Hello again, my faithful readers!

First of all, allow me to apologize for delaying the update. A few weeks ago, my family suffered a tragic loss, and because of that, it was almost impossible to find the motivation I needed to write again. But now that the pain has (somewhat) lessened, I shall make it an effort to update on a more regular basis.

A big THANK YOU to all of those who have continued to support me with their reviews. You guys really have no idea what a blessing you truly are.

Chapter 3

"You may now kiss your bride."

With a gentle sigh, Severus leaned forward. His lips gently brushing against Hermione's own soft ones, his hands holding her dainty fingers in a light grip. One by one, the guests stood. Their thunderous claps echoing in support within the vast halls of St. Peter's Church.

Reluctantly, Severus pulled back and held out an arm for his new bride to take. Smiling softly, Hermione slid her hand into the crook of his elbow, and together, they descended the steps of pulpit. "We did it."

His inaudible whisper was meant for her ears alone.

Hermione gently squeezed his arm. "We did it," she agreed, just as quietly.

Like their wedding, the reception to follow was small and intimate, with no more than forty guests in attendance, and upon finishing her meal of hors d'oeuvres and champagne, the bride became content with just watching her friends and family mingle. Her expression one of happiness and content.

"You look beautiful."

Hermione glanced at her husband (dear Lord, was he really?) who, up until that point, remained quiet while sitting beside her at their table. Like her, he was avoiding the guests, knowing that it wouldn't be long before they approached them with well wishes and idle conversation. "You've already told me so once before," she reminded him playfully, thinking back to when she had first approached him at the altar.

"I know," Severus placed his hand atop her own, their fingers interlacing. "Am I not allowed to indulge my bride with repetitive compliments?"

"Of course you are," assured his wife, squeezing his hand. "However, we both know that you're only doing it to appease my frazzled nerves."

"Nonsense," His brows furrowed. "Why must you doubt me, on our wedding day, of all times?"

Hermione lowered her eyes, knowing full well that she wasn't being very fair with him. "I'm sorry," she said, and his expression softened. "It's just that... so much has happened these last few weeks and...well," she motioned at her face and apparel. "I'm not used to any of... this."

Of course she just had to succumb to the insistent pleas of both Lavender Brown and Ginny Potter, the two of them having practically begged on their knees to do her cosmetics and hair. To be fair, they both did a competent job in the end.

"Indeed," Severus chuckled, his dark eyes twinkling with mirth as she reached for her champagne glass. "But fear not."

He leaned in close, the tip of his nose brushing against her ear. "For tonight, I plan on getting you used to something else."

Hermione choked on her drink, blushing madly.

From the other side of the room, Harry was nursing his own strong beverage as he watched the newlywedded couple from afar, and frowned.

From behind her desk, Professor Minerva McGonagall scanned the contents of the invitation before glancing up at its presenters, who just happened to be the bride and groom-to-be. "Well," her green eyes fell to the small piece of parchment once more. "I suppose congratulations are in order then."

Judging by her former professor's expression, Minerva was struggling to contain her confusion. Hermione couldn't blame her, really. Not when the absurdity of it all still lingered within her conscience.

"Your attendance would greatly please us," Severus said.

Upon their mutual agreement to marry one another, the couple had insisted to Dumbledore that he keep such a news to himself, as they wanted to be the ones to tell their close friends and colleagues first. Surprisingly enough, the meddlesome wizard had managed to keep his mouth shut, much to their amusement. The Headmaster was a master at gossiping, after all. They could only imagine his frustration in retaining such a secret.

Minerva stared at them with a critical eye. "How long have you two been...?" Together? Engaged?

"Not long enough," Hermione answered in partial truth, but wasn't about to elaborate on the circumstances. Not yet, at least.

With a quiet sigh, the Transfigurations professor set aside her invitation. "You're certain then?" She had directed the question towards Hermione. "You truly wish to marry Severus?"

She had been asked the exact same question a couple weeks earlier. "Yes," Hermione glanced at her fiancé, and smiled. "Without hesitation."

His new wife cradled securely within his arms, Severus apparated to the living room of his humble abode in Spinner's End.

"Here we are," he gently place Hermione down onto the wooden flooring.

With a wave of his hand, the fireplace roared to life. Its crackling flames creating a romantic, golden ambiance. "Home sweet home." He shrugged out of his formal robe and tossed it over his favorite armchair.

Hermione had visited this house once before, having dropped off her small suitcase the previous day before. They had decided to forgo the honeymoon entirely, thinking it best to resume their work right away once the wedding had concluded. With Voldemort still on the prowl, there was no telling when the Dark Lord would return for Harry.

Doing a small turnabout the room, Hermione grinned. "I know I've said this before," she began studying the bookshelf that was adjacent to the fireplace, and couldn't wait to get her hands on them. "But your place is quite lovely."

"You would not be sharing such a sentiment," Severus approached her from behind, "had you been raised in torment under its roof."

"Perhaps," she recalled their brief conversation about his childhood. "But then again, this house obviously holds some bittersweet nostalgia for you. Otherwise," she glanced over her shoulder. "You would have moved out ages ago."

Severus arched a brow. She was right of course, his brilliant little witch. "We could do it, you know." he said. "Find a new place to live, preferably somewhere quiet."

"Oh?" Hermione turned to face him. "And where would we start looking?"

"Cumbria, Scotland." He stared down at her beautiful face, and smirked. "The choices are endless."

With a small smile, she slowly slid her arms around his slender waist. "I'd like that." He opened his mouth, but she held up a hand. "After we defeat the Dark Lord."

Severus nodded, his eyes lingering on her full lips, and caressed the side of her face. He had no desire to speak of his former master, not in this moment, at least. What he really desired, however...


He looked at her then, really looked, and with a soft sigh, Hermione reached up and kissed him.

Releasing a shivering breath, Severus gently grasped the back of her head and neck, slowly savoring the sweet taste of her lips. "Hermione..."

He deepened the kiss, pressing her body tightly against his own, and with a sharp intake of breath, Hermione forced herself to pull away. Her cheeks flushed with desire. "We should change," she quietly suggested, her eyes avoiding his own intensive gaze.

Upon entering his bedroom, Hermione disappeared into the bathroom across the hallway after rummaging through his closet. Expelling a deep sigh, the Potions Master quickly relieved himself of his dress coat, vest and cravat before stepping out of his boots and socks.

Casting an anxious glance towards the doorway, he slowly lowered himself down onto the edge of his bed, and waited.

The Potions Master found his fiancée within the castle courtyard, his brows furrowing in concern as she blankly stared off into the distance. "Dumbledore said that I would find you here."

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, and Severus slowly lowered himself down onto the bench next to her. "I trust that your meeting with Weasley yesterday was... uneventful."

Hermione scoffed. That was putting it rather mildly. "He said some hurtful things, you know." Her voice was small, weak. "Like Harry, he too suspects that I'm marrying you out of spite for him."

Severus listened as she continued. "Personally, I think he's jealous of you. Ronald was always saying that he would ask for my hand, when the time was right, of course."

With a tired sigh, Hermione held up her left hand, admiring the sparkling gemstone that graced her third finger. "Such a day never came, however. And so I left him."

Judging by her rueful smile, Severus could only imagine how that arrogant twat must've treated her in the aftermath. "He doesn't deserve you, Hermione. He never did."

Hermione looked at him then, her hazel eyes beholding the sadness that she still felt within her heart whenever she thought of her ex-lover. Sadness for his empty promises, for Harry's misgivings towards her, for Voldemort's impending return. The list went on and on. "Do you think anything will be like it was before?"

"No," the Potions Master placed a hand atop her knee, his dark eyes full of conviction. "It will be better."

Hermione returned to the bedroom an eternity later, her eyes widening at the sight of her husband, who leaned patiently against the foot of his bed. "You look...," she swallowed hard. "Comfortable."

Smooth, Hermione. Real smooth.

The curve of his mouth twitching, Severus stood, clothed in nothing but his white Victorian dress shirt and dark slacks. "And you look beautiful."

That was putting it lightly. With her faced scrubbed clean and hair unbound, Hermione looked absolutely radiant.

With slow, deliberate steps Severus approached her. His eyes slowly admiring the sleeveless night dress she chose to wear as his hands relieved her of the dress she had worn for their special occasion.

After carefully hanging the delicate material up, he drew her into his arms once more. "Did my wife enjoy her wedding day?"

Hermione answered him with an affirmative hum, and Severus leaned forward, capturing her lips in a slow, sensual kiss. All too soon, he broke away, his forehead resting against hers. "Hermione," his breath mingled with her own. "Before we continue, there's something I'd like to tell you."

Taking his wife gently by the hands, he led her towards the foot of their bed, and sat down. He looked away then, contemplating the right words to begin with. "All my life, I've never been good with people. In my youth, I struggled to create attachments, to feel anything other than the day-to-day misery of my upbringing. And then came along Lily."

Against his better judgement, Severus began reminiscing about the young woman whose flame-red hair and eyes of green had captivated him from the start. "I spent years chasing after her affections, wishing above all else that she would continue to see the good in me, in spite of my mistakes and misgivings."

"But she didn't." Hermione knew this story all too well, as Harry did not spare a single detail concerning her husband's former relationship with the woman.

Nodding solemnly, Severus said, "I can't say that I blame her, really. Not after...," he grimaced, "not after that particular incident."

Hermione looked away, for she knew all too well what it was like to be called a 'mudblood.'

"I refuse to pretend that I'm perfect, and have made one too many mistakes. However," she turned her eyes upon him, holding his intensive gaze. "Choosing to marry you? That will never be one of them."

Breath hitching in her throat, Hermione touched the side of his face. "You're not alone in this, Severus." she brushed the pad of her thumb against his smooth skin, her eyes lingering on his lips. "Not anymore."

Without another word she leaned forward, gracing him with a fervent kiss. His desire for her increasing tenfold, Severus eagerly returned the gesture. His strong hands sliding up and down her body in a sensual caress as their tongues battled for domination.

His near-perfect control slipping, Severus suddenly but gently grabbed her by the thighs, forcing her to straddle him. She obliged with great willingness, her hips slowly rocking against his own, and he groaned, enjoying the intense sensations that she brought out of him. This beautiful soul of a woman.

And now she was his.


Grasping her close, Severus rolled, slowly pushing her down onto to the mattress. "You're certain of this?" He held himself slightly above her, his dark eyes flashing in apprehension and hunger. Should she choose to continue, there was no going back.

Hermione reached up, smoothing away the errant, midnight strands that threatened to hide his proud features. "Are you?" she challenged breathlessly, and smiled. "I've been certain for quite a while, Severus. Take me," she drew his head down, their lips almost touching, and whispered, "I'm yours."

Sighing in relief, Severus kissed her once more. His taut body pressing into her.

After years of self-controlled yearning, the Potions Master was finally going to show the woman of his dreams just how much he loved her.

Ahhh, sexual cliffhangers. They are the absolute worst haha.

As always, your reviews give me life, and the encouragement I need to continue forward.