Hello everyone!

Okay, first off yes i know i REALLY shouldn't be doing this, i'm doing it anyway! This is mostly because of how dark Fate/Zero was and how it ended and i want to change that, if only doing it this way. I get why Emyia did what he did, but i hate how everyone you grown attached to gets killed and Artoria kinda did get the short end of the stick, with Emyia's thought process. Not to say he was a bad master, just have very opposing ideals on how to do things.

As did Diarmuid, as his master was a complete and other fuck, dip shit, asshole and i know many would agree with me on that front. Iskandar got lucky in getting Velvet as his master, even if the boy was a bit of a crybaby at times, but a million times better then Kayneth.

Seriously fuck that dick!

At least he had the guts to stand for what he believed in. Though i'll be honest, the way he died along with his wife by Emyia's hands was nothing short of pure brutality and just plain cruel.

Though i can't say he didn't have it coming. I mean really, anyone who spends oh lets say, five minutes with him, want to kill him. Horrible kill the asshole and i'm getting off track.


Anyway, lets get into it, i don't own Rwby or Fate/Zero.

So please read, review and "What the fuc-BOOM"

Prologue: Anti-Hero


Definition, a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.

No matter what age you live in or what time period you live in, anti-heroes have always existed in the world and they impact the lives of many. For in every age, where their are heroes and villains, their are anti-heroes.

Those who don't believe in the legal system and decide to take the law into their own hands. That is not to say they believe they can do whatever they want, like a criminal. But rather do what many "Heroes" won't do and kill their enemies.

This belief of "Killing makes you no better then them" was brought on by the fact, criminal's would do whatever they wanted with no regard for others. Heroes are suppose to be people, who have the best intentions and are suppose to work for the people.

However heroes often get recruited by the gov't and as such become lap dogs of them.

And not swords and shields of the common folk.

This is where anti-heroes come in.

Unlike the heroes, anti-heroes typical start out as people looking for revenge against another person or criminal organization. In other words, for their own interest's but even though it's for their own selfish interests there can be a sliver lining in it all. As while they start out severing their own needs, they soon find themselves helping others simply cause no one else will.

Or rather, simple because the heroes won't do what NEEDS to be done.

So what makes them different form villains then?

Both are on the opposite side of the law and basically do whatever they want, so what makes them different?

The answer:


It's the actions we take that dictate wherever we are a villain or an anti-hero. While both are selfish and do whatever they want, as both can take selfish actions that would be in one's own self interest. However, one's selfish actions can benefit another person or people as a whole.

Be it intention or unintentional, every thing that happens, happens for a reason.

We do not get to decide how we are born, nor how we die. Fate is a tricky thing and the best laid plan can go wary, as one Kiritsugu Emyia was about to learn the hard way. With the incoming hell known as the Fourth Holy Grail War fast approaching, his plan to summon king Arthur gets derailed. Now with little to no option left, the assassin makes the most dangerous gamble he's ever taken and summon's the world's first hero.

No, not the King Of Heroes Gilgamesh. But rather the king of darkness and Grimm themselves:

Xero Mazoku.
