Hello, wonderful readers!

I have debated on this for a while now, and have finally decided that this is what I need to do. Most of us are dealing with a range of stressful situations right now and I am no exception. Even under better circumstances, I struggle with depression and anxiety. Writing is a hobby and meant to be fun and even at times a sort of therapy for me, but I am putting way too much pressure on myself and adding to my anxiety instead of reducing it.

So, I am taking a break from writing. I expect my stories to be on hiatus for probably 3-6 months. Please don't badger me for updates; I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel it was necessary.

I promise you that I have every intention of coming back and finishing these stories, and writing many more. It isn't a case of not knowing what to write, or not having ideas. I have them both outlined in moderate detail, as well as some pretty well thought out ideas for future stories. I still love these characters, I still want to give them the endings they deserve, and I still am committed to completing these for my readers (and myself.) I just need some time to clear my head so the words can start flowing again.

I hope you are all staying safe and well through the health crisis and (at least for those of us in the U.S.) the unrest that is occurring right now.

See you in a few months!

XOXO, Panda