Another Auld Lang Syne

by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Based loosely on the song Same Auld Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg and incorporates scenes from Food to Die For. Beckett meets Brent Edwards at her HS Reunion, delaying Caskett if not derailing it completely. Also, we may take liberties with the events and timeline from Canon and use events to make this a more believable fiction, Warning THIS IS AU, with only brief flashes of Canon.

I don't own Castle; I use the characters for amusement purposes only, except the ones I create.


"Kate, were you serious about leaving the force if he wanted you to? He worries about you, even though you're not in the field as much, he still has panic attacks when he hears of a cop shooting, or death in New York, anywhere in New York."

"Yes I was, and I am Gina, look at this, it's going to be a present for him tonight at dinner," as she pulled out a framed picture of her resignation from the NYPD, she was now officially on paid leave for the next 90 days, and the Commissioner had left it open for her to return if she changed her mind.

"OK, then I'm going to make my flight arrangements home, knowing Rick he will probably be splitting time between LA and NY until you are comfortable so let me know how I can help you, and Kate', she paused, tears came to her eyes, "Just take care of him, OK?"

Kate hugged her, "I will Gina, I promise, we'll see you in a few weeks in LA" as they walked out of the lady's room with Rick looking like, OK, something is up but I'll never find out. They walked to the loft, Gina on one side, Kate on the other all with their arms around each other, it was the start of a great day, week, month, and many years to come.


Chapter 13A EPILOGUE

11 Months Later

Castle Home

Hudson Yards, Manhattan NY

The last 11 months had certainly brought a great deal of change to the Castle family, most recently the addition of Kate Beckett Castle as the wife of Richard Castle, one month earlier after 10 months of serious dating, counseling, and forgiveness for each other.

It had come slowly at first, Rick was still compartmentalizing issues and fears, until once again Gina stepped in and outed him to Kate. She sought professional help, which proved to be the turning point in their as well as Rick's personal feelings.

Once the problems, issues, hurt, and other areas were all in the open, the discussion followed, then forgiveness, so when Rick proposed, he did catch Kate by surprise. She had resolved herself to be in his life, regardless of a title or legal ownership of anything he owned, so she requested a pre-nuptial agreement, which he refused. The discussion was intense until Kate understood that when Rick said he was giving her his all, it included physical wealth as well.

They had honeymooned for one month traveling throughout Europe, the highlight being Kate sharing with Rick where she had stayed when she studied abroad. As they walked the streets, he saw the passion in her eyes as she spoke about her dreams back then, becoming a lawyer, making a difference in the world.

Once they had returned, Rick understood Kate would be at a loss for things to do during the day, she had quit the police force, well, retired, but she was still free all day. He talked her into going back to college to pursue her law degree, with the line, "look at how much money you will save me in attorney fees", she finally accepted and was scheduled to start in 4 months. Her days were full taking pre-law courses to get back up to speed, and Rick continued to write his new characters, he kidded her, "perhaps Nikki will be the next stripper lawyer".

Martha was given ownership of the loft once Kate and Rick built a new home in the Hudson Yards neighborhood of Manhattan, "she's close enough to get to her if needed, far enough away not to know what was going on behind closed doors", Rick grimaced.

One additional ray of sunshine came via Martha. She had introduced Gina to one of her students, Mark Lovella, a very wealthy businessman, who had recently lost his wife, and needed something to divert his energy to. They bonded, perhaps over the shared loss, perhaps it was the universe, but the great news was Gina and he were exclusive and if things continued on track, Gina had shared with Kate, they could be married.

Mark had two sons who absolutely adored Gina and even took to calling her Mom G, after a few months so all of her good deeds were coming back to her. She was happy, almost as much as with Richie, but both she and Mark knew, this would come close but never match the true love they had each lost.

Rick actually relocated Black Pawn back to New York once he knew Gina was serious, and only left GAR Productions in Los Angeles under the watch of Paula Haas, or Atilla the staff nicknamed her. She managed all day to day activities and proved to be just the person he needed to get things done.

Alexis had learned a very hard lesson, even with all of the warnings she had been given. She flew to Los Angeles the first Christmas to spend with her mother, who was spending it with one of her male friends in Vail, forgetting all about the promise of being there for her little girl.

One disappointment after another until she had no choice but to swallow her pride, call her Dad and ask to come home. Rick surprised everyone when he told her no, she needed to earn her way back, and that included getting a job and paying her own airfare home. He offered her an entry-level job working at Black Pawn, but he was done coddling, and Alexis started to understand what the real world was all about.

She visited her Grandmother often and was very open to Kate joining the family, apologetic for everything she had done, all the times she had been a brat, but Rick held firm. He realized a taste of the real world could not harm her, perhaps make her more empathetic to those who had less, and better prepare her for days when he would be gone.

Their first Christmas proved to be eventful, outside of Rick trying to outdo everyone in the gift-giving he conceded Kate had truly given him the best present of his life. When he had opened the small box, it was a pregnancy stick, showing positive and a note, that started "Dear Daddy, I'm not here yet, but I wanted to warn you I'm on my way",

Tears filled his eyes as he read the remainder of the note, then turned, picked his wife up and sat her gently in his lap, kissing her, the mother of his unborn child with a special passion. They both looked deep into each other's eyes when the heard the opening lines to a song neither would forget, Dan Fogelberg, singing Another Auld Lang Syne. It took on a whole new meaning to them now, and would become part of their family Christmas tradition for years to come, both knowing just how close they came to wasting the beautiful life they were given,

The End,

Hope you enjoyed, this could have gone on for many more chapters, but when I see reviews begin to dip, and comments slide to only the faithful, I try to move to the next story. Thanks to all who did read and review, I appreciate you all,
