Stephen was frantically trying to make a new invention to turn Ernie into a duck, because Bert told him to do so or he would have made Stephen watch DuckTales.
"Okay, computer. Turn Bert into a pigeon." Stephen's computer did so and Bert became a pigeon. All he could say was "Coo Coo".
The computer turned Bert back to himself again.
"What on Earth did you do?" Bert asked Stephen.
"I used my machine to turn you into something." Stephen replied.
"Could you try it on Ernie too?" Bert asked him.
"I dunno. If I try it on Ernie, he'll become something crazy. He might become a siren that will make the loudest sound ever. People would have to cover their ears for that." Stephen said.
"Well, go ahead and try it." Bert said.
"Will do, Bert." Stephen said.
Stephen was about ten yards away from Ernie when...
"Eh, rubber duckie, did you hear something?" Ernie said, while squeaking his duckie. "I didn't hear anything either."
"I think I heard a quacking sound." Stephen said. He suddenly popped out and scared Ernie, which didn't work.
"Oh, hi, Stephen!" Ernie said to Stephen.
Stephen then got up and picked up the microphone that was connected to a laptop computer.
"Okay, computer, turn Ernie into a-" Stephen was about to make the computer turn Ernie into something weird, but Ernie said... "Duck!"
The machine turned Ernie into a duck, which wasn't what Stephen asked it to do.
Ernie the Duckie laughed and quacked. "I'm gonna head over to Bert's place." Duckie Ernie said as he waddled to Bert's place.
"Elmo's hungry, make him food." Elmo said.
"Ha ha, me eat Elmo." Cookie Monster said, as he ate Elmo all up.
"Argh, Elmo got eaten by Cookie again." Elmo said, as he was in Cookie Monster's belly.
Ernie the Duckie kicked Bert's door down for no reason.
"Hey, *quack* Bert!" Ernie said.
"What?" Bert said.
"I *quack quack* said, hey, Bert!" Ernie said while quacking.
Bert couldn't help but laugh. "Ernie, you're a duck!"
Cookie Monster said, "You know that you quack like duck too, Ernie?"
"What the *quack*? How the *quack* did this *quack* to me?" Ernie said, while quacking three times.
"No one's gonna imitate a duck while Elmo's around!" Elmo said, while hopping out of Cookie Monster's tummy.
"Uh-oh...quack!" Ernie the Duck waddled away from Bert's house.
"Well, I'm gonna waddle to the pond just to have some fun." Ernie the Duck said, while heading to the pond.
After a few minutes of swimming in the pond, Ernie waddled to Stephen's place.
"Open up, quacker!" Ernie Duck said.
"Okay." Stephen said.
"Make me quack to normal again, Stephen!" Ernie said, still being a duck.
Stephen sighed and turned Ernie back to normal.
"Well, that was fun." Ernie laughed. "Better go back home now."
Ernie walked home, with his Rubber Duckie in his back pocket.