Our inspector woke up with quite a surprise. He's about to begin a new part of his life, and discover something special.

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Chase Devineaux opened his eyes. It was all blur, and it hurt. What happened to him ? Where was he ? He closed his eyes. His head was aching like hell. The man tried to remember. He was … he was … ugh, it was so noisy in here ! Devineaux frowned. Wait. Why was it black and white and of complete black behind his eyes ? Despite the pain, he focused. Little by little images formed. Intermittently, shapes appeared. Chase distinguished the contours of a room. Angles of a wall, a door's ones, and even a bed. How could this be ? How could he see with his eyes closed ? What the hell, the heck and the fuck happened to him ? The inspector tried to open his eyes again. Nope, blur and painful. So he kept them closed. Suddenly, he spotted a silhouette passing before him. It opened the door.

" Did I just see behind a closed door ?!"

If only his head wasn't aching so much. The person checked on him. A nurse ? Then, was he in a hospital ? But why ? He wanted to talk to that nurse, however, words remained stuck. She left. Everything went black again. Devineaux lost consciousness. He dreamed, dreamed of a large green silhouette, and a grey one. Red barged in, and went to him. Red tried to free him. Free him from what by the way ? He didn't know. The man could hear a voice. He knew that voice. But he couldn't put a name on it. After a while, the landscape of his dream changed again. He recognized the room he was in. Just like before, black with white. People were passing behind the walls and the door. Chase tried to analyse the situation, his cop skills taking over. Never, ever before, was he able to see behind a wall. So how, when and why did he developed such an ability ?

Was it … because he lost his sight ?! He tried again. Still blur and painful. Damn ! Was he blind ?! He mentally began to moan, protest and everything. Why couldn't he remember what happened ? Chase desperately interrogated his brain. He perceived footsteps.

"I know that sound. This way of walking."

Turning eyes behind his closed eyelids, Devineaux spotted a familiar shape. Julia Argent. She stopped before his door, knocked then came in. The fact that she was merely a silhouette scared him a bit. Julia sat next to him. Hm, nice of her to pay him a visit.

" URGH ! No need to speak that loud, I can hear you just fine !"

Just like he could hear anything in here. Lots of conversations, footsteps, machines, cars outside … that was some noise. Devineaux's attention went back on her partner. What did she said ? La Femme Rouge ? Wait wait wait. La Femme Rouge. He saw red colour in his dream earlier. Was it … Julia stood up.

" Hé non attendez ¹ !"

He called her, in his head alas. Julia left. He could follow her passing in the hall. Now that was enough. He had to wake up. But his body decided otherwise. Back to dreams again. Two days later, Chase Devineaux woke with a scream. La Femme Rouge. He saw her clearly, well almost this time.

"Try again." he heard.

" Chief ?"

Tamara Fraser smiled. His head was still aching. His boss asked him something.

" Whoah. Why yelling ?" he asked.

" I'm not yelling."

Devineaux put his hands on his ears.

" So … noisy."

Slowly, the noise decreased. The ACME boss interrogated him about what did he remember. Chase winced. No matter what she said, she was speaking too loud for him. Anyway, he told her everything he knew. Carmen Sandiego. So that was her fault. She'll pay for this. However, what was next displeased him. He was fired from the ACME. How unfair ! After what happened to him how could she ? But now, as they say in his country all that was left was his eyes to cry. Tamara left accompanied by an agent. Chase fall back on his bed. Not only was he fired, his head ached and there was too much noise in here. One hour later, a nurse arrived to check on him. Her perfume assaulted his nose. He winced under that. She announced he'll have some more medical exams to do before being released.

"So how are you feeling today ?" asked the doctor while examining him.

" Well … it's weird but I hear too loud. I smell too much too. It's … a horror."

The doc raised an eyebrow. Chase seemed nauseous. All kind of scents were like trying to force his nostrils.

" That's weird indeed. Usually it's more a loss of senses rather than an increase."

" But it's true. And it's like I can see through walls and doors now." added the man.

" What ?"

" Watch it."

Chase closed his eyes. A few seconds after, the weird landscape appeared. He asked a nurse to check through a mid-open door. The doc made her a nod. Once she was there, Chase described what he could see : how many people, man or woman, what they were carrying, a bed transporting a patient, a wheelchair. The nurse looked at him rounded eyes. All was right. No mistake, and he spoke eyes closed without any mean to know who could come. He could also tell the doctor that he went outside for a break, then visited someone old people, and maybe someone way younger like a child.

" This is … unbelievable. I don't know what you went through, but it seems it unlocked your senses. To a point never saw anywhere except in a movie." said the doctor, amazed.

" Maybe, but my head aches." commented Chase.

" Perhaps that's a side effect. Our brain isn't made for high developed senses. You should make some experiences, to learn how to use those new abilities. See how for long your brain can support this before aching." advised the doctor.

" Will I have headaches for the rest of my life then ?" wanted to know Chase.

" Too soon to tell. It can be because of what happened, nor because it requires more resources or maybe your brain will evolve to adapt."

" Fine. Can I go home please, I don't think I'll stand those scents any longer."

" Alright. There's nothing holding you back here. Just one more thing. Careful with medicine for your headaches : too much paracetamol can be dangerous."

" Got it." agreed Chase.

He was escorted outside. It was like an aggression here as well : he had to plug his ears. And the smells … blargh. Chase turned his look. His sight literally made a zoom. He spotted an ant ten meters away from him just like it was right before his eyes. He blinked. So … his senses became super developed ? He didn't have time to think. The whole world was assaulting him and it was unbearable. The French entered a car. He sighed when the door closed. Some silence at least.

" GAH !" he exclaimed when the engine started.

Damn ! How were those new senses functioning ? The trip back to home was difficult. He could hear so much more sounds now. His eyes were zooming everywhere, all the time and he wondered if wasn't on the verge of throwing up. He startled when he touched the bench. It was … rough. Devineaux closed his eyes. Worst idea of the day. Chase forgot indeed a tiny detail. When closing your eyes, sight increased tremendously. He didn't know yet, but waves were at fault here. He could perceived them through earing and touch. The vibrations caused by the car driving ascended from his hand to his brain, allowing him to see the whole road and its activities : cars behind, before, near, passers-by, building, pipes under the road even. It was like an explosion for his brain. Chase opened eyes and mouth as if lacking oxygen, before displaying an expression of intense pain. And he fainted.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that the driver was tapping his cheeks. Oooow the heeaad ! The driver had to help him getting home. Once there, he staggered to his room before collapsing on his bed. Here it was quieter. Medicine finally having effects, he noticed his headache decreasing. Good ! One good new at last. Atfer a while Devineaux rolled on his back.

" …"

He reflected about what happened. His senses became hyper developed. Or something like that. It was like having powers. He lifted a hand. Powers … new abilities.

" Pfff. Now that I've been ejected from the ACME it's useless." he thought.

He utterly failed at arresting Carmen Sandiego. He has been no match for that international super thief. His hand fall on the mattress. Chase sighed. Now what ? What should he do ? The doctor's words resonated to his ears. Make some experiences. Like what for example ?

" He isn't wrong. I must know how to avoid those headaches and how to control those senses."

So Chase got up. He went to his living-room. Now that the medicine were effective, his senses were back to normal, and no more headache. That was the perfect time to try. Before going back to work.



" …."

So … how was he supposed to do that exactly ? What sense to test first ?

" I'll try with the sight." he decided.

He picked up his TV program he opened randomly. Then, he put it on his table and stepped back until his door. There was no way he should be able to read such small letters from this far. He focused on the opened pages. And … they became closer. Chase widened eyes. He could read it. As if he was holding the program between his hands.

" No way !"

He passed a hand on his hair. So it was true. But … how could this be ?! What the hell did those two criminals do his brain ?

It unlocked your senses.

Alright. So he got better hearing, better sight, touch and probably taste as well. Fine. Why not.

" Hem … and how do I … stop seeing with a zoom ?" he asked out loud.

Everything in his apartment was closer. He blinked. Nope. Didn't work. Damn, what was the trick here ? Chase got annoyed a bit before it stopped. Hmph. That wasn't the way, he could tell it. There has to be a way to make this work at will.

" Even so, what use should I make with all this ? How can see, hear and all better than anyone can help me in my work ?"

It would have been better to gain some IQ ( author note : you don't say). Be a genius cop. Chase walked to his sofa and collapsed on it. Still thinking, he absentmindedly grabbed his remote control. The TV switched on, too loud of course. He decreased the sound to almost nothing. Pfff, some useless documentary on a hunt … Chase listened vaguely. How those dogs were efficient at tracking.

" Huh ? "

They possessed one of the finest sense of smell in the dog's world. Finest senses … predators. Excelling at tracking. A carnivorous smiled appeared. That was it. That was how to use his new abilities. He would become … a hunting dog. He watched a bit, observing those dogs. It was amazing what they could hear and scent. Lots of informations that they able to sort, and focus on solely one. His belly grumbled. Ah, time to eat.

" EW !"

Man, the food taste was stronger to what he was used to. He had to calm down on spices from now on. Chase noticed he could analyse each ingredient in it. Funny. Now, time to sleep. He'll have some work to do. He decided to plug his ears, otherwise who knew what he could here in this building.

Within the next days, Chase made some researches. He had to find a method to use his senses at will. He had to define a plan to improve himself. To elevate at Carmen Sandiego's level. That's how he begin meditation. He had to be calm to master his senses. One by one, the French imposed his will to this chaotic operation. He learn to hear and see farther at will and with vibrations. He managed to learn how to focus on one scent, and discovered he could also guess what ingredient contained a plate in a restaurant, just by smelling it then taste it. Then, he has to get back to work.

" I'm what ?!"

Another bad new. He has been sent to a closet. Paper work. Seriously. How was he going to catch Carmen Sandiego now ?!

" Thankfully I started relaxation. Now, stay calm and wait. A proper predator know how to patiently wait for his prey."

During this first day, Chase obediently checked and signed all the papers like asked for. Meanwhile, he entertained himself memorizing footsteps and scents of people in here. He was still having headache from time to time, especially if he tried to use more than one sense at a time. He hoped that his brain would eventually adapt. Apart from this boring work, Chase decided to undergo some training. He had to learn how to fight properly. Devineaux trained to almost exhaustion. His former chief in Interpol noticed this training. Will has always been Chase's greatest asset. It led him to be one of the best agents in here. His boss recognized that look in his eyes. He was working on something. So Sébastien Delpierre went to discuss a bit with him. Chase heard and detected his scent, while that one was coming from behind.

" Bien le bonjour, chef.²" he said, without turning.

The concerned one froze. Delpierre was known to move in silence. So how could he tell ?

" Good evening to you too, Devineaux. I guess you're training that hard because you don't like your new position."

Chase turned with a little smile. He has been waiting for this.

" I dare you to find someone fond of it. You're right, but the thing is … I have also a real dare for you."

Straight to the point. Devineaux didn't only trained physically. He started over with methods as well.

" Oh ? What kind of dare ?"

And he remembered that his boss liked challenges.

" If I recall correctly, agents are to go on a special training these days. Let me join. I'll show you what I can do."

" Listen Devineaux. Only agents can attend, and you're not considered as one of them anymore. Don't know what you did for that, but …"

" Oh ? You would judge on what others think ? So not like you." smiled Chase.

" Tu as raison, mais³ … why should I make you a favour ?"

" Why ? Isn't it obvious ? Aren't you a bit curious ? I sensed your approach earlier. You, of all people who always surprise anyone when arriving. When you can't do this with me anymore."

Sébastien frowned. Now that was bold.

" Really ?"

" Yup. So listen : this week, you'll try to surprise me. If you manage this, I'll stay in my closet."

" And if you win ?" asked Delpierre.

" You'll let me join the training, teach me stealth and let me be back on stage. That's my dare for you."

" Hmmm …"

Delpierre stared at Devineaux. He was indeed interested. That man has been a good element, and he didn't really appreciate that some unknown organization simply walked in and stole his agents. Plus, it should be funny.

" Fine. Challenge accepted." he decided, tending his hand.

" Phase one : begins right now." thought Chase, shaking hand.

Delpierre left the gymnasium. Devineaux could hear him walking to the showers. He resumed his training. Twenty minutes later …

" Hmmm. Waiting for me outside hey ? Alright. Let's see if you're a match for the Hound."

Chase tranquilly went for a shower. That would be a way to put his senses to the test. He headed to the exit.

" I can scent him. Still fresh. And … yes, his heart beat."

Chase pushed the door. Delpierre let him out. Then, he followed him silently to the parking. When he was approaching his car, his former boss accelerated. Chase smiled. The heartbeat was getting closer. The man tended a hand. His target heard the sound of fabric.

" Coucou ⁴ !" he exclaimed while turning.

Delpierre stood mouth opened. He was the one surprised this time.

" See you tomorrow. And I expect better of course." provoked the man.

Chase went inside his car. He waved to his former chief, amused by his expression. The next day, he arrived joyfully at Interpol. He immediately caught Delpierre's scent. Of course. He poked his pride yesterday. Devineaux chose to find him first. He followed his tracks until behind a photocopier.

" Are you having fun ?" asked Chase, leaned on the machine.

" !"

How did he found him ? Delpierre straightened, looking deeply at his agent. That one looked innocent. Delpierre watched him getting to his office. Well, the game was just beginning. Later during the day, he paid him a visit and opened the door brutally. No one.

" BOOOH !" yelled Chase, hidden near the door.

" AAAAH !"

" Warned you."

" But …"

" Can I work now please ?"

Delpierre left. He heard Chase's laugh. So he tried again.

" Come on, my papers. At least be considerate." moaned Devineaux, after seeing them flying.

Delpierre tried several times during the days to caught his target by surprise. But each time the man seemed to be aware of his presence, and waited for him. How could he do this was a mystery to him. Everytime he tried, no matter where he came from, how silent he could be, how many times he waited between each attempt, Chase Devineaux could notice him. And that wasn't something he could do before, he was certain of it. He even wondered if anyone could. Because Delpierre, so curious about his method which could be developed among agents, sent a colleague and friend to try to capture Devineaux. He hid to observe. He saw his colleague approaching Chase normally.

" I'm sensing something. But it's different from usual. Who is …"

There. Footstep coming to him. That scent … unknown. He let his new he didn't know what exactly coming a little closer.

" Can I help you ?" asked Chase, facing him.

A man was standing behind him, arms lifted. That one awkwardly apologized before leaving.

" Sorry, failed."

" Don't apologize. That was interesting." made Delpierre, eyes on Devineaux.

Very interesting indeed. Chase smiled to him, as if saying told you. For him as well, this little game was interesting : a good training in how to use one sense efficiently and exploring his new abilities. Now, time for his agility training. He was learning climbing for now. During every training, he was imagining the moment he would face Carmen Sandiego. Her surprise on her face when discovering how strong he became. Fear even, understanding that she was about to be captured. Now that was motivating ! Chase had to hold back a laugh each time he thought about the situation. He also started a training to develop reflexes, with a tennis ball throwing machine.

" Hello again boss." he said laconically, when going for a shower.

" Seriously. You'll have to explain me your technic." replied the latter.

" Not even in your dreams."

Delpierre tried to figure out how that new capacity was functioning, but he couldn't find any rational explanation. After all, Devineaux developed it overnight. That was the point on which he stumbled. That shouldn't be possible. The man continued to try until the end of the week. Always in vain. So, he convoked him.

" Alright Chase. You won. I don't how you could sense me everytime, but you became damn good at it. Surely there's potential to exploit here. I already reintegrated you among us. You're good to go to that special training."

" Thank you. I won't disappoint you." simply said Devineaux.

" I must say that I'm eager to see what you can do now."

" To be honest, me too."

Chase left the office five minutes later. Phase two : becoming a real hunting dog. He was still having some headaches from time to time, and this week has been awful in that respect. He took the habit of taking medicine, forgetting what the doctor said. Devineaux tended his hand to his tablet. A dreadful feeling invaded him. His hand stopped. What was that ? He was unable to move.

" I … I'm … afraid ?"

He shook his head. Afraid of a simple tablet ? Oh come on. That was utterly ridiculous. Chase resumed his movement. This, only to find out that the fear increased even more. His hand began to shake, his breath shortened. He felt like this tiny medicine represented a deadly poison. His whole body was on alert mode. His brain yelled to flee. However, a part of it was still trying to understand, to reason, to reassure. It couldn't be dangerous, it was medicine ! It was supposed to cure, not kill. Alas, the more he tried to overcome his body's reaction, the more fear tightened its grasp on him, rendering it more unbearable. Finally, Devineaux backed away. His fear diminished. Oh ?

He tended his hand again. It went back fiercely. The man took several steps back. The fear almost vanished. He approached it again. Passing here, a colleague saw him coming and going before a table.

" Is everything okay sir ?"


" Ohm … yes yes. I'm just trying to take a pill." made Devineaux, embarrassed.

" Oh I see. Well you're taking a lot of them, you should be careful : too much paracetamol is deadly." warned his colleague.

That's what his doctor said, by the by. Devineaux decided to let the tablet alone. He was still perplexed about his body reaction. Anyway. He has better things to do now. His plan was progressing. He would be back on stage soon enough, and then … settle score with Sandiego. The training session. It was a more determined than ever Chase that arrived. They would be facing several crisis situations. Perfect, this way he'll be able to put his training to the test. The policemen entered a building. First scenario : hostage taking. Lots of scents reached him. He quickly spotted the interesting ones. Then, his ears located people up above. While his colleagues looked around, he already knew there was no one else apart the ones he detected.

" Hey Devineaux ! Wait, why aren't you checking each room, they could be in here !" said a woman, mid-voice.

" No, they're not."

" How can you be so sure ?"

" You'll see."

Thing is, he was right. They were exactly where he detected them. Chase kneeled. How about testing his super sight now ? Sounds of heart beats and breath indicated four hostage takers. He closed his eyes. Hmm … he could see his colleagues beneath, faintly. But not the ones he wanted to. Sooo … he punched the ground with the palm of his hand. Yeah … just a little peep. Not enough. He needed vibrations. Especially since they were immobile. His colleague called for backup. Damn, not what he hoped. Looked like his senses weren't enough for everything.

" You found them already ?" he heard.

Hmm, right. His senses were excellent for localizing, but there was no miracle.

" A good hound isn't enough to catch a prey. It still needs the hunter behind."

The first exercise ended. That taught Devineaux he still have some work to do. Tracking like a hunting dog was a thing, being a real hunter was another. He had to become both. Track, and kill. Or rather neutralize. His mood improved with next exercise : shooting. It appeared he was ridiculously good at sniping. Of course, with such a good sight. Fighting skill got also way better, not to mention agility.

" Now, I can win against an opponent alone, shooting and agility are good … is it enough against Carmen Sandiego ?"

Well, his boss was supposed to teach him another skill. Chase knew he had to gain more experience before pursuing the Red Lady again. He went back quite satisfied in the end. He saw what he was capable of, his limits and weaknesses.

" So Devineaux. It appeared you did quite good back there." made Sébastien.

His way of sensing danger or hiding people was amazing. Sniping was excellent, he even surpassed the bests.

" If you say so. But I'm still waiting for our private lessons."

" I didn't forget about it, rest assure. I was waiting your results, to judge if you would make me lost my time, or worth it."

" And ?"

" Worth it, it seems."

Of course I worth it. With all modesty.

" But before that … there's something that I must know. Just an extra to our deal." made Devineaux.

Hi superior raised an eyebrow.

" Remember when I brought back a suspect while tracking a thief ?"

Sebastien nodded.

" How could he get free so quickly ? If I'm to track Carmen Sandiego, I want that person out of my way. In the smog, the darkness nor garbage which one you like."

His boss reflected a while. Of course he knew. There was things here he didn't like for a while. But he lacked power and influence. But if Chase proved to be good enough, he could gain all this. Retake control. So he agreed. Delpierre decided to begin immediately, which suited his student just fine. Chase proved to be attentive and applied. He didn't know one could walk so silently. Even on squeaky parquet floors. It soon became a habit. Just like using his senses, despite the pain. Several weeks had passed since his awaken in a hospital. He was continuing his training. Chase was sent on different missions, and proved to be efficient. Awfully efficient even. Thanks to his senses added to an intense training, he soon gained the nickname he aimed for : The Hound, or the Hunting Dog. Once on your track, there was no way to escape. No hideout, no place out of sight, no camouflage sufficiently efficient to deceive him. No merchandises could be hidden even.

" Brace yourself Carmen Sandiego. I'm coming for you. You're next."

Translation :

Hé non attendez ¹ = hey no wait

Bien le bonjour, chef. = well hello, chief

Tu as raison, mais³ = you're right, but

Coucou ⁴ = peekaboo, familiar way of saying hi