Hey everyone! Like I have informed you, it is going to be weekly uploads from now on. To Me that works really well, but I would like to know what you guys think of it so far, because if you guys don't like it and want more frequent uploads, I will do that, but keep in mind that the chapters will be a lot shorter.

Hope you enjoy this one :D

Three years ago, Nanda Parbat

Nyssa started to stir, and when she tried to open her eyes, she quickly closed again due to the bright light she was seeing, even though the lights in her room wasn't lit. She could someone's presence, but she couldn't figure out who it was since she couldn't open her eyes and this person was good at hiding his breath. She even tried to see if she could recognize the person because of their smell, but to her everything smelt like iron, probably due to the bloody nose she had yesterday.

She tried slowly to open her eyes and it took her a good five minutes to open them, and when she looked around the room, she saw a little girl sleeping in a male's lap. The male person was too someone she thought she hadn't seen before, but she could see by the bloody spots on his outfit that he must have been the one to save her. His hood wasn't up, but because of the lighting and the girl sleeping in his lap, Nyssa wasn't able to see who it was.

"Welcome back" She heard the man say to her, and her eyes lit up to the sound of that voice. She couldn't believe it. Last time she saw him he was going to get cleansed, and probably lose his soul while that happened, so Nyssa had no idea how she should react to Oliver sitting at her bedside. She had many questions about who the person sleeping in his lap was, but right now she had a more burning question on her mind.

"How are you?" Nyssa asked nervously for the answer. She was really hoping that he was the person he was before, or at least really close to. It was unlikely, but she had to hope since he had been the only person, she had ever felt something for.

"You have been tortured for the past week, and when I found you, you were lying on the ground all bloody, without shackles or anything since you were too weak to do resistance, and you decide to ask me how I am?" Oliver joked. He knew what she meant, but it was still incredible that she cared such little about how her own condition compared to his. Oliver's answer got Nyssa to tear up, and even if she wanted to, she couldn't hold them back, so she just let them flow down her cheeks. Oliver, of course, noticed the tears and lifted Aaila up in his arms as he stood himself and went to Nyssa's side. He kissed Nyssa's forehead and sat down on the edge of the bed. Nyssa took a moment to compose herself and actually figure out that this was real, and she wasn't dreaming until she then laid her eyes on the little girl in Oliver's arms.

"Who is she? She looks really young," Nyssa asked curiously. She had never seen Oliver this caring to anyone except herself, so this girl cannot just be anyone, but it couldn't be someone Oliver knew well since it couldn't have been long since he got out of the Cleansing.

"This is Aaila, she is my student. Ra's told me that the best way to learn, was to teach," Oliver explained and looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms.

"How long have you been out?" Nyssa asked.

"When I came and rescued you, I had been out for a couple of hours," Oliver told her and looked at Nyssa with his affection for her showing in his eyes.

"The first thing you did was come and get me," Nyssa confirmed and was about to tear up again. She had never had anyone come for her whenever she had been in trouble. Especially, not someone who had just gotten out of cleansing. She reached her arm up and pulled Oliver into a sweet kiss she had been longing for, for so long. They pulled apart since Oliver had a hard time holding Aaila in place when he was leaning forward. "If you have just met her, then how or why, is she sleeping in your arms?"

"She has been through a lot in her life, and I noticed, thanks to your training, that she was really tired and probably hadn't been sleeping well for a long time. We started talking and opened up a bit, and it eventually led to this. She looked scared the first time she saw me, but I didn't let it affect me, and when we came back in here, I explained to her why I was covered in blood," Oliver explained to the woman who he had been missing ever since he was escorted down to the dungeons, where the Cleansing took place. It was true that it just happened that Aaila was sleeping in his arms, but it was because of Oliver's understanding and kindness that made her trust him as much as she did. Because of all of that, Oliver could now feel her completely gone in her sleep, like she hadn't her sleeping for days.

"You are going to be a better teacher than I am," Nyssa stated and could see the caring look Oliver was giving her, but not just her, he gave Aaila that same caring look and she thought it looked perfect.

"Why do you think that?" Oliver asked somewhat confused that Nyssa would think he would be a better teacher than her. He was sure he was going to become a good teacher with time and patience, but better than Nyssa seemed unlikely for him.

"You have always been better with people than I am, and it seems like you two are going to have an exceptional good bond," Nyssa explained to him. She didn't want to lie to herself, at first when she saw the girl sleeping in Oliver's arms, she had been nervous and on the verge of angry, but she then realized that girl was so young that she didn't mind since she didn't think Oliver would do something like that. Now she could see that whatever was going to happen from now on, was just going to be a little different because of Aaila, and she slightly curious about how her own relationship was going to be with her.

Oliver didn't know how to respond so he simply kissed her again. It was brief again, but it was something that meant the world to both of them. They wanted their moments of silence to last forever, but that wasn't what the other assassins had planned. Two medical assassins walked inside the room and Aaila was, unfortunately, startled awake. She had been sleeping for a couple of hours now and it had the best sleep she had gotten in a long time, so Oliver felt bad for her. The two assassins started checking on Nyssa to see if everything was as it should be. Luckily, it was and soon enough the assassins left the room again, this time with everything they had used to make sure she would have gotten better.

Oliver, Nyssa, and Aaila were left alone in the room. Aaila was still sitting in Oliver's lap since she didn't have space enough to move when the medical assassins were in the room too. Nyssa looked kind of flustered by what just happened. She hadn't been ready for someone to look if she was okay, but she was sure it was her father's doing, so she knew she couldn't complain to him about it. Oliver had felt like he was in the way, but he didn't have the time to move before the two assassins were surrounding him, so he had no other choice but to just stay put and make sure Aaila didn't get in the way too.

"Well, that wasn't the best way to be women up," Aaila said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"No, it really wasn't. I think I will have a talk with those two later," Oliver agreed. He was annoyed by the fact that they woke up Aaila now that she finally had been sleeping well. "Did you at least sleep well?"

"Yeah. It was one of the most peaceful periods of sleep I have had in a long time. Thank you," Aaila replied gratefully for the fact that Oliver was able to make her sleep better at night.

"Your welcome," Oliver said.

"Hey, you're awake. Nice to meet you," Aaila greeted when she realized that Nyssa was awake. She reached her hand forward for Nyssa to shake her hand, which Nyssa did.

"It's nice to meet you too. Can I ask you how old you are?" Nyssa asked. She had been curious about that ever since she saw her sleeping in Oliver's arms.

"I'm thirteen, soon fourteen,' Aaila answered still sounding a bit sleepy, but happy that Nyssa was interested in who she was.

"That is really young for someone who has just joined the League, but I'm sure Oliver will make you at home," Nyssa said and smiled at the young girl who was still placed in Oliver's lap. She could see they were going to have a special kind of bond and Oliver would probably never be going to let her get hurt if he was to stop it.


Oliver and Aaila had been at the meeting and were now looking for something to eat. They were walking down the street, and Aaila was walking close to normal since she didn't find it as hard to walk whenever they were just walking straight and not going up or down any kind of stairs.

Oliver could feel a lot of eyes looking at them as they were walking. Probably due to the fact that it was rare that Oliver and Aaila Queen were taking a walk in the city. They stopped in front of a restaurant that looked like something they would want to eat. They had called Nyssa to offer ger to join them in their search for something to eat, but she had just eaten and had decided to relax until they got home.

"I will just go inside to hear if they have room for us," Oliver told Aaila. She nodded at him and Oliver walked then inside the restaurant to ask a waiter for a table.

While Aaila was waiting on the street, she could hear someone walking closer and closer to her. She was standing on the street in public, so she didn't think so much about it. The person she could hear walking had stopped behind her, Aaila thought the person was probably just looking at the restaurant. She felt a tap on the shoulder, so she turned around and saw that it was a young man that wanted her attention. If she had to guess his age, she would say he was between twenty and twenty-two. She thought it was pretty weird for a guy of his age to stop a girl of her age in the middle of the street.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you," The guy initiated. He looked scared that she would just ignore him or run away since he was a complete stranger to her.

"You are not. But I would like an explanation as to why you wanted to talk to me?" Aaila said and made it obvious that she was asking a question.

"Wow, straight forward, I see… To be honest I find you attractive and I would like to get to know you better, since you seem like a really nice person," The guy tried. Aaila could see that the guy was not happy with what he had just said, which she understood since he only wanted to talk to her because she was attractive.

Oliver was on his way out to tell Aaila that they had found a table for them. Even a table that was somewhat placed for itself, so they wouldn't get bothered by that many people. He noticed her lips moving, he couldn't see who she was speaking to, and he knew she wasn't talking on the phone with anyone, since he had her phone in his pocket, since she didn't have any pockets. He walked closer to the entrance and could now see that young man she was talking to. He looked like someone who didn't know what to do, and clearly someone who didn't have any clue about her age. Oliver told the waiter to wait while he would just tell Aaila that they had gotten a table. Oliver walked out to Aaila and the guy she was talking to.

"They have a table for us. Are you coming?" Oliver asked Aaila. He could see was confused as to why this guy was talking to her and what he wanted. Aaila nodded and started walking inside the restaurant. Before Oliver decided to follow her, he turned to the guy Aaila had been talking to.

"You stay away. She is sixteen. If I ever see you near her again, you will regret you ever approached her today," Oliver told him in a commanding and cold voice. He didn't care that he was threatening someone as Oliver Queen and not Ra's Al Ghul, because everyone already knew that he had adopted Aaila. The guy looked like someone who had seen a ghost, and Oliver was satisfied. He walked away, following Aaila inside the restaurant, and put his arm around her back to let her know that he was right beside her. The waiter showed them the way to their table. They sat down and started to look for something on the menu.

"What was it that you told that guy?" Aaila asked, still keeping her eyes on the menu. She wasn't hungry, but she knew her body needed some food to get better, so she didn't have to rely on Oliver and Nyssa at all times.

"I just told him to stay away from you, since he is too old for you," Oliver replied and looked at Aaila to see how she would react. She looked up from her menu-card.

"He was hitting on me?" Aaila asked surprised that she had no idea that was what was going on.

"Yeah… I think Nyssa and I will have a talk with you about it later," Oliver said and send her a smile. Aaila nodded, understanding that it wasn't something that he wanted to talk about whenever they were at a restaurant in public.

Nyssa was reading a book, lying, on her stomach, on the couch as Oliver and Aaila walked inside the apartment. She put a bookmark on the page she had reached and put the book aside. Before she had sat up on the couch, she felt Oliver's hands on her back. He started massaging her back a little and she now remembered it had been a long time since she last got a massage from him.

"Hey," Nyssa said as she was relaxing under his nice massage. She wanted to greet him with a kiss, but right now she just wanted his massage. Aaila was watching as her mom was starting to get completely relaxed. Aaila and Oliver had thought about that they wanted to tease Nyssa when they had gotten home, and that was what was going on at the moment. Aaila knew that Nyssa didn't pay any attention to anything else than her massage right now, so she went to the kitchen and grabbed a cold glass of water. She then went to stand beside Oliver who was sitting on top of Nyssa's butt while massaging her. Oliver then held Nyssa's arms down so she wouldn't be able to move even if she tried. Aaila started pouring the water down onto the backside of Nyssa's head.

"Aaila you…." Nyssa started, but she couldn't keep going since she was laughing. Oliver let her go when the glass was empty, and she turned her body around without Oliver even got off of her. She had a hard time holding back her laugh even though she kind of annoyed by the fact that some of her hair was wet now. "I actually thought that you had decided to give me a massage, but I take it this was the plan from the beginning?"

"It was. I'm sorry," Oliver started and then leaned closer to Nyssa. "But I will give you one later,"

Nyssa could feel her cheeks blush from his little statement. She was already looking forward to when the day had passed by. Aaila was watching as Oliver was whispering in her ear and she knew that it was about a massage. She didn't feel awkward or anything, but she would have liked if they would have done that at some point where she didn't see them or at least tried to.

The day had quickly gone by and the three of them were at the moment cleaning after they had eaten dinner. Aaila was allowed to just wait for them on the couch since she still had some trouble walking normally and Oliver and Nyssa didn't want her to rush her body to get better. Oliver had told Nyssa about the young man that had approached Aaila, where Aaila didn't have any clue she was being hit on. Nyssa was slightly surprised that Oliver hadn't done more than just scaring the guy, but she understood that he didn't since he was Oliver Queen and had to act like him and not Ra's Al Ghul in situations like that. They had both agreed that they would have to talk with Aaila about things like that after they were done cleaning.

The cleaning went fairly quick and the three of them were now sitting on the couch. Aaila could feel that Oliver and Nyssa were nervous about something, which they never were, so she was waiting expectantly for what it was. Oliver and Nyssa had never thought about that they would have this talk with anyone before and therefore they were a bit nervous about how this was going to go, especially since the two of them had opposite pasts when it came to this subject.

"Aaila, you remember I told you that guy was hitting on you?" Oliver asked carefully, not knowing how else he would initiate this conversation, and he could see that Nyssa too had no idea how to initiate it.

"Yeah. You told me we all would have a talk about it later. Is that now?" Aaila asked finally having a clue on why her parents were acting like they were.

"It is, Aaila," Nyssa answered and let out a sigh. "To be real to you, we had never expected that we would have this conversation with anyone, so excuse us if we say something that doesn't make that much sense to you," Nyssa continued. Aaila nodded in understanding. She knew they hadn't planned on adopting Aaila, but it was still one of the best things that had happened to all of them.

"There are different guys out there in the world. Some guys just seek girls for sex, while others are looking for someone to share their life with. The guys just looking for sex, will eventually also be the ones looking for that special someone, or either they meet by coincidence," Oliver started. He knew he should be the one to talk about that part since he had been a playboy, who pretty much every girl, would want to sleep with.

"Like you were?" Aaila asked carefully since she knew her father's days as a playboy were over and he wasn't proud of them at all.

"Yeah, like I was," Oliver said with a shameful look. He wasn't proud of his past, but he had accepted it because he knew it had a play in who he was today.

"You have reached that age now where sex is something that could be relevant to you. I'm not saying that it is something you should rush because you shouldn't. it is something that you should with someone you find special in your life, someone you think you could live the rest of your life with," Nyssa explained. She wanted Aaila to have her first time with someone she found special, just like she had with Oliver after he had gotten out of the cleansing and she was feeling well.

"I'm going to be very blunt about this because I don't know how else to say this, but I believe a lot of guys will find you very attractive. That will purely because of your body until they get to know you because you have a great body and guys are very visual when it comes to women…" Oliver explained to her. He thought it was very awkward to explain to Aaila how he knew other guys would find her attractive because of her body since he was a guy. Aaila could see that it was awkward for Oliver to say that, and she understood what he meant, and because of their close bond, she had no problem hearing that Oliver said that she was pretty. She knew she was, but it wasn't something that she was really thinking about. In her mind, she was just another girl guys would eventually approach and not someone who would get pretty much chased by guys when she would head out.

"Don't worry. I understand what you mean," Aaila said to assure Oliver that he didn't think she took this the wrong way. Oliver nodded and smiled at her.

"With that said, you should either wear something that shows a lot less skin or should be prepared to get approached by guys and have to reject them if that is what you want to," Nyssa stated. Both Oliver and Nyssa knew this hadn't been that long of a talk, but Aaila was a smart girl and most likely understood and listen to whatever they were saying.

"Then I should get prepared to get approached because I'm not changing what I wear just to get less attention," Aaila stated firmly. She didn't want her style to get changed just because of guys, and in reality, she felt more comfortable knowing she looked good rather than when she would wear sweatpants in public.

"I understand that. It's the same for me," Nyssa admitted and sent Aaila a smile.

"Was that all for this talk?" Aaila asked, feeling tired and wanting a bath.

"Yeah, I suppose it was," Oliver said and stood from the couch after placing a kiss on Aaila's forehead. Like she, basically, always did, Aaila hummed when his lips met her forehead. Nyssa too placed a kiss on her forehead and Aaila had the same reaction to her lips as she had with Oliver's.

Before she knew it, Oliver was nowhere to be seen, and Aaila was starting to wonder where he had gone. He had just been beside her and now she needed his help getting up the stairs to take a bath.

"Mom, where's Dad? He was here just a second ago," Aaila asked and walked into the kitchen where Nyssa was standing with a book in her hand. She had just opened it to the page she had reached when Aaila asked her.

"He went out. The city doesn't save itself just because one of us is hurt," Nyssa told Aaila. Aaila could hear that her mother was trying to hide her concern for her husband, but Aaila was trained well and could hear that she was worried about him. The last time he went out in the city he was shot in the side. He saved Thea though, so she understood that it had happened, but she was still concerned something would happen again.

"Okay… Can you help me upstairs? I would like to take a bath," Aaila asked. Nyssa smiled at her and placed her book down again. She walked with Aaila to the stairs and when they reached the stairs Nyssa lifted Aaila the same way Oliver always did. Aaila knew her mother was stronger than she looked like, but she sometimes forgot it, since it was Oliver who did most of the physical hard work. She was placed down on the ground again when they had reached the top. Nyssa was about to walk down the stairs again when Aaila stopped her with a question.

"It's been a long time since we have had a time where it was just the two of us, will you join me or at least sit with me inside the bathroom?" Aaila asked, really wanting her mother's company. It had been a long time since it had been just the two of them, and the bath sounded intriguing to Nyssa. Because they were both females neither of them any problem with seeing the other naked, not be seen by the other naked.

"Yeah, that would actually be nice. If you just start making it ready inside the bathroom, then I will prepare something for us, to when we get in," Nyssa said and winked at Aaila and disappeared down the stairs. Aaila had no idea of what Nyssa was going to prepare for them, but she knew it would be something good since Nyssa was always positively surprising to everyone.

In a matter of ten minutes, the bathtub was filled with hot water and Aaila had stripped down to nothing but a towel. She was sitting, waiting for Nyssa to join her. She heard some steps coming from the hallway, so she figured Nyssa was ready to join her. Nyssa entered the bathroom without anything in her hands. This made Aaila really curious about what Nyssa had been doing in the kitchen for the past ten minutes.

"What have you been doing?" Aaila asked confused.

"It's still in the kitchen. I just wanted to see if you were ready and what you were wearing for this. I see you had the same idea I had," Nyssa said and started to peel off her clothes. Aaila was slightly surprised that Nyssa could see that she wasn't wearing anything underneath the towel. Nyssa was now naked, so she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. She sent Aaila a smile and went downstairs to get what she had been working on for the past ten minutes.

Nyssa came back into the bathroom with a tray in hand. Aaila was already sitting in the water waiting for Nyssa. Because Aaila was sitting inside the bathtub, she wasn't able to see what was on the tray that Nyssa was carrying. Nyssa placed down the tray beside Aaila on the edge of the bathtub and she could see Aaila's eyes lit up when she saw what was on it. There was a bowl, that occupied most of the space on the tray, with strawberries, mango pieces, and grapes. Then there were two glasses filled with some sort of drink, Aaila guessed. Nyssa obviously knew what was in the drinks, and she had her best at making them the same, but there was alcohol in Nyssa's, and she had tried her best to find something that would make Aaila's taste the same, but without the slight taste of alcohol.

While Aaila had been inspecting the tray, Nyssa had dropped the towel and placed ahead of Aaila in the bathtub and now they were both sitting naked inside the bathtub. Aaila took the glasses and handed Nyssa the one she could smell a little bit of alcohol in. The only reason she could smell the alcohol was because of her training in distinguishing different things. Nyssa accepted the glass and nodded at Aaila who still looked like someone who was having the best time in her life. She had been sad earlier, knowing that Oliver had gone out alone because she was hurt and Nyssa had to stay home with her, but that all changed now, and she couldn't be happier that she and Nyssa were finally having some mother and daughter time. She took the bowl of fruit and placed it in between them, on the edge of the bathtub so they both would be able to reach for it.

"This was definitely what I had expected when I asked you to join me," Aaila stated and gave Nyssa an approving smile, telling Nyssa that it was meant as a good thing.

"I'm glad that I can still surprise you," Nyssa said and took a sip of her drink. Aaila was indeed surprised by this and now she was hoping that this could go on for a long time tonight.

"I can see you shaved the other day," Nyssa said out of nowhere. This made Aaila choke on her drink. That was something that she definitely wasn't expecting to hear Nyssa commenting on. When she was done coughing, she looked at Nyssa with wide and surprised eyes. Nyssa was just smiling at her. She knew it was something Aaila was still learning to get more comfortable talking about, so she found it funny to tease her about it. "Why do you do it?" Aaila had no words. She didn't know how her mom could talk about it like it was nothing when she had such a hard time talking about it.

"Ehm… I… I just think it feels nicer when I am saved," Aaila said in low voice. She was embarrassed by the subject they were talking about, especially because it was her, they were talking about.

"Aaila, calm down. I'm just trying to make you more comfortable talking about such things, and you did well by actually answering," Nyssa said with a calm and soothing voice. It was rare she heard Nyssa use that voice, but she loved hearing it whenever she did hear it.

"Thank you…" Aaila said still feeling a bit embarrassed. Because of the subject, Aaila accidentally looked down at Nyssa's crotch, to see she was shaved too. "Why do you do it," She asked, still feeling embarrassed by the subject and for asking her mother that question. She knew she would get an honest answer. It was still awkward for Aaila to talk about, but she knew Nyssa would most likely ask her something more because she wanted her to feel less awkward about it.

"It's no to avoid answering, but I agree with you. It feels nicer down there when it's shaved," Nyssa replied, happy that Aaila had courage enough to ask her about it. She could see that Aaila was still feeling weird about the subject, so she thought it was probably for the best to bring it up later, instead of keeping pressing on right now.