin to sing their song while the boys activated their Progrise Keys. Once they did so, a bright light began to shine onto them as they were transformed.

[Susume bokura no hero... Asahi ni inori akatsuki ni chikau. Heiwa no kane wo... Narase hero...]

Cody, now as Zero-One Rising Hopper charges into battle, punching and cutting down any monster in his way, as Hibiki runs in behind, mowing down more enemies before the two stop, looking at the three members of in their Rider forms along with Chris in the Nehushtan Armor, before the two turn to one another, holding hands as they stand their ground, ready to take them on. As they charge in, their other allies of Tsubasa, Vulcan, and those who follow him join their lead.

[Bokura wa anata kara, Hontou no yuki o shiru]

As they fight the monsters, images of new forms shown behind Cody, namely the Biting Shark, Flaming Tiger, and Freezing Bear form. Afterwards, the same happens to Balto, revealing the Gatling Hedgehog, Punching Kong, and Trapping Spider forms. Once they stand together, a projection of the Breaking Mammoth and Charging Elasmoth mechas appear in their place.

[Tataeyo our hero, Tataeyo our hero~]

The two Riders charge alongside Hibiki and Tsubasa, their bodies beginning to shine as they leap into battle and create an explosion of light. Once the light fades, it soon shows a young Cody meeting Hibiki as their teenage selves appeared in their shadows.

Two Years Later….


"Ugh…five more minutes…" Cody groaned softly, wanting to sleep more as he did his best to ignore the sound, having been used to it and only hears it as white noise nowadays. But, in moments, the bed jolted up, launching the young teen out of it and onto the floor, making him groan out.

Presented by ZAIA

"I know already…" He groaned out from the automated message that came from the device that launched him out of bed.

He got up this time as he began to dress up for the day. It's been two years since the incident that happened within the Zwei Wing concert. So many people died and went missing… including Cody himself. He was basically taken in by Zaia, the leading technology and system company in the world.

He was told that he was the only survivor of that day, leaving him almost empty and alone as he couldn't bear to face Miku and beg for forgiveness for allowing Hibiki to die that day. They only brought him in not just because of that, but also to have him repay the debt he owed them since humane rescue wasn't part of the Zaia Enterprise contract, making him an employee there but also an asset for them to use. Since then, he's been working non-stop in their activities and job he was assigned to.

"Good morning, Cody-sama." A voice called to him as it entered the room. Standing by the door was a female HumaGear. It was dressed formally with white and green coloring with a green and black bow on its collar. She had short hair along with the data-code on her hand and the unique Ver. 3 HumaGear Module earpiece. She was Izu, and basically Cody's guardian and also helper that was assigned to him by Gai.

"Morning, Izu…" Cody said, standing up as she handed the teen something tea to wake him up. "Yua and Gai couldn't be here again?"

"Indeed. For now, you are to go on patrol and find any remnants of Magia and Rogue HumaGear to take down." Izu informed him, while she held up a briefcase that contained his gear.

"Roger that." He nodded softly. That was his job, to take down Magia and rogue HumaGear that he finds. Gai wanted to erase any rogue AI's and more from the downfall of Hiden, so many years ago before Zaia bought the rest of the company.

He was unsure why since the production of HumaGear is barely around anymore. Some still remain, only because of Gai wanting to keep Hiden's dream somewhat alive. But since that downfall, you wouldn't see that many HumaGear left besides the ones in media, harsher jobs and the ones that go rogue. For now, this was his job, and he had no choice but to fulfil it.

Later that night, there was a Noise attack which was led by a beetle-like Magia. As the monster roared it soon noticed several soldiers and tanks trying to destroy it and the other Noise. "Grr, conventional weapons really don't work against either of them?" one of the soldiers yelled in annoyance. Suddenly, they heard someone singing...

Imyuteus Ame no Habakiri tron…

When they looked up to see where the sounds were coming from, a large helicopter flew in and dropped off Tsubasa and Balto as they donned their Symphogear and Rider armor respectively.


Once the two warriors entered the fray, the Noise soon changed colors while the locust Magia simply roared at the two heroes. "Heh, this one seems to be based on a Tatum Cave beetle..." Vulcan chose to relay to Tsubasa, who gave him a nod to confirm.

"It seems so…" she noted, "Vulcan, cooperate with Section 1 for now. Let's see what that Magia is capable of..." Genjuro relayed to the boy on the com link built into his helmet, "Yes sir!" he replied.

At once, he began to engage with the Magia, dodging it's charging attack with a combat roll, before returning fire. Meanwhile Tsubasa began performing windmills while the blades on her legs cutting through several Noise.


The two then charged at one of the larger Noise and performed two attacks, one where Tsubasa unleashed a powerful blue electric slash, and the other where Vulcan fired off several flaming wolf heads to attack the monster.



As the two landed and the Noise exploded, they soon turned their attention to the lone Magia standing in their way. With not that many troops left, the beetle Magia proceeded to fire off a series of wires that hacked into the soldier Humagear that were with there, converting them into Trilobite Magia.

"I got this…" Vulcan noted as he took out the hedgehog key from before and activated it.


With the Progrise Key in place, he fired off the shot that killed several Magia before he kicked it away, allowing the armor to reconfigure itself into a brand new form.



[Infinite spines shoot towards the enemy]

The armor itself replaced the blue furry 'tuffs' around the center mask with light green spikes around the pieces of armor that resemble a hedgehog. On top of that, Vulcan gained two arm-mounted gatling guns oun each of his forearms while a strap of bullets stretched out on the shoulders and thighs.

"Alright, you bastard… Come at me!" he roared as he pointed his arms at the Magia, provoking it to charge once more. Without hesitation, the wolf rider began to rain spike-shaped bullets on the monster, damaging its arms and wings as it flew past the two and into a tree.

As the machine began to recover, he was soon met with Vulcan, who was flying towards him using the gatling guns as makeshift rockets. "DIEEEEE!" he roared as he pulled the trigger on the ShotRiser.

Once he reached the Magia, he began to spin violently before drilling a hole through the machine and landing on the other side.










The rain of bullets and spines flew out, striking the Magia all around him, only for an explosion to erupt from it, leaving them in ashes and dust along with the destroyed key used to create the killer robot.

With a snort, Vulcan growled from under his breath, "Good riddance…"

After getting up, Vulcan soon cancelled his transformation, only to sigh heavily. In the two years since his sister's death, Balto felt like he'd rather keep fighting these monsters and machines until he was satisfied, to which he never is.

Tsubasa, already have taken out the Noise as she too changed back to normal. But she still seemed to be cold and unfeeling ever since Kanade died. It hurt more as she blamed Balto for her death as she walked past him, only to give him a cold glare before heading out.

Likewise, Banto merely looked to the stars above, watching them twinkle as he put his hands in his pockets. He soon shook off those thoughts as he joined Tsubasa as the two helped the soldiers recover from the recently diffused attack.

"Well done, you two. Once you're done, come back to base and rest." Genjuro said on the comms as he hoped to try and diffuse any tension the two have.

"Roger that…" Balto responded as he called on his ride, a large rhino-themed vehicle decked in on black and grey. As he got in, he soon turned to his partner, who had just dis-engaged her own transformation. "Hey, you getting in yet?" he asked the girl, giving the girl a ghost of a smile, "It's a school night ya know…"

"I have my own duties. Stick with yours as well." Tsubasa huffed, as she got on her bike and drove off. She truly was still upset as she either barely answers or just glares at him. At least today she responded with words rather than her eyes.

That day truly changed everyone. So many lost and gone, while others were still alive, but they were suffering from the losses. Even two young girls, while one of them was injured, they both lost their friend.

"Kanade, what would you do in this situation?" he asked as he tried to think about what his sister would have done differently. Much like Tsubasa, who was still mourning Kanade's death, Balto felt the most responsible for her sister's death. As he began to lean on the steering wheel, his mind soon began to drift back to a year ago...


"Sir, permission to speak?" Balto asked Genjuro, whom he was currently sparring with in the time since the Terror of Angels incident.

"If it's about your suspension for disobeying us not to use that system? It's still happening" he told him as they were resting in between rounds.

"Actually, I was thinking of something more severe…" the young soldier solemnly asked, Genjuro quickly catching on to what the boy wanted.

"I rather not fire you, if that's what you want?" he swiftly responded.

"What? Fire me?! Oh come on uncle! You think I would-" Balto tried to say in hopes of changing the subject but Genjuro knew he was trying to cover up his true feelings.

"Balto, while I understand that you're still hung up about that day, I am NOT giving you a chance to slink off and take your own life like a coward!" he growled, "Don't think this is the last time you've pulled this stunt before!"

"But sir! Look what I've done!" Balto shouted, "If I hadn't acted so stupidly that day, there would have been less casualties!"

"Regardless of what happened, you were able to save the other people who had escaped and laid below the building." Genjuro stated, "Were you reckless and stupid? Yes, but you still managed to do something good in spite of that."

"But at what cost?" the young soldier grumbled as he slumped down, regretting every word he had shouted at Kanade before she died, "If I'm honest, I feel like demoting me to janitor work wouldn't pay for what I've done on that day…"

Genjuro sighed. He didn't want to lose him because of what he promised Kanade. However he knew this was also making him suffer more as well. "Fine… I have something that was recommended to me, by my brother…"

"What of it?" he asked him, glancing back to Genjuro while not moving an inch.

"He said… that maybe having you as Tsubasa's partner would be the best choice?" Genjuro informed, "You both need help and need one another. If you need to move on, this is the only way left. It's either that, or you'll be transferred to A.I.M.S for insubordination."

Balto was silent, possibly mulling over his answer before sighing and getting up. He soon turned towards him and accepted his offer. This put a smile on the man's face, maybe this will be the first step in the healing process for the both of them.


With his self-reflection over, Balto soon pumped the gas pedal and drove off to catch up with his partner. The two soon arrived at the HQ of Section 2, greeted by their co-workers as one of them hands them something warm to drink and relax to.

"Hey there kid…" a voice called out to him. It was a young man a bit older than he was, with short brown hair and hazel eyes. "Hey there Ogawa…" Balto answered

"You doing ok?" the manager of Tsubasa asked, patting his shoulder gently. The two were also close, as he was basically like a brother to Balto, and the young man treated him the same way.

"Tsubasa actually spoke for once" Balto said, trying to act like how he used to be two years ago, "But other than that, we just took down another Magia...Dang, these things have been popping up more and more lately…"

"It is surprising…." Ogawa noted, "At first, we did suspect Zaia, since they are the only ones producing HumaGear. But we found nothing, as the last one that was produced in awhile was meant for janitor duties and we found no traces of hacks or corrupted data files to turn them into Magia. Meaning someone else out there is creating them."

"And Metsubojinrai's been quiet recently…" Balto remembered, "You think they could be planning something big?"

"Could be. There's no other way other than them." Ogawa nodded.

Ever since the turning of the decade awhile ago, a new terrorist group emerged, naming themselves . Somehow, they were comprised of only HumaGear and Magia. It was unknown how or why, but it was easy to deduce that they were dangerous. Causing massive attacks and casualties since then and have become the main source of Magia attacks.

"Either way, we should keep our eyes open on any lead, in case they ever decide to slip up…" Balto noted as he went towards his room.

The next day...

"According to the Self-Defence Force and Special Disaster Response Team, the guided evacuation has been completed and damage was held to a minimum, or at least so they say" Miku said as she read the news on her phone while the rest ate their breakfast.

"Man, hearing about the news from yesterday's Magia and Noise attack." Hibiki shivered. "I know, and it wasn't too far from here" Miku reminded her.

After the accident, Hibiki was found to barely survive thanks to the intervention of Vulcan, who was looked at by many as another who held the title of Kamen Rider, alongside one known as Ichigata who dealt with the remnants of the Noise attack.

They too learned about the many casualties and missing people. But what shook them to their core was the fact that their friend, Cody, was also gone. A year of searching and they found his belongings in a fire. Many, including others who knew him, suspected he too died.

Miku tried to hold on, but over time she too had to let go and accept his death. And yet, Hibiki seems to be the only one who has some sense that he's still alive somewhere. Her over positivity and kind nature wouldn't submit to the idea he was dead as almost every day she would go out, give fliers on his whereabouts and search for him, unwilling to give up.

During this time, they were able to get accepted into Lydian Private Music Academy, a once all-girls school dedicated to music before the decision was made a year ago to allow male students into the school.

"Oh, did you hear?" Hibiki asked her excitedly, "There's been rumors of another Rider like Ichigata and Vulcan fighting against the Noise and !"

"You sure it was them, Hibiki?" Miku questioned, "Remember that fake photo you saw?" She reminded her friend of that mistake and was almost tricked in losing her funds by some scammers. Hibiki chuckled as she remembered that incident; Needless to say, she had her allowance cut off for a month as a result.

"It's not my fault! I swear they were telling the truth." Hibiki pouted from that reminder. "Besides, I got a good feeling that this time, I'll find him."

"That's what you always say when you're talking about this so-called Zero-One…" Miku sighed. As much as she loved Hibiki, even she had to admit that the way she talked about them was starting to get tiresome after a while.

Another rumor that was spreading was about another Kamen Rider outside of the two more known individuals, known as Zero-One. Hibiki swore that what she saw was Cody being a hero. Yet without any evidence of that or even the existence of this hero, proved otherwise.

"I'm telling you, that he has to be! He did the same self-pointing pose that Cody did!" Hibiki proclaimed.

"Are you sure you weren't seeing things?" Miku questioned her friend. However before she could answer, they heard some chatter from the female and few male students there.

"Oh sweet, it's Tsubasa!"

Nearby, the idol was there. She was the major talk of the academy, as upon gaining her addition, opened their doors not only for more students, but also testing out and allowing male students to enter the school as well.

"Hey, woah woah woah! Back off people!" another voice said as Balto arrived and began to disperse the masses, "Come on guys, Nothing new to see here. Just keep to your routines as usual!"

"Seems her guarddog is here too…" One male student muttered loudly with a snicker. Before they could laugh however as they saw a plastic knife fly at them and embed itself into the table. They soon noticed that Balto was glaring at them while throwing and catching another plastic knife in his hand, causing them to silence their chatter as he backed off.

"Ohh~, Tsubasa-san and Balto-san are so cool!" Hibiki squealed with delight.

"Yeah, but he can be a bit scary at times…" Miku admitted.

"Oh, he's just doing his job. I bet he's a very sweet guy. I just know these things from people." Hibiki smiled.

"With the celebrity aura they give off, they're hard to approach you know? They're like royals on a pedestal" Miku reminded her friend.

"That just means they're people you haven't befriended yet." Hibiki said, "I know I'll get a chance someday!"

She soon remembered something as she got up from her table. "Hm? Where are you going?" Miku questioned before she saw her walking towards Tsubasa and Balto.

"Just… something I need to do…" Hibiki reassured her before she headed off, leaving Miku confused and concerned.

"Just come back, ok?" Miku muttered as the girl walked upto the two as they were waiting in line to get their lunch.

"U-um…" she tried to say, sadly for her she was visibly shaking due to the aura of mystique about her...and the fact that she noticed Balto's resting bitch face staring right at her.

"If you're also asking for her autograph like the others? The answer is no." Balto stated to her.

"I-It's not that…" she said, "It's just…"

That was when the blue haired singer soon motioned to the corner of their mouth, prompting her to where she was pointing and saw a few grains of rice on her face.

"You have something on your face" she said to them before she and Balto walked a bit further down the line.

"Biki? You okay?" One of her other friends asked as they saw her paled, yet embarrassed face.

"Awww, I blew it…" Hibiki sighed, "They must think I have mental problems"

"I'm sure they were just busy." Miku reassured, "At least she didn't wave you off like others."

"Yeah but, dangit! I wish I could have just thanked her for saving me instead of freeze up like a dunce!" she groaned as she flopped onto her bed.

"You'll get your chance someday." Miku smiled, patting her friend's head in an effort to console her.

Thinking up something to cheer herself up, Hibiki soon remembered something off the top of her head. "Wait, Isn't Tsubasa's new CD coming out today?"

"I think it is." Miku noted. "Though, since she's here, why do you insist on getting it? Besides, aren't CDs a thing of the past though?"

"You can never have something as satisfying as something like physical media!" Hibiki beamed, "Especially when you can use it to get autographs and make them priceless."

"In that case, they're probably sold out as we speak." Miku noted as Hibiki quickly bolted off to try and get to the music store as fast as she could. "Wait! *sighs* Oh Hibiki…"

Meanwhile, Cody has been doing the rounds as he rode his through the streets. The bike itself was a Honda CRF450L with a black and highlighter green color scheme, made to resemble that of a grasshopper's antennae as it even had a hightech design to it. This was his bike, the Rise Hopper.

"No sign of activity here…" he noted as he looked around, as he seemed to be ready to call it a day. But before he could drive back, he heard a beep in his comms, "Izu? What's up?"

"Cody-sama, there seems to be a Magia in your location, Berotha-type" the HumaGear informed him.

"How far and what sector?" Cody questioned her, "2 Miles northwest, near the powerplant of Sector D." Izu noted.

"Powerplant? Huh… they never took on one of those before." Cody noted.

"There's more. It seems that there's another signal similar to yours heading towards where the Magia is situated at…" the assistant also told him as he noticed a second blip appear on the map.

"Must be the wolf boy again..." Cody sighed, "I think I can just let him take care of it this time."

However before he could drive off, he spotted something at the corner of his eye making him pull a full stop. His eyes widened as he felt his body shake softly with shock yet relief.

"Hi...Hibiki…?" He got out as he saw her running away with a young girl… only for Noise to follow them. He could only rev his bike as he chased after them.


A mysterious hooded figure was hanging around the powerplant, watching as the humans and HumaGear working there went about their daily routine. One HumaGear in particular was on his break after a long day of work, doing some stretches a good distance away from the rest.

"Heh, you'll do…" he noted as he got up and walked towards him. As the HumaGear was about to get back to work, the hooded figure punched him in the gut before slapping on a strange silver device onto his waist.

"GAAAAHH!" he cried out as he turned towards his attacker, "Who...Who are you?"

"Don't worry, it'll all be over soon…" the man stated as he saw the headphones for the HumaGear change from blue to red.

"Connection to established…"

"Good, now let's send these meatbags a message…" he told the newly hacked Humagear as he handed him a Progrise Key-like device


The hacked HumaGear inserted it into the device before pressing on it, as wires connected and cracked the key.


Pipes, wires and more spewed out from the HumaGear as it lost it's human skin-shell, only to warp, twist and change into a robotic Praying mantis, as it howled out before charging in.

'How…. how is she alive?' the boy thought, 'Gai told me she died!' He questioned his thoughts as he continued to chase after them.

As he followed them, he saw that they were heading for the same powerplant that the Berotha Magia was stated to be attacking. Sure enough, he spotted Vulcan engaging the enemy every step of the way.

Cody stopped as he shook his head, 'While I would rather avoid that guy, seeing Hibiki in danger? I needed to help her. I won't lose her again, not this time.'

He soon took out a device, that was black with some highlight green on it, as he strapped it on his waist, forming a belt. He soon brought out a Progrise Key, depicting a grasshopper as he pressed the button before scanning it.



Soon a scan of data appeared before him, revealing some suit as from above, a beam of light fell down to him. But it expanded and shaped into that of a grasshopper as it landed in front of him. He flicked the key as it extended and revealed the inner workings of it before calling out….


At once, he then inserted the key into the driver.




[A Jump to the sky, turns into a Rider kick.]

The data suit soon applied itself onto the young teen, as he gained a black bodysuit with red and silver linings. But the grasshopper soon jumped behind him, before splitting apart as it became data and applied to the suit, gaining the highlight green onto him as it shaped into said grasshopper motif.

Compared to Vulcan's more militaristic look, Zero-One seemed to be more sleek and menacing. He soon hopped off of the bike, soaring through the air at high speeds due to the Key's power and ability, only to kick the Noise that was about to approach Hibiki and the girl.

"Genjuro-san! We have another Rider signal!" one of the bridge bunnies at the base told the man.

"Who's is it?" He asked, demanding some answers.

The members of Section 2 worked onto their computers, trying to access data as much as they can, only for the screen to reveal the words on it.


"Zero-One is there?!" He gawked, having known of this rider ever since the incident, he started cleaning up any mess of Magia they came across, making it harder to figure out who's behind 's attacks and more.

"Should we inform Vulcan to apprehend the target?" One questioned.

They soon noticed there was someone else, "Delay that order, we have civilians on the battlefield!" Genjuro stated as Tsubasa walked into the command center.

"What's going on?" the blue haired girl asked him.

"Seems Zero-One arrived at the scene with Vulcan… we also seem to have civilians there as well." Genjuro informed.

"Civilians?!" she gasped, this was starting to bring back some painful memories.

As Hibiki stood atop a building with the little girl, she was amazed when she saw the elusive Kamen Rider known as Zero-One was here. He stood there as he fended off any Noise who got close as she looked in awe and wonder.

"Hibiki…. Are… are you okay?" He asked, turning as she sees his red eyes.

"How, how do you know my name?" she asked before coming to the conclusion she was hoping for, "Is that you...Cody?" She thankfully got her answer when Zero-One took off his helmet to reveal the person who disappeared two years ago.

"I promise…. I won't abandon you again…" He said, looking back to the Noise and Magia, "There's only one person who can stop you… and that's me!" He said, pointing to himself with his thumb.

The Trilobite Magia in question soon changed their attention to the newcomer as Hibiki watched him fight. He was swift and strong, easily punching or kicking them into oblivion with ease. As the Noise tried to hurt him, he swatted them off as kicking through them easily destroyed the monsters.

However, while both Riders were busy with the Magia, the Noise were starting to close in on the two, something Zero-One noticed as he tried to stop them, but Vulcan shot his feet.

"You're not getting anywhere near them, Zero-One!" He growled, turning his attention to the rider as he began to fight him.

"Just leave me be! I need to save her!" Zero-One pleaded.

This confused Vulcan until he turned towards where the grasshopper Rider was looking at, spotting two civilians cowering in fear as the Berotha Magia began to approach them.

The two Riders tried to get to them, but the Trilobite Magia and Noise were preventing them from reaching the two in time.

"Hibiki!" Zero-One shouted in terror, as he felt like everything was moving slowly. He was going to lose her again, something he couldn't bear to do.

'No, this can't be happening… I can't die here...' Hibiki thought as she was backed into a corner, 'No…I won't let that happen. I…I…' She shouted out, "I won't give up!"


Balwisyall nescell Gungnir tron…

Suddenly, a bright orange light soon erupted from Hibiki's scar after she sang the last note. This bright light soon caught the attention of both Riders and the Berotha Magia as they all turned towards where the new light was coming from.

"We're detecting a different high-output energy than that of the monsters or the Riders!" one of the operators relayed to Genjuro and the others as they watched the light onscreen, "Identifying the signal…"

"Could this be…an Aufwachenschalgen?!" Sakurai exclaimed. "We've identified the signal!" another operator shouted. Suddenly a single word appeared on screen.


"That's impossible! Gungnir!?" Genjuro gasped. This was too much of a coincidence for a signal similar to Gungnir to appear. This was enough for Tsubasa to rush out and head towards the area as soon as possible.

Back with Cody, he began to witness his friend transform, but not into a Kamen Rider like himself or Vulcan.

Rather, she began to be overtaken by several pieces of armor before the transformation completed itself. She was now in an orange and white bodysuit that left her stomach open, a pair of black metal boots, white and orange metal gloves, and a pair of black and white headphones.

Wha-what happened to me?" she asked Cody to which he responded, "Well how should I know?!"

"Onee-chan, you look so cool!" the little girl said in amazement, snapping the two out of their daze and reminding them of their current situation

Hibiki then nodded as he got the girl and held onto her, while Hibiki started to sing. 'That's right…' she thought to herself, 'I don't know what's happening, but the one thing I'm sure of is…I have to save them, right?'

She soon leaped forward alongside the trio and began to try and escape the Noise, fighting off the Berotha Magia and it's troops whenever possible. A few Noise lunged at her, as Hibiki turned to protect the small child, as the Noise struck Hibiki, yet she didn't turn into ash or anything, infact they weren't even damaging her.

Hibiki realized this before she swung her arm, and easily cut through the Noise, destroying them as well. This of course, surprised her and the two riders as she had that same armor as Kanade from long ago.

"Well Zero-One, looks like today's your lucky day…" Vulcan noted, "Because our goals have just aligned. Come on!" He soon ran off and returned his focus onto the battle at hand.

While on the outside, the wolf Rider was just as stoic as ever, inside he was crying tears of relief and joy.

'That's sis's relic, it still lives!' he thought in his mind as a big grin began to form on his face, 'I guess she's still keeping people safe even after she left this world…'

Zero-One on the other hand was still surprised that Hibiki was able to fight off the Noise and Magia. But relieved as well as he didn't have to worry as that armor would protect her. He soon turned his attention to the Berotha Magia, as he lunged and kicked the cyber-monster away, dealing with him instead.

As for Vulcan, he decided to play support and provide cover fire for the two, shooting down any monster that was about to sneak attack them.

"Eat lead, you bastards!" he roared with anger, but also with excitement. This was the first time he's ever felt joy in battle since the Terror of Angels incident

"T-Thank you, Vulcan!" Hibiki thanked the wolf Rider as she picked up the girl and started to run, wanting to get her safe from this firefight so she wouldn't be a casualty.

"Anytime…" he told her with a kinder tone than the one he used against his foes, "Now rookie, try and keep your eyes on the battle. We need to hold them off until reinforcements arrive…"

"But we should at least try to get her to safety! I won't let a child die in this fight!" She stated.

"I know, that's why Zero-One and I will try and safeguard you until you can get that civilian to safety" Vulcan retorted as he shot at another approaching Noise.

"R-Right! Um… I can try to find a Noise shelter and place her there until more help arrives!" She suggested to the riders.

"Then what are you waiting for cadet! Get moving!" he ordered, "We might not have that much time!" Afterwards, he took out the Attache Shotgun and placed his Shooting Wolf Progrise Key into it.

[Progrise Key confirmed. Ready to utilize…]


With his weapon ready, he aimed it at the hoard of Magia single handedly before pulling the trigger.


Energy built up within the barrel of the weapon, only to explode out upon firing it. Sending a ball of energy towards the Magia, as it soon took shape of a wolf's head, biting down on the Magia as it erupted into an explosion.

With Zero-One, he was blocked and dodging the attacks of the Berotha Magia, as he struck it hard and fast. He wanted to destroy this thing for trying to harm his friend and get it done swiftly so they can reunite and talk.

The Magia tried to retaliate, but the rider was just much faster than itself, easily overpowering the Magia as it soon felt its armor being chipped bit by bit. Once the next punch came through, it shattered the sickles on its forearms, causing it to fall to the ground.

"Time to end this!" Zero-One said, before he pushed on the key.


He soon jumped into the air, as energy built up into his legs and feet. He soon came flying downward onto the Magia, as the energy in his foot upon extending it, turned into the foot of a grasshopper.

The kick soon connected as he powered through the Magia, destroying its body as a fiery explosion erupted from it.








He soon lands after the attack, but not before breaking his ankle and spinning into Hibiki, who had just lit down the little girl.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt…" Balto noted as he winced at the fall.

Though, for Cody and Hibiki, the two were just laying there with the boy on top, now out of his armor just starting down at Hibiki, who both were blushing softly at reuniting with one another, but also because of the collision accident.

Hibiki was the first to break the silence, hugging Cody softly, as the teen responded back with a hug.

"I thought you were dead…" Cody said softly in the embrace. The two said nothing as they just stayed in that position for a few minutes before sitting up.

Balto glanced to see this, but said nothing. 'Let 'em have their little reunion. They've earned it in my opinion…' he noted as he crossed his arms and smiled before returning his gaze towards what was left of the Berotha Magia.

He walked over to the center of the wreckage and picked up the Zetsumerise Key the Magia had left behind.

"I'll see if I can get Dr. Sakurai to analyze this…" he noted to himself as he placed it in a ziplock bag as evidence for a later date.

'Even still, I think this might be our first big break into this whole Metsubojinrai crisis…' Balto thought to himself, 'Especially now that we know that this Zero-One is one the missing people from two years ago, and it's one-half of that couple I saved…'

Besides that, he was happy to see that a piece of Kanade's will now resides with Hibiki, knowing that she'll use it wisely. Now there was the elephant in the room, Tsubasa.

'How is she going to take this girl having my sister's relic? Is she going to be harsh on the kid?' he theorized in his head, 'Here's hoping the old man will keep her in check, I can't bear to think what she might do…'

"I knew it… I always knew you were still out there…" the young girl responded, as tears began to run down her face as she smiled.

Cody, who was also smiling, wiped the tears off of her face as he gave his response, "Me too…"

However, once they remembered where they were, Immediately their faces turned beet red as they realized that they had an audience. They quickly scrambles to their feet as they looked away from each other, clearly flustered.

But the reunion was swiftly ended as another voice called out. "Cody-sama. You're needed."

Nearby was Izu, along with a limo, door opened, as she was waiting for him. Cody flinched as he lowered his head, knowing Gai wants a word with him, as he wasn't supposed to reveal himself to anyone. He soon began to walk to the limo, knowing what awaited him.

Hibiki gripped his hand, not wanting to let go, "Cody… please…" She pleaded.

"Sorry, Hibiki… I… I have to…" He responded, forcing his hand to part with Hibiki's before he made his way into the limo, as it soon drove off.

Two years ago, a tragic incident occurred and divided certain people, but now, they have reunited. What they did not know however, was that this small encounter had put into action a series of events into action, one that will change them and the world forever….


HackerEX: Nice, now I can finally finish EoT and… where's my USB stick?

Striberx: Oh, I yeeted it into another reality.

HackerEX: Oh come on! I needed that!

Striberx: Sorry, but it seemed like it was nothing important. You should label your belongings next time.

HackerEX: Ugh, I better prepare the portal gun...

Striberx: Anywho, hello minna! Striberx and HackerEX again with another story. This time, Symphogear and Zero-One.

HackerEX: Looks like I can check another item of the "Series crossovers I want to try out" list. Seriously, after watching Azenzone's review of Season 1, I had to pick this series up. Go check him out BTW, he does some great magical girl reviews.

Striberx: Same here. I love Symphogear and ever since AXZ finished, I wanted to do a Symphogear story, but was having issues with how to go at it with my usual crossover stuff. I do have one I did make, but that'll get done later on. I wanted to do this instead.

HackerEX: Now I know that this story might be bringing some flashbacks of EoT/Prototype considering that Zero-One isn't finished yet...

Striberx: Exactly. While its closing in on the middle of the series. I thought it would be a good attempt to try it now. Also, for now, Gai/Thouser is the main antagonist for this story, at least until we learn more from the series and what it has in store.

HackerEX: Also, fun fact, this project is actually a revival of the old Ultraman/Symphogear snapshot I posted eons ago.

Striberx: We just figured that it'd be easier for us, if we try to combine those things to save us time, since the only difference seems to be toku series. Also, there will be some other changes and such for this story, but the Symphogear story will likely be the same as the series already is.

HackerEX: Don't worry though, we will be adapting a few episodes of Zero-One into this along with some original content.

Striberx: We even got new ideas for this too, such as the reveal of Vulcan Gatling Hedgehog. But for now, it's mostly gonna be something new for us to try, as we're gonna be making sure this is more Symphogear than Zero-One for now.

HackerEX: Although, there is something I do need to address here: the power scaling… Look, while we don't know the full extent of what any of the Zero-One Riders can do, their current feats pale in comparison to what the Symphogear users can do in Season 1 alone. Heck, I'm kind of worried that we might accidentally upstage the Symphogear users in favor of the Riders for this very reason. That's why I'll be trying to help striber scale the threats our heroes are going to be up against, much like how I normally do for Edge of Time.

Striberx: And if anyone is also wondering how the Zero-One riders are able to face against the Noise? Don't worry, I have an idea for that too. It may pop up in the next chap, or later on in the Season 1 arc of Symphogear. But there is a reason as to how they're able to.

HackerEX: Also, and I know this is a bit off-topic, but we have heard you about the stuff about Oma Zi-O in Re:Zi-O. Trust us, we know how OP that guy is. I also would like to remind you that the series we're using is Re:Zero, an anime that's well known for screwing with the viewer.

Striberx: Exactly. We fully know about Oma Zi-O. We have plans for that and will reveal as to how he was even able to be defeated. It's more than just because or some magical mary sue weapon.

HackerEX: Don't you mean magical McGuffain?

Striberx: They get the jist of both of those reasons.

HackerEX: Alright, I'll ease off. Anyhow, going back to Zero-One, you might be wondering about that katakana I stuck onto the finishers… Well, in the words of a certain tag team, we got two for ya! Education, and differentiation.

Striberx: I got the education part. As someone who is truly trying to learn Japanese? This can help those for who want to read the katakana. We may add more stuff in, along with maybe some actual lessons in? But you'll have to wait and see for that.

HackerEX: As for the differentiation part, I kind of feel like placing the finisher in English twice feels a bit redundant in this case. So, as a means to both educate and challenge myself, I decided to try and add in the katakana for each finisher in this story; even the ones for finishers that didn't exist in Zero-One proper. One more thing, yes I know I made the Vulcan OC's name a bit on the nose, but then again that could be said for all of my OCs honestly...

Striberx: Suffice to say, I'm proud of having this made and the effort we're adding in. And I hope everyone else likes this too? ^^

HackerEX: So, did you like what you read? If so then let us know with a review down below! Be sure to give this story a fav and a follow to let us know you want more!

Until then, later minna!