This is the final chapter! Thank you to those who have taken the time to leave a review! Hugs!

"Viserys Draconis!"

The white-haired young boy giggled as he ran down the steps and out to the open grasslands that covered the cliffs of Dragonstone, his Grandmother yelling his name again—followed closely from behind by Qhono and Daario.

Fortunately the little miscreant didn't get too far out on the cliffs before Lyr swooped down and planted his large body in front of his human—clearly happy to see him as he trilled and chuffed...nudging Viserys back with his snout.

The youngest Targaryen grabbed his dragon and giggled again, gently patting his face and babbling a mixture of Valyrian and the common tongue while Lyr just huffed and allowed the concession.

When Narcissa finally reached him, Viserys grinned toothily.

"Nana! Dis my dragon!"

"Yes my love." Narcissa smiled softly as her three year old grandson continued to pet Lyr. The dragon amazingly, was already fully bonded with Viserys, and although the boy was too young to ride yet—Narcissa knew it was only a matter of time before her own dragon would be teaching his son to fly. "But you must not run off like that."

Lyr trilled and nudged Viserys again, and not for the first time Narcissa wondered just how intelligent these dragons were. Lyr knew her well enough, and tolerated her around Viserys but Narcissa suspected if the dragon believed anyone was a threat to her grandson, Lyr would have no problem ending their existence.

"Thank you Lyr."

The dragon chuffed and nudged the young lad one more time, causing him to pout.

"But I don wanna go back inside!"

"You need to get ready for your mid-day meal," Narcissa replied firmly. "Perhaps when your parents are done with their meeting, you can persuade your father to bring you back outside after your nap?"

Viserys scrunched up his nose like he wanted to throw a tantrum, but Lyr made a few sounds and instantly the boy calmed enough that Narcissa was able to approach him and take him within her arms.

Lyr watched her closely and Narcissa smiled and bowed her head at the large beast. She had learned fairly early on that the dragons, while not exactly tolerant of anyone who didn't have Targaryen blood...were much like hippogriffs in that they were very proud magical creatures.

Lyr trilled again and watched her walk away with his human, before taking to the skies to join his brothers. They had visitors on Dragonstone this day, and it was their job to protect the borders and their family.

In the throne room, Daenerys was sitting down in her rightful place with her husband to her right and her Father-in-Law to her left. The Ministers from Great Britain, Russia, Australia and Japan were visiting today...each with concerns over what she had tasked for them.

"I do not comprehend your reluctance in this regard," Daenerys shook her head, "it will only serve to benefit your people as time passes."

"But My Queen," Rufus Scrimgeour lamented, "Muggle technology has never been able to track magic."

"Minister, whilst I might have agreed with that sentiment fifty years ago—mundane technology is reaching critical levels heretofore unseen. You must prepare now for the safety of our people and your reluctance and that of your counterparts will ultimately expose our society to the very people we wish to remain separate from."

"And you have foreseen this?" The Russian Minister asked.

Daenerys stood up and clasped her hands together—her posture regal as she descended the steps of her throne and moved towards the fire grate next to Draco. Grey worm, who was standing guard nearby, was ever at the ready to protect his Queen should he be needed.

Draco watched his wife stand next to the fire, and stare into the flames. Her expression was placid, but he could feel the tension emanating from her soul. Since their bonding, he could feel his wife's emotions more and more as time progressed.

And he knew she was particularly concerned about the visions in the flames the Lord of Light had given her not too long ago.

"The mundanes have created the ability to use objects in space to communicate, to track movements. But more than that, they have found a way to communicate instantly from one part of the globe to the next using invisible conduits that generate pictures. These images, are ever changing. In time, they will become so advanced that magic as we know it will no longer be enough to hide us from them."

Her gaze lifted from the flames and she sighed.

"How long do we have, My Queen?" The Australian Minister inquired.

"A generation, perhaps two."

All the Ministers faces paled.

"That is the reason I have called you here. You each have tremendous political sway within the larger magical communities. Minister Chemerov, I will require you to work with the eastern Ministries, China and India in particular to facilitate their help. In my visions, I have foreseen that the mundanes will seek these communities out to build their technologies going forward. If we are to be successful, we will need them onside."

"Why not go to them directly, My Queen?"

"Because you have been trying for some time to negotiate a more equitable trade with both Ministries, yes?"

Chemerov nodded.

"Then this should help that along, should it not?"

The Russian chuckled and gave Lord Malfoy a knowing look.

He'd initially been quite skeptical of the Dragon Queen but over the past several years, he'd come to respect her foresight and her wisdom. She was also quite cunning and ruthless when motivated.

"Rufus, you will need to work your own magic with the Americans. President Quahog can be brought to understand the importance of this if you mention that it will see to his re-election for the foreseeable decade."

Scrimgeour laughed and nodded, fully aware of Quahog's propensity for liking his power a little too much.

"Also tell him if he doesn't agree to work with you, he can just as easily find himself replaced with someone who will."

Rufus bowed, murmuring, "Of course, My Queen."

She then turned to the Australian Minister for Magic. A woman named Annabelle Morrigan.

"Minister Morrigan, it is my understanding that you attended Castelobruxo."

"Yes, My Queen."

"So your relations with the Ministries in the southern regions of the America's are fairly established?"

Annabelle nodded.

"Then please discuss this with them. The mundanes in Africa and the Southern America's will be the last to conform to existing technologies but they must be prepared. I will eventually reach out to the African Magical tribes in time, but these are the priorities and need to be dealt with immediately."

"Of course."

"Minister Nagaki, I would greatly appreciate you speaking with the smaller magical enclaves in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. Get them to agree to help and explain the importance of us acting now."

The Japanese Minister bowed formally in acquiescence, and the four Ministers said their goodbyes and left, following Grey worm to the floo room that had been set up on Dragonstone and could only be accessed by strict invitation.

If anyone tried to use the floo to enter the keep uninvited—they'd find themselves burned alive.

Once they were gone, Draco moved over and enveloped his wife into his side, kissing her temple in reassurance.

"You needn't worry love, I'm sure they will follow through."

"I'm not worried persay," she admitted with a sigh, "I am just constantly reminded at how much the world has changed in the past two millennia."

Lucius chuckled. "I think you're doing a remarkable job, my dear. I don't imagine that I would've believed that the magical communities could unite under a single purpose without bloodshed and yet, here we are."

Daenerys just shook her head at her Father-in-Law, and was about to respond with she heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet heading towards the throne room.

Her face broke out into a wide smile as her little Prince came running inside the throne room with his Grandmother at his heels.


"Rytsas ñuha dārilaros." She kissed his cheek in greeting as she lifted him within her embrace, while Viserys arms wrapped around her neck. "Skoros emagon ao issare bē naejot?"

"Istan naejot ūndegon Lyr, Yn nana vestās ēdan naejot māzigon iemnȳ."

Dany was always amazed at how well Viserys spoke Valyrian. It came to him far easier than the common tongue, which her husband lamented constantly since his Valyrian was still rather rudimentary, despite spending copious amounts of time with Grey worm.

"Nana is correct," Dany gently chastised her little one, "it is time for your mid-day meal and then a nap."


"Listen to your Mother, Viserys." Lucius voice was deep and firm, causing his grandson to look over at him with his big blue-grey eyes.

"Yes, Papa."

Lucius smirked and immediately walked over holding his arms out, to which Viserys reached for him instinctively and this engendered a knowing grin between Draco and his wife. Draco had never known his Father to be anything but strict and uncompromising, but with Viserys? Lucius had mellowed into a bit of a soft touch.

"Come, let us find Baela, and see if she has your lunch ready."


Narcissa followed her husband and grandson out of the throne room and down to the dining area, while Draco and Daenerys watched them leave.

"He's growing too fast." Dany sighed and Draco just wrapped a supportive arm around his wife's waist and nodded.

"They do that love."

"It seems like it was only yesterday we returned here, and now Viserys will be turning four next week," Her eyes caught and held her husband's, "he asked for a broom for his birthday. Please tell me you didn't put the idea into his head?"

"Me?" Draco scoffed, inwardly laughing at how irritated his lovely bride looked at the prospect. "They do have training brooms, love."

"That isn't helping Draco."

"Yes dear," he lifted her face to his and pecked a sweet kiss on her lips, which earned him an incredulous look.

"You can't distract me with your charms, either."

"Can't blame a man for trying."

Draco led them both into the antechamber off the throne room, which was empty save the two of them. The original table that once showed the map of all of Westros, had been replaced with a more modern version—but the original did have a place of honor in the library of the castle where the scholars were located.

The day that Daenerys had brought him home, was the day Draco realized that despite what he'd imagined Dragonstone to be—it was so much more majestic than anything he could've conjured in a thousand lifetimes. The castle itself was imposing from a distance but up close? It had been gargantuan in scope. The iron work was impressive, the dragon sculptures truly magnificent but it had been the throne room that had caused Draco's heart to race. He knew of course, that his wife had been born to be a Queen...but to see the width and breath of what her world had been before her 'death'—it had been too heartbreaking to imagine.

His Father had been speechless, while his Mother had just done her level best to help Dany make the castle more livable for their family. Since their bonding, Draco was able to perform magic at was his Father and Mother. Together, they had set up the floo wards, found the elves to staff the Keep and once Lucius had seen the Ancient library filled with old Valyrian history? He had convinced his Daughter-in-Law to make the scrolls and texts available to a select set of scholars so that the priceless information could be disseminated and shared.

Daenerys had painstakingly interviewed several of the most notable magical historians and eventually formed a small group of six. These individuals were from all magical backgrounds, fairly adept at linguistics and were willing to live at the Keep with their families.

Thorfinn Rowle, who already knew some basic Valyrian—was tasked to spearhead the endeavor, and his own Father was also part of the group of scholars. There was also a witch from France, one from Morocco, and two other wizards from Italy and another from Greece.

Walden McNair worked closely with Daario, Qhono and Grey worm training an elite force of wizards and witches in magical and hand to hand combat. This special guard traveled with the Queen as well as guarded the castle and its inhabitants.

Hermione Granger was given a position as the Queen's special liaison—working with all the Ministries in regards to equality for all magical creatures. She had become so well-known for her efforts, that her own fame was beginning to eclipse her new husband's.

Harry Potter joined the Ministry's Auror ranks, and was working his way up the ladder slowly. His temper had cooled since he'd gotten married and Draco had seen him a handful of times at the Ministry. The git was stiff, but polite.

Dumbledore had passed away a little over a year ago to a dark curse he'd sustained when he'd destroyed one of Riddle's horcruxes. Minerva McGonagall had taken over the Headmistress position, and Severus had been made Deputy Headmaster—much to his chagrin.

Draco's Aunt Bellatrix, was still being treated by mind healers but her overall disposition had improved greatly. The Dementors once removed from Azkaban, had helped those incarcerated retain most of their mental faculties, but for some—like Theo's Father, they were never the same again.

Gazing out to the sea, Draco held Dany close to him and felt a sense of peace pervading his bones. He couldn't imagine his life any more blessed than it had been for these past few years.

"What are you thinking?" Daenerys asked quietly.

Draco gazed down at his wife, who was looking up at him like he hung the stars and he smiled.

"I was thinking that my life is fairly perfect."



"Perhaps then, I might persuade you to rethink your definition of perfection?"

Draco lifted an eyebrow in confusion, while his wife took his left hand and placed it over her lower abdomen, causing his confusion to fade to wonder.

"Are you?"

She nodded. "I am."

Draco dropped to his knees and cupped Daenerys belly reverently, kissing it several times and smiling when he felt her hands run through his hair. When he gazed up at her, tears were flowing down her cheeks and he grinned.

"I was wrong."


"Yes," he sighed happily, "my life is so much better than perfect, Jorrāelagon. I don't know how to thank you for waiting for me."

"You'll never need to thank me, Vēzos qēlossās ñuho—you've given me all I've ever dreamt of having and so much more."
