Disclaimer: All I own is this fanfic, J.K. Rowling owns the rest. No copyright intended!

Cho Chang

The Dursleys were having a nice lunch (courtesy of Harry Potter) in their dining room on a nice Late-June day, as today was Dudley's 16th birthday. After 'the freak' finished cooking for his relatives, they banished him into the hallway. Near the end of lunchtime, Harry heard a knock at the door and looked through the peephole in the door. He saw an asian girl who closely resembled Cho and a man standing next to her who may be her father. Upon opening the door, Harry realized that it was Cho after all and the man was her father, and he was dressed up in a business suit. Cho was in a blue short-sleeved blouse, a knee length black skirt over black tights, and black dress shoes. Her black hair was in an elegant bun.

"Cho?!" Harry responded in surprise before stammering. "I… I didn't think you'd… you'd be… be…"

"Who is it, boy?!" Vernon growled once he stomped his way towards the door. Then he glared at Cho and her father before demanding. "Who are you? What's your business here?"

"I'm Chikao Chang," Cho's father told Vernon, then he motioned with a hand. "And this is my daughter, Cho. We've come to interview you, since you're on the top ten list of potential candidates to become the new head of Grunnings."

"I've been looking forward to that for many years!" Vernon exclaimed. Then he calmly asked. "But why is your daughter here with you?"

"She wanted to be a part of the event," said Chikao. "The more who participated, the more the word can be spread."

Now even more ecstatic, Vernon joyfully allowed the visitors inside and showed them to the living room. Harry made a spot for Cho and Chikao on a couch before going to get a tray of tea and biscuits and set it down on the coffee table. Once Petunia and Dudley entered the living room and sat down in armchairs (with Dudley sitting on a loveseat), Vernon pointed his finger towards the door to signal to Harry that he should leave the room immediately. Harry left the room, but climbed up only a few steps to eavesdrop on the promotion for Vernon potential (making sure not to be too close to the bottom of the stairs). Back in the living room, Chikao got out a notepad and pen to 'take notes.'

"Tell us about yourself, Vernon." Chikao responded.

"Well, I've been looking forward to taking over as the head of the company for many years," said Vernon. "But the boy who left the living room was a freak and still is. He is such a delinquent that he doesn't hesitate to bully anybody in such a ruthless manner, my precious Dudders and his friends being the freak's favourite target. We had to send the freak over to St. Brutus' Secure Centre For Incurably Criminal Boys, but he refuses to learn his lesson."

"The freak is also horribly violent," Dudley professed. "Every time he bullied me and my friends, we all would teach him a lesson. Even when we went to primary school he would bully me and my pals, and pretty much every student who attended. Due to the freak's bullying nature, no one wanted to be his friend."

"I see." said Chikao as he nodded his head, pretending to be convinced.

"How did that shotgun get bent like that?" asked Cho when she pointed a finger at the bent shotgun leaning against the fireplace. Her father also spotted it and even raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Well, at the end of July in 1991," Petunia began explaining. "The boy's birthday happened and we were visited by this half-giant named Rubesuss Haygard, or whoever he was. The other freaks kept sending the boy invitations to this freakish school where he could learn to do anything abnormal, which we kept confiscating from the boy. But that half-giant barged his way into a hut on an island many miles away from here, as we were staying there to get away from the other freaks. They always seemed to find us no matter where we went or which way we turned."

"When we warned that giant to leave," Vernon took over the explanation. "He just grabbed my wonderful shotgun and bent it as easily as if it was made of rubber before yanking it out of my hands and tossing it aside. That giant even had irrational anger problems because he even yelled at us for telling the truth about how the freak's parents deserved to die in a car crash. He even used some funny business to give my precious Dudders a pigs' tail before Petunia and I had to try everything to get Dudders calmed down, since that tail caused him so much pain."

"Interesting," said Chikao as he finished writing everything down, still keeping up with his curiosity charade. Then he got up and concluded. "We'll get this sent as soon as possible and get the other party guests for the celebration over here."

As Cho and her father got up and walked out into the hallway, the Dursleys began bouncing off the walls in false anticipation of Vernon's promotion. As Chikao left the house, Cho took a peek upstairs to see Harry still peeking down the stairs. As a smile formed on her face, Harry felt himself smiling too, then he descended down the stairs.

"I'm sorry about our fight," Cho apologized in a sincere voice. "I have no idea why we didn't react in a mature manner."

"I'm sorry too, Cho," Harry apologized, making sure his voice sounded genuine. "The school year was just hell because of that power-hungry toad of a woman."

"She needs to be confined to an insane asylum," stated Cho. "Since she enjoys abusing her power, regardless of how unfair she'll be."

"You couldn't have said that any better, Cho." said Harry in agreement. Then he began asking. "Not that I'm mad, but how did you find out where I've been living?"

"Your friend, Ronald, and his notoriously big mouth," Cho explained. "I overheard him telling that obsessive red-haired stalker of his sister and the bushy-haired insufferable know-it-all about where you've been living and how easy it was for them to help the headmaster and the Weasleys' mother in something called the Greater Good, by manipulating you. Ronald even mentioned that Felix Felicis was used. It's a potion also called liquid luck, which increases the drinker's luck."

"So our fight was actually because of that and not a natural occurrence?" asked Harry in shock.

"It must be," Cho deduced. "Since Ginevra hates me for 'stealing her man' as she likes putting it. Felix Felicis must've been why I got so angry during our date at Hogsmeade when Granger approached you. She had to have taken a dose of it to ensure that that crazy Ginevra got her hands on you."

"I'd better stay away from those three," said Harry. "I should've known they were spying on me for Dumbledore. Now that I think about it, my first meeting with the Weasleys before my first year began turned out to be a setup. Mrs. Weasley finished a sentence with the word 'muggles,' then she asked what the name of the platform the Hogwarts Express was on and Ginevra quickly answered it correctly."

"It was definitely a setup, Harry," said Cho, trying to keep her anger under control. "Ronald, Ginevra and their mother must've convinced Granger to go along with their plan. After all, our fellow students know that she also worships authority figures as if they're infallible."

"If Granger's parents are unaware of that, they'll be in for a nasty shock once they find out," said Harry. "And they won't be too happy, either."

"Another freak to deal with?!" Vernon growled in anger.

Harry and Cho over at the Dursley patriarch (whose face was puce in rage). Petunia and Dudley also saw Harry and Cho chatting, and they were also outraged to see it. Vernon stomoed toward Cho with the intention to punch her in the stomach. Sensing the threat, Harry stepped in front of Cho to protect her at all costs. Luckily for them, the front door burst open just as Vernon put a foot on the bottom step. Then one of the police officers tased the Dursley patriarch, stunning him long enough for him to be placed in handcuffs. Petunia and Dudley found themselves getting placed in handcuffs, too. Not only did Chikao show back up, but he was accompanied by an asian woman who Harry correctly guessed was Cho's mother. Another woman accompanying them had bright-copper hair turning gray and wearing a monocle over one eye, who Harry remembered as Amelia Bones.

"Hello, Harry," Cho's mother introduced herself to Harry. "I'm Cho's mother, Chuya."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." said Harry as he shook Chuya's hand.

Chikao also properly introduced himself to Harry just as the Dursleys were led out into police cars after being read their rights. Chikao even made it clear to Vernon that he even spotted him attempting to punch his daughter and there wouldn't be anymore getting out of trouble. As the muggle police and the aurors (who were dressed in muggle suits that made them look like lawyers) began investigating the house, Harry and Cho went upstairs to pack up his stuff. Cho spotted a cat flap next to one bedroom door (which even had an unlocked padlock attached to it), which was more than enough for her to put the puzzle pieces together in realizing that it was Harry's room. When Harry opened the door, Cho widened her eyes in horror to see remnants of bars over the window. Harry wrenched up the loose floorboard from under the bed to get his prized possessions and holiday schoolwork.

"Ronald knew about the bars," stated Harry. "He and his twin brothers rescued me from here a few years ago, before my very first visit to their house. Maybe Ronald blackmailed Fred and George into keeping quiet or else have their mother severely punish them, or maybe Ronald convinced the twins that it was all under control. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised that the sneak is on the plan, too."

"I happened to confront her on the train," Cho revealed. "She was ranting about you supposedly brainwashing me into believing you. She even laughed as she remembered how she thought it funny when you asked me to the Yule Ball and it was futile because of Cedric getting to me first. The sneak was speaking her mind out loud and boy, did I rip her a new one. Amelia may even question Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley, the sneak and your supposed best friends about this Greater Good plan."

"I can also give Amelia the Granger's address," said Harry. "Since Granger told me several times."

"She won't see this coming," said Cho in an amused voice. "It'd be funny to imagine the shocked look on her face to receive a visit from Amelia and the other aurors."

Harry and Cho giggled as they continued packing up Harry's stuff. Once all that was taken care of (with Harry tucking Hedwig's cage under an arm and dragging his trunk behind him with his other hand). Then they met up with Cho's parents by the front door as the aurors and muggle police continued investigating. Harry and Cho followed her parents out of the house and over to an abandoned alley to apparate over to their house. With Harry no longer under Dumbledore's negative influence for the Greater Good, he could now live life the way he can. Things were finally looking up for him.

The End!

Author's note 1: I'd like to give a shoutout to the anonymous user 'Bridgey' for suggesting that Cho and her father show up, with her father being an undercover cop pretending to be a businessman, Vernon attempting to attack Cho as she and Harry make amends with Vernon getting caught in the act, Cho discovering the padlock on Harry's door, and Cho's father somehow making the Dursleys somehow reveal their abusive treatment towards Harry.

Author's note 2: Another one-shot completed. I'll leave the fates of Dumbledore, Molly, Ron, Ginevra, Hermione and Marietta up to you to decide. Which girl should Harry be paired with in the next one-shot? Please let me know in a review or a PM, happy reading!