*Note* The previous chapter did not happen in this one.
Izuku had known Momo for years. While they weren't exactly what he would call childhood friends, they were friends nonetheless. They went through part of middle school together, after he had to switch schools, and then they went through highschool together. Really, it wasn't until U.A. that he got to know Momo better.
A lot better.
Well enough that he had been tempted to offer up his quirk to her a dozen or so times. But there wasn't really a good way to bring up his quirk without it sounding weird. Or perverted. He always ended up deciding not too, largely because of Momo's own natural growth and development. As a hero. He meant as a hero, though the fact that he was keenly aware that she had gone from flat to busty since he met her was not lost on him.
If anything, he was hyper aware that Momo was indeed rather developed, in part because of his quirk, and mostly because he had a bit of a thing for her. She was just so amazing.
He just wished that she could see that as well.
But after her crushing defeat at the Sports Festival, he doubted she knew her own worth.
Izuku stood in front of her door, and almost brought himself to knock on her door but stopped. What was he even going to say? 'Hey, my quirk can do more than make you temporarily stronger but can have lasting effects but you might need some new bras.' That sounded so perverted and bad he couldn't even begin to understand how to bring it up in a casual conversation.
He was about to leave, about to turn around and go back to his room. But then he heard Momo scream. It wasn't a distressed scream, but rather one born from her own anguish.
Alright. He needed to help her.
"Hey Momo?" He knocked on her door. "It's Izuku, I was just wondering if you-"
The door opened up, revealing Momo as she stood looking ever so slightly less put together than he ever remembered her being. Despite that, she was still beautiful. Her hair was out of the usual ponytail, falling behind her back, and her eyes were red and puffy. The first two buttons of her shirt were also undone, but still closed while also being untucked from her skirt. What was the word for it again? Oh, right, she looked like a hot mess.
"Hey Izu," Momo half muttered and ran a hand through her hair. Her cheeks were the slightest bit of red and her lips parted slightly. "Please tell me you're not here because of that scream."
"Actually I was here before that."
"Uhh, pretend you didn't hear that." He waved his hand quickly and took a deep breath. "Look, Momo, I umm, I wanted to talk to you. Well I wanted to see if you wanted to talk, because I mean, you took that loss pretty hard, and you shouldn't because you're really amazing and awesome, and I think that you're a great hero and I just wanted to make sure you know that."
"I…" Momo blinked, her lashes fluttering for a moment. "Thank you Izuku. That means a lot. Do you." She took a step back, a small smile appearing on her face for a few moments. "Do you want to come in? I could use someone to talk too."
"Yeah!" Okay, that sounded way too happy. "I mean yeah. Anything to help you."
That small smile appeared again.
Momo's room was cramped. Even after she got rid of most of the items in it, her large bed dominated most of the room while her desk and dresser were crammed along one wall. Still, it was as neat and as perfect as ever. And at least her bed was spacious.
Momo sat down on the bed and gestured for him to sit beside her. It really was just about the only place for them to sit in her room.
For a long moment they sat in a silence that wasn't quite awkward but also wasn't quite not awkward, rather striking the balance between the two and just being silence.
"So," Momo started, placing both her hands on her knee before pulling her leg up towards her bed, her long knee high sock pinching her leg muscles. "Umm, thanks. For you know. Coming and checking on me I guess. I'm not really happy with my performance. But, I think that this is a good chance."
"Oh, I'm glad you're looking on the bright side." Izuku nodded. He didn't feel like he did anything, but maybe he didn't have to. "Just keep trying and you'll-"
"I'm going to apply for the support course." Momo cut him off.
"What?" He stood to face her. "Why would you do that? You'd be an amazing hero and-"
"I didn't even have a chance to fight back." Momo's low mutter revealed just how hurt she was. "Besides, you always said I'd be great in the support course, and we'd be able to see more of each other. Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yes. Well. I mean. I want to see you a lot more, and I want to see you being happy, but not like this. I want you to go to the Support course to help your dream of being a hero, not because you gave up on that dream." He let his arms drop and he sat back down on the bed. "Momo, you can become an amazing hero. I know you can."
"It doesn't feel like I'll ever be able to be a hero though. Not as I am now."
Izuku took a deep breath and gathered himself for a moment. He wanted Momo to be a hero. He wanted her to be the hero he always knew she could be. So it was time to put his quirk to work. Hopefully Momo would agree and understand. "What if you were better than you are now?"
"Huh?" Momo looked at him, her eyes were ever so slightly more puffy than before. He wasn't going to let her cry again.
"You know what my quirk is right?" He got up on his knees and moved to the center of her bed, waving her over as well.
"Uhh, yeah, a temporary power boost right? A lot of agencies are after you because of it." She pushed her hair back behind her ear but remained seated. "I don't think that's going to help me."
"That's only part of my quirk." She looked at him, confused. "You see there's another part that I kept secret. It's a permanent power increase. It does well, it's, uhh, You know how my mom became a fitness model?"
"And you know how Hatsume Mei doesn't need to sleep anymore?"
"And how she's like seven feet tall?" Momo asked, crawling along her bed towards him. Those two undone buttons were now a fascinating glimpse into her cleavage. "Was that your quirk?"
"Even the." She brought her hands out in front of her chest to demonstrate Mei's breasts. Even though Momo was likely exaggerating that gesture still felt too small.
"Yeah." He felt his cheeks glow hot. "She uhh, just wanted to not need to sleep, the other stuff just kind of happened."
"So," Momo's own cheeks were red and she placed one hand over her heart. She looked unbelievably cute and tender in that moment. "Will that happen to me if we do this?"
Izuku shrugged. "I don't really know. It's been different each time. But I think it's partially determined by your own desires. So for you I think you might get stronger."
Momo bit her lip. Then nodded. "Alright. I'll trust you Izuku. So. How does it work."
"Oh, so you want to do it? Okay. umm. Here." He sat on his knees and extended his hands out towards Momo, palms face up. "Just give me your hands. And focus on how you want to improve, and my quirk will kind of take things from there."
"That sounds convient."
"You can make a battery appear if you eat a cupcake."
Momo smiled and placed her hands on top of his. They both let out a long steady breath and silence passed between them. Izuku reached down inside and pulled on that part of his self that was his quirk. It roused slowly, as though looking around for a target, before it moved towards Momo.
Somehow, his quirk seemed happier once it realized that it was Momo he was dealing with. It surged, writhed and used the connection between them to flood into her.
"Oooh." Momo shook her head, eyes fluttering. "Is it supposed to feel so good? I mean your quirk normally makes me feel like I got a good night's sleep but this, this is something else Izu."
Momo's entire energy shifted, as though the core of her being was being changed by his quirk. Was that what she wanted? Could his quirk change a person like that and where was the- his eyes went south, towards Momo's chest, there was motion there beyond her breathing, more than that. He could see her legs changing as well, going from sleek and skinny to more muscular. And a lot thicker.
"Mmm" Momo gave a long moan that started out cute but grew sexier and sexier with each passing second, her face changed, the slightest bit, her lips growing fuller, her hair growing glossier, when her eyes fluttered open he saw true beauty. "Izu, this is amazing."
Her back arched, and a button popped free from her shirt, her bra already snapped was hanging limply around her shoulders as her breasts surged outwards, outwards, outwards, each and every breath she took caused her chest to rise, but not fall. They were massive, nearing the size of her head and becoming perkier.
He caught a glimpse of her nipple for a few seconds as her bra shifted about.
Momo's arms were stronger now as well, a bit thicker, but mostly toned, showing off the subtleness of her strength.
The biggest change was around her hips. Formly on the narrow side Momo's hips had practically exploded outward, her skirt snapping around the edges as her powerful thighs grew and grew. The slope to her hips was emphasized by her narrow trim waist, with just the slightest hint of muscle showing.
"Uhn." Momo let out a single deep moan as her body relaxed and her burgeoning breasts finished off her top. With her clothes in ruins Momo looked completely divine and just as amazing as she always was. Her eyes fluttered, locking onto his and a smile graced her lips.
Before he could even say anything, Momo had grabbed him by the arm, her new found strength on full display as she moved him easily. His head landed on her pillow moments before she kissed him. Well that was new. And it was really. Really. Really. Good. Momo's kiss was forceful, her fingers digging through his hair as she pressed to deepen that kiss. She sucked, nibbled, and explored that kiss, drawing out his breath as she did so and then finally separated.
"Thank you Izu." She leaned back, her round, proud breasts swaying as she moved about, her large pink nipples standing on full display just begging to be pinched, twisted, suckled, and licked. She grabbed his own shirt and ripped it open sending buttons flying in every direction. "I feel so good."
"Momo," He barely managed to stifle a moan as she kissed him again. "We shouldn't do be doing this you're-"
"Izu," She placed a firm finger on his lip, silencing him. She leaned back again, and began to remove the tattered remains of her shirt and bra, revealing her curvaceous torso to him. Each of those breasts were huge, proud, bouncy, and spectacular, Momo's pale skin glistening in the light of her room. She groped them for a moment before letting them drop and bounce against each other.
She began to play with her skirt, undoing what little remained before just tearing it off along with her panties, leaving her only in some torn knee high socks.
"Don't get the wrong idea Izu, while I am horny as hell right now, and you are going to be the one to satisfy me." She began to remove his pants. "The biggest change is my confidence."
"Confidence?" He gave a sharp half whimper when his dick was exposed. Momo didn't waste a single second before she inserted him into her. There was no permission, no protest, just dick out, and straight to sex. And it felt amazing. She was warm, wet, and tight. Her wide hips began to move back and forth, her narrow waist was on display as she moaned, one hand grasping a hard nipple.
She moaned, and nodded. "Confidence. I wanted to be confident in myself. I wanted to be as confident enough to tell you how I feel."
She kept riding him one hand on his stomach to keep her balance, the slithering, hypnotic motion of her waist sent her free breast to jiggle and smack against the other.
His hands gripped her hips. If they were going to be having sex then it was going to be both of them. He thrust up into her with all his might and it worked. Momo leaned forward, gasping, and kissed him deeply. Each thrust made her mewl more and more into that kiss.
"Feelings?" He managed to ask between thrusts, barely able to hold on as Momo continued to move her hips.
"Yeah," her eyes fluttered as she met his. "I've been in love with you for a long time Izu. But I didn't know if you felt the same. No," she shook her head, sending her hair flying about. "That's wrong. I knew you felt the same. I just couldn't accept that you loved me. I didn't see how you could."
"And now?"
"Now I have the confidence to say that you're my boyfriend."
He could live with that.
"I love you too." He grunted, thrusting up deep inside of her.
Momo squeaked, and bit her finger eyes closed tight. "I love you Izu, please, keep saying that, please, say it again."
"I love you." She gave a loud deep moan, her movements stopping as her entire body seemed to vibrate.
"I love you."
She screamed, her insides tightening up and rolling up and down, squeezing him tight just before he started to cum deep inside of her. She leaned forward, her body shaking as she kissed him again and again. "I love you so much Izu. So much."
She fell to the side of him and pulled him in to another tight hug and kiss. "We should have used your quirk forever ago."
"Yeah," he half muttered. "Uhh, you might need new clothes though."
"I'll make some in a bit. I kinda want to be naked around you for a while. That way," she moved up along her bed and brought one of her gigantic breasts to his face. "We can explore my improvements."
"That sounds-"
"It sounds like you two need to close the door!"
Momo's door slammed shut as they both turned to see who had shouted. It sounded female, but neither one of them could guess who it was.
That, and he was distracted by boobs.
AN: This was written for National Horny Day. Extra Thicc Momo