Celestial Spirit Magic

Lucy was in shock.

Complete disbelief!

Out of all the guilds at the Fiore School, she just had to be put in the one with the weird pink-haired guy she met earlier…

"People in Fairy Tail, besides being super strong and awesome, are extremely loyal, reckless, and selfless...whatever that means."

Loyal, reckless, and selfless. Those were three words Lucy would not use to describe herself. Loyal, maybe, but reckless and selfless?

Lucy was nowhere near reckless, she was pretty cautious with everything she did. And as far as being selfless goes, as terrible as it sounds, you have to be selfish to protect yourself in life.

No one else wants to protect you, afterall. Lucy told herself.

"What's the matter, Lucy?" Mavis questioned, tilting her head to the side. "You look like you don't want to be in Fairy Tail."

"Oh, it's, um, not that," Lucy protested. "I'm just a little surprised, that's all. I thought maybe Mermaid Heel would be a better fit for me! Or maybe even Crime Sorcière, the fact that they don't have a master seemed pretty interesting."

"Well, no need to worry." Mavis smiled. "Magic dust is formulated to determine a wizard's destiny! The particular magic dust I used has been used for generations by the headmasters at the Fiore School! You may not realize it now, but your destiny is to be in Fairy Tail."

Lucy bit her lip, still a little unsure. However, she didn't feel like arguing with the powerful headmaster of a magic school in a world she just entered into, so she kept her mouth shut.

"Now, to find out what magic you have!" Mavis beamed. She pulled a bag out of thin air, handing it to Lucy.

"What do you mean?" Lucy inquired.

"What you're now holding is a magic satchel. Every wizard has one, but not every wizard needs one," Mavis explained. "A magic satchel contains immense magical energy. When wizards first start out, that magical energy binds to them, and shows them what magic they have. It can be something as simple as a flame suddenly appearing from your hand, or a little plant sprouting out of nowhere. Caster wizards don't need magic satchels since their magic comes from their own bodies, but it's helpful to have around, since you can store things like magical potions, a spellbook, or magic cards in them!"

Lucy kinda understood. The purpose in a magic satchel for caster wizards and holder wizards were slightly different. Caster wizards just needed them to find out what magic they have. Whether or not they use them after that was up to them.

Holder wizards, on the other hand, needed the magic satchels in order to store the spells books they had to use.

"So after I open this satchel, I'll know what kind of magic I have?" Lucy gulped, sweat forming on her forehead.

Mavis nodded with her signature smile. "Yup! I know it sounds scary, but try to focus on the excitement of it all!"

Lucy took a deep breath.

This was more than scary; it was absolutely terrifying! According to Natsu, only 'the best of the best wizards' are in Fairy Tail. What if Lucy had some lame or weak type of magic?

She could imagine it now...Natsu laughing and pointing at her.

"HAHA, you seriously think you're supposed to be in Fairy Tail?! We're the best guild in this entire school! Mavis must've been wrong about you: you're weak."

Lucy shuddered at the thought. She didn't want to be dubbed an outcast again.

"C'mon Lucy," Mavis encouraged. "You got this!"

Lucy shakily nodded. "Ok...here goes nothing…"

She slowly unzipped the bag, her hand shaking the entire time.

At last, it was finally open!

Slowly, a beam of light poured out, enveloping Lucy's entire body.

"Wow…" Is all she could say. It was the best feeling in the entire world, like all of her worries and anxiety was being taken away.

Mavis watched with a smile. This was her favorite part of being headmaster: getting to see the reactions and faces of new wizards when they discover their magic.

The light slowly became dimmer and dimmer, until it was no more.

Lucy took a look at her hands.

No flames.

No plant.


She sighed. "So am I just a holder wizard?"

Mavis frowned, concerned. "I was so sure you weren't, though. The daughter of two powerful wizards should have caster magic." She suddenly smiled. "But no worries! We'll help you to become one of the best holder wizards in Fiore!"

Lucy sighed disappointedly, but nodded. "Ok, sounds good to me. I just don't even know where to begin with how to use magic, though."

"Of course," Mavis nodded. "The brilliant professors here will teach you everything you need to know. Now, in your satchel, you should have a spellbook."

"A spellbook?" Lucy repeated.

"Yup!" Mavis smiled. "Every holder wizard automatically gets one!"

Lucy reached into her satchel.


"Um, I don't feel anything…" She nervously laughed, handing the satchel to Mavis.

Mavis took the satchel, and searched its contents.

But there was nothing.

No spellbook, not even a single page of anything.

"Well…" Mavis giggled. "This is certainly alarming."

"Uh, yeah…" Lucy deadpanned.

Mavis put a hand on her chin. "Hm, this seems oddly familiar…"

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

"I think this happened with another student here." Mavis answered, still thinking. Then, she looked as if she had an epiphany. "Ah, yes! It was her!"

"Um, who's her?" Lucy gulped.

"This Sabertooth student," Mavis started. "Yukino Agria! She also didn't find a spellbook despite not being able to cast anything."

"What happened to her?" Lucy nervously inquired. "Did she get kicked out? Was she made a laughing stock? Did people publicly stone her to death because she was some sort of magicless freak?"

"Of course not!" Mavis giggled. "You see, it turned out that Yukino possessed a rare magic, known as Celestial Spirit Magic! It's actually a type of caster magic, believe it or not!"

"Celestial Spirit Magic…?" Lucy repeated.

Mavis nodded. "Celestial Spirit Magic is one of the rarer magics in Fiore that we don't know too much about. Wizards who possess it have a unique magical energy running through their body that allows them to use Celestial Spirit Keys to call beings from another world to form contracts with, and fight for them! No one else without this magical energy can use a Celestial Spirit key, no matter how hard they try."

"That sounds...complicated." Lucy admitted.

"It's not that complicated," Mavis laughed. "But you're right, it's definitely rare and not something I can help you with by myself. I'll be enrolling you in the Unique & Rare Forms of Magic course, taught by the wonderful and powerful Gildarts Clive! Yukino is also enrolled in the course, so you can also ask her for help."

"I'm confused," Lucy said. "You said Celestial Spirit wizards use keys to summon beings from another world? Then how come I don't have any keys in my magic satchel?"

"Yukino ran into the same problem as you," Mavis explained. "Celestial Spirit wizards must find their keys by themselves, the keys don't find you. For example, Yukino found her first key because her guildmaster gave her one that he found on a mission."

"Oh, great," Lucy whined. "So I won't even be able to use magic until I find a key...and even then, I have to ask that Yukino girl for help since no one else knows how to use it!"

Mavis giggled. "I know, I know, it's all a lot of information. Unnnfortunately, I still need to tell you some things, so I'm going to need to talk to you for a teeny-weeny while longer!"

Lucy nodded. "Ok, I'm ready."

"I was so not ready," Lucy mumbled, walking out of Mavis' office with sweat dripping down her forehead.

Mavis had made Lucy's brain hurt with the amount of information she dropped on her.

Thankfully, she gave Lucy a little handbook that explained it all in a summarized form.

"Let's see…" Lucy said, pulling the handbook out of her satchel. "Even though she just told me everything, it's probably a good idea to review."

Welcome, to the Fiore School for Exceptionally Gifted Wizards!

Here at the Fiore School, wizards undergo a 4 year education, full of classroom learning as well as real-life application in the use of magic.

First year students are ages 15-16.

Second year students are ages 16-17.

Third year students are ages 17-18.

Fourth year students are ages 18-19.

And finally, the Graduation Test is given to fifth year students, and must be completed successfully before they turn 21.

That information stung Lucy the most...she had successfully managed to skip TWO grades back in elementary school, giving her quite the jump start on her education, and allowing her to be a 15 year old Junior, something a lot of her classmates envied.

But now, she was back at the bottom as a freshman!

First year students are given classroom instruction 3 out of 5 days of the school week. The last two days are reserved for LOW level missions (E missions), given to students by their guildmaster. Students must be back on campus by their first day of classes for the week, or they will lose points.

Second year students are given classroom instruction 3 out of 5 days of the school week. The last two days are reserved for LOW level missions (E or D missions), given to students by their guildmaster. Students arestrongly encouraged to be back on campus by their first day of classes for the week, however, they can be excused by the headmaster.

Third year students are given classroom instruction 2 out of 5 days of the school week. The last three days are reserved for MEDIUM level missions (C missions), which students may choose themselves. Students are encouraged to be back on campus by their first day of classes for the week, however, they can be excused by the headmaster, a professor, or their guildmaster.

Fourth year students are given classroom instruction 1 out of 5 days of the school week. The last four days are reserved for MEDIUM to HIGH level missions (C, B, or A missions), which students may choose themselves. Students are not required to be back on campus for classroom instruction.

Fifth year students do not receive classroom instruction. Throughout the year, their days are reserved for HIGH to S-Class level missions (A or S missions), which students may choose themselves. Students are given their graduation test in the final month of the term. Students who fail may retake the test as many times as they can, before they reach 21 years of age.

Now this information made Lucy's brain hurt…

"So classroom instruction is just having class," She mumbled. "While missions are requests submitted to the school, completed by students. In your first year, you have to finish the missions by the first day of your next week of classes. But from your second year onwards, it's not required, since some harder missions might take longer to complete than others."

The six guilds of the Fiore School are each headed by a guildmaster, and also have a student representative (third, fourth or fifth year students can be representatives).

For this school year, the guildmasters and the representatives are as follows:

Fairy Tail

GM: Makarov Dreyar

SR: Mirajane Strauss (3rd)

Blue Pegasus

GM: Master Bob

SR: Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki (5th?)

Lamia Scale

GM: Ooba Babasaama

SR: Yuka Suzuki (3rd)


GM: Master Jiemma

SR: Orga Nanagear (4th)

Mermaid Heel

GM: Kagura Mikazuchi

SR: Mary Hughes (4th)

Crime Sorcière


SR: Brain (5th)

Student representative, huh? Lucy hoped that Mirajane was nice...From what Mavis told her, student representatives had a lot of influence during a wizard's time at the Fiore school…

Most of them were 3rd or 4th years, since 5th years have a lot to focus on as is.

Lucy sighed, closing her handbook. Mavis had told her that she would learn even more things from her guildmates and professors, so Lucy didn't see a need to flood her brain with too much information right now.

She looked around. There wasn't that many students around, since there was class. Mavis had apparently sent for a student to come and grab Lucy.

As Lucy looked around, she didn't see anyone who fit the description Mavis had given her.

"Red hair and brown eyes…" Lucy muttered, continuing to look around.

As she looked, she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned around to see a girl with red hair and brown eyes!

"You must be Lucy Heartfilia." The girl smiled. "My name is Erza Scarlet, a second year student in the same guild as you."

"Oh wow, I didn't see you walk behind me," Lucy laughed. "It's nice to meet you, Erza, I ho-"

"So you have Celestial Spirit Magic?!" Erza suddenly asked excitedly, stars in her eyes. "That's one of the rarer magics here at the Fiore School! I am always interested in rare forms of magics, I myself have Requip Magic, you see. It's not as rare as Celestial Spirit Magic, but it still allows me enrollment in the Unique & Rare Forms of Magic course."

"Oh, trust me, it's not a big deal," Lucy nervously laughed. "I can't even use it yet until I have a key."

"A key." Erza repeated. "Very interesting."

"Yeah, it apparently opens up a gate from another world." Lucy nodded. "I have no idea how that works, though."

"Well, you'll find out in due time." Erza assured. "For now, let me show you to the Fairy Tail guildhall."

Erza explained how the Fiore School was made up of several buildings:

There was the main building, with most of the classrooms and offices.

There was also the guildhalls for each guild. Six in total, all unique from one another.

There were also several other buildings, such as an astronomy tower, a magic laboratory, and a magic training center. The magic training center was Erza's personal favorite building.

At last, Erza and Lucy arrived at Fairy Tail's guildhall. It was located near the back of the campus, and was surrounded by a river, with a bridge leading to it.

"Wow…" Lucy said.

The guildhall was located in a giant windmill, responsible for powering everything on the campus. It was at least four stories high, and had an air of good energy surrounding it. Lucy couldn't help but smile.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail." Erza smiled, patting Lucy on the back.

She opened the door for Lucy, and Lucy slowly stepped inside. "Here goes nothing!"

A/N: Hello everyone, back at it with another chapter. I'm still world building and figuring some stuff out, so please excuse any mistakes I may make with plot holes or things like that.

As always, thank you for reading.