Disclaimer: All I own is this fanfic, J.K. Rowling owns the rest. No copyright intended!

Author's note: Here's the first one-shot in this series where Harry is paired with someone in a non-romantic way. Hope you enjoy it.

Lily Potter

Harry Potter, a wizard who had just finished his fourth year at Hogwarts, was outside working on his Aunt Petunia's garden (though, it was technically his, since he was always working on it, but Petunia still took credit for it). Today happened to be Harry's fifteenth birthday and the Dursleys gave him extra work as a 'birthday present' for him. As soon as he finished tending the garden, Aunt Petunia came outside with her usual look of contempt on her face.

"Get ready, boy!" Petunia ordered her nephew in a hasty voice. "We're going to some sort of dinner to celebrate us for having the best looking garden in the neighborhood, and we can't trust you to be unsupervised, so you'll have to come with us."

Harry quickly got himself cleaned and went to meet his so-called family downstairs. Once they were all ready, Harry and his relatives got into their personal vehicle and drove off to find the place where the award was going to be presented. The drive lasted for twenty-five minutes when they stopped by some kind of dead end, with Uncle Vernon turning the vehicle off.

"What does this dead end have to do with our award?" Vernon asked his wife.

"The directions said to stop here, Vernon," stated Petunia, showing the paper to her husband. "Then the next step is to follow the trail."

Harry and his relatives got out and started following the trail (with Harry leading it after his so-called uncle ordered him to do so). After fifteen minutes of following the trail, they came across a seemingly run-down house covered in vines that had no driveway nor some vehicle parked closeby. It looked too quiet and there wasn't any sort of life inside the house, with the lights off. The Dursleys appeared all frightened, as their eyes were widened.

"Boy, go investigate!" Vernon ordered his nephew.

Harry slowly approached the door with his arms and legs trembling. It felt like it took hours to reach the front door (but only a few minutes in reality) and when he finally reached it, he raised a hand to knock. The door appeared to have sensed that because it opened by itself.

"Not another moment of funny business!!" growled Vernon.

The Dursleys turned around to head back to their car, only for some invisible force to bounce them back and towards the open door (which showed nothing but pitch-black inside). Harry was somewhat petrified with fright, not knowing what was going on.

"Your relatives are required to enter first, Harry!" a magnified female's voice thundered (which sounded strangely familiar).

Harry backed away a few paces to allow his relatives to enter the house. The Dursleys were now more frightened than ever, but still refused to approach the open door.

"I SAID INSIDE NOW!!!" the magnified voice thundered much more threateningly.

Almost immediately, the Dursleys ran inside in utter fear. They fell onto some kind of chute and began sliding down it. Harry followed his relatives inside and slid down the same chute. Once Vernon, Petunia and Dudley slid off the chute, they were immediately tied up to chairs and dragged towards the middle of the room (which was also pitch-black). As soon as Harry arrived, the room lit up and he saw that not only were his relatives tied to chairs, but Professors Dumbledore and Snape were also in the same predicament. Then a woman with dark-red hair entered the room, much to everyone's shock (the adults especially because they immediately knew who the red-haired woman was). Harry knew that the woman was his mother (since he was given pictures of her from Hagrid), while Dudley was confused because he never saw pictures of his maternal aunt.

"Lily?!" gasped Petunia.

"Shut up, Petunia!" growled Lily.

"Mum?!" Harry blurted out, shock clearly in his voice. "How… is… th-this…?"

"Hello, sweetheart!" Lily greeted her son, embracing him at the same time.

"How can… you… be alive?" Harry asked his mother, hugging her back.

"Do you remember that doe walking up to you in the woods a couple weeks before the Triwizard Tournament ended?" asked Lily. "The same one with the same eye colour as ours?"

"Yes," said Harry. "But it never occurred to me that it was you."

"Lily?" Severus spoke up, interrupting the reunion in the process.

"Don't you 'Lily' me, Severus!" snapped Lily, glaring at him.

Snape gulped nervously to see the emerald-green eyes glaring daggers into his black ones. Dumbledore began sweating profusely when Lily turned her glare on him, with Harry smirking (anticipating what was going to happen now).

"It's nice t-to see you again, Lily." said Professor Dumbledore, trying to keep his collywobbles concealed with little success.

"I can't say the same, you ole coot!" Lily began ranting. "What made you think that it was okay to place my son with my sister and her husband?"

"I-I only placed Harry there for his safety," Dumbledore tried defending his actions. "The blood charms I put around your sister's house was to ensure it."

"Spare me your misdirection games, Albus!" snapped Lily, before continuing her rant. "James and I didn't want Harry placed with Petunia and Vernon because we knew they had no qualms in abusing and neglecting my son as much as they'd spoil and dote on their own son. You knew damn well that Sirius was the first on the list of potential guardians for Harry if anything were to happen to me and James. You're lucky I didn't die that night, instead I was knocked out. I spent most of my time since then searching for Harry as soon as I regained consciousness and saw that he was gone, no longer in his crib."

"I just wanted to…" Albus interrupted Lily (which wasn't a smart thing to do).

"No you didn't!!" Lily growled. "You were just using my son as a pawn, due to your stupid obsession with that bloody prophecy. You were also Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and you had the power to get Sirius a trial setup, but you spoke up for Severus instead and forced Sirius to take the heat for something he didn't do. You even denied Remus the chance to bond with Harry for all those years, instead you lied to him many times and claimed my son was living a happy and normal life away from it all. You even blackmailed Minerva and the other staff at Hogwarts into making Harry suffer from abusive and bullying treatment, and ignoring his complaints and suspicions that something was wrong. You even force Harry to make him do work that should've been left to the teachers."

"Come now, Lily." Dumbledore pleaded pathetically.

"Enough out of you, ole coot!" snapped Lily. Then she turned her attention back to Severus to rant to him, frightening him more to see those emerald-green eyes angrily gazing into his black eyes. "You've been treating my son like shit just because he looks like James. To make matters worse, you've also been treating my godson, Neville Longbottom, the same way. Bullying students as a teacher just proved yourself to be an utter coward. You also turn a blind eye over bullying coming from Draco Malfoy and his clique, instead allowing them to keep at it while you unjustly punish the victims, Harry and Neville worst of all. You even allowed Sirius to continue being an unjustly-declared fugitive by telling Minister Fudge that Harry and his friends were confunded when they tried explaining the truth. I have a sneaky suspicion that you took Felix Felicis to ensure that he would take your word for it."

Lily smacked Severus across the face twice, leaving noticeable hand marks on both of his cheeks. Snape squeezed his eyes shut tightly as the stinging pain lingered. Harry stepped back a couple paces in a mixture of shock and amazement to see his mother ripping his wrongdoers a new one. He remembered Hagrid telling him about his mother's temper and he finally saw it with his own eyes. Then Lily turned her rage towards the Dursleys, resulting in them becoming utterly terrified.

"Hard to believe you both abused and neglected my son!" Lily growled at Vernon and Petunia. "Whacking him with a belt relentlessly, confining to a cupboard for who-knows-how-long, giving him your son's overly large rags, making him do all the chores while your son gets to rule the house, allowing a vicious dog to terrorize him, and punishing him for even the most unusual or minor infractions while your son never gets punished even for the biggest infractions. If you two were dead, James and I would've raised Dudley like one of our own, so you should've done that for Harry."

"We can change, Lily! Just another chance?" Petunia replied pathetically.

"Never try sucking up to me, it won't work!" Lily growled at her sister. Then she turned her attention to her nephew and informed him. "You're still a child, so I think community service at St. Mungo's ought to give you some suitable lessons to learn, under supervision from community service officers."

Dudley widened his eyes in horror at the revelation (since he never really had to work for anything all that much). Harry was smirking to see his cousin's reaction, agreeing with his mother's idea for Dudley's punishment. There was no need to tell the adult wrongdoers because at that moment, Amelia Bones and the aurors (all of who were under the disillusionment charm) cancelled the charms around themselves. The Dursleys were all placed in handcuffs, with Dumbledore and Snape placed in magic suppression ones. Then they were all led out to be taken into ministry custody. Once it was just her and Harry, Lily embraced her son again.

"Mum, if you were that doe," Harry started asking. "That means you're an animagus?"

"Yes, sweetheart," Lily admitted. "During the time I was searching for you, I learned to become one to have better chances of going undercover."

"Did you ever get registered?" asked Harry.

"I did… in Australia," stated Lily. "Remus and Sirius are already there, with the Australian ministry making arrangements for Sirius' trial."

Lily led her son outside, then she apparated themselves to The Leaky Cauldron before looking for a magical express to Sydney. With the wrongdoers apprehended and getting their comeuppance, Harry was now free to live life on his own terms (with his mother there to help him along the way, with Remus and Sirius' help too). Things were finally looking up.

The End!

Author's note 1: I'd like to give a shoutout to 'Charry forever' for suggesting that Lily go all mama eagle on the Dursleys, Dumbledore and Snape.

Author's note 2: Another one-shot finished. Which girl should Harry be paired with in the next chapter? Please let me know in a review or a PM, happy reading!