Title: A Heartbreak, A Crime & A Declaration

By: greygoose70

Summary; In the aftermath of the dirty bomb Castle has some thinking to do but something happens that changes his life. (A/U for S03/E17)

Chapter 7

It has been three days since they removed the breathing tube, one since he was taking off the coma meds and Kate had been here the whole time except when she went home to sleep. Home being the Castle's loft. She began moving in after the talk her and Alexis had in the ladies room where the girl had convinced her that Rick would need 24 hour care that she wouldn't be able to provide. So that evening after leaving the hospital she went to her place, packed two of the largest suitcases she had with clothes, shoes and toiletries and took them to the loft. Once she got there she was directed not to the guest room but Ricks bedroom here she found Alexis cleaning out dresser draws.

"What are you doing, Lexi?" She asked.

"Well you can't live out of your luggage," Alexis responded. "Besides we'll need them to get the rest of your things."

"Where are you putting my clothes," Kate replied thinking 'what did she mean by the rest of my things'.

"I've already made room in the closet for your clothes shoes and boots. I've cleared out two drawers for your PJ's, undies and things, plus another one in the bathroom for your toiletries."

That was three days ago. Alexis and Lanie were at her place now finishing the packing. They now had four large pieces of luggage plus one for the remainder of her makeup and other toiletry items. She would be leaving here shortly, visiting hours almost over, and she would be picking Lexi and the luggage up.

"Times up, Kate," Nurse Kelly said to her softly from the doorway. Most of the nurses here new her now and they would allow her to stay longer but not tonight, tonight she had things to do so she got up from her chair leaned over gently placing her lips to his and kissed him. And that's when she felt it, a slight squeeze to her hand, the movement of his lips against hers. She immediately pulled back staring at him watching as his eyelids began to flutter trying to open. "Kelly!" She yelled. "He's waking up!"

"K…Ka…Ka…," He tried saying but his voice was gravelly and his throat sore.

"Don't try to talk, Rick. I'll get you some water," as she turned to head for the sink but as she went to step away the grip on her hand tightened.

"I'll get it, you raise his bed some," Kelly told her gong to the sink filling a glass with water, inserting a straw before placing it between his lips telling him to take small sips. Kelly then handed the glass to Kate. "I'll go get the doctor, Kate. Let him drink all he wants but in small amounts, be right back.

"Ka…Kate," Castle stuttered his voice still hoarse. "I love you, Kate."

Tears began gathering in her eyes as she replied back to him, I love you too, Rick."


That was exactly two years ago to the day, Kate remembering it was the first time they told each other I love you. Since then a lot has happened, Rick recovered from his wounds and he was back to his usual self (yep, acting like a nine year old at times). A year later on the anniversary of that day he asked her to marry him and of course she said yes. When they set the date for the wedding he picked today. Why. Because he told her it was the day his life changed for the better.

And that's why she was sitting here in the luxurious bedroom of their Hamptons house while Lanie completed applying her makeup. When Lanie finished Kate slipped into her wedding dress (courtesy of Matilda Kane) and her four inch heels. She stepped up to the full length mirror and put on the earrings Martha had given her and when she was done stepped back and looked at herself and smiled because she not only saw herself but her mother, Johanna, as well.

"You look happy, Kate," commented Lanie.

"I am, Lanie. So very, very happy. I am marrying the man of my dreams, the man I fell in love with the first time I saw his picture on the back of a book cover."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Lanie went over and opened it revealing Jim Beckett, father of the bride. When he stepped in and saw his daughter he gasped (yes gasped). "Katie," he finally managed to say. "You look absolutely gorgeous. Rick is going to have a hard time saying is vows when he sees you in that wedding dress."

"I hope not," Kate replied with a chuckle.

Jim walked up to her, gave her a hug, a kiss to the cheek then whisper, "You're mother would be so proud of you."

"I know she would Dad," her eyes getting misty, but she wasn't going to cry because this was a the happiest day of her life, she was getting married to Richard Castle.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked holding out his arm for her. "Lets not keep your groom waiting."

Kate inserted her arm with Jim's and they walked out to join the wedding party.

Twenty minutes later, after the procession, after the bride and groom said their vows, after Judge Markway pronounced them husband and wife, after Kate and Ricks first kiss (which went on longer than expected) the newly married couple started down from the alter to the cheers and accolades from the 290 guest present.

The do make a beautiful couple, don't they.

And that's when Lanie fainted.

THE END (but not really)