Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor will it ever be. The characters belong to Stephenie Meyer and I just like to play with Edward and Bella.

Also, thank you so much for your support for my writing. It means to me more than words can say.

I'm unsure if you'd heard, but one of our beloved fandom family members passed away recently. Dee Creston, lovingly known as FangirlinGrandmaDee, died peacefully and surrounded by family. This chapter is dedicated to one of the kindest, warmest and friendliest members of our TwiFamily. Her love of fic and her encouraging words will be missed, tremendously.

From me to you, Dee, {GIANT TUFANO HUGS AND SMOOCHES} … always and forever.

This is it … the end of the road. Thank you to everyone who has read, left a comment, and enjoyed PTWard and WriterElla. Thank you to Clo Rodeffer for creating the story banner. Thank you to Christina Downs for betaing for me for the Babies at the Border Compilation. Also, thank you to everyone who helped me with making sure that the story was true to reality. I appreciate it all!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't even see the staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Epilogue Three

A couple of days after the half-marathon, Renee and Charlie flew back to Washington with Jake, Seth and Gianna. Bella and Edward were flying to Los Angeles for the premier of the movie, A Single Step. Bella was sitting in the first-class lounge, paid for by the movie studio, checking her email. "Holy crap," she breathed.

"What?" Edward asked, putting down his book.

"Riley emailed me," she whispered. "He saw my picture on Instagram and he … he wants to meet up. He knows that the movie is premiering this week." Edward pursed his lips. He abhorred Bella's ex-husband. He never lied about it. His feelings were apparent and he never denied that he couldn't stand how he treated Bella and the kids. Bella took his hand, staring at her very upset husband. "You're coming with me, Edward. You're my husband."

"And I take my vows seriously," he said, picking up Bella's hand and kissed above her wedding set. "Unlike that asshole."

"He invited me to his home in the Hollywood Hills," Bella said. Edward's mouth thinned. "I know you hate him."

"Hate is too kind a word," Edward growled.

Bella threaded her fingers with Edward's and closed her laptop. "Edward, I'm with you and I will stay with you. You're my best friend and my personal hero. If you don't want me to go, I won't."

"You're never leaving me, Bella. Forever, right?" Bella nodded and pressed a kiss to his soft lips. "Now, what did he say?" Edward asked.

"He congratulated me on the publication of my book and the upcoming movie. He asked about Jake and Seth, asking how they were doing. He even asked about Gianna," Bella murmured. "It was a very generic message, but he wanted to see me, see us. We have a few days before the premiere of the movie. I think it would be a good idea to see him. To rub it in his face that he lost and you won."

"Damn right," Edward snorted, kissing Bella's temple and holding her to his side. "If he says one thing … anything that is disrespectful to you or to the boys, his face will become personally acquainted with my fist."

"I have no doubt. Your protection of me is quite apparent, Edward. I love you so much for it," she smiled, snuggling closer to him.

They got on the plane and four and a half hours later, they landed in LAX. A limo was waiting for them and drove them to the hotel, the Four Seasons in Los Angeles. Once in their suite, Edward ordered room service and they enjoyed some time alone. They would have made Aunt Elizabeth proud with all of the hotel sex they'd had. Edward wanted her to feel him when they went to visit Riley the following day.

With directions from the concierge, Edward drove to Riley's house. He parked on the street, arching a brow over his sunglasses. "Awfully pretentious, yeah?"

"This is the man who divorced me because I was in a wheelchair," Bella deadpanned. "He's all about how things are perceived. He cannot look poor or display weakness." She unbuckled her seatbelt. Edward got out, jogging to Bella's side of the car. Threading their fingers together, they walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. A woman with blonde hair opened and she smiled. "Hello, I'm here to see Riley Biers?"

"Oh, yes," she said. She opened the door wider and they stepped inside. "I'm Maggie, Riley's wife. You must be Bella and Edward." She held out her hand, shaking their hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well," Bella mumbled.

"Riley didn't tell you about me?" Maggie quipped. "Shocking. We just got married a few months ago. We're on the porch." She gestured with her hand and they walked up the stairs to the elegantly appointed outdoor space. "Do either of you want something to drink?"

"I'm fine," Bella answered. Edward nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Bells," Riley said. He stepped from an office and the man Bella divorced was not the man standing in front of her. He had a cane and his skin was scarred from burns on his arms and along the side of his face. "Pretty gruesome, huh?"

"What happened?" Bella asked.

He walked slowly to the couch and sat down with a grimace. "About eight months ago, I was in a car accident. Some drunk guy ran a red light and t-boned my car. It broke my pelvis and there was a fire, causing second and third degree burns along sixty percent of my body."

"How is your recovery?" Edward asked. "Your pelvis? The walking?"

"It's slow going," Riley chuckled. "I won't be running any half-marathons like you two. The doctors said it was a miracle that I'm walking at all. I have more hardware in my pelvis and hips than my computer. They were more concerned about my burns. I've had about twenty surgeries for skin grafts and such."

"Why didn't you call me? We may not have ended things on a good note, but I still care about you," Bella said.

"Even after I walked away?" Riley asked, bitterness filling his tone. "I deserved this, Bella. This is karma coming back to kick my ass."

Maggie came out with a couple of glasses of lemonade. She handed one to Riley, along with a pill. He grimaced, swallowing it and sipping his drink. "You okay, Riley?" Maggie asked.

"I'm fine," he said, taking Maggie's hand. "I was driving home, after taking Maggie out on a date."

"They wouldn't let me see him," Maggie frowned. "I wasn't family. He listed his boss as his emergency contact."

"She should have walked away. I wouldn't have blamed her," Riley sighed. "I was in that fucking hospital for six weeks and the rehab center for three months, relearning how to move and walk." He closed his eyes and tears fell down his cheeks. Maggie kissed his lips and whispered in his ear. She took his hand as Riley looked up at his ex-wife. The pain in his eyes was more than physical. It was emotional and mental, going to the very depth of his soul. "I'm so fucking sorry, Bells. I was terrified in that hospital room. I didn't know if I was going to live. Maggie was with me, along with my boss, Jared and his wife, Kim. They stayed with me even though I looked like melted plastic and was in a wheelchair. I should have done the same with you. I should have stayed and not run away like an asshole."

"Edward, Maggie, can Riley and I have a few moments?" Bella asked.

"Of course," Maggie said, standing up. "Would you like a tour, Edward? Or some lemonade?"

"Thank you, Maggie," Edward said, kissing Bella's temple. "I love you, beautiful."

"I love you more, Edward," Bella whispered, cupping his face. He kissed her again and left with Maggie. Bella got up smoothly, taking Maggie's seat. She took Riley's hands. "This is not karma."

"I deserve this, Bells," Riley whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I never realized, Bells. You must have been so broken and scared and I fucking walked away."

Bella felt tears in her eyes and she gently hugged him. "No more apologies. I'm sorry that you were hurt and you didn't feel comfortable enough to call me. I hate that you were hurt so badly." Riley hugged her back and cried quietly against her shoulder. Pulling back, she brushed his hair back. "We shared fifteen years together. You said you still loved me."

"I still do," Riley said.

"There's a part of me that still loves you, too. I hated what you did to our family and after talking to Edward, Rosalie, my therapist and my friends, I understand why you did it," Bella said.

"I still wish I hadn't fucked things up," Riley spat, leaning forward and grimacing in pain. "But, you got Edward and the boys are happy. You have a baby girl."

"Gianna's not a baby anymore," Bella smirked. "She's a toddler and into everything. It's like trying nailing Jell-O to the wall, but I adore her. She's a blessing." Taking his hands again, Bella smiled. "I've forgiven you, Riley. You need to forgive yourself. You have a beautiful home and lovely wife."

"The fact she stayed with me, says so much about Maggie," Riley breathed. "I just hate that I'll never be able to give her what she wants. A family …" He sighed and shook his head. "The accident caused too much damage. Down there."

"Maybe, in time, the boys will …" Bella began.

"They won't ever forgive me," Riley sighed.

"You never know. Seth asks about you from time to time. Jake, well, he can hold a grudge like nobody's business," Bella snorted. She smiled tenderly at him and felt sympathy for him. "You have a family, Riley. A slightly offbeat family, with more limbs on the tree than anything, but it's still a family."

Riley stared at her, seeing the young woman he'd fell in love with almost twenty years ago. He still loved her, but she loved another. He'd torn her apart and he would forever feel guilt for what he did after she had her stroke. However, he was thrilled that she found her happily ever after with Edward. She deserved it, more than anything. "Thank you, Bells," he whispered.

"Is it safe to come out now?" Maggie called from inside the house, giggling.

"I like her," Bella said. "She doesn't take your shit."

Riley laughed. Maggie took that as a cue to come outside. Bella got up and hugged her before sitting back down with her husband. They spent the afternoon talking and eating some lunch, reconnecting as friends. Edward was still angry at Riley for what he did to his sons, but he was sympathetic toward him in his recovery. As a sign of good faith, Edward did work with Riley and Maggie on some massage techniques to help with Riley's pain from his pelvic injury.

They left as the sun was setting and Bella had an appointment with a private shopper to choose a dress for the movie premier. Walking to the car, Edward snuggled Bella, whispering in her ear. "There are days where I'm so fucking amazed by you, love. Today is one of them."

"Me, too, Edward," Bella breathed, kissing him gently. "You're a good man and I thank God every day that you are in my life. I love you."

"I adore you, Bella. Every day and forever," Edward smirked. "Now, after that very uncomfortable afternoon, I want to go back to our fancy hotel and make love to my wife."

"After I pick out a dress for the premier, baby," Bella said. "Then, you and me? We have a date with that king-sized bed. You in?"

"I'm counting the minutes until I'm inside you," he growled, turning over the car.

"Fuck me," Bella whimpered.

"Soon, love. Very, very soon."

xx A Single Step xx

"Holy hell," Bella breathed, looking at Edward in a sleek designer suit. "If we didn't have to be at Grauman's Chinese Theater, I'd want to rip off that tuxedo off with my teeth. You look fucking hot, Edward."

Edward turned around and his eyes bugged out at his beautiful wife, wearing a black, lacy evening gown. Her hair was curled and pinned back, falling down her shoulder in loose ringlets. Her makeup was dark, but elegant. "You're not the only one who wants to rip off clothing with their teeth, beautiful. Words cannot describe how exquisite you are."

She blushed, shifting on her heels. "I'd walk to you, but I'm terrified I'm going to stumble over my own feet. The shopper insisted that I wear these ankle-breakers because flats would 'ruin the entire look,'" she chuckled. Edward walked over to her and slid his arms around her waist. "I feel weird that the kids aren't here."

"We agreed that we didn't want them to deal with this craziness," Edward said, cupping her ass. "After today, our lives are going to change. We want to protect the kids from that."

"You're right," Bella nodded. "How'd you get so smart?"

"Almost seven years of school," Edward laughed. "Four years of undergrad and a three-year stint to get my master's degree." He ran his fingers along her arms. "Are you okay with our meeting with Riley? You were quiet last night after the shopper left."

"Not that quiet," Bella teased. "Someone was eager to make me forget that uncomfortable afternoon. I'm still feeling you."

"Then, I've succeeded. Now, are you okay? Talk to me, Bella."

"We talked a little bit while you and Maggie were inside, getting the dessert. A little more, really. He never realized how much I struggled. He apologized again …" she trailed off. "My heart broke for him, Edward. He will forever be in pain because of his injuries. I will have to stay on blood thinners and watch my weight for the rest of my life, but I've completely recovered. The only thing that remains is clumsiness when I'm tired, or in heels. I hate that he had no one to turn to other than his boss. I meant what I said that he could have called me. I still care about him."

"Do you forgive him?" Edward pressed. Bella nodded, moving closer to Edward. "Me, too. Though, I highly doubt the boys will. Even with the news of his injuries, Jake abhors his 'sperm donor.' Seth would consider talking to him, but he doesn't trust him. You saw how long it took him to open up to me."

"That's because Seth was burned by Riley. He didn't know you," Bella argued. "In his eyes, he saw another man who would break promises. When he realized that you weren't going anywhere, he accepted you and loved you. After Gianna was born, he finally realized that you weren't giving up on us as a family. I was back in that chair and you helped me, single-handedly cared for our newborn baby girl and made sure that the boys got to where they needed to go, plus drove me to my numerous appointments and worked full time. You were a fucking rock star. The love I had for you grew exponentially after Gianna's birth."

"As did mine for you," Edward said, cupping her pale cheek.

There was a quiet knock at the door. "Mr. and Mrs. Cullen?"

Edward kissed Bella's lips and walked to open the door. "Yes?"

A tiny woman wearing a sleek dress and a warm smile entered. She was one of the production assistants for the movie. "Your limo is here and I'm here to escort you to the premiere. I'll be acting as your personal assistant. I'm Tanya, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Tanya. I'm Edward and this is my wife, Bella," Edward said, gesturing to Bella. "Thank you for your help today."

Tanya shook his hand and stepped inside. She scurried to Bella, holding out her hand. "It's such a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cullen. Your diary really resonated with me. My mother had a stroke just as I entered college. She wasn't as fortunate as you, but reading about how you didn't give up while you recovered gave her hope. The doctors said she'd never be able to talk again and she'd be in a long-term care facility for the rest of her life. We got a second opinion and while my mother struggles with her words and she's confined to a chair, she's able to speak and she's at home with my dad." She didn't wait and she hugged Bella. "Thank you!"

Bella blinked to her husband and hugged the young woman, who reminded her of Alice. "I'm so glad that your mother is doing better. It's always nice to stick it to the doctors who say you can't do things, but you prove them wrong. When I walked into the doctor's office, the original doctor who told me I'd be confined to the chair, his jaw scraped the ground. I gave him the finger and told him to suck it." She pulled back, grinning at Tanya. She held up a finger, walking slowly to the bedroom. Tugging out a hardcover copy of her book, she walked back. "What's your mother's name?"

"Irina," Tanya breathed. "Irina Denali."

Bella grinned, sitting down to sign the copy of her diary.

To Irina and Tanya Denali –
Always kick ass and take names. Be proud of your accomplishments and prove those doctors wrong. I will continue to pray for you as you continue to recover from your stroke.
All the best, Isabella Cullen

"For you," Bella chirped, handing her the book. "And your mom. I've included my email address if you ever want to talk."

"You have no idea what this means to me. I promised that I wouldn't fangirl, but I couldn't help it. You're so beautiful and smart and inspirational and …" she chattered. Her cell phone buzzed in her hand. Checking the screen, she chuckled. "Right, movie! Are you ready?"

Bella nodded. Edward walked over to her, offering his hand to help his wife to her feet. She picked up the tiny clutch and looped her arm through his. They made their way to the lobby. Tanya slid in the front with the driver while Edward and Bella sat in the back. They drove to the theater, but didn't get out right away. "We're in line to get out," Tanya chirped. "There's a large crowd because of the popularity of your book and the hype for the movie. You're walking the red carpet before the two stars. You will need to do some interviews, but I'll make sure that you're not monopolized by any one entertainment news outlet."

"Thank you, Tanya," Bella smiled. She looked out the window, shocked at the crowd. A number of the people in the mass of humanity were in wheelchairs or had assistive devices for mobility. Their eyes were filled with hope and happiness. She saw copies of her book in their hands along with posters of the movie. "Wow …"

"Who would have thought your diary and stubbornness would lead to this?" Edward whispered, kissing Bella's neck.

"I'm not stubborn," Bella snickered.

"Right, and I don't have green eyes," Edward deadpanned. Bella scowled at him. "Bella, love, if you had accepted your prognosis, you would still be in the chair. Your stubbornness pushed you to meet with Jasper and he sent you to me. Be proud of your achievements. You've helped a lot of people. Look at that … you gave them hope. I love you and I'm so honored to be your husband. I waited until I found the perfect woman and that was you. You gave me hope, a family, and so much joy." He took her face into his hands, staring into her eyes. "I love you, Bella. I'll always love you."

The limo stopped and a security guard opened the door. He held out his hand for Bella. She took it and she stood up, stepping onto the red carpet. Edward stood next to her, looping her arm through his and kissed her temple. The screams were deafening and the flash bulbs of the cameras were blinding. Bella clung to Edward as they made their way along the red carpet.

Dotted along the red carpet were various entertainment media outlets. Tanya guided them to the men and women interviewing them. They answered questions about the book and about Bella's recovery.

Inside the theater, they were led to the stage. Edward was seated in the audience while Bella was on stage with the director and the two lead actors. The lights went down in the audience. Bella shivered. "Are you okay, Miss Bella?" asked the lead actor, Zachary.

"I'm afraid I'm going to trip over my dress and fall on my ass," she quipped. "My husband is in the audience and he's my usual date and crutch."

"Well, I played your husband on screen. Consider me your substitute," Zachary quipped. Bella blushed, taking his proffered arm. With a gentle push, they walked out of the backstage area and were blinded by a spotlight. "It's disconcerting, but you'll get used to it."

"I'm not a performer," Bella chuckled. "Give me a computer and I'm happy. I'd rather write, not speak."

"But, you were a teacher prior to your stroke?" asked the actress, Lauren, who portrayed 'Bella.' "If you can hold the attention of children; you can speak on stage. Pretend that this a classroom of obnoxious thirteen-year olds."

"Filled with some of my favorite actors and directors," Bella groaned. "I'll just stand here and smile." As she did, the microphone was handed to her. The director grinned and she blushed. Holding up the microphone, she blew out a breath. "I didn't expect to speak tonight. Lauren told me to pretend like you were like my students when I taught."

"It might work," Lauren smirked, earning a few chuckles.

"When I started writing this diary, my life had dramatically changed. I was not a novice to writing in a journal. I'd always kept one, writing in it when I needed to process my thoughts. After my stroke, I desperately needed to process the drastic change and the loss of my mobility.

"I'd been the picture of health, having competed in a half marathon shortly before my back imploded. Afterward, I was confined to a chair. I hated it. I hated losing my freedom. I hated being able to feel my legs but unable to move them? It didn't make sense. On top of losing my mobility and my life turning upside down, my husband left me, divorcing me because he couldn't handle it.

"A year later, after meeting with a new neurologist who believed that I could walk again, and working with his wife and my own physical therapist, I found my new support team. I worked with a therapist, a psychologist, and my body and my mind strengthened. It wasn't without stress and hurdles, but I grew stronger. With that strength, I was able to take my first steps. They were clumsy and awkward. I fell, but Edward, my Edward, caught me. Something clicked and he became my person, the one human who could help me carry my load. After that moment and an amazing kiss, my life changed for the better.

"The support of someone who loves and cherishes you was the biggest key in my recovery. I married my soulmate, the man who saw past the wheelchair and saw the woman. We had a little girl, a miracle, a blessing, we never expected. We had bumps and falls, but our love never wavered. We just ran a half-marathon … something I never expected I'd ever be able to do, but we took it one step at a time.

"When I began working with my physical therapist, now husband, he ran his fingers along forearm where he had a tattoo etched into his skin. 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' That's all it takes … a single step … to change your life. To make your dreams come true. To lead you to your true love. To live your fullest life." She smiled, handing the microphone to Zachary.

He kissed Bella's cheek. "To live your fullest life … enjoy the movie."

Zachary helped both Bella and Lauren off the stage. Bella sat down next to Edward and he kissed her deeply. "That good, baby?" she asked as the lights went down.

He stared at her as the movie began, unable to turn away from her face. He cupped her cheek, caressing her soft skin. "That single step led me to you, beautiful, my true love. My only love."

"Who knows where the next steps lead us, Edward, but I won't take them without you by my side," she breathed, tracing her fingers down his cheek and pressing her hand to his chest.

He smiled crookedly, leaning forward to brush his lips over hers. Pulling back and pressing his forehead to hers, he whispered, "Every step, beautiful. Every single step."
