





Cries of "Happy New Year!" sound all around us, and the saxist fingers "Auld Lang Syne"from the farthest corner of the stage, but it all fades away when Bella presses her lips against mine. She tucks her freezing cold fingers under the back of my sweater, causing me to stiffen in her arms.

"Sorry," she says, breath on my lips.

"Don't be. Happy New Year."

We kiss and turn slowly at the edge of the dancefloor next to the open terrace door, waiting for the rest of the band to kick in. People cheer and hug, and Alice and Jasper eventually make their way over to toast us.

"Look," she says, pointing outside with her champagne flute. "It's snowing."

It adds to the general excitement, because things like snow during the holidays is the stuff of myth most years around here. Every now and then, we get lucky, and when we do, it's magical.

"Well, look at that," I say. "Maggie was right."

"She told us it would snow," Bella agrees.

"Now we see if anything sticks." I hug her closer and turn us away from the cool breeze. The slow line of people who were outside when it started finally makes their way inside, and someone closes the door.

"I hope it does," she says. "It's been a while."

The champagne flows freely back at our table, and more than once, Bella and Alice veer off into their own conversations about music, politics, and the best barbeque in town. They lean their heads together and laugh, but Bella's fingers stay tangled with mine and she flashes sweet smiles in my direction.

By the time we say our goodbyes and leave, the ground is covered in a thin layer of snow and the flakes have fattened. Bella snuggles under my arm, and we step out of the Hard Rock together onto Beale. The crowd stretches in both directions.

"Do you think the streets are bad?" Bella asks.

"Not yet, but we could go to my place…" I say. "It's closer."

She looks down at the invitation and smiles. "I don't have any clothes."

I lean down to catch her lips with mine and smile against them. "You won't need any."

She melts against me, with lips and tongue and then ice cold fingers under my shirt. "Lead the way," she says.

Flecks of white drift down and land on her loose curls, cheeks, and eyelashes. Our breath clouds the air between us, and the party continues all around us.

"Let's go." I take her hand and maneuver around celebrating couples and through groups of friends. Once we leave Beale for Main, it's easier to move. Our clasped hands swing between us, and the champagne buzz begins to fade in the cold.

A cab approaches in the distance, so I wave down the driver. Bella gives me a grateful look and gets in without question.

"Malco Powerhouse," I tell the driver.

"Thanks," Bella says after the door closes. "I like snow, but not as much when I'm in a dress and heels."

I rest my hand on her thigh and rub my thumb back and forth to warm her skin. It's a quick ride once we've circled the block. Bella rests her head on my shoulder, and we watch partygoers stumble out of the bars and restaurants as we pass by.

The driver drops us off at the theater, and I lead Bella across the empty lot of the farmer's market behind it and over to my building. She huddles close under the small black awning while I unlock the main door and hurries inside once it's open.

"Much better," she says when a blast of warm air envelops us in the lobby.

Confetti, glitter, and corks litter the floor between random foot-sized puddles of melted snow. We step around the mess and make our way to the elevator. The doors slide open a moment after I hit the call button. It's a silent ride to the third floor, with Bella leaning against me and resting her head on my shoulder.

We step out together, and she kisses my neck while I fumble with a second lock. "It's not much," I say, opening the door to the studio space and the few hundred square feet I get to call mine. Most of my furniture's from IKEA, and the place has never looked more like a hipster bachelor pad than through the lens of what Bella's seeing for the first time.

Her eyes land on my keyboard first and the noise-eliminating headphones plugged into it. Then she hones in on the beat-up guitar case in the corner next to the extra-large coffee-colored beanbag a few feet away.

The bed is just a couple of fluffy mattresses in the corner between two perpendicular windows offering a view of the movie theater's entrance. The white sheets glow under the streetlamp. My jeans are spread across the mound of blankets where I tossed them earlier.

"It's nice," Bella says, running her fingers over the brick wall. "Cozy." She turns and grips my jacket. "I like it." Her lips catch mine in a sweet kiss, and she pulls me with her across the room.

I tug the curtains from their holder and let them fall and touch the floor. Then I slide my hands up her sides, letting my thumbs graze her nipples, before reaching behind her to unzip her dress. Her skin is cool underneath, and she shivers at my touch.

"I had no idea you play guitar," she says, trailing her fingers across my chest. "What other secrets are you keeping?"

I laugh and kiss her head. "I also play violin, fiddle, ukulele, and I'm learning the harp."

"The fiddle?"

"I played with a country band in Nashville for six months after I graduated from college."

"How did I not know this?"

I shrug. "You never asked."

She tilts her head back and nibbles my chin. "Any other special talents I should know about?"

"Um…" It's hard to focus with her this close and touching me everywhere. "I do all right with a harmonica, too."

"Of course you're as good with your mouth as you are with your hands," she says, unzipping my pants. "But, then, I knew that already…"

And then it's her hand on my cock, stroking and squeezing and showing how good she is. But not for long, since she has other plans that include undressing me first, then lowering the straps of her dress, one at a time, and sliding it down her body.

She pulls me down onto the bed with her and pushes me on my back. I watch her in the moonlight, the way she lines us up and lowers herself slowly… the way her teeth pull back her bottom lip and her eyes slip closed as she moves.

My hands rest on her hips until she grabs them and entwines our fingers to push against me for leverage. It's a slow grind at first, but then she speeds up and tilts her head to the side so her hair spills forward to tickle her nipple. She stills when she comes, and her mouth drops open in a long exhale. I close my eyes and follow.

She leans forward until she's lying flat on my chest, skin to skin. We catch our breath, and she eventually rolls off of me and scoots in close at my side instead.

"Happy New Year," she says quietly.

And I have to agree there's no better way I could've started this year, so I say it back and kiss her hair before drifting off to sleep with her leg draped over mine.

Maggie's muted ringtone wakes us far too early, and a chill slips in between the sheets when Bella leans over the side of the bed to pick up my pants. Once she has my phone in hand, she snuggles into my side for warmth and sets it on my chest.

"Look outside!" Maggie shrieks before I have a chance to say hello. "It snowed all night. It's everywhere!"

"How long have you been up?" I ask.

"Too long," Garrett says on speaker. "We've already built a snowgirl."

A glance at the clock on the table backs him up. It's only 9:00 and they've already built a snowman.

"We're making pancakes," Katie says. "Then we're going to the Shell so Maggie can get in some sledding. You should come. We have a ton of food."

"Um…" I look down at Bella and the small smile on her lips.

"Have you… talked to Bella?" Sometimes I think my sister can read my mind. "She's not answering her phone."

"She's here," I say.

"Well, y'all come on. Wear layers."

"Hurry," Maggie says before a click ends the call.

"I'm guessing you heard all that," I say, running my hand down Bella's back.

She nods. "That girl's such an early bird."

"She gets it from Katie."

"I'm going to need clothes," Bella says. "The streets must be okay, if they're planning to go out soon."

I sit up and look out the chilled window. There's no sign of the street below, just bright puffy snow. "No ice," I say. "We should be good."

She borrows an old pair of sweats and a hoodie, but I'm fresh out of ladies shoes, so she's stuck in her heels until we get to her place. "God, I look ridiculous," she says during the elevator ride to the ground floor.

I grin and shrug. "Just a little." I leave her at the door. "I'll get the car so you don't freeze your toes off."

"My hero," she deadpans.

The snow's crunchy, easy to walk and drive on, but I wait in the car at Crosstown. We both know if I go up with her, the food will be cold by the time we get to our siblings' house. Bella's quick on her own and comes down wearing her BAE shirt over a long-sleeve thermal shirt with jeans and thick black boots that match her black, puffy coat. She gets into the car and pulls a black beanie onto her head.

"Nice shirt," I say, pulling away from the curb.

"You don't have to smirk like that."

"Like what?"

She laughs and shakes her head. "You know what I'm talking about."

I do. Because she's not the only tattle-tale in her family. Garrett might've mentioned that my funcle shirt annoyed Bella, probably more than she wanted to admit.

"You know," I begin, "Maggie was so excited when she found that shirt for you that she tried to give Garrett and Katie some of her chore money to pay for it."

Bella's head whips over to look at me. "Really?"

I nod. "Really."

She looks out the window to hide her smile, but I still catch a glimpse of it in the car door mirror. From the beginning, she worried our relationship would hurt our family. I'm making a case that it's actually made it a little stronger—which will be presented at a later date in case of emergency.

Snow like this is rare in Memphis. We usually get just enough ice to turn the streets into a skating rink. Not today, though. The main streets are clear, and it's an easy drive to Highpoint.

Bella laughs out loud when the Swan house comes into view. There's a snowgirl, all right, and she's got Mickey Mouse ears on her head and a pink cape tied at her neck. And she's not alone. There's a small snowdog a foot away from her base.

"It's a snow Sam," Bella says. "Gah! I can't wait to see them. It feels like it's been a month."

I smile and ease the car to a stop in front of their neighbor's house. I don't want to block anyone's view of Maggie's hard work. She and Sam come flying out the front door before Bella and I make it out of the car.

"I missed youuuuu!" she yells, barreling into Bella's arms first since she's closer. I make my way over to them, and instead of letting go of Bella, Maggie frees one arm to add me to the hug.

"We missed you, too," Bella says.

"Come inside!" Katie calls from the porch. "We have coffee and a ton of food."

"And hot chocolate!" Maggie pulls away and skips up the driveway with Sam at her heels.

Bella reaches for my hand and gives it a tug. "I'm a sucker for hot chocolate," she says.

The gas fireplace is glowing, and open suitcases line the hall outside the laundry room. We follow Maggie and Sam through the house to the kitchen, shedding our coats along the way. Garrett takes them and hangs them on pegs by the backdoor.

Then he greets us with another group hug, but Katie holds up a hand. "You may want to keep your distance from me," she says. "I think I brought back more than t-shirts and sparkly Minnie ears from the happiest place on Earth."

"The food's safe," Garrett says. "Maggie and I did all the work. Dig in."

Maggie talks between bites, filling in the blanks with details about the trip that social media pictures and check-ins left out. They got back yesterday morning, too exhausted for any company but Sam's. Despite a couple of visits from me and being spoiled rotten by my parents, this puppy missed her girl. She's still not over it, it seems, and stays curled on the floor right at Maggie's feet.

In true Maggie fashion, she's ready to go the moment she finishes her pancakes. "All the snow at the Shell will be gone if we don't hurry," she says. "I want to use the sled PopPop brought over this morning."

"Dad was here this morning?" Bella asks as Maggie runs down the hall to her room.

"You know he's always up at dawn," Garrett says. "He and Mom stopped by to bring the sled and some elderberry syrup for Katie." He stands and starts to clear the dishes, and Bella jumps to her feet to help.

"I'll wash. You dry," she says. "We'll get done faster that way so Maggie won't have to wait."

Katie waves a hand. "Y'all go ahead. I'll stick them in the dishwasher before I park myself on the couch."

"At least let us do that," Bella says. "You go and rest."

Katie lifts her mug and nods. "Okay." She tilts her head for me to follow her to the living room. It takes her a minute to get settled and tuck the fuzzy throw around her legs. "So, how are things?" she asks quietly with a glance over her shoulder to check that Garrett and Bella are still busy.

"Good." I lean back and rest my head on the cushion. "Really good."

She smiles. "Glad to hear it."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about us. I was trying to let Bella decide when and how." I shake my head. "If."

"I get it." She gives me a smug smile. "You know Mom and Renee are already talking about a wedding and babies, right?"

"That didn't take long."

Maggie runs into the room and plops down by the fireplace to pull her boots on. "Did you put on the thermals we found this morning?" Katie asks her. Maggie nods, and Katie turns her attention back to me. "You're not at all freaked out by that?"

I shake my head. "Not at all."

"Good." She smiles again and sips her hot tea.

Maggie stands when she done and yells, "Come on, Daddy! I'm ready to gooooo."

Katie sighs. "All drama, that one."

Garrett and Bella join us, pulling on their coats. "All right," he says. "All right." He stops at the back of the couch to look down at Katie. "Dishes are running. Table's wiped down. All you need to do is get some rest."

"Sam." Maggie pats the couch next to Katie. Always eager to please, Sam jumps up and sits obediently. "Take care of Mommy. We'll be back in a little while." The puppy whines a little bit when we get to the door, but she stays when Maggie tells her to and settles on Katie's lap.

Garrett hits the key fob, and the doors of his Honda Pilot unlock. I get into the backseat with Maggie to keep her entertained and to let Bella have the front. She and Garrett talk about work stuff while Maggie and I attend to important stuff, like continuing our ongoing Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament.

There's a crowd of people leaving the park when we arrive, so we're able to find a parking spot close to the Shell. Maggie's unbuckled and tugging on the door handle before Garrett even cuts the engine. "Let's go. Let's go!" she says.

We follow her out of the SUV, and Garrett stops at the back to retrieve the bright blue plastic sled the Swan parents dropped off this morning. Maggie takes it from him and runs ahead of us. Her knit hat flies off in the breeze, and she pauses long enough to circle back and grab it. Her long brown hair whips in the wind behind her, and her cheeks glow pink in the cold. It's striking how much she resembles the woman sliding her gloved palm against my bare one to take my hand.

"Here we go," Bella says with a grin.

And I'm not freaked out—not at all—because I want to do this kind of stuff with her for as long as she'll let me.

A/N – Ah. Some happy times. We didn't get any snow here this year, which was surprisingly kind of a bummer since I normally hate the stuff. I kind of missed it though, so this was maybe a little bit of wish fulfillment fluff on my part. Whatever. We need a little fluff, right?

Guys, if you're like me and trying to bury yourself in fiction right now…go and read "Body of Christ" by Belladonna and TheFictionFreak here on FFN. The UST is off the damn charts and unlike me, those rock stars are pumping out chapters regularly.

I've also lowered the price of the Kindle version of my book on Amazon to $0.99. It may take a while for the new price to kick in, but you can get it cheap soon if you want it. Look for "Higher Ground" by Nan Lowe.

Feel free to hit me with your recs, too.

I'm hoping to start working on the next chapter of this story soon, but I can't make any promises. Still dealing with crushing anxiety issues, and I'm also starting to work from home this next week. That will take a hot minute to adjust. I'll try, though.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. Stay well & safe.

MSC xoxo