I don't own RWBY

Chapter 1

"well there is one thing I can do. Let's end this with a bang," merlot said before he hung up.

"team Merlot is going to blow up the whole lab you have got to escape," Ozpin said over the scrolls.

"okay time to go," Ruby yelled to her team as she sprinted to the door.

"Well this was fun but it's time to go. To the escape hatch," Yang yelled heading to the door.

As the four were running they missed a contained of blue liquid fall over and spill out. Shortly after being exposed to the air it had turned into a gas. Mixed with the dust clouds and the explosions that were already starting to happen no one noticed the blue gas they had all breathed in. eventually they reached the hanger.

"good job team the bullhead should be there any moment," Ozpin said. As soon as he finished the airship arrived Team RWBY jumped on bored and the ship hightailed it out of there. Team RWBY looked back and watched as the island went up in flames.

"Well that was exhausting," said Weiss as she sat down against the wall of the bullhead.

"C'mon Weiss that was pretty fun," Said yang.

"fun or not I hope that is the last we see of merlot," Said Blake.

"somehow I doubt it is," said Ruby as she was the last to turn away and closed the bullhead door. "do you think there is more of that strange green goo?"

"it looked natural with how he was excavating it, but I know the SDC has never seen anything like an we have multiple dig sites around remnant. So, it is possible that it was unique to that island," Weiss said.

"if so, then why would merlot blow it up," asked Blake. "he seemed like the type that wouldn't blow up his only source."

"he might not have wanted atlas or vale to study his notes, so he cut his losses," Yang said. "I mean after we took out that deathstalker it seemed like he lost his best defense.

"true and if any of that island survived, I have little doubt general ironwood is going to be scouring that place for any leads on merlot and his research. If he could find a way to evolve Grimm maybe his notes could be used to find a way to weaken them," said Weiss.

"hey since we exposed the island do you think we can get credit if they do," asked Yang.

"I think most credit would go to the scientist," said Blake with a smirk the group talked about a few things till they were about halfway to beacon. Once at the halfway point ruby collapsed on the ground.

"RUBY," yang yelled as she ran to her sister. She picked her up and put her hand on her forehead. "Guys she is burning up. Hey, pick up the pace."

"Got it," said the pilot as he increased their speed.

"Was she exposed to something on the island," Blake asked.

"Guys I don't think ruby was the only one," Weiss said as she felt her own forehead was getting hotter. "make sure beacon knows we have a medical emer," before she could finish, she lost consciousness.

"Weiss," Blake said making her way to the white-haired girl. Before she could make it all the way she felt her legs give out from underneath her and collapsed as well. Before she lost consciousness, she saw yang collapse as well still holding onto Ruby.

"SHIT," the pilot said seeing this. "Beacon tower this is flight 6385 we have medical problem and need medical ready when we land ETA forty minutes."

"flight 6385 what is the medical emergency," replied the tower.

"Not sure sir they were talking and acting fine till they started to drop. They appear to be breathing but I heard form one of them before they passed out that they are running a fever."

"understood 6385 we will have a landing spot ready for you with medical ready to take them," tower responded. With the conversation over the pilot picked up pace even more pushing the engines to their limits. He had never lost passengers before and he would be damned if he lost a full team. Thirty-two minutes later he arrived at beacon and landed at the designated landing pad. "Were here girls you better be okay," he said as he landed.

Wasting no time beacon medical was on board and getting all four girls on stretchers. "I have a rapid heartbeat and 102 fever," said the technician examining ruby.

"Same here with bit higher fever," said the one examining yang.

"okay let's get these girls to the infirmary and get the ice dust ready. we have to cool these girls down," said Dr Petal, head of beacon infirmary. The others nodded and loaded them up before rushing them away. "you to Brown just because you are still conscious does not mean you weren't exposed."

"got it mam," said Brown as he sat down on a stretcher he was hooked up and pushed away as well.

On the way to the infirmary the group passed team JNPR. "Guys wasn't that RWBY," Jaune asked in concern. He had already changed direction to follow his friends.

"It was," Pyrrha answered in equal concern as she went with Jaune.

"I'm afraid I will have to ask you to stop here," said Ms. Goodwitch to team JNPR. "Team RWBY may have been exposed to a pathogen and need to be kept under quarantine."

"Are they going to be okay," Asked jaune.

"We don't know but don't worry beacon has one of the most advance medical facilities on remnant they are in the best hands possible," she said to the team.

"Even so I think we will stay here for now," said Jaune as he sat down on one of the chairs located outside the infirmary. The rest of his team followed suit. Ms. Goodwitch just nodded her head at the sign of friendship JNPR was showing. She then left to report what happened to Ozpin.

Inside the infirmary

"Any progress," Petal asked. She had the girls on a specially designed bed that used ice dust to cool down patients with high fevers.

"No mam they still have high fevers and rapid heartbeat," said one of the staff members. "There aura is acting weird though."

"Weird how," asked petal.

"it seems to be concentrating on a few areas of their bodies and is behaving like its healing an injury. But as far as we can tell they have no injury in that location. It's also rapidly depleting itself as soon as it regenerates," the staff member replied.

"I see," said petal in deep thought. "maybe their aura knows something we don't give them an aura booster shot to help the aura out."

"yes mam," they replied and got the shots ready. As soon as it was ejected into the girls it caused them to let out a scream of pain. There aura expanded from there body's creating an aura cocoon around them. "What the hell," said one of the nurses.

"get ready we don't know what is going to happen next," said Petal. she watched the cocoons wearily. Suddenly the yellow one that contained MS. Xiao long started to shake and crack. The staff near it took a step back but found it wasn't enough as a full-blown dragon emerged from the dome knocking them aside and into the other tables. The dragon had a serpentine like body with yellow scales around the upper middle of the body was a pair of small wings. The dragon looked around wildly in confusion before it let out a loud roar and broke through the wall. To the outside.

They didn't have much time to react as the white and black cocoons broke and revealed a large black furred two tailed cat and a white nine tailed fox. Both creatures looked around in fear and confusion till the fox bolted for the door with the cat running to a hole in the wall they did a brief double take when the cat started to fly.

"well this is interesting," said a calm heavenly voice. They turned to look at the source of the voice and had their jaws drop. It came from an adult version of MS. Rose with six white wings on her back and giving off a holy feeling.

"MS. Rose," petal asked.

"Hello doctor petal. You may want to get someone to round up my teammates. It appears that what ever happened to them kicked in their fight or flight response," said ruby

"Then why did the run and not fight," asked Petal. "your sister doesn't strike me as the flight type."

"because somewhere they understood you were an Ally, so they went with the only other option," Ruby responded.

"then why are you calm," asked a nurse.

"it appears my transformation included some knowledge and understanding. Thank god for that," said ruby entering into a prayer.

"what is happening here," yelled Dr. Frost. He is second in command of the infirmary. As soon as he entered the room ruby looked at him with her face turning into a look of anger as a spear of light formed in her hand and threw it at him.

"Ms. Rose," Petal yelled in shock.

"Silence this piece of filth needs to be purged," Said ruby." I can see the taint of your soul and the foul deeds you have done. Did you enjoy raping you ten-year-old niece last night. And not for the first time."

"She enjoyed it," he said only for his eyes to widen at what he said. "I mean she was very enjoyable. What?"

"it is impossible to lie in my presence," said ruby as she made another spear to throw at him. "Prepare to burn for your sins."

"Ms. Rose while I agree he needs to be punished for what he did," she gave her colleague a dark glare. "I can't let you kill him in cold blood.

"I didn't intend to," said ruby as she threw the spear and it hit him right in the privates. "Okay I'm better now," she said as she sat down in her chair. "but it seems I'm also being slightly affected."

"Slightly," said a nurse trying to keep Frost from bleeding.

"Dr. petal if you could please knock me out the time asleep should allow my mind to process the changes," Ruby said.

"are you sure," Petal asked.

"yes, it would be for the best," ruby said. Petal just nodded and got a sedative ready, once it was ready, she injected Ruby causing her to fall asleep. Once she passed out the aura dome appeared again causing her to revert to her younger body but still possess four white wings.

"place her on a bed back up I don't want to hurt the wings," petal said. She then called Ozpin. "Headmaster we have a problem," she said.

In his office all he could say was, "really I hadn't noticed." She then dove out of the way to avoid being eaten by a yellow dragon. "would this have anything to do with a dragon that broke into my office?"

"that would-be Ms. Xiao long. Whatever they were exposed to caused them to change into these creatures and seem to be operating on a fight or flight response. Best plan is to knock them out," peach said.

"I see," said Ozpin. He swung his cane around and got ready to fight a dragon. "I haven't gone dragon slaying in a long time."

Well here is a story that has been stuck in my head for a while since I first heard the story line for Grimm eclipse. I mean if merlot was coming up with ways to improve Grimm there was little chance, he made of had another chemical in that lab RWBY could have been exposed to. I did consider making them become part grim instead but went with mythical Faunus instead.

If any of you can come up with a better tittle Beast Souls was just the best one that came to mind, but I'm not sold on it.

Please read and review.