In the city of Davebelle at a purple house in a suburban neighborhood inside of the home is a bedroom full of goth posters and wallpaper, strange stuff animals, stacks of video games, and a large number of video games consoles. The room belongs to a 16-year-old girl with an hourglass figure, purple hair, brown eyes, and she is medium height. The girl wore a purple hoodie with a white skull on the right side, a black shirt, tight black pants, white socks, purple shoes, and black earrings. The girl's name is Gaz Membrane, the daughter of Professor Membrane. Gaz is currently playing the new Game Slave and a game she has been playing for weeks called "Call of the Galaxy," she sits on her bed with a slice of pizza on her desk.
Gaz is on top of the leader boarder in a deathmatch killing every other player that in her way while building up a massive kill strike.
"This is just getting too easy," Gaz thought as her character in the game snipes a player from a wrecked spaceship "I swear I'm just great at this game,"
For about 15 minutes, Gaz was dominating the deathmatch with no one stopping her until a new player joins into the game, and Gaz looks at the joining player's username.
"TheLTrain? What type of name is that? Whatever he will be on my kill strike soon of enough," Gaz thought then he stomach starts to rumble
Gaz took her eye off the game for a minute to take a bite out of her slice of pizza then she looked at the screen to see her character getting killed.
"What the fuck who kill me?!" Gaz look at the kill cam to see it was TheLTrain who sneak behind her with a slice raygun "he got lucky time for payback,"
Gaz's character responds, and she looks for the player that kills her when she finds the TheLTrain character and tries to snipe at him, but another player tries to kill her, so she had to deal with that player fast, but TheLTrain came up and killed her after the gunfight.
"Dammit," Gaz angrily mutter under her mouth
The deathmatch ended, and Gaz was from first to third. The player who has taken the second place position is TheLTrain, and Gaz is not happy.
"Who the hell this person think they are ruining my kill strike and making finish in the third and they did not even come in first," Gaz groans in frustration
Gaz looks at TheLTrain profile to find out more about the player only to find out that the player plays fewer games than her, and he is new at the game.
"I got wreck by a noob," Gaz is at disbelief then her cellphone ring to be her older brother Dib, and she quickly answers the phone "Dib not now I'm in a bad mood if you just call me to help you stop Zim stupid plan you won't sleep for a month,"
"Never mind," said Dib as immediate hangs up
Gaz looks at TheLTrain profile again "I swear by the god of videogames I will beat you TheLTrain if that the last thing I do for the rest of my life!" Gaz shouted, and Gaz goes to the player message
One hundred miles away from Davebelle is Royal wood inside of a yellow house is a 16-teen-year-old teenage boy who is tall and lain; he had white hair, frickles, and black eyes. The boy wore an orange, white, and blue letterman jacket, white-collar shirt, blue jeans, white socks, and blue shoes. The boy's name is Lincoln Loud, the oldest and only brother of 10 sisters. He is on the couch of the living room, talking to his best friend Clyde about the new Game Slave.
"How the game Lincoln?" said Clyde
"It's great Clyde the graphics are out of this world," said Lincoln
"Really because I'm planning on buying one myself tomorrow,"
"You should totally get one so that why we can play co-op on this game Call of the Galaxy,"
"What is it about?"
"It's your basic human fighting an alien invasion only this time it's on a colonize moon, and there's an underground city in the moon,"
"Woah that sound epic,"
"And I just came second in the game online deathmatch,"
"Yep," then Lincoln Game Slave has a message pop up on it, and Liconlin read the message out loud, "I want a rematch in five minutes, NOW!"
"What did you read?"
"A message from a player name 'Dark One of the underworld' must one of the players from the deathmatch I play,"
"It sounds serious Lincoln,"
"Nah I think I can beat this player again beside it's all in good fun,"
"All right,"
Lincoln and Clyde said their goodbyes, and Lincoln picked up the Game Slave and got into the game and ready for the rematch.
"This is going to be fun," Lincoln thought as he grins.