Donquixote Days

Title: Donquixote Days
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: This is a collection of one-shots surrounding Donquixote Rocinante and his life in the city of Dressrosa. [Modern AU] [CoraBelle] [Fluff] [Family] [Humor] [OOCness]

Chapter 1: Confessions

He loved Bellemere. He loved the way her laughter made him feel warm inside. He loved the way her smile lit up the entire room. He loved the way she would always stand up for herself and her friends, no matter who her opponent was. He was his first love and his only love to this day. And that was saying a lot since he was seventeen years old and they hadn't seen each other since her elementary school graduation. Bellemere had moved away after fifth grade but had moved back to Dressrosa for her final year of high school.

In all those years, Rocinante had never fallen in love with anyone else. He rejected the girls that confessed to him and the people Doflamingo had tried to set him up with. He only loved Bellemere. Though it had been around seven years since they last saw each other, when the two had reunited, they instantly got along well as if they had never left each other's side. The two often hung out together whether it was at the movies or the park or just simply at Rocinante's house.

Currently, they were both at the park. Rocinante fiddled with a scarlet rose in his hands before finally speaking up. "B-Bellemere?"

"Yeah?" She was laying down on their picnic blanket, staring up at the sky.

"T-There's something I want to say to you," Rocinante stuttered.

"Go ahead,"

Rocinante took a deep breath. "I…I…I just want to say…thank you for being my friend for all these years,"

"Pfft, you don't have to thank me for something like that," Bellemere chuckled.

"A-And," Rocinante hesitated. "I was wondering if you…" He bit his lip and glanced away. "Ah, never mind,"

"It sounded like it was something important," Bellemere raised a brow.

"D-Don't worry about it," Rocinante stammered. "It's nothing,"

Bellemere sat up. "The rose you're holding is a dead giveaway to what you're trying to say,"

"W-What?" Rocinante's cheeks turned a deep shade of reddish-pink. "I-I—"

Bellemere pulled Rocinante towards her by the front of his shirt and sealed their lips together with a kiss. "I love you too,"


Homing, Mari, Doflamingo, and a bunch of Doflamingo's friends who for some reason liked to crash at the Donquixote Mansion were all gathered in the living room. Four year old Law and two year old Lami were also with them because Rocinante and Bellemere were babysitting them for the neighbors, the Trafalgar's.

"I have very important news to share with you all," Rocinante began.

"Did you get Bellemere pregnant?" Doflamingo asked out of the blue.

"Wow Corazon, I never thought you had it in you!" Diamante whistled.

"Rocinante, I expected you to use protection," Mari shook her head in disappointment but was actually excited to be a grandmother. "Is it a boy or girl?"

"Wait, what!?" Rocinante exclaimed. "Bellemere's not pregnant!"

"Eh?" The excitement died down. "So what's the news?"

"Bellemere and I started dating!" Rocinante revealed.

Everyone seemed to be unsurprised by the news. "Wait, I thought the two of you were already dating?" Senor Pink questioned.

"What are you talking about?" Rocinante inquired. "We weren't dating before yesterday when we confessed to each other at the park,"

"So all those outings the two of you spent together weren't dates?" Homing asked.

"We were just two friends hanging out," Bellemere stated.

"It was pretty obvious that the two of you would end up together," Doflamingo claimed. "I mean, whenever you two are babysitting Law and Lami you guys look like an actual family!"

"Huh!?" Rocinante and Bellemere looked to each other.

"Come to think about it…" Bellemere recalled all the times they babysat Law and Lami in public.

The four of them were at an ice cream shop. Law was in Rocinante's arms and Lami was in Bellemere's. They all stared at the various flavors of ice cream. "What a cute little family," An old man commented as he entered.

They were all at the park. Rocinante and Bellemere were gently pushing Law and Lami on the swings. "How old are your kids?" A mom asked from the swings beside them. She was pushing a year old boy with spiky red hair. Standing beside her was a five year old blond boy.

"Law's four and Lami's two," Rocinante answered, thinking that the woman knew that he and Bellemere were just babysitters.

They were at a café for lunchtime. After they had ordered, they were served their food. Once they were done with their meal, they were brought desserts. "It's on the house," The waiter informed. "The owner said it's for the adorable family,"

"Yep…" Rocinante realized. "Everyone thought that Belle and I were married and Law and Lami were our kids. But shouldn't they be able to tell that we look nothing like Law and Lami?"

"Adoption exists," Bellemere pointed out.

"So just to be clear," Homing said. "Bellemere, you aren't pregnant?"

"No," Bellemere flatly responded. "As we told you before, we just started dating yesterday,"

So unlike my other One Piece fanfics, Law and Lami's parents, Trafalgar Sosuke and Trafalgar Lily, are still alive. They live right next door to the Donquixote Mansion and are often busy with work at the hospital so the Donquixote's, mainly Rocinante, babysits them. Rocinante is still referred to as Corazon by others because of his soft heart.

The kids in the second flashback were a cameo appearance of baby Eustass Kid who is three years younger than Law and child Killer who is a year older than Law. Since it'd be weird for a child to be actually named Killer, his real name in this fic will be Kira but mostly everyone will call him Killer.