A/N: May I take the opportunity to thank you lovely lot for reading and/or reviewing my story 'Number Twelve'. You're great!

This little story has been sitting in my computer for a while now and this idea just kept coming to me until I just had to write it. The rating is due to change to an M with future chapters and things will be getting steamy between our favourite pair so if that sort of thing isn't for you, you have been warned. This is a comfortable T though so please have a read and don't forget to change your filters for upcoming installments. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The usual. I don't own any of these fantastic characters, I'm just having a little play with them.

Strangers in Paris

Chapter One

Captain von Trapp grimaced as he pulled at his bow tie for what must have been the tenth time that evening. He had never really been a fan of a black-tie event, and this occasion was no exception. He hadn't expected to have been invited to a party, he imagined he would be solely in the company of his wife during his honeymoon.

His honeymoon.

It had been incredible, and he still had three weeks left. He and Maria would walk for miles around Paris, the days full of laughter and awe at the beautiful sights of the city, with discreet and gentle touches that promised their nights together would be simply… Exquisite.

Georg smiled at the thought, still facing the mirror. Maria had provided him with a new lease of life, light and happiness once again. She was so sprightly, so innocent… Or so he thought. From that magical night in the gazebo, he swore to not overwhelm her with all the aspects of romance and intimacy and carefully planned physical affection towards her, cautious of frightening her. What he hadn't planned for however, was her responsiveness and eagerness. Tender touches became more frequent, each kiss hungrier than the last, and embraces became fiercely passionate. There were many evenings (when they were able to steal a couple of moments from their chaperones presence) where they had to restrain themselves to a point where Georg would often wake in the night with certain part of his body evidencing the longing he felt for her.

She had truly brought him back to life.

He peered closer at his reflection, noticing the sparse silver hairs that had made an appearance at his temples in the recent years. He frowned, noting that he was aging a little too quickly for his liking. However, his body certainly had different ideas. He was like a young man again. In his youth, Georg certainly had his fair share of encounters. He and his friends were quite the cads and when he had the opportunity of going ashore in his navy days; alcohol, women and mischief was all that was on his mind. Yet even with the experience he had, Maria had certainly brought out a new side to him that was reserved for her and her alone and they had experienced moments together that he had often only dreamed about during their engagement. Yes, Maria was entirely different, and he discovered his new wife had an equally passionate drive that left them both beyond satisfied.

He furrowed his brow and looked down at his watch. Maria had been awfully quiet since she disappeared into their bedroom and was taking a substantial amount of time to get ready.

"Maria" he called, straightening his cuffs as he crossed the lounge to the door of their bedroom and gently touched his knuckles to the door. "Everything okay in there, Darling?"

"Oh yes, just fine Georg. Although I must admit, the lady in the shop made getting into this dress look a lot easier when she fitted it" she admitted through the door, the sound of her straining herself to fit into it making Georg silently chuckle to himself, thinking of their day out only a few hours ago.

They had awoken early that morning and headed straight out of bed instead of getting wrapped up entirely in each other once again as they had done every morning since they arrived.

They had planned a stroll along the river Seine, something Georg hadn't done before despite his many trips to Paris. It was a new experience that they could explore together. However, only an hour into their walk, the weather seemed to have different ideas, and the heavens suddenly opened, soaking them before they were able to make a run for it.

They found cover in a nearby café and decided it would be the perfect location for a spot of lunch to pass the time until the weather subsided. Sat opposite his wife, he took the opportunity to gaze at the beautiful sight before him. A million cathedrals, rivers or Eiffel towers could never compete with her, he watched as she looked down at the menu before her, long and thick eyelashes covering the bright blue eyes that hid beneath there. Her fingers idly twirling in her hair, seemingly completely oblivious to him admiring her from across the table.

That was until he felt a strange but thrilling sensation on his leg and he immediately raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Her leg had found his under the table and was she slowly stroking his with her own, that touch alone made him want to grab her hand and drag out of the café door and straight into their suite as quickly as his feet could carry him – rain not even an obstacle to him at this moment. He wondered if Maria had any idea about how much of an effect she had on him, did she realise that the slightest touch from her ignited a raging fire within him that could not be extinguished? Maria answered his question for him without even lifting her gaze and he watched in astonishment as her lips curled into the most mischievous smile - she knew exactly what she doing! A devious smile of his own started to form as he thought of how he would play her little game. Making sure his voice was low and peeking over both shoulders to ensure that nobody was close enough to hear, he leaned in closer to her, so much so that he made sure she could feel his breath on her face.

"You know Fraulein, if I didn't know any better, I would assume that you were trying to entice your husband… And in a busy café, no less!"

Maria lifted her face to him with her mouth agape in mock offence. "Why me Captain? I don't know what you could possibly be referring to!"

"Yes, my darling, you. And to think that you once wanted to spend your life in a convent. Who knew that a former postulant could be so… Seductive?"

"Well…" She started, "I suppose I was taught by the very best when it came to that subject" she raised an eyebrow at him, as if to challenge him.

He looked at her in total disbelief and electricity was soaring through his body at Maria's flirtatious tone. He was just about to carry on their playful conversation when he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Georg von Trapp! What on earth are you doing here my old friend!?"

Georg's head shot up like his hand had been caught in a cookie jar and turned around, startled whilst Maria lowered her head again, trying to cover the crimson colour that was flooding her face, threatening to reveal what they had been talking about.

"Clement Resseguie!" He stood up with a beaming smile and greeted him with a firm handshake. "How have you been? It's been years since I last saw you!" He met Clement in Nice during a holiday and was a regular attendee back when he and Agathe hosted parties over the years. He was a tall, well-built fellow with a friendly charm. He reminded him of Max in quite a few ways with his jovial nature.

"Yes, very well Georg, very well" Clement looked over at Maria who was still trying to hide the colour of her cheeks but still smiled at him, trying to mask her embarrassment. Clement turned and kissed her hand. "You must be Maria von Trapp. Enchante Baroness"

"Enchante Monsieur" replied Maria.

"Sorry we missed you at the wedding, Clement. How's business?" asked Georg.

"Not too bad thank you. Yes, I'm sorry I missed it too. I've been here for a few months now but I'm due to leave in two days. So, this is where you decided for your honeymoon then? Well, what better place than the most romantic city in the world?"

"Oh, that's a shame, Clement. It would have been nice to have met up properly and had a catch up" said Georg.

"Well it's funny you should say that actually. I'm hosting a bit of a gathering at my villa tonight. It would be great if you and Maria could make it." He grabbed a notepad and pen from his jacket, scribbled his address down and handed it to Georg.

"Yes of course, Clement. We'd be delighted." Georg was pleased to see him indeed. However, his mind was only his wife sat at the table, and how all he wanted was to continue their 'conversation'.

"Fantastic. In fact, there's a little boutique just across the road. I think your wife deserves a new dress for the occasion. The owner, Elodie is a dear friend of mine. I'll call in there now for you and make sure you're looked after."

Maria raised her hand to protest his request "Oh I don't think that would be necessary Monsieur, I already have such lovely clothes- "

"I won't hear of it Baroness, the Captains wife deserves only the best" and with that, he shook Georg's hand and kissed Maria's hand once more. "See you there at seven thirty."

"Yes, Clement. See you later." Replied Georg.

Maria and Georg's 'seduction' would just have to wait.

Figuring that it would be a bit longer before Maria would be ready, Georg sat back in the armchair of the lounge of their suite and decided to pour himself a glass of whisky before heading out. Maria hadn't been to a party like this before and hoped she would be okay. Although Maria was easy to get along with, he was also aware that she was not brought up in aristocracy and felt she may be slightly intimidated with the whole event. However, when she emerged from their bedroom, he was sure that she would slot in perfectly.

She looked breath taking.

Maria was wearing a long, deep red gown that suited her perfectly. Modest enough for her yet screamed elegance at the same time. The sweetheart neckline subtly showed off her décolletage with a chiffon shawl that fell as her forearms.

"Good heavens Maria, you look ravishing!"

"Why thank you Georg, not quite the governess attire I'm used to" she said with a playful giggle.

"No? Are you sure they weren't once hanging from the bedroom? The hotel won't be happy with that, you know?" he replied, faking his horror and pretending to check that the curtains hadn't been torn from the pole.

Maria giggled again, playfully swatted his arm at his reply and tucked her hand into the loop of his arm.

"Now Baroness, shall we?"

Thank you so much for reading. Chapter two is on its way.

If I could trouble you to take a minute to leave a review, please do. I always love to see what your thoughts are. Whether it be positive or constructive criticism, both are equally welcome.

Charlotte x