Chapter 1

Poseidon the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horse King of Atlantis, one of the 12 Olympians who's throne sits to the right of his brother the King of Olympus Zeus has realized that He as powerful and divine as he was… has fucked up. Ever since WW2 Poseidon and his brothers Hades and Zeus all swore to never sire any children for their offspring was becoming too powerful, the amount of carnage from the war was evident of that. Which is why Poseidon was worrying about this certain predicament. Sally Jackson a mortal woman who has stolen he god of the sea's heart, was slowly dying in the hospital bed, while the child she gave birth to cried in the arms of his father, Poseidon.

'What am I supposed to do with you…Perseus. Without your mother you will be alone.' Poseidon placed a Hand on Sally's face watching as the life leaves her eyes, a smile on her face as she saw what the nurse nearby couldn't. Poseidon was carrying her son. This mist let the nurse to believe the child was a stillborn, and that Poseidon was another nurse who will take the child away. It will be a Tragic story for the mortal world in new york, but in the end it not like things like this never happen before. And it was thanks to the Mist that Poseidon was able to make his way out of the hospital with his newborn son in his hand, without turning heads or gathering attention.

'The other gods must never know if they do they will surely kill him. If I take him to Atlantis My wife or my son would kill him. What can I do for you, son?' It was then out on the streets of New york that Poseidon saw of the screens and oddly enough a cartoon call Double Dragon was making a commercial debut, and while the show was ridiculous it did suddenly remind him of something. 'Dragons… once the Greek gods existed in multiple planes of existence at once it was there in that moment Poseidon recalled one such world that has been forgotten by the gods, a place where few Greek gods remember. Covering the eyes of his mortal son, Poseidon used his divine powers to enter the realm that was ruled by dragons.

The Pyke

Poseidon arrived into the ocean waters and once he did he had suddenly felt weak in comparison, while the gods have abandoned this realm due to the lack of deities Poseidon could feel the fast amount of power he could attain as the single Olympian here but one problem, the mortals aren't worshiping him therefore the power is out of his grasp and Poseidon felt his strength waning. "My son I don't have much time here; I must find you a home." And as Poseidon said this the ocean and the fish that live in it came to watch bearing gifts for the Lord's son. Poseidon stood on the ocean floor as crustaceans brought pearls and gold that has come from shipwrecks, while dolphins and schools of fish brought kelp and seaweed. The crustaceans started to use the kelp and sea weed to weave together a cradle, as more fish brought materials Poseidon watching over as his son slept peacefully.

"My son, even though I will be leaving you today in a world in which you were not born from, the oceans are yours to rule here. The world will tremble with your power, the divine blood inside you will let you rule in my place, and the mortal blood will prevent the old laws from limiting your powers. But you will have to learn to control your powers otherwise you can't become powerful. Rule the oceans in my place son, and if you have the other mortals worship you, I can find you again, I won't abandon you forever my son."

With that said a squid appeared wrapping its tentacles around the cradle where Poseidon placed his son, "I fear I am asking you to die, but this is for my son." The Squid bowed in response and swam for the surface while all of the sea critters bowed as the cradle went to the surface where the squid would beach itself onto the shores of the iron islands where The Iron born will see a beached Squid and an infant in a cradle of kelp and sea weed decorated in pearls gold and sand dollars. Meanwhile Poseidon watched wishing for the safety and prosperity of his son. "Perseus, your mother named you well." With that said the God Vanished as he went back to the realm where he dwells with the other Olympians.

Balon Greyjoy couldn't believe what he saw, Several Drowned men the priest of the Drowned god came carrying a cradle made from Sea weed and Kelp sheltering a male babe was now presented before Him and his daughter the 7-year-old girl was watching with curiosity.

"Lord Reaver today is a day that should be celebrated for centuries in Iron born, the drowned god has brought you a new born straight from the ocean. A Boy who will rule over the seas with unrivaled power, and when he is strong he will defeat our enemy's the Drowned god has delivered his own son to us!" One of the drowned men said.

"What is dead may never Die!" The other drowned men shouted cheering, meanwhile Yara went to check on the babe and saw something incredible woven into the kelp where pearls and gold coins and a few sand dollars that spelled out the name Perseus. Baylon stood as his eyes widened before he smirked, "What is dead may never Die!"

6 years later.

"Perseus!" Fast where the feet that carried Perseus Pyke and a two other kids who seem older, Percy lead the juvenile scoundrels all laughing as they ran off with stolen goods. Few The iron born merchant chasing after the kids. Percy while the youngest of the group lead the way, faster and more athletic than his peers jumping over barrels and railings as he and his boys ran away with some fruits The other citizens watching and laughing as they witnessed the kids, just another day on the iron islands.

"Wait for us Percy!" One of the other kids say as they struggled to keep up, meanwhile Percy found the perfect opportunity to push a cart down the road, towards his friends and the angry merchant.

"Dodge, if you get caught it's not my fault!" Percy shouted as the other kids quickly used their smaller bodies to avoid the cart while the Merchant was forced to jump to the side, avoiding the empty cart the Merchant looked back up and saw the kids turn a corner.

"Just wait till I grab you boy! You have to pay for those!" The merchant said turning the corner unknowingly running past the other Percy and his gang. Percy watched from the roof of one of the stalls as the other two kids poked out from behind some crates.

"I paid the iron price Stryg, you failed to catch me there for I win." Percy said dropping down landing perfectly while reaching out to catch an orange from his friend Wex.

"We can't keep doing these things Percy eventually we will get caught and we could lose a finger." Wex said as he pulled another orange out for himself and the other kid.

"Or worse the merchants make us work for them." Oarth said as the three hurried away to one of their hideouts just on the edge of the salt cliff island. Once there the three boys arrived to two girls who were a little younger. Percy watched as Wex and Oarth distributed the food they liberated from the merchant earlier, He watched as the four street urchins ate and laughed as Oarth explained to the girls what they did today. Percy was about to walk out when Wex quickly caught up to him, Percy looked up at the 10-year-old boy, with confusion.

"Hey thanks for helping us get some grub Percy, who do you think we should raid tomorrow?" Wex asked, smiled remembering how only 6 months ago Wex didn't like how Percy became the leader of the group, but now the older boy knows that Percy is a natural leader.

"Hmm well have to see what they bring in from the port, but I was thinking some meat, I'm tired of getting fruits and vegetables."

"Getting meat is difficult it's a lot more guarded, do you have a plan." Wex mentioned.

"Ha you should know better than to ask such a question," Percy smiled.

"So that's a no "The two kids laughed as They clasped hands saying goodbye. Once Percy left the hide out he went his way to the eastern coast of Salt cliff, looking over to the Island of Pyke where he resides with the Greyjoy's as he saw Pyke in the distance. Percy took a deep breath enjoying the ocean breeze.

Percy took a few steps back before running straight of the island into the water below, now most kids would attempt to swim between the islands, it wouldn't take long for them to get tired and swim back but Percy on the other hand felt better and better every time he swims. The waters which most people would claim the ocean water being really cold, but to Percy he just felt refreshed, as Percy's head broke the surface as he gasped for air the young boy laughed and swam the long journey to the shores of Pyke.

Once Percy reached the shore of Pyke he quickly took off his shirt and tried to dry it off by wring out the water and then put his shirt back on. 'I don't understand how people get tired while swimming I feel great' Percy thought to himself before he ran all the way back to Lords port.

By the time Percy made it to Lords port is cloths were dryer, many of the locals noticed when Percy appears and the hushed whispering would be spread, Percy personally hated when they spoke so hushed, since he knew they were speaking about him. Percy was known as Balon Greyjoy's bastard son, while many didn't know who his mother was the public were told about Percy being the youngest child of their Lord Baylon Greyjoy, it happened shortly after Eddard Stark killed Balon's eldest sons and took the last Heir as a ward, as punishment for the Rebellion Baylon started. The public believed Baylon got severely drunk one night and impregnated a woman as a way to grieve the death of his sons, with his wife becoming mentally ill. And so Percy was raised as a son of Baylon Greyjoy, but due to his bastardry he doesn't own claim to Lordship, and also because of the Bastardry the King Robert Baratheon Forbids the legitimization of Perseus Pyke and should the Bastard carry the name of Greyjoy the boy will be executed.

Percy knew that's why he will never carry the name Greyjoy, no matter how much he may want to be recognized as a legitimate son and not some mistake. Perseus was told his mother died giving birth to him so the boy never met his mother. Percy's closest family members where his Father, who only provided a single room in the keep. Baylon wasn't a good father, he wouldn't teach Percy anything nor interact with him minus the occasional scowl and demand for better results in his studies. His other Family member that he spent plenty of time with was Yara Greyjoy, Percy's older half-sister by 7 years. The two would constantly harass the guards with several pranks and other minor misdemeanors but lately Yara was taken up with Training. With Yara being Balon's only remaining legitimate child in the Iron Islands, he raised her as a surrogate son, encouraging her to become a Reaver in her own right, which is unusual for women in the patriarchal culture of the ironborn, but She proved to be a quick learner as she improved at a rate far faster than most other boys her age. Percy himself wants to begin Reaver training but he was told he was too young to begin the process; he would have to wait for his 10th name day. Which leads to Percy's street rat shenanigans on the neighboring island of Salt cliff, taking things by force instead of paying for them with gold was the Iron born way, the iron price, and Percy was determined to master raiding even if it meant sacking the nearby markets.

"Well if it isn't Perseus Pyke! Keep an eye on your wallets boys this bastard is one of the best street rats on these islands." A Middle Aged Man said from the pub Percy walked past, the young boy quickly turning and ducking under need a wooden mug tossed at him by the same old man. "Ha-ha you're getting faster boy," He said making Percy smile as he ran to grab the mug and return it to the man.

"I have to be if I want to be the best Reaver the world has ever seen." Percy said getting the crowd of Veteran Sailors to Cheer at the young boy's moxie. The old Reaver who tossed his mug smirked at the young lad before him as he calmed down the other sailors who were apart of his crew.

"Ha that's what I like about you kid, Ambition. You will make a fine captain one day!" The older man said his voice carrying as the others raised there mugs to drink to their captain's words.

"But first I will need training and to learn under a great captain, like you Jard" Percy said causing one of the other sailors to stand up getting everyone's attention.

"Aye ain't no better Reaver on these iron islands than Captain Jard Pyke, the toughest Bastard to ever set sail!" One f the sailors said as they rowdy bunch cheered again. Jard Pyke the most infamous Reaver from Pyke, no one knows who was his father but his mother was a prostitute from Casterly rock, some suggest his father must have been a Lannister due to his blonde hair and Blue eyes but it matters not for his mother was taken to be a salt wife by some reaver and his mother gave birth to Jard on Pyke. Now the Blonde bastard has salt grey color in his hair and has become one of the most fear captains out in the open waters, with his ship the Sea Lion's Roar.

"Aye whenever you complete your training boy I would be Glad to have you on my crew, but First" He placed a big Calloused hand on Percy's head "You need to get a wee bit bigger!" Percy batted the hand away annoyed at being reminded of his young age as the others laughed.

"Oi watch it Cap'n or Perseus here will get ya" One of the other crew said this one missing a few teeth. His comment making the rest of them roar in Laughter, Percy pouted before slowly joining in the laughter. Yes, this is where Percy felt the most at home, not in some Keep studying on the history's and lessons taught by Maester Qualen.

Just then Jard called one of bar maids "Hey bring the boy something Liquid! Put it on my tab" Sure enough the Woman did so as she brought over some Cider for the boy in a kid sized mug. And sure enough Perseus took the mug with vigor as he stood onto his seat getting the attention of the crew, "To the toughest Bastards on the iron islands!"

"What is dead may never die!" the crew shouted along with their captain as Percy shouted back.

"What is dead may never Die!" with that said Percy drank his cider just like the rest of the crew drank their Ale.

Meanwhile in Storms End

Stannis Baratheon Watched as His youngest Brother Renly who is 12 years old 'Secretly' train his only sister Thalia Baratheon who is only 10 years' old The youngest Child of 4 was currently keeping up and much to the surprise of her older brother Renly giving the boy more of a workout than the other boys his age. The two kids would train in secret due to Thalia wanting to fight but not being trained due to her being female. Stannis Baratheon as the current lord of Storms end refuses to let his baby sister become a warrior, but after hearing about her being able to defeat some of the local boys in training, and someone notifying that she is being trained The eldest brother originally came to put an end to this madness as he would call it. Thalia was the Lady Baratheon, therefore she had roles to fill as lady, but Stannis stopped that train of thought when he caught his youngest brother training their only sister, and struggling.

'Despite being 2 years his lessor and being female she is actually fighting better than either Robert or I ever did at her age. She has the potential of becoming the great warrior. That and her… special abilities will make our House Powerful.' Stannis said before walking away, allowing his sister to train. 'I will assign her a proper tutor tomorrow.'

Meanwhile in Essos The free city of Braavos

Syrio Forel came home to the sound of two children, children he found when they were abandoned just outside an orphanage, the braavosi swords man for some reason couldn't abandon the kids he saw, with his wife passing away he never have gotten children, of course he could always remarry but it felt wrong to Syrio. Now Syrio found himself the single father of 5-year-old Bianca Forel and 3-year-old Nico Forel. Syrio decided he will raise them to become excellent Swordsman like himself to carry on his legacy.

Hey everyone thanks for reading, this is my first attempt at the Game of thrones and also my first Percy Jackson story. My only knowledge of Game of thrones is the show seasons 1-8 and I read almost all of percy jackson's books. What inspired me to attempt this story is the few crossovers I been reading involving both of these genres. At the moment there is only one other story I am actively writing and that's my Dragon ball EV project the others are either completed or On Hiatus. Anyways I appreciate any feedback so that I can improve my writing and storytelling abilities, it also gives me extra motivation to write. This will be different from Game of thrones storyline, but not too much until we reach the ending I have planned. No other Demigod's from the books will be added. If you have any questions, please ask and I will answer them as soon as I can. Once again thank you and have a great day.